He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 207: Although there are 6 championships, Ajan still has a chance to catch up with him. Jorda

Chapter 207: Although there are six championships, Ajan still has a chance to catch up with him. Jordan? I mean Pippen!

Live broadcast across the United States, proudly announcing surrender in front of all fans.

James's operation really made everyone look stupid.

And when compared with Ryan, the contrast between the two is quite obvious.

Ryan chose a path that only the strong would dare to challenge. Regardless of whether he succeeded or not, at least he was indeed courageous. Logically speaking, it should be promoted widely.

But as a true warrior, Ryan only quietly announced the news of his contract extension with the Nuggets on social media.

And Ajan chose the most spineless path, unilaterally breaking his promise to "never give up until he wins the championship in Cleveland" and slapping himself in the face.

It stands to reason that this kind of thing should be handled as quietly as possible. As a result, he made a high-profile live broadcast across the United States, as if he was afraid that others would not know that his boomerang accurately hit his face.

For men, it is often difficult to talk about the fact that they are not capable enough and need to rely on external forces such as blue medicine to survive.

What Ajan did is equivalent to openly telling the neighbors with a loudspeaker: "I am very soft, but now I announce that I am going to take the blue pill! Just wait and see!"

The brain’s circuitry is so strange that it’s puzzling!

Cleveland fans are also convinced. The fact that the Cavaliers were cheated has become known to the world. It is simply embarrassing!

Previously, Cleveland fans were mocking Ryan on the Internet, saying that Ryan's preparation to abandon the Nuggets was simply a coward.

As a result, Ryan resolutely chose to renew his contract, and James abandoned his hometown without mercy.

At this moment, people discovered that throwing a boomerang to hit oneself was not James's exclusive skill, but the racial talent of Clevelanders!

Everyone in Cleveland, ranging from a 90-year-old man to a 3-year-old child, had the boomerang thrown into their faces.

For a moment, Cleveland fans were angry.

They burned James' jerseys in the street, tore up all James' posters, and cursed James for never winning a championship.

They were angry, not just because James left the Cavaliers.

It's okay if it's just a transfer. In professional sports, transfers are common.

Cleveland fans are angry because James made a promise first, but took what he said as bullshit.

In fact, this is really not James's fault. James was interviewed by NBA TV and said that he would never give up until he brought a championship to Cleveland. The day was April 4st.

The point isn't to bring a championship to Cleveland, the point is April 4st, which is April Fool's Day.

What's wrong with Arjan? He was just making a little joke on April Fool's Day.

Many stars in NBA history have had transfer experiences, but no one has announced his transfer news through national live broadcasts like James.

Seeing James's behavior, everyone suddenly felt that Ryan said that his goal next season is to compete for the championship. It didn't seem so weird anymore.

This live broadcast made the Cavaliers very embarrassed by him, and he himself did not gain a good reputation. It was simply a disservice to both ends.

In fact, the reason why Ajan's team did this is very simple. They just want to steal some popularity and traffic in this year's transfer market.

He did succeed. Now the focus of everyone's discussion is the Heat's Big Three.

Wade himself recorded a video of himself watching live TV at home and then posted it online.

When Wade heard James announce that he would bring his talents to the South Coast, he stood up happily and clapped wildly.

This video alone has a lot of clicks, which shows how popular the Big Three are right now.

Under the video, all fans are also commenting:

"Dwayne finally has his right-hand man!"

"Wade has the strongest support in history!"

"The Heat era has officially begun!"

Ryan looked at these comments and Wade's reaction in the video and thought they were so innocent and cute.

Wade didn't know it yet, but he had gradually transformed into the shape of Ricky Davis.

He thought James was here to help him!

That's not it. The original purpose of Wade and Bosh teaming up was to attract Ryan to join.

In the end, Ryan renewed his contract with the Nuggets, and Riley made Ajan, the backup, a member of the Heat's Big Three.

Therefore, Heat fans naturally feel that James is just a support player.

But don't tell me, Ajan is really a model of spare tires. He would always try his best to counterattack, refusing to kneel down and lick, and let others lick him in turn. When he got tired of being licked, he would change to the next one.

In this respect, he is indeed a role model for us!

The video of Wade watching James make his decision went viral on the Internet, and James' statement that "the era of the Nuggets is over" also caused an uproar on the Internet.

James took a salary cut to join the Heat and teamed up with several other stars who were supposed to compete with each other during his peak period. This was already full of controversy.

At this moment, James actually deliberately nudged Ryan.

The Heat's Big Three lineup is brilliant, but the Nuggets' signings and transactions are somewhat lacking in star quality.

Therefore, James' statement that "the Nuggets era is over" seems very targeted.

This made the fans of both sides become mortal enemies from the moment the Heat's Big Three were formed!

Nuggets fans are also convinced. James is really fighting against others this time.

Have you forgotten how you blew Ryan's name a few days ago in order to team up with Ryan?

Oh, now that I have a backer, speaking to Ryan starts to become less serious again, right?

It seems that the beating he received in the 07 finals was not severe enough!

I have to say that the 07 Finals really left a huge psychological shadow on Ajan.

So after that, James and Nike rarely touched Ryan again.

But this time, James really felt that he could turn over!

Wade is 28 years old, James is 25 years old, and Bosh is 26 years old.

All three of them are at their peak!

And last season, James had one defense and one defense + regular season MVP.

Wade ranks fifth in first-team, second-team defense and MVP.

Two players who were in the top five MVPs last season and were in their prime teamed up, plus an All-Star power forward like Bosh in his prime.

These gave James enough confidence!

Many people compare the Heat's Big Three with the Celtics' Big Three, but in fact these two teams are completely different concepts.

Let's put it this way, the Heat's Big Three were all younger when they broke up than when the Celtics' Big Three formed a team!

This shows how terrible the Heat's lineup is.

The 03 draft is already considered one of the greatest drafts in history, and three of the five best players in the 03 draft formed the first team.

The strength of this lineup is unimaginable!

James firmly believes that it is time for him to turn around this time!

Although Ryan was not recruited, the current lineup of the Big Three still excites the Heat.

The Heat also held a grand entrance ceremony for the Big Three on the third day after James' national live broadcast.

During the ceremony, reporters once again asked questions related to James and the Nuggets:

"LeBron, do you really think you can replicate the three consecutive championships of Ryan, OK and Jordan in the future?"

Miami’s James is still infinitely arrogant:

"Three consecutive championships? No, I said, not three, not four, not five, not six, not seven."

When James said this, Wade's face was full of smiles.

An innocent smile.

The Flash happily discovered that this assistant really knows how to please me!

Okay, let’s set a small goal first and earn seven crowns from him first!

When Wade retires and thinks about his mental activities today, he will feel that he is simply a Sabi.

James' answer simply didn't take the Nuggets into consideration at all.

On the Internet, Jamie also started a carnival.

In the past years, I was criticized by Ryan fans so much that I couldn’t hold my head up, but now I can finally type hard on the keyboard!

However, all Jamies have some tacit understandings:

"When you complain, you must emphasize that the Big Three of the Green Army are strong. If they are not strong, my reason for running away will be too far-fetched.

But we can't praise them too much. Ryan beat them. To praise them too much is equivalent to changing the direction and boasting about Ryan. The Celtics are strong enough to take advantage of the opportunity.

When bragging about the Heat's Big Three, Wade can't brag too much and describe him as a rookie that no one knows.

But Wade can't be called too weak, after all, he can still beat Ryan in the finals. Calling him too weak, wouldn't I, Zhan, who was swept 4-0, be even weaker?

MV[P This thing needs to be emphasized, we have this!

But it can’t be overemphasized, because there’s more to Ryan!

If they bring up the key ball to blame, talk to them about the key ball shooting percentage!

It doesn't matter, no one will remember that many of my key balls are difficult to pass and pick easy ones to play! Anyway, you just say whether the key ball hit rate is high or not and that’s it!

If they move, you increase your shooting percentage! In short, just pick the best data from me! "

Relying on this set of double standards and shameless spirit, Zhan Mi is simply invincible on the Internet.

According to James, James is even comparing himself to Jordan!

Ryan? Isn't it only a matter of minutes for such a rat to surpass him?

The entire Internet is discussing how many championships the Heat can win and how long it will take James to surpass Ryan.

This is also a good thing, because after the outside world's attention is sucked away by the Heat, the Nuggets can prepare for next season without being disturbed.

Mike Malone, a rookie coach, can concentrate on improving his system.

Ryan, on the other hand, can continue to focus on improving himself!

Ryan had also talked with Mike Malone in advance. Regarding the system conceived by Malone, Ryan feels that the feasibility is quite high.

The success of Mike Malone's system next season depends on two points.

First, can Logo find players who meet the requirements of the system for him.

Second, can Ryan destroy all opponents indiscriminately in one-on-one situations.

The first point, Logo Man has already done it

Although in the eyes of the outside world, the players introduced by the Nuggets are not strong.

But in fact, they all have the expertise needed to build a system.

Logo knows very well that a truly strong team does not depend on who has more big names, but on whether the five players on the field can perform their respective duties and fit together seamlessly like parts of a precision instrument.

The players he found are all parts of the system.

They don't look very good individually, but when combined in the right way, they can burst into power.

Logo has achieved the first point, so whether the Nuggets can perform well next season depends on Ryan!

Ryan didn't dare to slack off, even though he had just signed a lifetime contract with Reebok and had just renewed his contract with the Nuggets with a maximum salary.

Most stars must experience the feeling of driving impart on a private jet and continuing to drive impart when they arrive at the hotel.

It’s just a splurge!

But after Ryan received a large amount of money, he sweated like crazy on the training ground.

In fact, Ryan is not an emotionless training machine. The main reason is that during the offseason last summer, Ryan was unable to train because he was recovering from injuries, so he went crazy.

Buy a yacht and go sailing, travel around the world on a private jet, book a performance at the Sydney Opera House, and invite the world's most famous chefs to come to your home to cook dinner for you and your girlfriend.

Let’s put it this way, last offseason Ryan almost forgot what a basketball felt like!

Ryan is not like a robot who only knows how to train, but he played so crazy last year and didn't play a few games last season, so Ryan now misses the feeling of hard work.

And because he broke up with Swift some time ago, Ryan, who is now single, has no fun playing alone.

It's better to live a fulfilling life on the training ground.

Of course, there is another reason for Ryan's crazy training, and that is that it has been a long, long time since his last upgrade!

The last time Ryan was upgraded was in the summer of 2008.

Last summer, due to an injury and being unable to do systematic training, the upgrade experience bar also stagnated for a long time.

But now, the experience bar is only a little bit full, and Ryan will soon be able to experience the joy of becoming stronger again after two years!

So, when the outside world was speculating on how many championships the Heat's Big Three would win, and everyone was complaining that the Logo men's night was not guaranteed.

Ryan commutes silently to and from home and the training ground every day.

Unlike James, who likes to talk about promises but never complete them.

Ryan prefers to use practical actions to fulfill his commitments.

Returning to the championship ranks is by no means an empty talk!

And it’s not just Len who the Nuggets are working on.

Today, when Ryan arrived at the training ground he rented.

As expected, one man showed up on the court dripping with sweat.

Looking at the basketballs scattered on the ground and the sweaty guy, Ryan smiled happily.

Afterwards, Ryan yelled at the guy on the court who was shooting: "Don't tell me you arrived at five o'clock today again."

The shooter didn't stop training and answered without looking back: "Five o'clock? No, I'll be there at four o'clock! I heard that this is how Kobe trains!"

“Come on, that guy just gets up at four o’clock to train sometimes, don’t believe too much in Nike’s marketing.

Nike also said that LeBron keeps his word. "

"Really? It doesn't matter. I think an extra hour of training will help me progress faster!"

After that, the man finished shooting all the shots in this group of training.

The trainer responsible for picking up the ball and passing the ball was panting heavily:

“Lelelain needs more money!

This guy called me at three in the morning and asked me to come to training at four.

This is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that after he distracted me by calling me alone, I lost the state of mind that I finally got up from and did not hand in my homework!

If I keep doing this, my wife will divorce me! "

The guy who had just finished shooting training smiled and spread his hands:

"Rick, you can't blame me for this. If you can't hand in your homework, you can ask your wife to buy a few sets of love clothes. You can spend some money on this kind of thing.

Okay, stop complaining. In ten minutes, prepare for the next group! "

The trainer shook his head: "Kyle, when you become a big star in the future, you must give me one-third of your salary!"

"Becoming a big star? Have you forgotten what the media said about me last season? I'm just trash."

"Come on Kyle, those idiots don't know you're getting stronger!

Ryan, Kyle’s shooting has really improved a lot! When training camp starts in the new season, he may be the best shooter on the team! "

After the trainer finished speaking, Ryan looked at the guy named Kyle, Kyle Lowry.

In the 2006 draft, in order to supplement the depth of the team's point guard position, Bird took this stocky guy who looked like a football running back with the 24th pick.

After three seasons as a substitute, Lowry finally got the chance to start 43 games last season as the team was short-handed.

Started point guard for almost half the season.

But unlike those inspirational stories of becoming famous after getting the chance to start, Lowry's half-season as a starter was due to the team's poor record and his poor data.

Therefore, many media have attached the title of "garbage starting point guard" to him.

There is no way, although Ryan is injured, the Nuggets' attention is still too high.

Since there is currently no topic to talk about from Ryan, the media will naturally look for news from others.

Lowry just happened to hit the muzzle of the gun.

The most criticized thing about Lowry is his weak shooting ability.

Lowry's reputation for not being able to shoot has existed since high school, because his body is very strong and he can easily get to the basket and score layups, so he doesn't need to shoot at all.

But after entering the NBA, shooting became his biggest obstacle to further progress.

As for Lowry, he is a relatively straightforward person.

Bad shot? Then practice, practice hard!

He is not afraid of spending stupid time, and he believes that every shot is an accumulation.

Therefore, although the results after crazy practice last season were still not good, he never gave up. This offseason, he continued to get up early every day to practice shooting, still believing that he could not master even the most basic scoring methods.

Of course, Lowry's efforts aren't just about shooting.

Every summer, Lowry works hard to strengthen his body.

His weight has changed from 81 kilograms when he first entered the league to 93 kilograms now.

This makes his breakthrough even more lethal!

And Lowry's goal is also very simple - to be a qualified starting point guard next to Ryan!

Therefore, Ryan has no doubts about what the trainer said: "I know that he will definitely become the best shooter in the team. Come on Kyle, our goal next season is to compete for the championship!"

As soon as Ryan finished speaking, he saw another person pushing the door open and entering. Paul Millsap waved to Ryan and Lowry and said hello.

Trainer Rick smiled: "Hey, the garbage brothers are here."

Yes, in addition to Lowry, there was another person in the Nuggets who got a starting opportunity last season but did not perform very well.

This person is none other than Millsap.

Millsap became famous earlier than Lowry. After all, he was already known to fans in the 2007 Finals.

In G07 of the 1 Finals, the Cavaliers were slaughtered by 58 points in that classic battle. It was Millsap who killed everyone during the rotation and scored more points than James, the star, and nailed the Cavaliers to the pillar of shame.

A season later, in the game against Boston's Big Three, Millsap started the game and used outstanding data of 16 points and 9 rebounds to help Ryan avenge a 14-point loss in the opening game. It was also a classic moment of his career.

But occasional highlights cannot sustain Millsap's career.

Last season, Millsap got the chance to start 45 games because Kirilenko played in and out.

And because of some occasional highlight moments before, people are full of expectations for Millsap.

Barkley even claimed: "Millsap is a genuine star player, and he will prove it when he gets the starting opportunity!"

As a result, under such high expectations, Millsap averaged only 11 points per game last season, and became the target of media news along with Lowry.

So the title of "Garbage Brother" was born.

But Millsap, like Lowry, was not knocked down by those voices.

This offseason, he trained with Lowry and Ryan every day.

He is more serious about improving his mid-range and long-range shooting skills, taking the trouble to study game videos and studying his help defense skills.

Millsap and Lowry, the two people who were criticized the most by the media last season, also practiced the most in the offseason.

They are all eager to perform worthy of their starting roles next season!

Millsap said hello and started training, and Lowry continued to struggle with his shooting.

As for Ryan, he once again lamented that he had not made the wrong decision!

Why did Ryan think the Nuggets still had the foundation to rise again? It's because of Lowry and Millsap.

If nothing else, next season Lowry and Millsap will officially enter their peak period!

In the 10-11 season, Millsap averaged a career-high 17.3 points per game, officially stunning the world.

In the 10-11 season, Lowry, who has never been able to shoot, made 129 three-pointers and hit 3%, which was a full 7.2 percentage points higher than last season! He is no longer the "little guard who can't shoot" as people say.

He also averaged 13.5 points, 4.1 rebounds and 6.7 assists per game, and has since made a name for himself in the league.

So Ryan knows very well that next season, the "Garbage Brothers" will completely complete their transformation!

Millsap and Lowry have reached their peak at the same time, which has significantly improved the strength of the Nuggets.

Although they were not considered super giants even at their peak.

But assisting Ryan is more than enough!

Coupled with the new signings and Malone's system, the Nuggets' strength really cannot be underestimated!

This Nuggets team, which does not have many star players, is by no means a soft persimmon!

Next season, the Nuggets will have many secretly powerful people!

Seeing how hard Millsap and Lowry worked, Ryan was not far behind.

The two younger brothers are working so hard, how can the eldest brother lose?

all! Practice hard and strive to upgrade today!

In this way, Ryan once again spent a day in the training hall with Millsap and Lowry.

After the series ended, Lowry was panting in the locker room, and Millsap's chest was heaving violently.

Ryan, the physical monster, was quite relaxed and stared at the two of them with a joking smile:

"What? Isn't it enough to increase the intensity of training? You guys still have to practice!

No more talking, I'm going to go to the bathroom and take a comfortable bath to reward myself. "

Lori immediately laughed evilly:

"No, brother, although you are single now, there is no need to show off in front of acquaintances, right?"

Ryan rolled his eyes at Lori: "You should break through as fast as you can drive!"

The reward Ryan mentioned was naturally not that kind of reward.

It’s the reward given by the system!

Today, after another hard day of sweating, Ryan finally completed his first upgrade since 2008!

Looking at the long-lost upgrade reward, Ryan almost cried.

Although Ryan returned and played 18 games last season, it always felt like a warm-up.

At this moment, Ryan really felt that he was back!

Everything is back on track!

For the first draw after two years, Ryan still chose to draw attribute points.

During the upgrade in the summer of 2008, Ryan rarely chose to extract talent fragments.

Before upgrading, Ryan always drew attribute points. The first time he drew talent fragments when upgrading, Ryan was also lucky enough to get two very effective rewards.

The two talent fragments drawn are "cutting expert" and "helping others".

The effect of the cut-off specialist is to increase the running speed when intercepting passes.

In other words, Ryan can be moved to the passing lane faster to intercept the pass.

The effect of the helping talent fragments is also incredible:

"Every time you assist a teammate to make five three-pointers in a single game, you will get an opportunity to increase the stability of your ultra-long-distance shots. After a super-long-distance shot, the bonus effect will be reset to zero. If you never make a super-long-distance shot, the bonus will be reset. Successful shots can be accumulated."

However, when Ryan was playing in the 08-09 season before his injury, he discovered two problems.

The first talent fragment is almost ineffective because his pass-stealing attribute itself is not too high.

You can't judge the opponent's passing intention immediately, even if you run fast when blocking the passing route, it won't help.

The second talent fragment is even more embarrassing, because the Nuggets' three-point ability is really not good enough, and only Ellis among the starting five can provide a slightly stable three-point output.

Therefore, Ryan has never triggered the effect of that talent fragment.

Five assists in a game is easy, but assisting teammates to make five three-pointers in a game was really too difficult for the Nuggets at that time.

So this year, Ryan chose to extract attribute points, intending to use these two talent fragments!

After opening the upgrade lottery package, Ryan was not disappointed by the lottery after two years.

This time, Ryan actually opened a total of 11 skill points!

This is an upgrade lottery that has shipped more products!

After getting the attribute points, Ryan was the first to increase his "Pass Stealing Prediction" attribute from 75 to 80!

As a result, Ryan has stronger judgment, coupled with the effect of talent fragments, he will undoubtedly make his opponents fearful every time they pass the ball!

Ryan added the remaining 6 attribute points to the passing attribute.

Previously, it was difficult for Ryan to assist his teammates in making five three-pointers in a game with the Nuggets.

But next season, under Mike Malone's system, Ryan believes that the number of times he assists his teammates in making three-pointers will increase exponentially!

Malone's system is simply tailor-made for this fragment of talent.

But there is a problem, that is, Ryan must get the ball to his open teammates under various complicated circumstances.

Although it is blessed by the Magician's passing action package, its basic attributes cannot be too low.

Therefore, Ryan added the remaining 6 points to passing, changing the passing attribute from 73 to 79!

In this way, Ryan's goal of assisting his teammates to score five three-pointers in a single game will be easier to achieve.

And in key games, having the opportunity to get a touch from a super long distance shot may turn the tide of the battle around at a critical moment!

Therefore, although Ryan added passing attributes this time, it actually improved his scoring ability!

After adding some points, Ryan turned off the shower faucet.

It feels so comfortable for a man to reward himself after a hard day~

Of course, this wasn't the last time Ryan rewarded himself.

Men, there is no need to be so stingy with yourself.

As long as it's not excessive, just reward yourself when you want to reward yourself.

Next, Ryan can also receive trait rewards from his training partners through training in the "Morning Club".

By then, the whole world will see an even more terrifying demon king after his resurrection!

Arjan said he wants to end the Nuggets era? He has no idea how terrifying the Nuggets era was!

The days are passing like this, and because of the composition of the Heat's Big Three, the new season is quite exciting.

In addition to training, Ryan is also not idle in business activities.

TNT TV station spent a lot of money to invite Ryan to the station for a one-on-one interview live broadcast.

After all, Ryan has disappeared for too long. During this period, even if he occasionally gave interviews, he only answered one or two questions here and there.

So, TNT simply launched an interview program. During the show, Barkley will ask many questions that fans care about to satisfy their curiosity and make them enjoy themselves!

It can also be regarded as a warm-up for Ryan's comeback.

At the beginning of the program, Barkley, as the host, chatted with Ryan in detail about the entire mental journey from season reimbursement to comeback to the desire to show off his talents next season.

The first half of the interview was basically about Ryan's psychology after the injury and the hardships of recovery.

By the way, we chatted about Ryan and Swift's breakup to stimulate ratings.

After all these preparations were completed, Sir Flying Pig began to introduce fierce materials.

"Ryan, I believe you must have seen the next scene more than once, right?"

After speaking, Barkley pressed the remote control, and on the TV beside the two of them, the scene of James' national live broadcast decision moment was played.

And his unequivocal statement: "The Nuggets' era is over."

For a time, the program's ratings soared.

Ryan and James, Nuggets and Heat.

This is the most anticipated topic for all basketball fans this year!

After Ryan watched this clip, he couldn't help but laugh out loud:

“It seems that time can really dilute everything, Charles.

I think LeBron may not remember those brilliant records in the 2007 Finals. He has never been my opponent, let alone the end of the world.

If we really make it to the Finals next season, I hope our opponent won't be the Miami Heat.

Because Wade and I are good brothers, I don’t want him to be embarrassed in the Finals with LeBron. "

Ryan's attitude towards James was quite contemptuous, without even a serious expression.

Buckley continued to ask:

"However, the Nuggets' situation next season is really not great.

We all know that in the 2007 offseason, Bird used two magical signings to help you get the third championship ring of your career and rescue you from the lineup crisis caused by team injuries. Rescued.

But this time, Mr. Logo didn't seem to be able to solve the team's lineup problem.

The players he introduced did not seem to be as important or as powerful as Artest and Ben.

Do you think you can really bring a team like this back to the championship? "

Ryan nodded affirmatively:

"Of course, I'm sure of it!

Logo has done a great job recruiting, as good as Bird.

The Nuggets' original lineup structure is also very good. We definitely meet all the requirements as a championship team. "

"Is the lineup well constructed? As far as I know, last season Millsap and Lowry gained the 'reputation' of trash brothers."

"Yes, but that's because I didn't play with them for a long time last season.

Next season, I will let the world see how strong Lowry and Millsap are! "

Ryan's answer made many anti-fans laugh out loud.

How good can Lowry and Millsap be? Ryan, stop being so harsh! Stop lying to yourself!

Immediately afterwards, Barkley talked about rookie coach Mike Malone:

"Coach Mike Malone, we know very little about him, and we didn't even know that such a person existed before. Can you tell us, on what basis did you and Logo choose to make him the head coach of the team?"

Ryan replied without thinking: "Coach Malone is very sarcastic, and I like that."


“Hahaha, well, that’s just one of his strengths.

On a tactical level, he is also an underrated master.

I know none of you have heard of him, but I'm sure it's going to impress everyone when we play his system next season. "

"Isn't it convenient for me to reveal what Coach Malone's system is like?"

"I'm not going to say it now, but when the new season starts and we beat our opponents again and again, you will naturally know the answer."

Ryan's answer made many fans laugh again.

He also said that his system was very powerful, but he couldn't tell what system it was.

Aren’t you still lying to yourself?

Next season, the team lineup is not strong enough and the coach is a rookie. Everyone really wants to see how Ryan can fulfill his promise!

In the future, when everyone complains about James not keeping his word, James can openly say: "Ryan did it too!"

Ryan promised to get the team back into contention, but the result? No, I haven’t done it either!

Seeing that Ryan was reluctant to disclose the team's situation, Barkley directly started to make more moves:

“Okay Ryan, so, last question on the show today.

What do you think of LeBron joining the Miami Heat? Do you think LeBron can succeed in Miami? "

Barkley directly brought out the most explosive contradiction, and the fans were all staring at the TV attentively.

Before, it was James who was in Yin Yang Lane.

Now, Ryan finally has the opportunity to return to the yin and yang!

Ryan's expression became serious and he thought for a while before finally speaking:

"I must say that if LeBron wants to follow the path of that man again, the probability of success is very, very high.

Although that man has six championships, LeBron also has strong teammates like Wade and Bosh.

With such a strong lineup, it is not completely impossible for him to achieve his goal! "

Barkley scratched his head: "That man? Are you talking about McQueen? Have you ever thought that when you compare LeBron and McQueen, LeBron has actually won half the battle? Do you really think, Do the Heat’s Big Three have the strength to win six championships?”

Barkley and the entire audience were stunned. Was Ryan cowarded?

He actually took the initiative to brag about James!

But Ryan smiled and waved his hand:

"What are you talking about, Charles, McQueen? I'm talking about Pippen!"

If LeBron goes to Miami, isn't this just following Pippen's path?

He wants to help Wade win the championship and be the strongest second in command.

Although it is difficult, I still think that LeBron does have a chance to restore Pippen's glory!

Wait, don't you really think there is any comparison between LeBron and McQueen?

No one would really compare these two people together, right?

The gap between LeBron and McQueen is bigger than the gap between Paul and me! "

Good guy, viewers across the United States call him good guy.

After disappearing for so long, I don’t know if Ryan’s playing skills have disappeared, but the level of Naomi is still unique!

Ryan's operation of comparing James to Pippen directly caused James' performance to drop to a lower level!

It's just a pity that the innocent Pi Er is still working as a unit of measurement in the second decade of the 21st century.

The current exchange rate is one skin equal to one zhan.

Ryan's remarks in the interview made James furious and also made Miami fans angry.

In 2006, the Heat, with only Wade and the aging Sharks, could not resist the invasion of the Denver Miners.

But this coming season, the Heat will surely set the Rockies on fire!

This program can be regarded as pushing the conflict between the two teams to the climax.

The season hasn't even started yet, and the two sides have already thrown many darts at each other:

"Not one, not two, not three."

"The Nuggets' era is over."

"I'm going to let the world know how good Lowry and Millsap are."

"When we beat our opponents, you know how good Mike Malone's system is."

"LeBron is Wade's Pippen."

And of these darts, which ones will hit the bullseye, and which ones will spin back to your face.

All will be announced one by one in the next new season.

The all-out war between Ryan and the Heat's Big Three has officially begun!

 Today’s 10,000-word update is here! The conscientious old man kneels down and begs for a monthly ticket! Thank you stepfathers!



(End of this chapter)

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