He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 214: Pippen will never be slapped in the face! Rivers gives Ryan an assist?

Chapter 214: Pippen will never be slapped in the face! Rivers gives Ryan an assist?

Scottie Pippen really looked like a clown after he retired.

In order to make money, he has completely abandoned his IQ.

In fact, this guy has made a lot of money in his career. Although he has become a unit of calculation in the mouth of fans because of the famous stupid contract, he actually earned 1.09 million US dollars in his career by playing basketball.

For comparison, he only earned 1 million less than the No. 4 pick in his class, the Admiral, while Barkley only earned a total of just over 000 million in his career. So although Pippen was ridiculed as a unit of account, he was definitely one of the most profitable athletes in that era.

And this 1.09 million is just a dead salary. The endorsements of basketball shoes, drinks, restaurants, cars, etc. during Pippen's peak period are also expensive.

As for Pippen going bankrupt after retiring, it is just like Hawking having to toast when he comes to China. It is purely an Internet joke.

Hawking doesn't need to toast when he comes to China, because this Loli Island member will go to the children's table by himself.

Pippen has never gone bankrupt. The websites that spread this rumor have all been sued by Pippen one by one, and they also compensated him a lot of money.

However, although Pippen will not go bankrupt, his current financial situation is indeed not optimistic.

Rich people all have this problem, that is, they love spending money lavishly.

If they can spend their entire lives peacefully, they may never finish losing. But most of them have to blindly invest.

Black investors don’t like to seek help from professionals, but prefer to listen to the poor guys around them.

A project like installing a diesel engine on an iceberg and transporting it to Chicago is considered normal in the black guy's mind.

Some people even suggested that Pippen spend tens of millions to buy a big pink diamond and put it on his forehead, which would definitely greatly increase his exposure.

The economic situation was deteriorating, so Pippen began to be frequently invited to participate in the show and began to make all kinds of crazy remarks to attract attention.

And if you do too many things without a bottom line, there will be less and less bottom line.

In the beginning, you can only hold hands, then you start kissing the guests, and then you take the initiative to ask for help. This is how people degenerate step by step.

The same goes for Pippen. At first he just boldly complained about current players, but later he even ignored Jordan for traffic.

But Pippen never expected that he would just say a few words about Jordan, and Jordan would actually let his son steal his wife in the future.

In short, Pippen during this period was an unabashed troll.

Of course, as one of the top 50 superstars and a six-time champion who thinks highly of himself, Pippen still has something to show for it.

So when he trolls people, he usually trolls content that won't get slapped in the face.

He complained about Jordan because it was impossible for Jordan to come back and slap him in the face.

And when he complains about current players, he also complains about the points where the other players cannot slap him in the face.

For example, he once said: "In our era, diving was considered a shame. Even if I was elbowed to the ground, I would not dive. And James should become an actor. He is suitable for that industry."

How can Ajan respond to Pippen in the face of such complaints? If you just grab a random fan on the street, he will probably be able to find a few gifs of Ajan diving on his phone, so he will be speechless at all.

In this case, Pippen will never be slapped in the face.

Who would have thought that this time, Ryan's words about Pippen being a high-end low-end would directly make Pippen lose his face.

For the first time, he felt the burning palm print on his face.

And Pippen hurriedly sent five messages in response to Ryan, but none of them responded to the point, which made Pippen even more embarrassed and made him look so incompetent and angry.

This is the first time someone has spoken out against Pippen.

As an old-timer, as a top 50 superstar, as one of the founders of the Bulls dynasty? Naturally, Pippen couldn't swallow being made a clown by a junior like Ryan.

So after this incident, Pippen has been thinking about how to save face.

At the beginning, Pippen originally wanted to say that Ryan could not score, rebound and assist in the game, so he said that the Nuggets defeated the Celtics instead of Ryan to prove that Ryan was nothing special.

But then Pippen figured it out and discovered that Ryan had triple-doubles very frequently this season, and he really had all the points, rebounds and assists in several games.

If you say this, there is a high chance that you will be slapped in the face.

So, the day before the game, when he was a guest on TNT again, Pippen said this:

“Ryan can’t possibly rank first on the team in points, rebounds and assists in one game.

So he, like Michael, has been overly mythologized. At the end of the day, they still have to rely on their teammates, especially teammates like me.

In the game against the Celtics, when Ryan can rank first in all three statistics, he will talk to me arrogantly again.

I have six rings and he only has three. Does he think he knows more about winning than me? "

After hearing this, Barkley was convinced. Why didn't you just say that if Ryan couldn't score 100 points in a single game, he was relying on his teammates? What gangster logic!

Ranking first in the team in points, rebounds and assists is simply too difficult.

And this is simply unreasonable.

Put it this way, in G98 of the 6 Finals, the final game of the Bulls dynasty, the Bulls scored 87 points, and Jordan alone scored 45 points, but only had one rebound and one assist.

So we can say that Jordan won with Pippen who had 8 points, 3 rebounds and 4 assists?

This is not a fallacy!

A player's contribution to victory does not lie in ranking first in every statistic. The key lies in whether he is carrying the team forward.

And data is the most deceptive thing.

Pippen simply used illogical words to forcefully restore his respect.

He knew that it would be difficult for Ryan to rank first in three statistics in one game, so he used unreasonable demands to make himself invincible.

But Pippen didn't care about that much. He only knew that he could act like a senior again.

I belittle current players, how can I be slapped in the face!

Not to mention eating a few of your rotten watermelons, I won't pay for eating in restaurants in the city!

Before facing the Celtics, the Nuggets' recent games gave Pippen a sense of security.

On November 11, in the game against their old enemy San Antonio Spurs, the Nuggets lost the game 18 to 113. The reason for the loss was Ginobili's buzzer beater in the last 112 seconds.

However, the focus of this game is not the buzzer beater, but the fact that the Spurs are on par with the Nuggets in terms of scoring!

The Nuggets' scoring performance in this game was already quite good, with Ryan scoring 31 points, Love 20 points, Millsap 19 points, and Lowry 15 points. On the bench, AK and Crawford also scored 12 points each.

The team shot 48.1% from the field and 50% from three-point range.

Simply a top team offensive performance.

But the Spurs were not far behind. Duncan scored 28 points and 16 rebounds in front of the two short insiders Love and Millsap.

Parker had 24 points, Ginobili had 16 points, Jefferson had 13 points, and George Hill, who came off the bench, also had 15 points.

Since Duncan was injured due to plantar fasciitis and had to lose weight, the Spurs have begun to transform from a slow-paced defensive team like the Pistons to the current fast-paced offensive team.

The effect of the transformation is also quite obvious. This season, the Spurs' scoring average ranks sixth in the league. For comparison, last season's Spurs averaged only 15th in the league in points per game.

Since the aging Spurs can win against the Nuggets, it at least proves that the Nuggets' offense is not so terrifying.

Although it is currently No. 1 in the league, it has not yet reached the level of No. 1 in the interim.

So in Pippen's opinion, it's not that the Celtics can't be defended!

In several other games, the Nuggets did not lose, but Love's rebounding data made Pippen ecstatic.

Facing the Phoenix Suns, Love scored 17 points and 14 rebounds. Facing the Bucks, the UCLA power forward scored 17 points and 16 rebounds.

Facing the rebuilding Pistons, who were once extremely strong inside but now have the lowest rebounding ability, Love even posted an exaggerated double-22 double-double of 21 points and 20 rebounds!

He looks soft and soft, but he is so wild when he does things. The contrast between Love this season is simply extreme.

Short, white, and not very athletic. If Love really becomes the rebounding champion, he will probably be the most unique rebounding champion in NBA history.

But don't worry about how Love did it. Anyway, with his rebounding ability, Pippen is sure that Ryan will never be the first in the team in rebounding data!

This means that there is no chance of Pippen being slapped in the face!

Before facing the Nuggets, the Celtics defeated the Spurs, who had just defeated the Nuggets, 105-103 on the road.

In this game, the Celtics did not score a point in the last minute. The experienced Big Three did not shoot at critical moments, which was quite steady.

But the former champion team still relied on defense to kill the opponent even though they didn't score a point in the final minute.

The Spurs are a strong offensive team this season, but the Celtics can still defend them.

This gave Pippen a shot in the arm!

For the sake of program effectiveness, TNT also hired Pippen to be the special commentator for the next Nuggets vs. Celtics game.

Pippen agreed without thinking and joined the TNT team in Boston!

Not to mention how much money he can make as a special commentator, more importantly, he can personally witness Ryan's failure on the spot!

He could personally look at Ryan with an arrogant look after the game: "See, I told you that you are not that great."

The war is about to begin, Pippen is going crazy, and coach Rivers is concentrating on studying the Nuggets game video.

He's not like Pippen, who has completely lost his mind just to make money.

Coach Pighead knows very well that the current 12-2 Nuggets are even more difficult to defend than the 2008 championship season!

Throughout the regular season, the Celtics only had two opportunities to play against the Nuggets.

Therefore, Rivers must find a way to contain the Nuggets in just two games.

Only in this way can we seize the opportunity in the finals.

If he wants to defend the Nuggets, the first problem he has to solve is the Nuggets' crazy offensive rebounding ability.

Kevin Love, this rebounding monster, is simply Rivers' nightmare.

Because the Celtics are one of the teams with the worst rebound protection this season!

Regardless of the fact that the Celtics have a lot of hard skills and a lot of C's, it seems that there are a lot of rebounding experts, but in fact the team's ability to protect rebounds is not strong.

After Perkins was traded to the Thunder, the team's rebounding plummeted.

So far this season, the Celtics rank 13th in the league in backcourt rebounding.

At first glance, the number of backcourt rebounds in the middle of the league doesn't seem too weak.

But when it comes to basketball game data, you often can't just look at one of them. You have to look at it in conjunction with other data.

For example, Camby and Dabai Bian have a lot of blocking data at first glance, but they are all obtained by completely giving up their defensive positions. In fact, the defensive effect is not good at all.

Another example is that the assists obtained by some organization forwards based on their huge number of turnovers are actually not as valuable as imagined.

The same is true for the Celtics' rebounding. They concede the fewest points per game in the league. In other words, the Celtics can only grab the 13th most backcourt rebounds in the league when they force the opponent to play the most. .

This is enough to show how bad their rebound protection ability is.

This is mainly because the Celtics' defensive strategy of flanking on the line allows the inside line to expand their defense, so it is difficult for them to get stuck in a favorable position to protect rebounds in the first place.

In the past, the team could rely on Garnett's mobility to make up for this.

But now, Garnett's decline in athletic ability, coupled with Perkins' departure has led to a decline in the team's internal strength, have made the Celtics' rebounding ability even more worrying.

So in the last game against the Pistons, Love's 20+20 double-double scared Rivers.

In that game, Love grabbed 10 offensive rebounds, which meant that the Nuggets had 10 more offensive opportunities.

Giving a strong offensive team 10 more offensive opportunities in one game is undoubtedly quite fatal.

Therefore, Rivers must curb the number of offensive rebounds the Nuggets have in order to be able to defend the Nuggets.

So, he decided

On the defensive end of the next game, let big baby Glen Davis stare at Kevin Love, using his tonnage to destroy Love's position.

Big Baby doesn't need to participate in any assisting defense. He only needs to keep an eye on Love and never give him a chance to fight for offensive rebounds.

Although big baby Davis is also a short inside man, he has become a fat ball and he does have an advantage in strength. It should not be a big problem to push Love away.

As long as Love's rebounds can be contained, the safety of the backcourt rebounds can be guaranteed!

It's so funny, if Pippen heard Rivers making such an arrangement, he would probably come to him with a knife on the spot.

Pippen thought that rebounding monster Love would never let Ryan grab the most rebounds on the team.

But because of Coach Rivers' decision, Pippen, who was sleeping soundly at this time, had no idea what he was about to experience in this nationally broadcast game.

The next day, November 11th.

Scottie Pippen put on a handsome suit and appeared at the North Shore Garden Arena with a confident look on his face.

As today's special guest, he will provide fans with commentary on this game together with Reggie Miller.

Before the game, there is usually an analysis and prediction session between commentators.

Although Reggie Miller is a die-hard Ryan fan, he does not dare to underestimate the Celtics.

“From 2008 to 2010, the Celtics reached the Finals for three consecutive years and won the championship once.

They are undoubtedly the strongest team in the Eastern Conference at this stage.

Boston's defense, which grows wildly like spring plants, is a nightmare for every team in the league.

Although the veterans in green are no longer young, they still averaged the lowest points per game in the league this season. They take the pride of Boston's wealthy family and want to continue to fight for the second championship gold cup in the 21st century.

The Nuggets' offense has withstood the Bulls' test before, but the Celtics are another story. Their defensive understanding is better, and they are entangled and corroded.

Moreover, the willpower of this team has been quite amazing.

For example, in last season's finals, Celtics point guard Rondo suffered a dislocated left shoulder injury during a confrontation.

This was a very serious injury that left him with almost no movement of his entire left arm.

But Rondo still returned to the game in the fourth quarter, holding on to the end of the game with one right arm and two legs, and led the team to complete the reversal in the fourth quarter and drag the game into a tiebreaker.

You can imagine the horrific pain he was going through.

And the reason why he endures all this is simple, he doesn't want to lose!

Rondo's performance is just a microcosm of the entire Celtics. The dignity of the championship makes them tenacious and unyielding!

Therefore, this Celtics team will never be defeated by a few consecutive three-pointers. "

Seeing Reggie Miller praise the Celtics like this, Pippen was even more proud:

"That's right Reggie, the Boston Celtics are a very difficult team, and they can't be defeated by just a few three-pointers!

They are as tough as I was when I came out immediately after electrotherapy in the locker room! "


If you don't talk about some things, maybe people will still respect you, but if you keep mentioning them, it will be a bit disgusting.

Ryan also admitted in an interview before the game:

"I completely understand how difficult it is to take down a champion."

But Ryan soon added: "But this does not prevent us from taking back the championship from North Shore Garden!"

Ryan certainly knows how tough the Celtics are. If the Celtics are anxious to the end today, the game will be really dangerous.

This Green Kai team is a typical "if you can't kill him, he will become stronger" team. Therefore, if you want to win the Celtics steadily, you must first break their will and let them break their defense mentally.

On the basketball court, there are two situations where it is easiest for people to break the defense.

The first is when your team tries their best and performs really well, but the game is controlled by the referee.

In this situation, it is difficult to remain calm and it is difficult to arouse fighting spirit.

For example, the future Raptors coach Radjakovic was completely defeated by the GOAT team because the referee gave the opponent only 23 free throws out of 2 in the fourth quarter. He was so angry that he directly shouted:

"My players attacked the basket every possession in the fourth quarter, did not dive, and did not cheat the whistle, but only got 2 free throws. How did this happen? How is this possible? How do you explain to me This matter! The Lakers must win today, right? If so, let us know, we might as well not play today and let them win!"

It can only be said that Radjakovic’s situation is still small.

Think about it, if the mid-season championship fails to make it to the playoffs, wouldn't the entire league be a joke? Therefore, the alliance does this for everyone’s sake!

Comrade Radjakovic does not understand at all the spirit of sacrificing his own family for everyone!

虽然这场比赛最后 4分钟,湖人和猛龙的罚球比是离谱的19比0。这是 NBA自2010年至今,单场常规赛最后4分钟比赛双方球队罚球次数的最大差距。

But as the GOAT, what’s wrong with my emperor’s privileges as a GOAT?

Besides, the game in 10 with a 4-19 free throw ratio in the last 0 minutes was the Heat's game against the Jazz. The Heat took 4 free throws in the last 19 minutes of the game and the Jazz had 0 free throws. That's right, the protagonist is James' team!

So you see, I, the GOAT, have had privileges for more than ten years. You just broke through the defense now. You simply can’t afford it. Why didn’t I hear you come out to protest earlier?

However, Ryan can't use the whistle to let the opponent break through the defense. Who makes Ryan not the GOAT? The privilege is not that great yet.

The second way to make the opponent lose their fighting spirit is to lead from the beginning of the game so that the opponent cannot catch up no matter what!

Take the initiative from the beginning and keep outputting from there. By then, no matter how tough the Celtics are, they will be softened!

As long as the Celtics' will is defeated first, they will completely collapse at a certain moment.

When the time comes, Rivers will boil chicken soup to no avail.

To achieve this effect, the most important thing today is to grab defensive rebounds!

Rivers knows that his team's weakness is the protection of backcourt rebounds, and his opponents know even better.

The Celtics' defense has declined this season, but they are still the team that concedes the fewest points in the league.

Their defense is equivalent to dropping from 99 points to 90 points, but 90 points of defense cannot be blocked.

Therefore, it is difficult to directly penetrate their defense to create a suppressive effect. But if you can grasp the second attack well, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Today, let Boston fans see why Ryan dared to say, "The championship is only temporarily loaned to the Celtics and Lakers"!

The starting lineup of both sides is in place. The Celtics' starting lineup has not changed much compared to the 08 Finals. It's just that Perkins has become the big baby Davis.

The Celtics have been unable to solve the problem of missing the fifth position this season. Big baby Davis and the elderly O'Neal have both played starting center, but the results were not good.

But in comparison, the positive big baby is still more reliable than the big shark with only one physical fitness left.

Today, Rivers is also preparing to rely on Big Baby's enthusiasm to curb the Nuggets' offensive rebounds.

At the beginning of the game, Garnett jumped on the ball from Love's head.

As soon as Rajon Rondo received the ball, before everyone could react, he hit the ground directly from the backcourt!

The basketball passed through the crowd, passed through Millsap and Love who were trying to steal it, flew between them at high speed, and fell into the hands of Garnett who cut directly into the basket after jumping the ball. Garnett also Easily score an empty dunk!

From the beginning, Rondo used his terrifying passing ability and insight to help the Celtics score easily!

Rajon Rondo, this is the confidence of this aging Celtics to face the world.

He gave the Celtics, whose offensive capabilities were declining, a little more spirituality on the offensive end. He can quickly figure out a clue and then outline a deadly attack line.

When Rondo feeds you cakes, you don’t even need to eat them, because he almost stuffs the cakes directly into your throat.

In the 2009 playoffs when Ryan was injured, it was also the season when the Celtics won the championship in history, and Rondo began to emerge.

Against Rose in the first round of the playoffs, Rondo scored 19.4 points, 9.2 rebounds, and 11.6 assists in the entire series, a near-triple-double that was both efficient and gorgeous.

Although the Celtics fell in the playoffs last season, Rondo said after playing injured and leading the team to a comeback, "I still have a mouth! I still have legs! I still have an arm! I can still command!" , also made him famous.

His importance to the Celtics is no less than that of the Big Three.

From the start, the Celtics' new trouble allowed the Nuggets' defense to be penetrated.

Pippen beamed: "Everyone underestimates Boston's offense! And overestimates the Nuggets' offense!"

Rondo, the unruly trash talk king, deliberately forced Lai Lai after instigating a beautiful attack:

"Good shot Kevin, good shot. The Nuggets are so vulnerable now. With us here, they will never win the championship again."

After Rondo finished spraying, he felt that the atmosphere was a little bit wrong.

In peacetime, Pierce and Garnett, the two living treasures, will definitely agree with him immediately, and the three of them will work together to spray their opponents until they shut up.

After all, they are also serious trash talkers.

But today, why did they both show frightened expressions?

Have you quit?

Finally, Pierce spoke to Rondo, but his voice was very low.

"Damn it! Keep your fucking voice down, don't let Ryan hear it, you bastard!"

But Rondo just shouted so loudly, unless Ryan was deaf, there was no way he couldn't hear it.

Sure enough, Ryan pointed at Rondo's nose with a serious expression: "This is the last time you will take the lead in this game. You will soon realize why I am the greatest player at Oak Hill High School, not you."

Yes, Rondo was also a product of Oak Hill High School, and high school was the first peak of his basketball career.

In his senior season, he averaged 21 points and 12 assists per game, leading Oak Hill High School to another winning season after Ryan and Anthony.

During his senior season, he scored 55 points in a single game and had 27 assists in two games.

I thought that based on my brilliant performance in high school, I could choose any college. Who knew that when Rondo went to the University of Louisville to apply, he was rejected.

The media laughed at him at the time: "Rondo may have forgotten that the best player at Oak Hill High School is Ryan, not him. Ryan can choose any school, but he can't."

It was this sentence that deeply stimulated Rondo's competitive spirit.

He has always regarded Ryan, a senior, as his enemy and pushed himself crazily.

And now, when Ryan personally used this matter as trash talk to get back to Penrondo, it is not difficult to imagine how uncomfortable this man with strong self-esteem was.

Pierce and Garnett both sighed. What's the difference between exchanging trash with Ryan and stabbing a knife into one's own heart?

You can play ball quietly!

Rondo holds a grudge. He must break his nightmare with a victory today!

The game continued, Lowry organized with the ball and fed it to Wesley Matthews who successfully came out to catch the ball.

But attentive fans have discovered that the Celtics did not press enough on the two defenders Lowry and Matthews today.

In the past, the Celtics, no matter who had the ball, would immediately attack and force the opponent to pass the ball.

But today, both Lowry and Matthews were given a relatively loose space, and the Celtics' strong side pressure was not used.

There are two reasons for this situation. The first is that Garnett's athletic ability has prevented him from covering the entire half 360° without blind spots, so the Celtics' double attack is no longer so aggressive.

The most important reason is that Ryan is using Millsap's off-ball screen to move around wildly to find gaps! Therefore, the Celtics' inside group must always keep an eye on Ryan without the ball and be ready to attack at any time!

Although knowing that Ryan was most likely just knocking on the door and not intending to take action, the Celtics' defense was still forced to be restrained.

When Ryan used the screen to reach the mid-range position, he also pulled Garnett out.

Just like that, Matthews took a jump shot directly after receiving the ball.

It's a pity that Wesley Matthews' three-pointer bounced directly out of the frame, probably because he didn't have a good shot at the start.

Seeing this, the big baby Davis roughly knocked Love away in the same way he played with his female partner last night!

When playing against the Celtics, you must be prepared for rough confrontation.

Although Love was extremely powerful during this period, Davis was also a strong man. He really knocked Love out of the stuck position.

For an insider like Love, who is short and has poor athletic ability, deviating from the pre-stuck position basically means that he will no longer be able to get rebounds.

At this time, although Garnett was pulled to the mid-range by Ryan and could not retract the rebound immediately, Rondo and Pierce quickly received the basket.

Pierce stuck Millsap slyly.

Rondo has always had a strong sense of rebounding, and Rondo is not just for fun.

Seeing this, pig-headed coach Rivers let out a sigh of relief.

Today's backcourt rebound is safe!

The basketball popped up, and both Pierce and Rondo jumped to grab the rebound.

But with the basketball at their fingertips, Rondo and Pierce felt like someone was pressing on their backs.

Garnett couldn't get back to the basket from the mid-range in time, but Ryan could!

And Ryan is different from Love. Ryan is the kind of player who can rely on his athletic ability and physical condition to grab rebounds even if he is in an ignored position!

The pig-headed coach wants to use Davis to interfere with Love's shooting. What the pig-headed coach can think of, the great onmyoji Mike Malone can't think of?

He had long expected that Love would have a hard time grabbing rebounds today, so his instruction to Ryan was: "Today, it's up to you to actively fight for offensive rebounds!"

Ryan ran back to the basket the moment Matthews took the shot, and finally overwhelmed Rondo and Pierce, grabbing the offensive rebound from behind them! After landing, Ryan, still blocked by Rondo, Pierce and Big Baby, immediately took off twice on the spot and forcefully pushed the ball up to complete the finish!

He grabbed offensive rebounds from two people and succeeded in a second attack from three people. Ryan was like a dominator in the basket today!

After scoring, Ryan raised his arm towards Rondo in front of him and showed off his muscles: "Stay away from the basket, you little weakling, be careful I hurt you!"

Ryan scored a goal under the basket domineeringly, making Pippen curl his lips.

Damn, the Celtics are so useless. They can't even grab rebounds?

Reggie Miller, how do you have the nerve to make this Celtics team so magical?

What? Did I blow it too?

Oh, that's okay.

But the key is why it was Ryan who grabbed the rebound! ?

No, no, no, it's impossible. It's absolutely impossible for Ryan to really rank first in the team in three statistics today!

I don’t slap my face lightly!

The Celtics' disadvantage in backcourt rebound protection was targeted by Mike Malone.

The score was tied, but Rondo was more energetic.

Ryan just said that was the last time the Celtics took the lead. OK, Rondo had to let the Celtics take the lead again!

Rondo quickly controlled the ball past halftime and directed his teammates to move.

Ray Allen also used Garnett's off-ball screen to gain a little space, and then quickly stepped out of the three-point line.

At the same time, Rondo accelerated his breakthrough and attracted the Nuggets' defensive attention.

Then the moment Ray Allen ran out of the three-point line, he sent the ball out hard!

Rondo's passing is top-notch in terms of counterattack and position organization.

In the field of passing, Rondo is undoubtedly an artist.

Moreover, Rondo himself is very addicted to assists. He enjoys the feeling of helping his teammates solve problems.

Lao Yu: I also like to help my teammates solve problems. Why don’t you say I’m a good point guard?

Of course, in addition to Rondo's excellent passing skills, the most important thing is his vision and basketball IQ.

He can almost predict his opponent's behavior and movements two steps later.

With this ball, after Ray Allen got rid of Matthews, Rondo saw Ryan immediately change defense and chased Ray Allen.

He could see all these details.

But the reason why he still passed the ball to Ray Allen was because he judged that it was impossible to intercept the ball with Ryan's moving speed. Ryan's supplementary defense was of no avail.

The basketball flew out quickly, and if nothing else happened, this would be another exquisite assist. The Celtics are about to lead the Nuggets again!

Ryan's face, I'm determined!

What bullshit is Oak Hill High's greatest player? I can still beat him!

But the next second, something happened that stunned Rondo.

According to C's judgment, Ryan is still too far away from the passing route. Even with terrifyingly long arms, it is impossible to catch up and complete the steal.

But the moment Ryan started, it was like turning on the video to accelerate, bursting out with incredible speed, immediately crossing the passing route and stealing the ball directly!

Reggie Miller also widened his eyes: "Lian relied on his terrifying speed to catch up and steal Rondo's pass to Ray Allen! God, Rondo didn't make a mistake, but Ryan was best at it. Even when the opponent made no mistakes, he still defeated the opponent! He abruptly intercepted the originally safe pass!"

Rondo did not make a mistake. According to Ryan's normal speed, it was indeed impossible for him to intercept the ball.

But the talent fragment of "Cut Off Expert" obtained in 08 has the effect of increasing the running speed when intercepting passes!

Although this talent fragment has been obtained for more than two years, the effect of this talent fragment is not obvious yet because Ryan played less games in the 08-09 and 09-10 seasons, and the pass-grabbing prediction attributes have not yet been added up.

But this summer, after Ryan increased the pass-stealing prediction attribute to 83, and then paired it with this talent fragment, the effect was very good!

Rondo has done everything, but he still doesn't understand that the opponent in front of him can always break through the limit!

After Ryan completed the steal, Rondo immediately rushed forward to grab the ball on the spot and swatted the ball away with his precise and fast hands.

Unfortunately, the basketball eventually flew out of bounds and the ball still belonged to the Nuggets.

Rondo cursed. For him, a missed pass is a hundred times more humiliating than a missed shot!

The most unacceptable thing for him is that he made a mistake in passing the ball!

Ryan looked at Rondo who looked defeated, raised his head and looked at him with his nostrils:

“Stop doing your little passing tricks, it’s so easy to crack your little tricks.

If you feel like it, you can score your own points. Maybe I’ll let you score a few if I’m in a good mood?

Wait, didn't you just want the team to take the lead?

As I said, this was the last time the Celtics took the lead tonight. It's useless no matter how hard you try! "

Having said that, the Nuggets counterattacked.

This time, Ryan was still involving the Celtics' defense through air cuts and disrupting their defense.

After Lowry fed the ball to Ryan who cut in, the Celtics' familiar pressure and encirclement immediately appeared in front of Ryan.

Facing the encirclement, Ryan looked to Millsap on the right and made a passing motion.

Rondo, who had quick eyes and quick hands, immediately ran over to cut off the pass, but the next second, Ryan took the ball back, then bypassed Garnett's back and used a handsome pass to find the 45 who had unknowingly run to the left. °Love in the position!

Rondo missed, marveled at Ryan's passing skills, and then got even more angry.

Ryan is going to humiliate himself in the field he is best at!

Big Baby has been thinking about guarding the rebound position, so when Love bounced out, he failed to catch up immediately.

Just like that, Love caught the ball and shot. This time, the Nuggets' three-pointer didn't come out of the frame.

The Nets made a sweet "swipe" sound, and Love's three-point shot hit the net!

5 to 2, the Nuggets really didn't give the Celtics a chance to take the lead again!

Ryan looked at the score and smiled with satisfaction.

From now on, lead until the end and completely collapse the Celtics!

After Love scored, Ryan continued to teach Rondo:

"I can do all these little tricks of yours. But you can't do anything I can do!"

Looking at Ryan showing off his power on the court, Pippen swallowed.

In just a few rounds of confrontation, Ryan has already scored 2 points, 1 rebound, 1 assist and 1 steal, which almost fills up the data sheet!

He can't really be the best in the team in all statistics! ?

Lefu, you should be more cautious!

Laughing to death, after Love was targeted today, the Nuggets' main force in grabbing offensive rebounds was none other than Ryan.

Rivers's wave is equivalent to giving Ryan a wave of assists!

Pippen can tease Jordan at will, because it is impossible for Jordan to come back and slap Pippen in the face.

But Ryan is different.

He must let Rondo and Pippen read "Position" thoroughly today!

 Today is still a 10,000-word update! The conscientious old man kneels down and begs for a monthly ticket! Thank you stepfathers!



(End of this chapter)

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