He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 216: Pippen suddenly licks Ryan? Denver's man-eating monster is about to land in Paris!

Chapter 216: Pippen suddenly licks Ryan? Denver's man-eating monster is about to land in Paris!

Rivers and Ryan, the strongest general combination in the 21st century!

With Rivers' talent and Ryan's strength. Pippen felt that if they were transported to the 90s, it would be very easy to do Jordan + Jackson!

Of course, the premise is that Rivers has to be a teaching assistant to the Zen master!

As long as an undercover agent like Rivers is placed in Bai Gong, the entire United States will realize communism!

Others give up the coach to save the coach, but Rivers is better to give up the coach to save the car.

He felt that Love caused the team to lose too quickly, so he deliberately freed Ryan and tried to get everyone to clock out in the third quarter.

It’s hard to find such good leaders who are considerate of their employees.

Rivers watched Ryan easily open the score, with a look of horror on his face, wishing that time could go back.

If only he hadn't called that damn timeout and directed the defense randomly, the game might not have been lost so quickly!

This is Rivers. It's okay to play with a tailwind, but in a headwind game, Lao Li will either directly shut down or perform reverse operations.

Lao Li’s career-related scandals include, but are not limited to:

At the critical moment of chasing points, five ups and five downs suddenly came, and then the opponent launched a wave of offensive climax to reverse the game.

Suddenly someone changes to guard the opponent's number one star, causing the opponent's number one star to score consecutive points and win the game.

Another example is today, when the defensive focus suddenly shifted to Love, letting go of the opponent's top scorer, accelerating the team's death.

It can only be said that the Celtics players are indeed very focused on the game.

Because they all focus on playing and forget about coaching!

The Big Three regard the Celtics as their home, and the Celtics play spy house with them. The team's head coach is an undercover agent, how can he win?

After Ryan added a free throw, the point difference had been widened to 16 points.

Ryan's personal score has also reached 23 points.

Pippen suddenly covered his stomach:

"Reggie, damn, my stomach hurts. Maybe it's the dirty black gold abalone I ate for dinner!" I need to go to the toilet!

Reggie Miller glanced at Pippen. Everyone was a veteran. Of course he knew what Pippen wanted to do, so he reminded:

"It's still early for the game to end, Scott, even if you go to the toilet now, the game won't be over when you come back, and you will still be caught by Ryan.

You can't escape it, just accept the reality with peace of mind. "

Pippen was about to cry, but there were no tears. Yes, there was no way to escape today.

It's impossible for him to leave early before the game is over. In that case, which TV station will dare to ask him to be a special guest in the future?

The only thing Pippen can do now is to clean up, adjust his mentality, open his heart, and let Ryan handle it.

After Ryan's extra penalty, Rivers immediately changed his wrong strategy and asked the team to focus on taking care of Ryan again.

But it was too late.

In the subsequent games, both Love and Ryan had completely developed their touch, and both of them could no longer hold back.

However, at the end of the third quarter, the Celtics still barely managed to stabilize the point difference at 16 points without being further expanded.

This tough team relies on its strong will to always keep a tightrope.

It looks like he has no intention of giving up.

But in the fourth quarter, the Celtics couldn't stand it anymore.

When they defended their opponents time and time again, but ended up being scored because they couldn't protect the backcourt rebounds.

Even the extremely resilient Celtics' mentality completely collapsed.

Because their efforts receive absolutely no reward. Their successful defense was completely unable to stop the opponent from scoring.

They kept trailing, trailing, all game long.

If you don't get positive feedback from anything you do, it's easy to give up.

Who would like the feeling of being moved for a long time but getting no response from the other party?

The Celtics' defense is becoming less and less active, and the Nuggets' scoring is becoming easier and easier.

This team, which is always able to fight fiercely with its opponents until the last minute, is now like a sheep being slaughtered.

Pippen looked at Ryan's rising statistics and didn't speak for a while.

He simply couldn't believe that someone in this world could produce such data.

At this time, on the court, Millsap shot a very casual three-pointer out of the frame.

Because the game has almost entered garbage time, Millsap also played a lot more relaxed.

Besides, there is no need to worry about not scoring in today's game. Even if the shot fails, the team can still get the rebound back!

The ball hit the neck of the basket hard and bounced very far.

The Celtics players, who had completely lost their fighting spirit, were just looking at the basketball from a distance, but no one thought about fighting for it, or even stretched out their hands.

At this time, people saw Ryan quickly running in from the outside and jumping directly from the free throw line.

After gliding forward for a certain distance, Ryan grabbed the pop-up basketball with one hand, then continued to glide, and finally completed a tip-in dunk from the free throw line!

This dunk made Reggie Miller's eyes widen, and he didn't know what words to use to explain it.

Jumping from the free throw line to make up for a dunk, this is probably the first time such an operation has occurred in NBA history!

In actual combat, it's already difficult to dunk from the free throw line, but Ryan's dunk was a ridiculous one!

What's even more incredible is that after this make-up dunk, Ryan's statistics today officially became 31 points, 20 rebounds, and 11 assists!

Ryan became the eighth player in NBA history, the second active player, and the first player in Nuggets history to score 30+20+10 in a single game!

Not only did he rank first in the team in five statistics, he also set a record by the way!

Pippen just looked at Ryan's data of 29+19+11 and was completely silent.

He couldn't even imagine how embarrassed he had become.

As a result, Ryan used an incredible jump from the free throw line to make up for the dunk, further increasing his humiliation!

When Ryan landed, all the Celtics players on the court lowered their heads, like bereaved dogs.

This naturally includes Rondo, who continued to play even after dislocating his shoulder last season.

He was indeed a man of fire, but this time, he was the one who was burned to death.

This is the first time people have seen the Celtics being beaten so disgraced. It was the first time I saw them being beaten so sluggishly.

In the past, even if they lost, you wouldn't see them so frustrated.

Only Ryan can kill this resolute army to the point of despair!

After Ryan's dunk landed, Rivers paused the game.

When he walked off the court, Ryan patted Rondo on the shoulder: "You should learn more from Paul and Kevin. They know how to talk to the emperor of basketball."

This time, the unruly Rondo did not reply.

He realized that he had no capital to reply to Ryan!

Reggie Miller shook his head:

“This time, Celtics fans don’t have to worry about Coach Rivers messing around.

Because the game has entered garbage time, the Celtics can rest easy. "

Indeed, that was so reassuring.

They can already prepare for the 11-12 season with peace of mind.

Because for the Celtics, failing to win the championship means a complete failure of the season.

And today, when the Nuggets easily defeated the Celtics with a 24-point advantage, it was really hard for Boston fans to imagine how their team could defeat the Nuggets in the Finals.

The aging Garnett, Pierce whose efficiency has declined, and Ray Allen who lacks explosiveness.

Even the rising star Rondo looked particularly useless in front of Ryan.

It's all like this, and it's amazing that there is an undercover coach.

Even if they can reach the finals, it will be difficult for the Celtics to steal the championship from the Nuggets.

Champion, it seems, is really just on loan to Boston.

Now, it’s all going to be returned!

The Celtics' Big Three were no longer young when they formed a team, and today, after this team played a game with the Nuggets, people realized that this great combination that has only been formed for a few years may be about to... Withdrew from the stage of history.

After returning from the timeout, both sides indeed replaced all their main players.

Reggie Miller was still commentating on the game and was very envious of Pippen!

Because Pippen has barely spoken since the fourth quarter until now!

Isn't this how you can make money as a commentator?

What kind of stream of consciousness explanation is this?

Pippen really couldn't find anything to say. His high self-esteem was smashed to the ground by Ryan.

Pippen's mind went blank until he heard the electronic buzzer that signaled the end of the game.

106 to 83, the Boston Celtics lost to their old rivals the Nuggets at home.

Even when they won the championship in 2008, the Nuggets had never beaten the Celtics by so many points!

The Celtics, considered one of the favorites to win the championship, are worthless in front of the Nuggets!

At this time, the two teams in the Eastern Conference, the Celtics and Bulls, had been beaten by the Nuggets.

Only the Miami Heat have not played against the Nuggets.

If even the Heat can't defeat the Nuggets, then there will be no opponent in the entire Eastern Conference that can compete with the Nuggets!

This also means that as long as the Nuggets can reach the finals, they have a high probability of winning the championship!

Looking at the Celtics players leaving the court with their heads downcast, Pippen knew that his moment of trial had come.

As expected, Ryan has not forgotten this incident. Under the gaze of the national live broadcast, Ryan, who scored 30+20+10 data today, walked up to Pippen.

The scene footage also showed the two of them. Pippen buried his head very low, wishing he could bury his head directly in his own hard and black body.

Ryan patted Pippen on the back: "What are you hiding down there to eat?"

"Hide? Hahaha, no, my neck is just a little sore from sitting for a long time."

Ryan didn't give Pippen a chance to ramble: "What about Scott, with today's data, am I qualified to talk to you?"

Pippen smiled awkwardly: "Ryan, I was joking with you before the game."

Pippen wanted to ease the atmosphere, but Ryan put his face in front of Pippen's face fiercely:

"Don't make any random comments about me or McQueen. You are indeed a great second-in-command, Scott. But you are not qualified to discuss the star's affairs!

What you think is impossible, I can do it easily. Ranking first in the team in three statistics? Today I ranked first in the team in five categories! The three data items rank first in history!

So, do you know the gap between us now?

I don’t want to hear you discussing me anymore, I don’t want to hear you say some useless stupid things!

For the sake of what little reputation you have left Scott, you better never fucking mess with me again!

Understand? "

Because the reporter was right next to them, what Ryan said to Pippen was completely recorded and heard by fans around the world!

Ryan didn't play nice with Pippen, nor did he pretend to be friendly.

Instead, he slapped Pippen very directly!

That's the thing about Ryan, he never pretends to be friends with people he doesn't like.

He would never do anything like repaying evil with kindness.

Pippen was stunned. He didn't expect Ryan to be so disrespectful to him. At this time, shouldn't stars and celebrities pretend to be friendly?

I was the founder of the Bulls dynasty, and I was a top 50 star!

Ryan, you don’t even pretend anymore? Are you just going to embarrass me in front of a national live broadcast?

To save face, when Pippen was chatting on the show before, he never thought of saving face for Ryan.

Therefore, Ryan was just reciprocating with Pippen.

In front of fans all over the world, Ryan severely humiliated Pippen with his convincing strength, and then turned around and left with victory.

Pippen really wanted to hide under the table now. It was so embarrassing! It was so embarrassing!

As a famous person, he was pointed at the nose and lectured by his juniors!

The key is that Pippen has no room to lose his temper or quibble. Ryan's performance today left him completely unable to find fault.

When Pippen felt that it was difficult to be the first on the team in three statistics, Ryan not only did it, but also exceeded the task.

This wave really left Pippen speechless.

He never thought that one day he would join James' clown army!

Pippen regretted it to death. If he had known earlier, he would not have come to the scene to be the guest of crack talk.

TNT is just setting a trap for me!

Don't tell me, TNT's ratings really hit a peak because Ryan resolved his grudge with Pippen on the spot.

Looking at the desolate Pippen, looking at the data of 30+20+10, looking at this hearty victory.

Reggie Miller patted Pippen on the shoulder:

"There is no doubt that Ryan is the best player of this era.

Now, he just takes back everything that belongs to him.

Scott, you don't have to be too sad.

Although your embarrassing scene will be played over and over again on TV for days.

At least you can appear on TV more often in the next few days. Back then, you didn't get such treatment when you were with Maikou. "

Pippen, the basketball legend, was completely devalued by Ryan.

Miller thought Pippen would sink into this for a few days, but unexpectedly the guy suddenly raised his head with a smile on his face:

"So what do I say about Reggie? Ryan is the greatest player in the world!

I said that before, just to tell you that no matter how harsh the conditions are set for him, he can complete it!

I knew he could dominate this game! "

Reggie Miller:? ? ?

Why don’t you let this drift happen!

How did you suddenly make such a 180° turn?

You kid, your ability to adapt to changes is quite strong.

No wonder Madonna likes you so much, the angle of your licking is really tricky!

Didn't you say that Ryan was nothing special before, and now you say that Ryan is the greatest player?

Speaking of which, this is not the first time Pippen has changed his mind today.

I said before that Rivers was one of the top three coaches in history, and then immediately said that Rivers was unreasonable.

Do all of you second-in-commands like to say these contradictory things?

Because if you think about it carefully, the second boss in Miami seems to be like this too!

"I have matured and no longer throw away my powder."

“I can’t wait to resume this ritual in the new season!”

"I'm the leader of the team and I'm going to take on more responsibility in the fourth quarter."

"I still believed in my teammates until the end."

"I will definitely win the slam dunk contest."

"But the time has passed and I will not participate."

Miller felt as if he had discovered something in common between the second bosses!

Both are small forwards, both assist Chicago's guards, and both like to say inconsistent things.

It turns out that everyone has misunderstood James. His target was never Jordan, but Pippen!

But why does James, who is competing against Pippen, always say that he is the number one in history? Because of love!

Jordan said that he cannot say that he is the first person, because that would be disrespectful to those senior superstars who have not played against each other.

James has always regarded Jordan as his idol. In order to prevent his idol from being criticized for disrespecting his predecessors, he took the initiative to take on the title of No. 1!

This is called "responsibility"!

Pippen wanted to kneel down to Ryan in order to regain his respect, but obviously, this would only make him look more like a clown.

Even if you openly admit, "Indeed, I underestimated Ryan and made a wrong judgment," people will still respect you as a man.

But as a grown man who can even deny what he has said and suddenly kneel down and lick his opponent who was at war with each other a second ago, this is simply extremely low.

For a time, Pippen was sprayed all over the Internet and became the object of ridicule.

The video of him being angrily criticized by Ryan has been highly viewed on the Internet.

His clown image can no longer be hidden.

James admired Pippen's shamelessness. He immediately started licking him after being criticized. What's the difference between doing this and kneeling down to Ryan?

Ha, luckily my bones are not as soft as yours!

But this time, Pippen is actually on the eighth floor.

The day after the game between the Nuggets and Celtics, a sports protection brand announced that it had reached a cooperative relationship with Pippen and officially signed Pippen as its brand spokesperson.

The slogan is very subtle: "Gold lasts forever, and you will never be a man who weakens midway again."

This means that even a weakling like Pippen can become strong with this protective product!

He was humiliated but earned millions in endorsement fees.

Ryan admitted that he slightly underestimated Pippen's business acumen!

However, it is true that not everyone can earn this kind of money. As a respectable person, being humiliated like this and still laughing is like losing your dignity.

Pippen became popular this time, but Ryan became even more popular.

Ryan's historic data of 30+20+10 in this game is simply astonishing.

You know, most of the 30+20+10 data occurred in ancient times.

David Lee, the only active player who has ever produced this statistic, lost the game because he produced god-level statistics, so his 30+20+10 is rarely mentioned.

As for Ryan, he is the only player in decades who can score 30+20+10 and lead his team to win!

Moreover, Ryan hasn’t played the entire game yet!

Because of the arrival of garbage time, Ryan left the game less than halfway through the fourth quarter.

All of these make Ryan's 30+20+10 particularly valuable. Ryan's current performance in leading the team is also in the greatest contrast with the major media's pre-season predictions.

Before the season, few media were optimistic about the Nuggets. After all, the Nuggets' paper lineup was indeed not very good.

But now, the Nuggets rank first in the league with a record of 13 wins and 2 losses!

In addition, Pippen took the initiative and died in a national live broadcast, which increased the influence of Ryan's winning.

Now, it is clear to the whole world that Ryan is starting to create miracles again!

However, for miracles to happen, the conditions are always very harsh.

In the TNT program, Kevin Harlan expressed his emotion about yesterday’s game:

"The Nuggets easily defeated the Celtics and Bulls, two strong defensive teams, which is a very scary signal. This means that the Nuggets' offense this season is quite difficult to defend!

But Ryan still needs to overcome some difficulties if he wants to succeed.

Although the Nuggets performed well against defensive teams, their performance against offensive teams was far less impressive. "

Kevin Harlan is not trying to impress people by talking nonsense like Pippen, he is telling the truth.

The Bulls and Celtics, the two best defensive teams in the league, failed to guard the Nuggets, which proves that it is impossible to contain the Nuggets through defense.

The only way to win against the Nuggets is to attack!

Only through confrontation can we have a chance to take victory from the Nuggets!

The two games the Nuggets have lost so far this season have been to offensive teams.

One loss to the Mavericks and one loss to the Spurs.

Both teams' offense ranks among the top ten in the league.

Therefore, it seems that the offensive team is the nemesis of the Nuggets.

In the next few games, the Nuggets really lost against several strong offensive teams in the Western Conference.

Facing the Suns on November 11, the Nuggets lost 28 to 128.

That's right, the Nuggets scored 99.6 points in a season where they averaged 128 points per game, but they still lost the game!

The reason is that the sun is more powerful today!

The Phoenix Suns made a comeback today. The team shot 40.6% from three-point range and six players scored in double figures.

In fact, in the first three quarters, the Nuggets still controlled the overall situation, leading by 11 points at most.

But in the fourth quarter of the game, the Suns suddenly started raining three-pointers, and they suddenly launched a wave of 44-point offensive in a single quarter!

In the fourth quarter alone, the Suns made 53.8 three-pointers with a 7% shooting rate!

The Nuggets' loss to the Suns is a big upset, because the Suns are not very strong this season, and they still have to work hard if they want to enter the playoffs in the Western Conference.

And because the defense is too weak, the Suns often lose to weak teams this season.

People often joke that Director Phoenix Nash specializes in handling various comebacks, debuts, season highs, helping role players find confidence, helping stars find form, helping find three-pointers, and helping improve offensive constipation.

As a result, the Nuggets turned somersault on this kind of team, which undoubtedly sparked heated discussions.

In the first two games of December, the Nuggets won both games against the Magic and Hornets, who had excellent defense and strong strength.

As a result, on December 12th, against the Thunder, which had excellent offense, the Nuggets allowed the opponent to complete their revenge.

This is not over yet. On December 12, the Nuggets lost to the Dallas Mavericks at home for the second time this season!

The Nuggets lost to the Mavericks twice in a row, which is quite incredible in the eyes of many people.

What kind of garbage team is the Dallas Mavericks? A team whose second-in-command player Caron Butler was reimbursed could actually defeat the Nuggets twice?

Among them, Puerto Rican junior guard Barea also scored 18 points in his second victory over the Nuggets.

On the other hand, Ryan was in poor condition today and only scored 21 points, with a shooting rate of less than 40%.

Since Ryan has been followed by Kelly Piquet wherever he plays away games recently, people have reason to believe that it was the daughter of the F1 world champion who used her double attack tactics to prevent Ryan from dying!

Co-author Ryan's weakness is female drivers who know how to drive!

Miami fans almost lost their breath after watching this game. Ryan really can't climb this mountain in Puerto Rico, which is less than 1 meters, right?

However, Ryan didn't make excuses when he was interviewed after the game. Instead, he kept praising the Mavericks.

Others may not know how strong the Mavericks are this season, but Ryan can't help but know.

Today the Mavericks exploded with three points, and the Nuggets really couldn't win.

Although after losing this game, the Nuggets' record of 17 wins and 5 losses is still excellent.

But in the eyes of many fans, the Nuggets, who have lost a lot recently, don't seem to be that invincible. What's more, the opponents they lost even included garbage teams like the Mavericks and Suns.

What does this mean? It shows that the Nuggets' dominance is not strong enough! It shows that they are really afraid of offensive teams!

Heat fans and Spurs fans are also in a good mood. At present, the Nuggets are really struggling when facing offensive teams.

And the Spurs and Heat are both the top ten scoring teams!

In other words, they all have a chance to defeat the Nuggets and win the championship!

The Heat haven't met the Nuggets yet, but the Spurs have already defeated the Nuggets once before.

Although Ginobili won the last game with a buzzer beater, if the Spurs couldn't rely on their strong firepower to hold on to the score, how could Ginobili have a chance to win?

So Spurs fans are suddenly full of confidence in this season. In this year's Western Conference, the Spurs must be the one who can rush out!

After this year's transformation, the team will indeed return to its peak!

Popovich also took advantage of it, after all, he was the one who made the decision on the team's transformation.

People say that Popovich has transformed from a bad coach this season to a "you never know how bad he is" coach.

Many old coaches are extremely stubborn throughout their lives, but Popovich, as an old-school coach, can adapt to the development of the times, which is very rare.

Under his leadership, the Spurs have embarked on the road to their second spring!

Next, before the Christmas Day game against the Heat, the Nuggets have another game to play against the Spurs.

This will undoubtedly excite Spurs fans. If the Spurs can defeat the Nuggets for the second time, then their victory is really no accident!

Ryan undoubtedly wants to use this opportunity to prove the strength of the Nuggets.

The recent argument that "the Nuggets are afraid of offensive teams" has troubled Ryan.

The Nuggets did lose to some offensive teams, but that doesn't mean the Nuggets are afraid of offensive teams.

Especially the Heat and Spurs, the Nuggets cannot be suppressed by them in any way.

The main reason why it is easy to lose to an offensive team is that when an offensive team starts to draw, there is no upper limit at all, and it is really difficult for you to hold on.

For a defensive team, as long as you find its weaknesses and pain points, you can solve the answer step by step like doing a math problem.

But offensive teams don't follow scientific thinking at all.

It's more like your willful girlfriend, whose temper is good and bad at times, making it difficult for you to control her.

Take the previous losses to the Mavericks and Suns as an example. Who would have thought that Barea would suddenly explode with a three-pointer?

Who would have thought that the Suns' three-pointers in the fourth quarter could be so accurate?

These are unpredictable things.

Once the offensive team feels like it, even if you are fully prepared, you may die on the spot.

Defensive teams have a high floor and a low ceiling. Offensive teams are the opposite, with a low floor but a high ceiling. Once you start playing, you can win against any opponent.

Although in seven-game series, defensive teams tend to perform more consistently.

After all, you can draw one game and two games according to your touch, but you can't be accurate every time.

But in the regular season, sometimes you happen to encounter an opponent with a good touch, and there's really nothing you can do about it.

Therefore, Ryan does not feel that the Nuggets are afraid of offensive teams.

In terms of offense, the Nuggets are the strongest in the league!

Next, facing the Spurs for the second time this season, Ryan wanted to win beautifully.

But speaking of it, the next game against the Spurs is really special, because that game will be played in France!

As we all know, the NBA has always arranged overseas games in order to develop globally.

In China, the NBA has played more than one preseason game.

In many other countries, the NBA even holds regular seasons!

As early as 1990, the NBA held three regular season games in countries with good bubble baths.

The NBA has never stopped hosting games overseas.

The intention is very simple. Naturally, it is to expand the global influence of the NBA in various places.

This season, the league sent the Nuggets and Spurs to Paris to play an overseas regular season game.

I chose the Spurs because this team is almost the most popular club in France.

Tony Parker's achievements in the NBA have made the Spurs almost the home team of French fans in the NBA. They are very popular, equivalent to what the Rockets were to China in the original history.

Allowing such a team to compete in France will definitely make the league a lot of money.

As for the Nuggets, Ryan, as the most influential basketball player in the world, and as the league's signature and face, is undoubtedly a box office guarantee.

Basketball fans all over the world, whether they watch Nuggets games or not, know Ryan.

Therefore, Ryan is about to embark on a European trip with the Nuggets.

So these days, the players are obviously very excited.

After all, for NBA players, going to Europe to play games is still very new.

Ryan was not too excited. Whether in San Antonio or Paris, Ryan's mission was to kill the Spurs.

Lest that bastard Popovich really thinks he can break out of the Western Conference, lest the media really think the Nuggets are afraid of offensive teams.

Just as Ryan was packing his luggage, the doorbell of Ryan's house rang.

Ryan knew who it was without opening the door. Of course it was his warm and good neighbor.

After opening the door, sure enough, Kelly Piquet walked into Ryan's house dragging a large suitcase.

"What? Did your father stop your pocket money and force you to sell your house? Are you going to move in with me?"

"What are you talking about? I just want you to see how good I looked in that dress on the day I went to Paris~

It must have been a grand event that day. As your female companion, I can't embarrass you. "

Kelly had long been looking forward to the day when he and Ryan would go to France to play a game, so he prepared a suitcase of clothes early.

"No. When did you become my female companion?"

Kelly didn't listen to Ryan's complaints at all, but took off his shirt directly in front of Ryan, and then took off his jeans!

Although I wore clothes and trousers, they were the ones with the least amount of fabric.

The curves of her chest and hips were no longer outlined by clothes, and were directly displayed in front of Ryan.

Ryan was stunned at the time: "What are you doing? Pick up the clothes, pick up the clothes!"

Kelly looked confused: "Don't I want to try on clothes for you to see?"

"When trying on clothes, you can go to your room and put them on before you come out!"


"Do you think it's okay for you to strip naked in front of me?"

"Take off your clothes, right? Hehe, there are still clothes and pants."

Ryan was speechless. Yes, your Brazilian swimsuits have less cloth than this!

Maybe to them, this measure is really nothing!

Kelly suddenly laughed evilly: "Lian, why are you blushing? You have had so many girlfriends before, I thought you were used to it. Hey, how does my figure compare with your ex-girlfriends?"

As he spoke, Kelly also deliberately posed with a bulging front and back. This passionate Brazilian girl with a bohemian father seems to have no idea what shyness is.

Ryan said on the surface, "Oh, you have such a good figure," but secretly complained in his heart: "Oh, little girls today have no idea how weak Daddario is, nor do they know that Swift can turn the whole Denver into spring. The sound is so crisp."

But don’t tell me, Kelly’s figure is indeed great.

As a result, Ryan was just packing his luggage.

Kelly also showed Ryan her dresses one by one, but in the end, Ryan asked her to choose the dress with the most fabric.

Kelly immediately smiled and said: "I understand, men don't like sharing their things with others. Okay, from now on, these sexy skirts are only for you to wear~ By the way, this is for you."

With that, Kelly took out a bell from her suitcase.

As soon as Ryan saw the bell, he realized something was wrong. Sure enough, the prop appeared!

As a little public servant who has been pampered since childhood, she will not tell herself next, "You have to appear in front of me as soon as I ring the bell from now on."

Ryan actually had a crush on Kelly just now, completely forgetting that her eldest lady's temper was not easy to accommodate.

As a result, after Kelly handed the bell to Ryan, he said with a smile:

"If you miss me from now on, just shake it and I will appear in front of you~"


"Ah, what the hell, I'm kidding. But if you are willing to invite me to stay at your house, I can really appear in front of you as soon as I hear the bell ringing!"

Kelly's eyes were full of expectation, and Ryan was also confused by the little rich woman's reverse operation.

But it is true that this kind of little rich woman has been loved since she was a child, and they have become accustomed to the feeling of being held in the palm of their hands.

Therefore, we may desire this feeling of loving others even more.

Ryan accepted the little bell: "You are allowed to stay until 11 o'clock. I have to get up early to go to the arena tomorrow."

"11 o'clock? It's so late. How can I go home as a girl? I've brought my mobile phone charger. You tell me to go home at 11 o'clock?"

"Isn't your house right next door to mine? What's wrong with coming home at 11 o'clock?"

"Hahahaha, 11 o'clock, 11 o'clock, come watch a movie with me tonight!"

"Until then, watch the sports news."

"Okay, dear~"

Ryan shook his head as he watched this little rich woman taking off her clothes in front of him and mouthing "dear" words.

The enthusiasm of Brazilians is really overwhelming.

For the ESPN news in the evening, the TV station directly sent a news team to Paris in advance.

Although Europeans love football more, the basketball atmosphere in Paris is actually pretty good too.

The colorful street court in the 9th arrondissement of Paris is one of the most famous street basketball courts in the world.

The fans are also very enthusiastic about this French game.

It's just that he's a little unfriendly to Ryan.

After all, the Spurs can be considered the French's home team, and they naturally want to see the Spurs and Parker win.

Therefore, many fans said in street interviews:

"Ryan's trip to France may not be too happy. It's not that Ryan is not good enough, but we love Tony even more!"

"The Spurs must win! The Spurs will definitely win the championship again this season!"

"The Denver Monster can't win in Paris!"

"Parker will definitely perform very well in his hometown. He will take the Spurs' already terrible offense to the next level!"

"We welcome Ryan and the entire Nuggets team to come to Paris, but I'm sorry from a basketball perspective, no one will cheer for you!"

"The Nuggets will be defeated in Paris!"

Kelly Piquet curled his lips: "These French fans are not cute at all!"

"It's normal. If this game was held in China, I believe not many people would support the Spurs."

"Ignore them, Ryan. Can you please don't date anyone else the night after the game? I want to take you somewhere alone."

"What? Are you familiar with Paris? It sounds like you can show me around."

"I'm not familiar with it. Oops, you can't even give me one night!"

"Okay, just don't take me to any weird places. The security there may not be better than in Denver.

Have you ever heard of a saying? Not stealing is not Italy, not robbing is not France. "

"Don't worry, it's definitely a safe place!

Hehe, I really hope you can win that night, that would be even better.

But when the time comes, everyone in the arena will support the Spurs, so don't act abnormally. "

Ryan looked at the fierce Paris fans on TV and couldn't help but smile:

"Don't worry, it's not like we haven't played away games before. I believe that no matter how difficult the Paris game is, it won't be as difficult as North Shore Garden.


You never know what French fans will do to you.

Maybe when I land in Paris, they will line up to greet me, raise their arms high, and welcome Master Wang into the city? "

Paris is a magical city where anything can happen.

 Thanks to SJ_丿 Zoro, Shuangrenyu44 and other big guys for the rewards, thank you all! Today is another day of updating words. I am begging for monthly votes! Thank you stepfathers!



(End of this chapter)

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