He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

第227章 226:1攻5看多了?今天1防5!他的防守范围是整个半场!

Chapter 227 Chapter 226: Have you seen too much of one attack and five? One defense against five today! His defensive range is the entire half court!

James saw Ryan's response to him on social media early the next morning, as well as the comments below:

"Come on Ryan! You can work miracles, you always can!"

"The Memphis Grizzlies are very strong, and we greatly underestimated them. However, no matter how strong they are, they are still just the Memphis Grizzlies!"

"To be honest, even if the Grizzlies lead 3-0, I still think the Nuggets still have a chance of winning. On the contrary, I don't believe that Ryan will fall in the first round."

"Ryan has never lost in the first round, not even in his rookie season. 2-0 is not the end of the world. James is overjoyed."

"It's so funny, does LeBron think everyone is like him? He's the only one who loses in places people don't expect. Ryan? He can get through it!"

James looked at these comments and threw his phone next to the bed.

If it were him, if he and the Heat fell behind the 0ers 2-76, how would people evaluate it?

Ridicule, slander, satire!

There is no doubt that it will be so!

But Ryan, the fans tolerate, encourage and believe in him!

James is very unhappy, why? Why do you support that guy even if he loses?

Ajan hasn't figured it out yet, but his credibility and Ryan's credibility are different.

In the past, Cleveland fans were equally tolerant, encouraging, and trusting of him.

Then, what awaited Cleveland fans was disappointment again and again.

To Larry Hughes and Ben, you gave Cleveland the most humiliating Finals in history.

Give it to Reid, you can't beat the Celtics.

Give you MVP, you can lose to Howard.

But even so, Cleveland fans still believed in him.

The results of it?

As a result, he ran away with the bucket!

Ryan is different, he has never let the fans down.

So even in this desperate situation, fans still believe that he will win.

But James naturally couldn't think of this. He just felt that he was being targeted by the whole world.

The next day, James accepted interviews with reporters as usual after training.

Unsurprisingly, all the questions have to do with Ryan.

"LeBron, Ryan thinks the time for you to gloat has entered the countdown, what do you think?"

James shrugged: "I'm too lazy to talk about other people's games."

"But you took the initiative to talk about the game between the Nuggets and Grizzlies yesterday. You said that you also wanted to play against Ryan in the finals, but you were afraid that he wouldn't be able to come.

Are you glad that Ryan can't come? After all, when you met in the last finals, you..."

Before the reporter finished asking the question, James turned around and left:

"That's enough, I don't want to hear any more questions about Ryan!"

The Heat's public relations department quickly smoothed things over. They didn't dare to stop James, nor did they dare to offend the media in this way.

So everyone is shouting into the walkie-talkie:

"Go, hurry up and bring up another batch!"

In the Heat locker room, everyone was talking and laughing.

After all, the Heat are currently leading in the playoffs, and the poor 76ers seem to have no power to fight back.

Therefore, everyone is in a good mood.

After James returned from the press conference, Wade also made a joke at him:

"Hey LeBron, a reporter just asked me who is more accurate in three-point shooting, me or you.

I said of course it’s you, after all, LeBron’s three-pointer can be directly hit by the timer, which is even harder than making it hahahaha! "

As soon as Wade burst out laughing, a "boom" sounded throughout the locker room.

James punched the locker, causing the entire locker room to fall silent.

Wade's smile froze instantly: "Well, I just told the truth. Oh no, I just made a joke. LeBron, if you don't like it, I'll do it next time."

It seems that Wade has also realized that regarding James, even if you just tell the truth, it sounds like you are cheating!

But James ignored Wade at all. He just clenched his fists and roared: "I must make that bastard completely defeated!"

James is now extremely angry. He has discovered that unless he really gets a ring, his career will not be redeemed anyway.

Even if Ryan is really hacked, if James himself cannot win the championship, he will still be the laughing stock of people and will still be suppressed by Ryan.

James has never been so angry. His heart is more eager to win than in the 11 years in the original history!

He just wants to tell the world, even once: I am better than Ryan!

James now even dreams about Ryan being hacked, because this will become a black spot in Ryan's life.

And it's the kind that can't be washed off.

Not just James, most fans are paying close attention to this game.

Does a 72-win team have just that much strength?

Can grizzly bears really perform miracles?

All these suspenses attracted everyone's attention to Memphis.

So now, for the first time in history, Memphis has attracted so much attention in the basketball world.

The local hotels were packed to capacity with reporters and fans from all over the place.

Tickets for a Grizzlies home game have never been so popular, even though ticket prices have quadrupled compared to the regular season.

Memphis fans poured into the streets crazily, holding signs reading "8>1".

In the past ten years, this city has been an inconspicuous corner of the NBA.

But today, all Memphis fans can proudly take to the streets!

A group of inconspicuous people.

An unspectacular group of players.

Suddenly the world is paying attention.

Suddenly there was a lot of back and forth with the super team.

Memphis fans and Grizzlies players are tightly bound together!

Toughness and toughness represent both Memphis and the Grizzlies.

Facts have proved that Memphis is not without a basketball atmosphere, but the previous Grizzlies' performance was too bad.

Before the game started, today's commentator Kevin Harlan took everyone to recall the regular season match between the two teams.

Only then did people discover that the Grizzlies had already restrained the Nuggets in the regular season.

They defeated the Nuggets twice, and once they broke the Nuggets' 35-game winning streak.

From this point of view, it is really not luck for the Grizzlies to take a 2-0 lead now.

Put it this way, offensive teams really have no chance of winning the championship!

Ryan was warming up on the court at this time, shooting, and a basketball rolled to his feet from the other half.

Ryan picked up the ball, then turned around and saw Tony Allen running over to pick it up.

Ryan was talking about why he kept hearing the sound of hammering when he was just warming up, and now he found the answer.

Tony Allen is probably one of the few NBA players who, like Ben, has unstable shooting percentages during warm-ups.

Seeing Ryan pick up the basketball, Tony slowed down and said, "Sorry."

Ryan reached out and handed the ball to Tony: "It seems that your shooting will be as stable as ever today. Hey, we are in big trouble."

"Well I do have a reputation for stability!"

After passing the ball to Tony Allen, Ryan was ready to continue his warm-up.

But Tony Allen stood there, hesitated for a few seconds, and finally said:

"Ryan, we have no intention of letting the game go back to Denver."

Ryan nodded while shooting and replied calmly: "I know."

"Haha, you don't seem to be nervous at all after falling behind 0-2."

"Of course, if you already knew the plot and ending of a suspense movie in advance, would you still feel nervous?"

Tony became interested and continued to ask: "So what do you think the ending is?"

"You and I both know that, Tony. If anyone in this world can stop me, it's unless there's another me in the world."

"That's what I admire about you, and I respect you to be honest, Ryan. You're the hardest player I've ever seen to defend, bar none.

But sorry, I don’t need another you.

This season, we can stop you. "

"Good luck, Tony."

"Good luck to you too."

After Ryan and Tony Allen finished speaking, the atmosphere at the scene began to become more and more tense.

This tension can even be felt through the TV screen by countless Ryan fans watching the game at home.

Weber, who had retired and was at home, was very nervous at this time.

He has never been so nervous during the playoffs.

The last time he was so nervous was in the summer of his teenage years.

He looked at his female companion who was out with him for the first time, wearing only a pair of pants on the sofa. He was worried that if his little brother didn't behave well later, everything would be over!

His worries now are very similar to those at that time. He is worried that if his good brother Ryan does not perform well, everything will be over!

If the Grizzlies get a total score of 3-0 tonight, it will be a pity for Ryan's perfect regular season.

The value of the regular season is dependent on the results in the playoffs.

35 consecutive wins, 72 wins, averaging a triple-double. All of these will only appear great if they perform well in the playoffs.

For this Nuggets, whether they can win the championship is the only criterion for judging whether their performance in the playoffs is outstanding.

So, if you are hacked.

Weber couldn't imagine the impact this would have on Ryan's career.

Therefore, Weber has been on tenterhooks.

Until the two sides jumped the ball to start the game, Weber still couldn't let go of his hanging heart.

Gasol relied on his height advantage to get the ball, and Mike Conley walked slowly across half court.

Conley's style is very steady. He patiently waits for the Bears to fight in the paint and gain position.

Chicago's Thibodeau intentionally suppresses the team's rhythm. Unlike the Grizzlies, they can really only play so slowly.

They are an interior team with the twin towers as the core that disappeared from the league five years ago.

Gasol's position is high because he can support and shoot without having to go to the basket.

Randolph's stance is relatively short, and he is the Grizzlies' most assured finishing point.

Conley observed Ryan's position and found that he was closer to Randolph, so he chose to give the ball to Marc Gasol.

Although Love is also an insider, to be honest, the scene of him defending Gasol always reminds people of David versus Goliath.

Gasol began to sit back, but Love naturally couldn't resist.

But when the big white bear was about to attack the frame, he saw Ryan attacking from a double flank.

Although Gasol's performance of 10 of 9 shots in the last game was amazing, he is not actually a low-post killer.

Throughout his life, Gasol was not an efficient finisher in the penalty area.

In the 16-17 season, the highest scoring season in his career, he averaged 19.5 points per game, but his shooting percentage was only 45%.

For a big center, such a shooting percentage is not outstanding.

He is very strong, but he cannot be like O'Neal, who can knock away his opponent even if two people are flanking him, and then abuse the frame vigorously.

He has a soft touch, but not like Olajuwon, dancing in the crowd, and finally put the ball in softly with a move that no one expected.

Facing Love, who is shorter than himself and not as strong as himself, the White Bear may be able to play in the low post.

But faced with a flanking attack, Gasol's offense was somewhat stretched.

He knows very well that he does not have the ability to finish firmly in a double attack.

So he didn't take credit for it, but immediately passed the ball to Randolph in the low post.

If Ryan comes to flank him, then Randolph can do whatever he wants!

Randolph didn't wait after receiving the ball. He turned back, forced Millsap away, and then raised the ball for a layup.

Randolph's pace and touch are among the best among inside players.

Although he looks brutal, he is actually a technical insider.

Moreover, although they are both short inside players, it is difficult for Millsap to cover Randolph.

Because Randolph is short, mainly because he has no neck.

If you remove the neck, you will find that he has a completely tall figure.

The torso is long and the arms are also long. A wingspan of 2 meters is still an amazing number even if it is considered by the Gibbon Research Association of the NBA.

O'Neal was envious when he saw it. Like Randolph, the size of some parts of him was completely inconsistent with his own figure. If he was given a choice, he would rather have his neck short!

At least my neck won’t delay my work!

Millsap couldn't reach the ball at all, but Randolph picked it up with his finger and released the ball steadily.

If nothing else, this layup will go into the net very easily.

Randolph has been in the league for 11 years, but there has never been a season where he wanted to win as much as he did this year.

Naturally, this fat man with a strong desire to win could not let go of the opportunity to lead his opponent 3-0.

So he was in excellent condition today and was ready to go all out as soon as he started.

The basketball did finally hit the backboard firmly, but...

Not a wipe!

Instead, he was pushed directly onto the backboard, making a frightening loud noise!

"Ryan caught up and hit a big nail board. He didn't let the black and white bears continue to do whatever they wanted in the paint!

The best player in the world refused to go home in the first round! "

Kevin Harlan shook his head and explained that Ryan's game was good in every aspect, but it was a waste of his voice.

Because of Ryan's game, it won't be long before there will be a wonderful scene that makes people yell like crazy.

No, today's game has just started in the first round, and it's already very taxing.

Ryan directly helped defend inside this round, completely leaving Tony Allen open. After flanking the big white bear, they went directly to help defend against the big black bear.

No way, Tony deserves this kind of defense!


But Grizzlies coach Lionel Hollins has some doubts.

This is only the first round.

Ryan wants to be like a defensive engineer, always helping to defend the inside? Running back and forth between bears all the time?

So who is responsible for the offense?

You know, facing the Grizzlies' defense, trying to score a goal is very physically demanding.

Tony Allen's pressure will make the offensive team work several times harder than usual, and the Black and White Bears will also strangle the attackers in the paint.

Tony's defense can already reduce the opponent's shooting percentage.

Therefore, when the physical energy consumption is too high, Ryan's hit rate cannot be guaranteed.

Therefore, it's not that Ryan didn't help defend the interior in the first two games, but the intensity of the defense was not that great.

But today, Ryan simply stepped up the intensity of his help defense as soon as he came up.

It seemed like a desperate move regardless of the consequences.

Hollins breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that the Nuggets had no good way to contain the Grizzlies.

Their only way is to wait for the salvation of the god Ryan.

It's just a pity that atheism is prevalent in Memphis on the basketball court!

This group of outcasts only believe in hard work and hard work!

If Ryan fights like this, he may be able to bite for three and a half quarters.

But the final victory will eventually belong to the Grizzlies!

After grabbing the rebound, the Nuggets started to attack.

Tony Allen is gearing up, his G-spot is different from others. Most people prefer to score when playing basketball. Even those who prefer it are more interested in assists and rebounds.

In short, most people want to leave as much data as possible in basketball games.

But what about Tony? His G-spot prevents others from getting data!

This guy's defensive enthusiasm is definitely one of the craziest in NBA history, so in the first round, Tony was already tightly guarding Ryan.

Ryan looked at Tony calmly: "You know what? I have always admired your offense. That kind of stability is something that most people can't envy."

"Shut up Ryan, I don't want to talk trash to you."

"Let's talk or you'll be bored tonight."

"Not at all, I enjoyed strangling you, it was fun."

"As you wish, but I'm not going to cooperate with your pleasure tonight."

After saying that, Ryan put his hands on his hips and froze.

Tony Allen was stunned for a moment, then turned around and saw that the Nuggets' main attacker today didn't seem to be Ryan. The guy who was so thin that he didn't even look like an NBA player was holding the ball and calling for a pick-and-roll!

Jamal Crawford started today and didn't attract too much attention. Even Lionel Hollins didn't care much.

Because in the last game, Wesley Matthews felt extremely bad and only made 5 of 1 shots from beyond the three-point line.

The second-year undrafted player is playing in the playoffs for the first time and seems to have not fully adapted to the intensity. Everyone feels that Mike Malone replaced Matthews with Crawford just because Matthews was in poor condition and there was no special arrangement.

Hollins was even happy with this change, because no matter how bad Matthews feels, he is also a tough defender.

As for Crawford, he obviously has no interest in defense.

Even in the Nuggets, a team where everyone is working hard to defend, Crawford still goes his own way.

In Hollins' view, such a defensive weakness will accelerate the Nuggets' death!

Crawford dribbled the ball skillfully and showed no signs of wariness against Battier.

Millsap came out to pick and roll, and Randolph was ready to switch defense.

In the last game, the Nuggets couldn't beat many pick-and-rolls, but Randolph thought the effect was average.

Although he can't keep up with the defenders who break through after the pick-and-roll, he can still block them and buy time for his teammates.

Lowry played a lot of pick-and-rolls in the last game, but the results were very average.

In the end, Lowry only scored 18 points.

Battier was also focused, knowing Crawford was more flexible. Therefore, he will bypass the screen the moment Crawford makes a move!

Sure enough, Crawford started to move. He made a back dribble to the left side of the pick-and-roll, ready to start.

Battier immediately bypassed Millsap. At the same time, Randolph also moved a step in the direction of Crawford's breakthrough, preparing to help defend.

But Battier and Randolph saw that Crawford, who had obviously started his back movement to the left, instantly turned into a breakthrough to the right!

Crawford did start to the left in the first move, but at the moment of starting, he made his second consecutive back luck!

As soon as the ball was switched to his left hand, Crawford immediately made a continuous back dribble and pulled it to the right side again!

The speed of this double-back movement was incredible to Battier!

Battier, who had already bypassed the pick-and-roll with half of his body, immediately turned around and prepared to chase back, but because he was too impatient, he tripped with Millsap.

Shane threw himself forward and had to hold his hands on the ground to maintain balance.

He just happened to crawl to Crawford's feet in embarrassment and watched as Crawford steadily hit the shot with a mid-range pull-up jumper! In the first round, Battier was stunned by Crawford's beautiful double back move!

Seeing this goal, the fans at the Federal Speed ​​Arena shouted in amazement.

Crawford's move just now was very fancy. He almost looked like a street ball player, not a professional player.

After Crawford scored, Ryan immediately turned back to defend.

At the same time, he did not forget to tilt his head at Tony Allen:

"I told you, if you don't chat, you will be bored today."

Tony Allen finally understood that today the Nuggets want Crawford to be the main attacker, and Ryan will not be so quick to exert force on the offensive end!

In order to solve the offensive problem, the Nuggets replaced an extra ball-holding scorer!

But in the playoffs, everyone is targeted.

Crawford's offense with the ball may be better than Matthews, but his defense is not at the same level at all!

Battier's off-the-ball movement in this round was very active. He believed that he could get rid of Crawford and get a chance to score.

He ran past Randolph in a reverse run. If it were Matthews, the sturdy and stocky undrafted player would quickly squeeze through the screen and attract Battier like a magnet.

But Crawford, he's just too skinny.

Randolph stood next to him, looking like they were not even of the same species.

Basically, it’s the difference between “can squeeze it with one hand” and “can hold it with two hands”.

He was solidly blocked by Randolph, and Conley, the commander, immediately passed the ball.

Battier caught the ball and shot steadily from mid-range. This is the playoffs. If you dare to attack a defensive weakness, you will definitely be caught and beaten!

The basketball flew into the air, and Battier felt that there would be no accidents in this shot.

But darkness quickly closed in.

Shane only felt a shadow coming, followed by a loud noise.

A second loud bang.

Second block.

After taking advantage of Randolph just now, Ryan stepped out in time again and helped block Battier's mid-range jumper!

Today, Ryan can allocate more physical energy to the defensive end. So for him, today's assist defense distance does not need to be cost-effective!

Putting aside the previous two games, Ryan might not have wasted his energy chasing this kind of ball.

After all, it is too far away, and even if you run hard to get there, you may not be able to prevent it.

But today, Ryan will not give up any possible defensive opportunity on the defensive end.

As long as you dare to shoot, Ryan will dare to shoot!

After completing the block, the active Lowry rushed out to get the basketball.

However, because Conley also blocked him immediately, the Nuggets were not allowed to make a fast break.

Battier immediately turned around and made a victory escape, hurriedly staying away from Ryan.

He didn't want to hear even a single word from Ryan, that was the most terrifying mental pollution in the world!

As soon as Ryan looked up, he found that Battier had disappeared. Good guy, this has stimulated his sports potential. I haven't seen him so fast normally.

There's nothing I can do about it, this rubbish is already on my lips, and I feel really bad if I don't say it out loud.

So, Ryan could only continue chatting with Tony:

“So I said, I really admire your offensive talents.

Because of you, I can move to any position on the defensive end without worrying about missing anyone.

The last person I saw with such offensive talent was my good brother Ben. "


Therefore, Battier's reaction just now is correct.

No one in their right mind wants to hear Ryan talk trash. This guy is so crazy that he even treats his former teammates!

Ryan said, how can I call this breast? I'm just telling the truth.

Teacher Tony's offense is indeed quite explosive when looking at history.

As we all know, Ben Simmons, the future shooting genius, always posts training photos during the offseason. He comes back to play a few games in the preseason and uses a few new tricks, making you think that he has really improved and that he is about to start. It's time to play ball.

Then once the regular season starts, they will be directly reimbursed for various reasons and start playing Call of Duty.

There was a lot of excitement before the start of the season, but it was quiet after the start of the season.

Xidi's paintings are more abstract than Van Gogh's paintings!

However, this is a Call of Duty player whose online time is much higher than his career playing time. He has also scored 8 points in his 5000-year career.

Look at my teacher Tony again, 8 points in 3634 years!

This shows how terrifying Teacher Tony's offensive talent is.

So you don’t blame Xidi for not playing ball, he has indeed exceeded his task!

Ryan's defense just now was really not disrespectful to his offense at all.

That is precisely the greatest respect for his historical scoring ability!

Mike Malone was not surprised when he watched Ryan block his second shot in a row.

Today, when Crawford is in charge of the main offense, when Ryan can ignore his matchup and focus all his energy on the defensive end.

He can almost seal the entire half!

No matter where you take action, you can't escape Ryan's blockage!

Tony Allen continued to press Ryan. Even if Ryan was off the ball, he did not relax at all.

But once again, Jamal Crawford is taking command with the ball! Tony's efforts were useless because Ryan had no intention of attacking at all!

Crawford looked at Shane in front of him, and then... smiled!

Battier gritted his teeth. Doesn't this guy know his situation?

The Nuggets are trailing 0-2, and as the No. ball-handling and scoring point who was specially promoted to the starting lineup today, if he does not perform well, the team will be eliminated!

He can actually laugh!

Crawford didn't think so much. One thing about this guy's life that is very enviable is that he really turns fun into a career. And after becoming a professional player, he still has not lost the fun of playing basketball.

Most professional players are lying when they say how much they love basketball.

Even for many great players, their favorite thing is not basketball.

Jordan definitely loves the excitement of the ups and downs on the gambling table more than basketball.

Compared to basketball, Chamberlain loves the extra practice sessions after basketball games.

Even Jokic, the future MVP, admitted that if his weight hadn't easily made horses depressed, he would have gone to horse racing.

Didn’t you see that this guy had no reaction when he won the NBA championship, but he was as happy as a 300-pound kid when he won the horse racing championship.

Even if this group of people really loved basketball at first, when basketball becomes a profession, their love will be worn away in the face of day after day competition and training.

But Crawford is different. Until now, he regards basketball as a hobby, not a career.

He never practices in the summer, but you can always see him playing in dazzling ways on various fields.

He is always lazy during training, but becomes full of enthusiasm when it comes to official competitions.

He never cares about tactics. So far in his career, no matter which team Crawford is on, he has always been outside the system. Although this made him a sixth man, it didn't matter to him.

Crawford is a professional player, but he still treats basketball with a game mentality.

This is the true founder of happy basketball.

He knows that he won't become a superstar anyway, so he might as well not put so much pressure on himself and just enjoy the game.

Therefore, Crawford is very relaxed now.

There was no such thing as being behind 0-2 in his mind. There was no such thing as reversing the situation and whether there was pressure or not.

He only knows that Battier and Randolph are two very suitable background boards.

And he can't wait to leave his work on these two background boards!

Yes, Crawford is unruly.

But this is a player who can make a difference even if he doesn't follow the rules!

Crawford called the pick-and-roll, accelerated the breakthrough, and forced Randolph to come up and defend him.

Then, he dribbled the ball continuously and retreated to outside the three-point line.

At the same time, Millsap immediately ran away and took Battier away.

In this way, Randolph had to face Crawford.

Crawford singled out Randolph, and this was where the Nuggets broke the game today!

Crawford is like an elf dancing on the basketball court. His mentality is doomed to allow him to handle the ball loosely and gracefully.

Randolph spread his arms and glared.

But Crawford was not intimidated at all. He knew that Randolph's ferocity was useless.

Once he starts accelerating, the big black bear can't even see his own taillights!

Facing the big black bear, Crawford moved to the left, then changed hands and broke through to the right, mobilizing Randolph's alertness.

But he suddenly made a direct shot from outside the three-point line!

Mike Malone covered his face, this is Crawford, his shot selection is too childish.

At the moment, Randolph is so slow, it is obviously the best choice to break through him directly.

But he decided to make a three-pointer.

However, it is still difficult for Randolph to defend well.

His entire center of gravity has moved back, preparing to pursue.

Unexpectedly, Crawford actually shot a three-pointer directly, which forced Randolph to change his focus and rush forward.

The big black bear pounced forward clumsily. The moment Crawford took action, Randolph's hand tapped Crawford's wrist.

So, the referee's whistle sounded, signaling Randolph's defensive foul!

At the same time, the Nets rolled and hit a three-pointer.

In the first round when Jamal Crawford singled out Randolph, he scored four points!

Crawford may not be a great scorer, but there is one scoring-related statistic in which he leads history - 47 four-pointers!

Except for him, no one in the NBA can "shoot four points" more than 30 times!

In this regard, Crawford can be regarded as the first person in history.

"This bastard!" Randolph yelled angrily.

But Crawford didn't care at all. He celebrated with his teammates and then looked up at his masterpiece on the big screen.

Well, that’s cool!

If you don't play in a cool way, can you still call your score a score?

Standing on the free throw line, Crawford also made a steady shot.

Score four points!

At this point, the Nuggets have led the Grizzlies 6-0, and Crawford scored 6 points as soon as he came up!

Facts have proved that the single-player strategy is correct.

Neither Randolph nor Gasol has the ability to misplace and defend Crawford.

Crawford started, which perfectly solved the Nuggets' difficulty in scoring consecutive goals.

Randolph was very unhappy. The Grizzlies were completely suppressed at the beginning of the day.

But today is a great opportunity to take a 3-0 lead, and we must not let this opportunity go!

Ryan seemed to see through Randolph's thoughts, so while retreating, he started chatting with Randolph about household matters:

"I know you're embarrassed Zach, but I'm going to make you even more embarrassed on the defensive end.

Whatever you did to me in the first two games, I will pay it back to all of you today! "

Randolph didn't take it seriously. He was also an old golfer, so he wouldn't be defeated by a casual trash talk.

The grizzly bears took a stance and attacked. They were like an old-fashioned internal combustion engine. They made a "creak" sound after being ignited, and every part moved cumbersomely and slowly.

Conley and the Great White Bear played a pick-and-roll. After Conley broke through and attracted the defense, he returned the ball to Gasol for a mid-range shot.

There is no doubt that Gasol's touch was only soft, but when he lifted the basketball, he saw Ryan rushing towards him.

He hesitated, but finally gave up.

He didn't believe he could score over Ryan's head.

Most people in this league don't have this ability.

As the command tower, the big white bear gave the basketball to Tony who cut into the basket. Although Tony did not shoot, he did not miss a point.

His occasional cuts can still steal a few points.

After entering the penalty area, Tony Allen relied on Millsap, who raised his arms to protect the frame, for a layup.

Because Millsap is not tall enough, this shot is not too difficult even for Tony.

But Tony Allen didn't realize that because of Millsap's blocking, his speed at the frame was slowed down.

So, when he lifted the ball with his finger, the basketball was slapped down by the other hand!

It's Ryan! After interfering with Gasol's shot, he immediately ran back to the penalty area and blocked Tony Allen's cut-in layup!

But Randolph took the opportunity to grab the rebound, and then immediately took off twice to attack!

But the basketball was cut off by Ryan's slap after landing!

Randolph dropped the ball, but fortunately, the ball fell into Battier's hands and the Grizzlies still had the ball.

Battier picked up the basketball and was about to take a shot, but saw Ryan blocking it in time.

So, he stared at the basket, but with a twist of his wrist, he passed the ball to Conley who was out of the three-point line!

Ryan immediately turned his gun and ran towards Conley, but Conley had already taken action.

But in the end, relying on his terrifying speed and wingspan, Ryan still interfered with Conley's three-point shot.

The basketball drew an arc and finally bounced onto the neck of the basket!

As Love held Gasol and grabbed the rebound, the Nuggets officially completed this defense!

This scene made the fans and players in Memphis panic.

In front of the TV, Nuggets fans also had goosebumps all over their bodies.

At the game, Kevin Harlan raised his arms excitedly:

"Incredible defense! Incredible defense!

Ryan, in the last round, he blocked all five Grizzlies players on the court with the power of one person!

From blocking Gasol's shot, to immediately entering the penalty area to chase Tony, to immediately cutting out Randolph after landing.

Then, forcing Battier to pass the ball, and finally interfered with Conley's shot!

In this round, Ryan defended the entire half! His defense really covered the entire half!

When Ryan completely lets go on the defensive end, he is simply a nightmare for all attackers!

Ryan can not only attack one against five, but also defend against five!

Ryan responds with his own treatment! He will use his terrifying defensive ability to teach the Grizzlies a lesson today! "

The entire Grizzlies team was shocked. They had many opportunities in this round, but in the end they were all resolved by one person!

This is what Ryan said, as long as Crawford can help him share a little pressure, he will be confident to change the game!

Now that Ryan is not in a hurry to attack, he will naturally "repay" the enthusiastic eighth in the Western Conference on the defensive end!

"What you did to me in the first two games, I will pay it back to all of you today", Ryan said it!

After grabbing the rebound, Love directly made a long pass from the four-point position to Lowry, who had already run across half court. The latter easily scored the ball with a one-handed dunk.


Hollins immediately suspended the game!

It seems that the 72-win team that wreaked havoc in the regular season is finally going to start their wreaking havoc in the playoffs!

Tony Allen swallowed, his mind kept flashing back to the scene just now.

Even he has never seen such an outrageous defense!

After walking off the field, for some reason, Tony remembered what Ryan said before the game:

"You and I both know that, Tony. If anyone in this world can stop me, it's unless there's another me in the world."

Is there really no way to stop that guy? Even in a great situation with a 2-0 lead?

It's terrible!

Tony licked his lips nervously.

No, there's no way this defense against Len lasts an entire game.


Impossible, right?

 Today’s 10,000-word update is here, and I’m asking for my monthly votes!



(End of this chapter)

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