He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 229 Chapter 228: The honor of being number one in history! A tough opponent? No, it's t

Chapter 229 Chapter 228: The honor of being number one in history! A tough opponent? No, it's too easy to get rid of them!

People said that James was bitten on the head by the layman Qinglian.

Otherwise, it is really impossible to explain scientifically why he could always create so many popular literary poems casually.

"Quotations of Emperor James" is undoubtedly the literary work with the most profound impact on mankind in the 21st century!

The latest sentence, "The Nuggets only win the runner-up position," directly pushes "LeBron James' Quotations" to the level of a god.

When Mr. Zhan withdrew from the literary world, Ryan was strongly opposed to it!

I don’t know if Ajan can win the overall championship, but Ajan must win the Nobel Prize in Literature three times in a row!

The game between two great writers, Ryan and Ajan, has undoubtedly increased the popularity of the finals.

James said the Nuggets have never faced a Finals opponent as strong as the Heat.

Ryan said the Heat's biggest flaw is James.

The two parties were like a couple who had already taken out their ID cards and walked into the hotel lobby, unabashedly showing their hearts to each other. A passionate war is inevitable.

However, Mike Malone’s speech quickly reminded everyone:

"We should first set our sights on the scoring champion of the past two years. He is our opponent in the next round."

Kevin Durant is really hot lately.

In the two seasons that Ryan did not play, he became the man with the most points in that season.

His unanswerable jump shot frightened all players in the league, and the Thunder team has also transformed from a "young army with full potential" to a solid Western Conference team.

This year, they even defeated the defending champion Lakers in the first round. The Lakers became the third defending champion team in NBA history to be eliminated in the first round.

Moreover, it was still a humiliating 4-0 sweep!

Kobe's peak came to an abrupt end in an almost cruel way.

Durant stepped on Kobe and reached the top!

The path to fame for most young players begins by defeating a long-established superstar in the playoffs.

For Ryan, his real fame is because of Garnett.

For Jordan, he became famous after he killed Magic in the Finals.

As for Durant, although he won the scoring title in the previous two seasons, because he was only in one round of the playoffs, he is not yet a figure in the hearts of fans.

But this year, when he was able to defeat the defending champion Kobe Bryant with a total score of 4-0, he finally came through.

Now, the world knows the lanky guy from Oklahoma is a dangerous guy.

He was finally a character.

The benefits brought to Adu by sweeping the Lakers are also quite substantial.

In the past few days, all kinds of commercial endorsements have come to my door. The Thunder even cooperated with Hollywood to let Adu star in a basketball movie called "Thunder" to expand Adu's influence.

Durant never even dared to think about making a movie.

In addition, Adu finally experienced the feeling of drinking bath water casually in Los Angeles.

Well, he admitted that he still hasn’t been able to drink the bath water of famous female celebrities for the time being.

But there will be bread, there will be milk, and sooner or later there will be bath water!

Adu is now very obsessed with Scarlett Johansson, who played the role of Black Widow in the "Iron Man" movie.

While working with the little pheasant on the roadside, he couldn't help but fantasize about Scarlett's face.

But Adu knows very well that he is not famous enough now.

Just sweeping the defending champion 4-0 is not enough.

If we can continue our efforts to kill Ryan,

With my strong strength and my handsome face, wouldn’t I be the number one male idol in the basketball world?

By then, the girls chasing me will be able to line up from Oklahoma to London, France!

French young rich women will definitely book the famous French building Big Ben to express their love for me!

At that time, Scarlett will not be allowed to actively add her friends?

When she applied for a friend, her remarks had to be "AAA nationwide direct flight to Xiaoli"!

If you win against Kobe, you are already so popular.

If this can win Ryan.

That is directly the pinnacle of life!

Durant did get a good script. You know, in the 13 years since Jordan retired from the Bulls to now, there are actually only three teams in the Western Conference that have played in the Finals - the Lakers, Spurs and Nuggets.

Shark, Duncan, Kobe and Ryan took away all the rings in the Western Conference.

But now, Durant has the opportunity to kill the Lakers first, and then the Nuggets!

So, if he can do it, this will undoubtedly mean that a new era has begun!

The script is perfect. The question is whether he can follow the script.

The villains in movies always die according to the script, but in reality, Ryan will not be easily defeated.

Adu was imagining the beautiful scene of going to Wushan with Scarlett, when a basketball hit him in the head.

Durant rubbed his forehead. Who the hell is so ignorant?

Looking up, the naive Westbrook walked up to him with a smile: "It doesn't hurt, does it?"

"How about I try to hit you too? This is the third time today!"

"Hey, don't blame me. How did I know that the basket doesn't want to see you so much?"

"It's not your fault, please aim at the basket when you shoot, Russell!"

Durant was speechless. This was the third time today that Westbrook shot and the basketball bounced out and hit him.

Westbrook was so brute that when Durant saw him play for the first time, he couldn't believe the point guard.

He is not as smart and calm as a point guard at all. He is as fiery as a crazed bull. Once the game starts, he just wants to attack the basket in the simplest and crudest way.

He even looked very rough when shooting!

Watching others shoot, a soft beauty is revealed in their posture.

But when Westbrook shoots, he tenses his body in the air and then throws the ball vigorously. It's not soft at all, it's stiff and straight up.

This results in that once his ball bounces out of the frame, it will always bounce far.

As for why he always hits himself, Durant has no idea.

Is it really because my temperament is too unique?

After the training, the Thunder players were interviewed by reporters as usual.

Many reporters came to the locker room, and every Thunder player's locker was surrounded by reporters.

This team from a small place did not have such treatment before the start of the playoffs, but since the traffic that defeated the Lakers in the last round, the Thunder have become one of the hottest teams at the moment.

When interviewed by reporters, Westbrook made no secret of his love for Ryan:

"I'm very excited to play against him. I learned a lot of my tricks from him."

This is undoubtedly the worst time Ryan has been hacked.

Westbrook was excited, but Durant was very calm:

"The Nuggets are a great team, there's no doubt about it.

And they are resilient.

In the last round of the match, even though they were down 0-2, they managed to win four consecutive games to advance.

Defeating them is very difficult.

We still have a lot of issues to deal with if we want to win the series. "

Durant's answer was watertight, unlike Westbrook who only knew black, and unlike Ajan, who was full of abstract literature.

But a young man's ambition and desire cannot be hidden at all.

After saying these high-sounding words, Durant added:

"It was the same when we faced the Lakers before. Everyone thought we met a team that was very difficult to beat.

But in the end we won.

So, why can’t we do the same thing again? "

What Adu said is clear enough. He knows that the Nuggets are very strong, but he is very confident to win the game!

But no one laughed at him for overestimating his abilities.

Because Durant this season has really disgraced most stars.

In the last round, he used his unsolvable offense to average 26.8 points per game and shot 51.6% from the field.

As an outside player who focuses on shooting, such a shooting rate is extremely terrifying.

Even Kobe, a first-defense player, could only be harvested crazily by the death scythe in front of Durant.

Therefore, many people feel that Adu, who has no solution in attack, may also cause huge trouble for Ryan.

What's more, it's already so difficult for the Nuggets to beat the Grizzlies without a superstar.

Who knows what the Thunder will look like with three young masters.

For a time, many media outlets were frantically boasting on the Internet:

"In the Nuggets' previous journey, they have never encountered a scorer like Kevin Durant. I think this series will exhaust the Nuggets."

"Westbrook may be one of the most explosive 193 players in the world. He can compete with Wade and Skywalker Thompson! The Nuggets can't stop him!"

"The Thunder's previous trade of Perkins was equivalent to making up for all their shortcomings. Therefore, they are very difficult to deal with.

I know, you may still think that a 72-win team cannot lose.

But the fact is, they just almost lost in the first round!

So round two, don't think they'll be safe! "

The media has pushed Durant and the Thunder to unprecedented heights.

The vigorous publicity from the outside world made Durant known to fans all over the world and molded him into a "supernova".

It also gives people an expectation that "this kid is so strong, maybe he can really do something."

But before the start of the second round, Ryan won both DPOY and MVP.

People suddenly remembered who is the most dominant player in the world!

In this year's DPOY selection, Dwight Howard was convinced that he lost.

Although this selection is the best defensive player in the regular season, Ryan's operation of one-man locking down the Grizzlies in the first round of the playoffs still made people admire his defensive ability.

As a forward player, it is quite exaggerated to have such a defensive influence.

This also makes Ryan the only outside player in NBA history, besides Sidney Moncrief, to win the DPOY award twice!

This is an achievement that even Jordan does not have!

However, two DPOYs are not the most exaggerated.

The real highlight is MVP!

It's actually not surprising that Ryan won the MVP this year. It would be surprising if Ryan didn't win it.

72 wins, 35 consecutive wins and a historic triple-double. Taken alone, these things are enough to compete for MVP.

What's more, Ryan achieved these three conditions at the same time.

Therefore, in the hearts of fans, this year's MVP has already been predetermined, and there is no need to choose at all.

Rose, who led the team to 62 wins? Very good, but there is still a gap between 62 wins and 72 wins.

In terms of the regular season alone, Kobe is actually pretty good, but his personal data has declined.

James. Ha!

All of these candidates are completely inadequate to compete with Ryan.

Therefore, the matter of MVP has long been over.

If the league awards the MVP to someone else, then there might be a random shooting in front of the NBA headquarters the next day.

So, Ryan naturally won the MVP, the fourth in his career!

The number of MVPs won is second only to Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Jordan and Chamberlain!

But there is one thing, Ryan is the first person in history!

That is, this year's Ryan is the first unanimous MVP in NBA history!

72 wins, 35 consecutive wins and averaging a triple-double, any of these three are enough to be elected MVP. The result of winning all three together is that among all the MVP candidates, only Ryan received the first vote!

This is an achievement that has never been achieved before or since!

After all, there are more than a hundred media outlets participating in the voting.

As the saying goes, there are a thousand Hamlets in the eyes of a thousand people, and there are a thousand standards to beat in the eyes of a thousand perverts.

It is quite difficult to get more than a hundred media outlets to choose you among so many candidates.

This requires you to perform brilliantly enough and dominate enough to convince everyone!

In this regular season, Ryan has demonstrated the word "dominance" vividly.

After a brief run-in at the beginning of the season, from the beginning of the Christmas game to the end of the 35-game winning streak, people felt that there was no team in this league that could beat the Nuggets!

This is also true. In the last 51 games of this season, the Nuggets only lost 3 games!

One of the games against the Heat was lost because of Ryan's flu.

Moreover, this Nuggets is still a brand-new team.

Ryan doesn’t have any All-Star teammates next to him.

The outstanding record, not-so-strong teammates, and historic personal data all made the entire media vote for Ryan without even thinking!

The voting for MVP is based on real-name voting, so those in the media don’t want to be the conspicuous bag.

They all thought that maybe someone would go out of their way to deliberately not choose Ryan.

Just like CNN reporter Hickman who had to vote for Iverson in 2000, causing the Sharks to miss out on the unanimous MVP vote.

But no one wanted to be this maverick, and Hickman even received multiple death threats because of this.

In the end, that's what everyone thought.

Everyone voted for the player who should have belonged!

Watching Ryan become the first unanimous MVP in history, and watching the photo of Ryan lifting the MVP trophy.

Only then did people realize that this alliance didn't seem to belong to Durant yet!

Durant may have become the first man in the void due to the boasts of various sports writers.

And Ryan, he is still the real number one!

However, the topic also came: "If Durant really defeated such a powerful Ryan, how much can his historical status rise?"

During the regular season, although the Nuggets beat the Thunder in the opening game, the other three games were more anxious for both sides.

Durant's performance is also pretty good.

The most important thing is that there was no time when the Nuggets could make Durant perform abnormally.

As far as the regular season is concerned, even the Nuggets cannot limit Adu.

People still feel that the Thunder will be a huge problem for the Nuggets.

On the eve of the game, well-known ESPN columnist Tom Haberstroh also published an article titled "Lane is destined to have a hard time facing emerging forces."

Haberstroh believes:

"Ryan's physical fitness is as precious as oil, so the Nuggets will not let Ryan defend Kevin Durant personally just like they did in the regular season.

In the last round against the Grizzlies, Ryan was able to invest so much on the defensive end mainly because he had no offensive pressure.

But facing the Thunder, Ryan can no longer count on Crawford to help him score.

In the best-case scenario, the next round will be a scoring battle between Ryan and Durant.

The scoring champion of the past two years will face the scoring champion of this season. We will see wonderful scoring performances.

Then, coach Mike Malone has to consider how to contain Westbrook's breakthrough.

He is one of the most explosive 193cm players in history, and his brutality is even worse than Wade's.

The Nuggets' ability to protect the frame inside has always been a problem.

Stop him from outside? No one can stop Westbrook's breakthrough unless Ryan guards him.

So the question comes again. If Ryan defends Westbrook, how can he have the physical ability to score points with Durant?

So I'm curious to know - are the Denver Nuggets really ready to handle this tough young group? "

This article is well-written and well-founded, and has been sought after by many fans.

Even fans who don't know much about football can pretend to say after reading this article: "The 72-win Nuggets are in big trouble this time!"

But before the game started the next day, Ryan answered reporters like this:

"Trouble? Well, I know your habits. You always fantasize about the weak defeating the strong, especially when the stronger side is an international player, you like this fantasy even more.

But I also have my habits, and I am used to saying what I say.

So my answer is: It’s so damn easy to take down the Thunder!

I'm not targeting anyone, and I have no ill will towards Kevin at all.

I'm just telling the truth. "

Ryan's answer was beyond everyone's expectations, because even if he defeated the Grizzlies before, Ryan's evaluation of the Grizzlies was very high.

He also gave Tony Allen a lot of praise.

But when facing the Thunder, which was stronger than the Grizzlies, at least in the eyes of the fans, Ryan didn't say anything good.

"Of course he can say that. The United States is a country of free speech. So, even if it is lies, we have to respect Ryan's right to tell lies."

Durant responded to Ryan.

Ryan wanted to laugh after hearing this, but he had better stop talking about freedom of speech. In the original history, Irving believed too much in freedom of speech, so he suffered a big loss.

Durant and Thunder fans were naturally unhappy with Ryan's speech, but Ryan really just told the truth.

In the previous game against the Grizzlies, the team's response may indeed have been a little slow. They lost two games in a row before coming back to their senses.

Mike Malone also admitted that he underestimated the Grizzlies a little too much and was somewhat unprepared.

But for the Thunder, Mike Malone has already studied it and made complete arrangements for it!

Therefore, he is of the same caliber as Ryan:

"Ryan is not like a certain person. He doesn't have the habit of throwing boomerangs. Everyone, please stay tuned."


The fans were also convinced. Mike Malone never stopped talking about Ajan. Isn't this a kind of love?

The players on both sides are in their respective positions. The Thunder's starting lineup is still the same, Westbrook, Sefolosha, Durant, Ibaka and Perkins.

It goes without saying that this lineup is strong. The defending champion was unable to win even a single game from them.

The Nuggets have not changed their lineup, it is still Lowry, Matthews, Ryan, Millsap and Love.

Seeing this, Haberstro let out a sigh of relief.

If the Nuggets don't change their formation, then my prediction should be close to ten.

As sports columnists, what they fear most is that they will be slapped in the face with their pre-match analysis. That would make them look unprofessional.

But as of now, his pre-match analysis is very accurate!

First of all, it is a waste of energy for Ryan to defend Durant.

Because even if Ryan goes, he may not be able to hold down Durant!

Durant's height and wingspan are an advantage even against Ryan, so his unsolvable pull-up will remain unsolvable.

For Ryan to defend Durant, the price/performance ratio is too low. Even if I can't hold Durant down, it takes a lot of energy.

If Ryan doesn't guard, Matthews may end up guarding Durant.

It is true that Matthews' defense is very strong, but he is not tall enough for the second position, and he is even more helpless in front of Durant.

Tony Allen can overcome the height gap to contain Durant, but how many Tony Allens are there in the world?

In short, if the formation does not change, Durant's offense will definitely not be hindered.

In this way, the Thunder's fundamentals are still there!

During the jump ball stage, Ibaka, who has strong athletic ability, also firmly won the ball.

Westbrook controls the ball. At this time, he has not entered the brain-heat mode, so he still remembers that he is a point guard.

Therefore, Westbrook's first reaction after halftime was not to attack, but to look for Durant.

But then, something happened that no one could believe.

Ryan, who was considered absolutely impossible to compete with Durant, defended Durant in the first round!

Moreover, he directly fought fiercely with Durant without the ball, fighting for position, trying hard to keep Durant behind him!

Haberstro's eyes widened. What does Ryan want to do?

He is just wasting his energy!

Even so, he can't guard Durant!

However, due to Ryan's active blocking and hand-to-hand fighting, Durant was always blocked by Ryan and could not catch the ball at all, let alone show no solution.

What Ryan does is very simple, that is, forward defense that is common in internal melee combat.

It's just that Ryan is defending a perimeter player like Durant!

Are there any perimeter defenses between outside players? Of course there is.

Artest would fight against Kobe, and Kobe against Anthony. They would use ferocious physical combat to try to get a position in front of the opponent, trying hard not to let the opponent catch the ball, or to make the opponent be severely consumed before they could catch the ball.

This trick is particularly effective on Durant.

First of all, Durant's speed is not fast for Ryan, so it is difficult for him to get rid of Ryan through movement.

Secondly, Adu was so skinny during this period that he could not take advantage at all in this fierce competition for position.

In fact, in the 12 Finals, the Heat relied on going around to contain Adu.

Of course, some people will say that in that round of the Finals, Adu averaged 54.8 points per game with a 30% shooting rate. What kind of restriction is this for the Heat?

If Westbrook hadn't been messing around at critical moments, the Thunder wouldn't have lost.

But this is just an appearance. Adu did score 54.8 points with a 30% shooting rate. But at the critical point of the game, the Heat would use James to go around and defend Durant so that Durant could not catch the ball.

As a result, Westbrook, who has no way to play the ball, is forced to handle the ball by himself.

And this has become what fans think of as "Westbrook only knows how to fool around at critical moments."

It's just that in the Heat, Spoelstra didn't dare to let James defend Durant every round.

But in the Nuggets, Mike Malone has the courage!

He knows that Ryan's physical fitness will be very exhausted when doing this, but Durant's physical fitness is even worse.

As long as Ryan and Durant do this for two or three quarters, Durant will be completely scrapped!

Therefore, in 12, the Heat only used this defensive strategy at key nodes, while the Nuggets showed it right away in the first round!

Ryan frantically fought with Durant for position, keeping Adu behind him from beginning to end.

Durant had difficulty getting out of the gap, and the Thunder's off-ball tactics were immature.

During this period, Scott Brooks, like Rivers, was a coach who valued cooking more than strategy.

His chicken soup is delicious and fragrant, especially for young people.

But tactically, there is some over-reliance on the personal ability of the third young master.

Without the support of strong off-ball tactics, Durant has no way to get rid of Ryan and no way to catch the ball!

No way, Westbrook can only break through on his own.

But Lowry and Matthews immediately shrunk the moment Westbrook started speeding, blocking Westbrook's breakthrough route.

Westbrook immediately passed the ball to Sefolosha, a guard who averaged 5.1 points per game.

By the way, Tony Allen averaged 8.9 points per game.

A set of appalling numbers - Sefolosha shot 67% from the free throw line last season and 74% this season.

Now he is a guard who can't shoot well at all, and he can't even make free throws!

This guy started to have some three-point ability starting from the 11-12 season.

Therefore, double-teaming Westbrook and letting him go is not a problem at all!

Sefolosha got a big open space, but he knew how much he weighed, so he didn't dare to shoot at all. He could only choose to go into the penalty area for a layup.

What awaits him is justice from Millsap.

If Millsap can't cover Westbrook, can't he cover you Sefolosha?

In the first attack of the game, the talented Thunder hit a wall.

The offense that seems unstoppable to others seems to be less strong on the Nuggets' side!

But the defense is not the most fatal problem. The Thunder's most fatal problem is that until now the game has started one round, Scott Brooks has not found a way to contain Ryan.

Sefolosha is okay to defend the second position, but defending Ryan is sheer suicide.

Durant is too thin and unable to withstand Ryan's breakthrough. Moreover, his current defensive skills are far from mature.

During this period, Durant not only couldn't guard Ryan, in fact, he couldn't get any advantage from anyone he guarded!

It was also the 12 Finals. Durant was unable to guard anyone, and was even assigned to guard Chalmers in the end.

As a result, Chalmers dared to complain to the media: "Durant guarding me is an insult to me."

Then in G4, under Durant's defense, he really turned on the NCAA mode and scored 25 points to win the game.

Therefore, no one on the Thunder side can defend Ryan!

The Thunder can only rely on Ibaka's help defense, Perkins' frame protection and a little bit of luck to survive.

But the Nuggets told Brooks on their first offense that these were completely useless!

Facing Sefolosha, Ryan changed direction and broke through directly.

Sefolosha moved quickly and blocked it immediately.

But after a confrontation, Sefolosha was hit by Ryan and lost his defensive position.

Ryan easily rushed straight into the penalty area, Love stuck Perkins, and Ibaka chased from the side and behind to block the shot.

In the air, Ibaka jumped as hard as he could, stretching his arms. This power forward, whose third leg and bounce are quite scary, seems to have completely covered the basket.

If it had been anyone else, he would definitely have received a bloody blow.

But what Ibaka is facing now is the unanimous MVP!

Ryan used his more abnormal bullet speed to jump to the highest point in advance, and then directly scored with a chop and dunk through the strong Ibaka!

Thunder didn't have the energy to respond to Ryan's impact!

In the opening attack and defense, Ryan easily crushed the Thunder to death!

Regardless of offense or defense, Ryan makes it difficult for the Thunder to parry!

Although it was only 2-0, the shirt inside Scott Brooks' suit was completely soaked.

He has no way to contain Ryan. His only hope is that Durant and Ryan can compete with each other.

But right now, Durant is being guarded so hard that he can't even catch the ball!

Is this... just a passive beating?

In the second round, Ryan continued to defend Adu.

Tom Haberstroh was so embarrassed. It seemed that Ryan's defense of Durant in the first round was not just to give Durant power. He really planned to confront Adu directly from the beginning!

The prediction in my article was wrong from the beginning!

He was sure that Ryan would not deal with Durant personally, but Ryan was dealing with Durant as soon as the game started.

He believes that even if Ryan plays against Durant, Durant's offensive efficiency will not drop too much, so this is a very low cost-effective matchup.

As a result, Ryan defended Durant so hard that he couldn't even get the ball!

In the second round, the Thunder's offense showed no improvement at all.

The physical fight between Ryan and Durant made him unable to perform his best catch and shoot.

There is no other way, Durant can only go to Westbrook to catch the ball, preparing to hit Ryan with the ball.

But Durant dribbling in front of Ryan will not end up much better than O.J. Mayo.

Durant was about to dribble after making two triple-threat moves. As soon as he made the move, the ball was taken away by Ryan.

The gap, people saw a huge gap between the two, which is currently insurmountable.

Durant's ball-handling offense during this period is okay if he beats a dozen little shrimps. But in front of Ryan, it is also at a level where it is difficult to move even one step!

After Ryan stole the ball, he immediately went down and made a big windmill dunk, allowing the energy of the Pepsi Center to continue to explode.

After completing the dunk, Ryan leisurely ran back to his own half and ran back to Durant:

"Kevin, remember, those columnists are more likely to tell lies than I am.

You don’t believe me, but believe them

Hey, no wonder Scarlett doesn't want to date you. "

Durant's old face turned red. Of course, it couldn't be seen from his skin color: "What Scarlett? Ryan, don't slander anyone!"

"I know you like his bath water, don't worry. If I have a chance to date her, I will pack a bottle for you and bring it back on a private plane. You can drink it while it's hot."

"Leanne, don't touch her!"

When Ryan and Adu were discussing the unspeakable things about men, chatting about topics that can make people hard.

Westbrook has reached the three-point line.

Turtle glanced at Lowry and then at Ibaka.

Why are you so far away from me?

Lowry likes to be too defensive, because he didn't have three-pointers back then, and he was let go by his opponents. He knows better than anyone how uncomfortable this feeling of being left alone is.

A wave of doing unto others what they do not want others to do, allowing Lori to heal his own psychological trauma!

How others guarded me back then, I guarded him the same way!

Thunder teammates also know that they have to make room for Westbrook to break through in order to maximize his power.

Pick and roll?

The pick-and-roll is useless, the opponent can just step off the line to prevent Westbrook's breakthrough.

Rather than causing trouble with pick-and-rolls, it would be better to let Westbrook break out on his own.

Therefore, everyone on both teams stayed away from Westbrook, leaving Westbrook alone and messy outside the three-point line.

Westbrook was convinced. Except for me, all 9 people on the court were far away from me, as if no one was on the same team as me!

The furious Westbrook actually took a shot directly from outside the three-point line. However, in this year's regular season, Westbrook only scored 34 three-pointers, which is an almost negligible number.

This time, Westbrook's three-pointer was also very stable and hit the front of the basket.

However, the pop-up basketball did not hit Adu as much, because Love immediately grabbed the rebound and then made a long pass to find Lowry for a counterattack.

Lowry just took two steps and threw the ball into the air. Ryan flew to catch the basketball and dunked with both hands!

For two consecutive rounds, Ryan solved the problem with dunks!

Goose City fans gritted their teeth. The Thunder's offense met the Nuggets' defense. This can't even be called a decline. This wave is a direct drop!

Durant really couldn't bear to watch Westbrook continue to be so arrogant, so he went out to catch the ball again. This time he wanted to rely on pick-and-roll singles to beat Ryan.

The quality of Perkins' cover is still very good. With him helping to block Ryan, he shouldn't be able to be intercepted anymore, right?

Perkins got into position on the pick-and-roll, and Durant immediately moved with the ball.

But at the moment Adu was looking forward to, Ryan quickly squeezed past Perkins with half his body, and then when his body couldn't squeeze through at the first moment, he started to get the ball again!

Although Ryan's steal attribute has increased a lot, it is still only 80 after all. This time under the cover of Perkins, he really couldn't get the ball.

However, Adu, who is not very good at dribbling now, was too nervous because Ryan started to steal, causing him to dribble the ball directly to his toes!

The toes, the part of Durant's body that he most wants to chop off!

The basketball hit his toe and flew out of bounds. Although Ryan failed to steal it, he forced Adu to make a mistake!

Tom Haberstroh covered his forehead.

I didn’t praise you so much, Adu, in the article, but you ended up beating me like a fool!

If you do this, I will look like a sabi!

It's not just Haberstroh who is embarrassed at this time. You must know that most of the media have been highly praised by Adu, and they have promoted Adu as a supernova who can compete with Ryan 50-50.

The result is now

It's indeed a 50-50 split. Durant's attack is a 50-50 split on offense and defense, but it's useless!

James almost smashed another TV after watching it. The Grizzlies were reversed before, and it could be said that the Grizzlies had no stars and could not control the overall situation.

The Thunder with stars will definitely be able to stop the Nuggets!

But damn, Durant and Westbrook don't look like stars at all, they look like comedians!

A shot would hit the ceiling, and a dribble would hit the feet.

One created the sky and the other created the earth. Don’t call them Thunder Twins, call them Pangu brothers!

The Thunder made a mistake and the Nuggets gained the offensive ball again.

Ryan continued to attack. He also knew that the Thunder had no one who could match him, so he was prepared to do whatever he wanted today.

They beat the Grizzlies in the last round, even though they scored 41 points in the last game. But overall. Ryan played very frustrated on the offensive end.

This round, without Tony's hindrance, I must let out all the things I had suppressed before!

As soon as Ryan got close to the three-point line, he made an acceleration breakthrough without even calling for a pick-and-roll.

But this time, after passing Sefolosha with a change of direction, Ryan immediately encountered Durant's defensive block.

Ryan admitted that Durant's defense is not completely useless.

At least this time, his assist defense and blocking timing was just right.

But...still useless!

Ryan then made a second change of direction while advancing at high speed, allowing him to easily pass through Adu's defense before he was about to hit Durant.

Ryan used a non-decelerating change of direction similar to Rose and Deron, and passed Adu!

When Adu turned his head, he could only see Ryan's back.

Ryan got to the basket, but Ibaka and Perkins were already waiting at the basket.

Ryan admitted that he was being selfish.

He was eager to score by himself at this time, so he ignored Millsap's Love who was completely empty.

Seeing that Ibaka and Perkins had already defended the basket, Ryan did not jump directly to attack the basket. Instead, he ran to the basket, took a lap, and prepared to run out, catching the Thunder Twin Towers off guard.

But just when Ryan had his back to the basket, he suddenly took off! Ibaka and Perkins hurriedly jumped to block, but Ryan, who had his back to the basket, made a lever action to avoid the block and still put the ball in!

A pull-up layup with his back to the basket was a solid hit. The Thunder's defense tried its best, but Ryan still scored easily!

Defense can kill Durant.

Attack can penetrate the entire Thunder team's defense.

Durant is indeed a supernova, but in front of DPOY + unanimous MVP.

He still looked extremely small!

Ryan landed lightly, shaking his head and retreating quickly, muttering: "It's so damn easy!"

This caused the Thunder players' self-confidence to take a huge blow just after the game started.

Adu also swallowed, it's over, can my fantasy really just be a fantasy?

At the scene, the Nuggets fans looked at each other and shrugged.

It seems that Ryan is indeed telling the truth.

Dealing with Thunder is much easier than people expect!

They were forced to play 6 games by the Grizzlies in the first round, causing most people to underestimate the strength of the Nuggets.

But as long as the opponent is changed, everyone can easily see how terrible the Nuggets are!

Now, the Thunder are helpless against the Nuggets and helpless against Ryan.

Unanimous MVP is not something that a mere supernova can compare to.

at the moment

It seems that no one can stop Ryan from going to the finals to beat up Ajan!

 Today’s 10,000-word update is here, and I’m asking for my monthly votes!



(End of this chapter)

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