He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 233 Chapter 232: The strongest finals performance in history! This era is over, because Ryan

Chapter 233 Chapter 232: The strongest finals performance in history! This era is over because Lane will always rule!

James was elated because he had triumphed in this locker room struggle.

This gave him a sense of accomplishment that "although I am Pippen, my status in the team is still high."

Today's Heat press conference was also postponed because of an argument with James.

Spoelstra adjusted his mentality and took James and Wade to the press conference.

Unsurprisingly, reporters around the world are concerned about the situation in the Heat's locker room.

"Coach, are there any differences between you and LeBron? Will you change your strategy in the next game?"

"LeBron, are you dissatisfied with the team's tactical arrangement? Do you think the team's tactical arrangement is the main reason for the team's 1-3 deficit?"

"Dwayne, as the leader of this team, what can you share with us?"

Can reporters not be excited? There was a disagreement between the generals during the finals. This is so new.

It would be even fresher if Spoelstra became the first head coach in NBA history to be fired during the Finals.

How could reporters let such big news go so easily?

Although Spoelstra has been with the Heat for more than ten years, James is just here.

But today's NBA is already a league of stars. Even Jerry Sloan can be made angry by Deron Williams and retire. What does it matter if James forces Spoelstra away?

Therefore, it is very possible for Spoelstra to be fired during the Finals.

No one knows why James did what he did and why he publicly questioned his coach during the Finals.

He even said, "I'm not the kind of ball tyrant who would interfere with the head coach's tactics."

He was just afraid that everyone wouldn't know that he was unhappy with Si Bo.

Doesn't this guy know how much impact this kind of thing has on the team during the finals?

Of course James knew that, and he deliberately used this radical method to force Spoelstra to submit.

In this history, James just questioned the head coach. If the reporters knew the story of A Zhan's original story of eight points of military power, they would probably be so shocked that they couldn't close their mouths from ear to ear.

All reporters were looking forward to this unusual intra-team conflict, but Wade's next answer disappointed the reporters:

"We don't have any problems, I don't even know where the news is coming from that we have problems in the dressing room.

LeBron, me and Eric, we've talked in the locker room. Our only problem is how to win the next game.

Fortunately, we already agree on some things.

I know our situation is dire, but together we can overcome anything.

The finals are not over yet, we are not out yet! "

Wade's remarks were extremely official and did not reveal any explosive news to reporters.

Reporters felt a sense of disappointment when "entering a massage parlor with high expectations, only to find that the parlor only had regular massages."

However, even if Wade didn't say it, reporters could probably guess where the conflict between James and Spoelstra lies.

James believes that he can handle Ryan alone without the help of teammates to press and attack. As a result, the Nuggets will no longer have so many three-point opportunities.

Spoelstra firmly believes that defending Ryan alone is the next best thing.

Even James, who was fully defensive, could not restrict Ryan.

Therefore, the biggest suspense in the next game is whether the Heat will choose to defend Ryan alone.

Since the two sides now seem to have reconciled, one of them must have made a concession!

G5 of the series was the last desperate move for the Heat.

It’s no wonder they use crazy strategies.

At this time, because of the total score of 3 to 1, the Heat have been sentenced to death by most media.

After all, so far in NBA history, there has been no precedent for a 1-3 reversal in the finals.

But Riley believes: "Records are always meant to be broken, and I am still full of confidence in the team."

He feels that as long as the single defense strategy can work, the Heat will have a chance of reversal!

The reporter naturally didn't understand why Riley was so confident: "But Pat, you didn't even find a way to limit the Nuggets' offense."

Riley could not bear to say what he said to Spoelstra:

"Ryan is not Jordan, and the Nuggets are not the invincible Bulls. How do you know we can't restrict it? We didn't lose much in the previous two games!"

Since James started guarding Ryan with all his strength, Ryan's shooting percentage has not been higher than 45%.

In the last game, the hit rate was limited to only 40%.

If Lane hits one more iron, his hit rate will drop to the 30% range.

It's just that the Nuggets' streak of wins overshadowed Ryan's low shooting percentage.

So Riley feels that Ryan can be defended.

If there is no need for flanking, Ryan's shooting percentage may increase by about 5 percentage points.

But at the same time, the Nuggets' three-point shooting percentage will plummet!

In this way, the Heat will definitely have the last laugh!

Riley doesn't think Ryan is Jordan, and James thinks he can defend Ryan alone.

And what about Ryan? In an interview today, when he was asked the question "If the Heat change their strategy, would it affect you?" he calmly took out a folded piece of paper from his pants pocket, and then slowly opened it in front of the camera. .

After opening it, the reporter saw.

This is actually a missing person notice for James!

Ryan pointed to the missing person notice:

"Where did the guy who was guarding me go? I've been waiting for him for many days, but he just doesn't guard me!"

Reporters call him a good guy, and it’s Ryan who does the job.

Ryan actually used the creativity of future Nuggets fans. Future MVP center Embiid would activate his smart injury skills every time he faced off with Jokic, which was suspected of avoiding battles.

It’s okay to avoid it once or twice, but the emperor avoided it for 1540 days!

So Nuggets fans made a missing person notice for Embiid to mock his behavior of avoiding war.

Ryan's wave was taken from the Great Emperor and used by the Emperor.

After showing the missing person notice, Lane continued:

"It doesn't matter how they adjust their tactics. If the Heat continue to flank me, we will take away the victory just like eating and sleeping.

And if the Heat send LeBron to guard me alone, I said, I will destroy him.

No matter what, I will wear my fourth championship ring after Game 5! "

Ryan is very confident about the upcoming game, but in Riley's view, this is just a poor psychological tactic by Ryan.

Ryan deliberately and calmly emphasized that he could destroy James, just to make the Heat worry and make the Heat not dare to guard him alone.

But this time, we have to defend you alone!

James' one-on-one defense against Ryan will definitely be a turning point in this series!

Rumors of a feud between Heat generals, Riley's confident interview and Ryan's declaration to "destroy James"

In this lively atmosphere, Series G5, the life and death battle of the Miami Heat, was once again held at the American Airlines Center.

In 2006, the Heat with Wade + Sharks watched Ryan snatch the trophy away at the American Airlines Center.

Since then, Riley has had his superteam plans in mind.

Well, in the original plan, Riley's goal was to sign Ryan.

And now this Heat is the product of consumption downgrade.

But don’t worry about whether it’s a 2000 fruit plate or an 800 fruit plate, the basic functions are the same anyway!

No matter what, the Heat are still a super team!

Riley believes that this time he will never watch the Nuggets win the O'Brien Cup at their home court!

The greatest reversal in the finals in NBA history begins here!

Before the game started, a close-up shot was given to Spoelstra.

The coach, who was publicly questioned by his own players after the last game, is now undoubtedly the focus of the audience.

What strategy he will choose will be the key to affecting the situation of the game.

Both sides have not changed their lineups. After five games, the starting lineup is still the same as in the first game.

After the Heat got the ball, Wade dunked on Love for the first time.

Wade, who was in 11, is still in very good shape. His speed is so fast that the Nuggets can't even double-team him.

Facing Love's frame protection, Wade was like smashing a wall made of paper.

He easily ran over Love's defense and slammed the ball into the basket.

In this round of the finals, Wade has fulfilled his responsibility as "Jordan".

In four games, he averaged 32.7 points per game and was the team's top scorer in every game.

Wade has done his best.

The key to victory now is whether James can also fulfill his responsibilities as "Pippen"!

The Nuggets slowly approached the frontcourt, and all the fans in the audience opened their eyes wide.

The answer to the mystery that everyone is curious about is about to be revealed!

Lowry passed the ball directly to Ryan after halftime, and the moment Ryan caught the ball, fans noticed.

The Heat no longer press and attack Ryan!

They finally chose to use James to defend Ryan alone!

“It seems that Coach Spoelstra has compromised.

As LeBron wishes, he will guard Ryan alone tonight.

So, did LeBron change his destiny against fate, or did Ryan completely destroy LeBron as he said? "

Mike Breen was very excited. James and Ryan would eventually have to accept their fate in the most cruel way!

Ryan looked at Azhan who was standing alone in front of him and raised the corners of his mouth slightly:

"It seems I don't need to issue a missing person notice."

"Stop talking nonsense Ryan, I'm here to end you today!"

"I told you LeBron, if you defend alone

I will destroy you! "

After saying that, Ryan immediately broke forward.

James blocked Ryan's first breakthrough attempt and blocked Ryan.

But soon, Ryan, who was leaning on James, turned around quickly, using James as his axis, and turned into the penalty area!

Ryan turned around so fast that James had no time to stop him.

Finally, facing Joel Anthony's frame protection, Ryan, like Wade, directly ignored the defense and scored a dunk!

With a back-turning dunk, Ryan's first singles shot was clean!

Spoelstra curled his lips and gave you a chance to defend yourself, so you showed this kind of performance?

I told you that the water in Ryan is very deep and you can’t control it!

Riley also cursed secretly, Ryan's attack just now was too easy.

But he quickly comforted himself: 'Ryan is never Jordan, Ryan is never Jordan! "

But one round later, Ryan scored again!

This time, after Ryan received the ball from outside the three-point line, he directly pulled up and shot.

Seeing this, James had to focus on interference, but Ryan indeed used this to break through and enter the penalty area again.

However, James pursued the defense very quickly and jumped up in time when Ryan took off.

If someone else were to defend him, even if he could still catch up with Ryan, he would never be able to cover the ball in Ryan's hands.

After all, Ryan's jumping ability is better than 99% of the people in this league.

But Ajan is different. As a person whose physical fitness is almost as good as Ryan's, he is one of the few players who can block Ryan's shots.

James fought hard to defy gravity, and catching up and taking risks was now one of his specialties.

But James aimed his hand and waved his hand, and Ryan suddenly lowered the basketball he held up to his chest like an eye on his back!

James' eyes widened. Ryan actually wanted to pull the lever on this shot?

How did he know he was almost done blocking the shot?

Did Ryan open his eyes behind him? Of course he didn't know that James could almost cover the ball.

This is just his sense of smell as a top scorer, which makes Ryan know that this goal will not be that simple without even looking.

However, although Ryan's sudden pull bar avoided James, because his body was not buckled at the highest point, Ryan's body is now falling.

Moreover, Bosh was still guarding the basket at this time. He just didn't have time to take off, and he became the last line of defense to stop Ryan!

Bosh jumped up the moment Ryan took the ball back. At this time, Ryan's body was chasing down, while Bosh's body was rising up.

The Dragon King is enough to cover the entire basket.

If Ryan pulls the lever and takes action, Bosh will most likely be bleeding!

Bosh raised his arms in the air, ready to block shots at any time.


He jumped after him, and his body had already begun to fall, but Ryan still didn't take action!

Ryan kept waiting until Bosh's body began to fall and he could no longer cover the basket.

Then he switched the ball from his right hand to his left hand and sent it softly to the backboard.

The basketball bounced off the board and into the net. Ryan was stunned and turned into a dunk in the air. When his feet were about to hit the ground, he switched hands for a layup to complete the finish!

With this goal, Ryan was able to handle the double defense of James and Bosh by himself!

Ryan continued to score goals, and his terrifying ability to stay in the air and finishing touch made Riley feel like he was dreaming back to the 90s.

Back then, when the Chicago braised egg faced the Knicks' airtight defense, he often made these incredible moves.

Ryan's hand-over layup just now when his body was falling was so outrageous that it was like watching Jordan play!

For the second consecutive round, James' single defense failed to hold down Ryan.

Spoelstra was not surprised at all, he just said that defending Ryan alone was a fantasy!

James's physical fitness is very strong, but Ryan's body is stronger than James in almost all aspects!

Whether it's speed, strength or wingspan, Ryan is better than James!

B is not bad, but once B meets C, he will be incomparable!

What are you thinking about? What Spoelstra is talking about here is player rating!

Ryan scored again. With single defense, no one seemed to be able to contain Ryan's breakthrough.

Ryan also looked at Ajan and deliberately yawned:

"Damn it LeBron, I was so bored that I almost fell asleep! Is the warm-up over? Can you start playing serious defense? Don't tell me that you were already serious just now?"

James gritted his teeth, Ryan's first step was too fast. Even with all his concentration, he couldn't stop Ryan.

At the moment, Ajan has no choice but to bet on Ryan's touch.

So the next time he defended, James did not continue to stick close, but chose to let Ryan go.

Seeing this situation, Ryan didn't hesitate and took a three-pointer!

Because he let a step go, even though James reached out for the first time, he still gave Ryan a fleeting opportunity to take action.

This kind of shooting space is more than enough for Ryan, who is equipped with Korver's shooting bag and his shooting speed is extremely fast!

James seemed to have blocked it in time, but Ryan was not actually disturbed.

As soon as Azhan's feet landed on the ground, he heard a "swipe" sound coming from the Queen.

Ryan hit a three-pointer!

Under James' defense, Ryan has scored 7 points in a row!

Mike Breen glanced at Spoelstra, whose face was red with anger, and shook his head: "It seems that defending Ryan alone is not a good idea."

At this time, it is the Heat's offensive round.

The Heat's offense is still the same, with James cutting, Bosh running, and Wade breaking through to change the formation to attract the defense.

Then Wade will judge based on the specific situation whether to attack himself or pass it to Bosh and James.

This time, seeing that Millsap had to come in to protect the frame and Ryan was clinging to James, Wade passed the ball to Bosh.

Bosh took the ball and shot calmly in the mid-range. Bosh has been playing much more comfortably since Ajan gave up possession.

At least Wade's passing can give you psychological expectations. He won't catch you off guard by passing the ball to you when you least expect it.

Playing against Wade, Bosh doesn't have to panic in the final seconds of the shot clock.

Seeing Millsap rushing toward him desperately, Bosh wanted to laugh.

He really enjoys this feeling of watching others desperately defend him, but he can still easily score 20 or 30 points.

Bosh took the shot calmly, and Millsap had no chance of catching up.

But as soon as the Dragon King threw the ball, Ryan flew from the side and slapped the ball away!

Bosh was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Ryan to dare to leave James and come to help defend him!

James was so angry that he stamped his feet, Ryan, you really think of me as Pippen, right?

How dare you leave me today to help defend others! ?

In the past few games, Ryan's defense against James was indeed persistent.

But today, Ryan believes that if James defends himself alone, he will definitely spend more energy on the defensive end.

And this will definitely make his already limited hand feel even more cash-strapped.

Therefore, Ryan dared to boldly assist in defense today!

This block was picked up by Matthews. The guy who was about to transform from an undrafted player to a championship guard threw the basketball forward hard the moment he picked it up.

After Ryan blocked Bosh's shot, he turned around and ran forward, hoping for a counterattack. So, Matthews just needs to throw the ball forward.

But Matthews is a 3D player after all, and he is not very good at long passes.

What's more, James has been following Ryan closely, which makes the pass even more difficult.

In order to avoid the ball being intercepted by James, Matthews passed the ball high and far.

But it seems a bit too far.

Judging from the flight trajectory of the basketball, it is impossible for Ryan to catch it!

Love's ability to pass the long four-point ball is not something that everyone can achieve.

Matthews' pass was indeed too big, and Ryan finally jumped out of the baseline to catch the ball in the air.

James is waiting inside the baseline. As long as Ryan passes the ball inside, he can complete the steal immediately.

As a result, Ryan did not pass the ball into the court after grabbing the basketball in the air out of bounds.

Instead, he shot directly from a negative angle outside the baseline without landing!

Because this ball is right next to the backboard, very close to the basket. Therefore, Ryan is sure to make the ball!

The basketball crossed the backboard diagonally and fell downwards. After bouncing on the rim a few times, it fell steadily into the net!

Ryan's negative angle alley-oop shot successfully scored!

After the opening, Ryan has scored 9 points in a row!

Matthews even looked down at his palms, no. Can he get assists like this?

Don’t call me a 3D player from now on. Call me Kidd’s beauty version!

James never expected that Ryan would end the offense in this way.

In fact, Ryan also had an idea.

The real top players often think about the posture to use when they are in the air.

Because a real master can master any posture at his fingertips!

Watching Ryan score consecutively, Spoelstra's blood pressure soared to 180.

What did I say? Single defense is of no use!

Anyone who says that defending against Ryan alone is feasible must have a completely undeveloped brain and an incomplete cerebellum!

Riley? Riley is not a god and he makes mistakes sometimes!

The reason why Riley dared to let James guard Ryan alone was that "Lian is not Jordan after all." It is true that Ryan today is not Jordan. Today's Ryan is that 96 Qiaopi, and he will be beaten into a trash brother!

Spoelstra started shouting from the sidelines: "Pressing and trapping, we can't let Ryan do whatever he wants!"

But James immediately retorted: "Shut your mouth, Eric!"

Spoelstra was so angry that he smashed the tactical board directly to the ground. As the head coach, he couldn't control the players on the field. What's the difference between this and the audience?

It can only be said that Spoelstra is still too anxious.

Look at Rivers, the pig-headed coach. He doesn't know how to control his players at all, and he also won a championship.

The Heat players were also in a dilemma, not knowing whether to listen to the coach or Nuggets James.

But then, Wade also spoke:

"Let's continue to keep man-to-man marking first!"

The big bad guy, Wade, always loses his IQ when James needs him most.

There is no way, everyone will become mentally retarded in the face of love.

Wade actually has a reason. Although Ryan scored a lot today, the Nuggets' overall three-point firepower is indeed limited.

Wade thought, how can the three of us suppress the firepower of one person?


Then Ryan's score was completely out of control!

In the first quarter of the game, Ryan combined with sudden shots, leaving James helpless.

Scored 20 points in a single quarter!

what is this concept?

The third highest single-quarter score in NBA Finals history!


James' single defense was beaten to pieces by Ryan as soon as he came up!

But in the second quarter, the Heat were still defending Ryan alone.

Spoelstra was almost ignored, and no one on the court listened to him.

The Heat's role players also know very well that if they want to stay on this team, it is more useful to listen to James and Wade than to listen to Spoelstra.

Spoelstra himself can't protect himself now.

The results of it?

Ryan even scored 1 more point in the second quarter than in the first quarter, and scored 21 points in a single quarter!

The only player in the history of the NBA Finals who can score 20+ points in two consecutive quarters.

At the same time, 41 points were scored in the half, which was also the highest half-time score in the history of the NBA Finals!

Although due to man-to-man defense, the Nuggets did not open their three-pointers today.

But after halftime, the Heat were still trailing by a full 11 points.

The combined firepower of Wade, James and Bosh really can't outshine Ryan alone!

After half the game, the camera showed Riley.

The fortune teller's face was filled with shock. This time, even he miscalculated!

41 points in the first half of the Finals, something Michael Jordan has never done before!

Riley also paid a heavy price for his overconfidence this time!

Immediately afterwards, the camera was shown to James again.

James' face was full of fear. In his expectation, even if he couldn't prevent Ryan from stretching his hips too much, he could at least limit Ryan's score to the 30-40 range.

As a result, the ideal is too full.

But the reality can no longer be said to be skinny, it is simply malnutrition!

Defending against Ryan alone is a complete mistake!

The whole world is crazy. It is already very difficult to score 40 points in a single game in the finals.

Not to mention that some players will never be able to play in the finals in their lifetime. Even if they can, it is not easy to score 40+ in front of the strongest opponent.

But Ryan, he actually scored 41 points in half the game!

This unprecedented achievement greatly improved his historical status!

If he can continue this scoring momentum and defeat the Big Three, then Ryan will really become a god!

Of course, James is also completely a god.

At first, everyone thought he was Pippen next to Wade.

But Pippen never let anyone score 41 points in halftime!

James is not even as good as Pippen!

During the regular season, James was no longer as good as Rodman.

Now it's not as good as Pippen.

Got it, it turns out that James played Langley in the Heat!

James was confused. I didn't have such a subtle locker room fight, and finally forced Spoelstra to play man-to-man.

So, what am I doing all this for?

I worked so hard just to show off Ryan's strength?

In a wave of opportunities, I was defeated by Ryan, which confused the Chinese fans.

James left this selfless contribution without leaving his name!

Moreover, in the first half, Ajan not only struggled to defend but also struggled to score, scoring only 7 points.

Ryan's active defense today gave James many open shooting opportunities, but as Ryan expected, the full defense made James have no shooting touch at all.

So much so that he missed many shots that were not difficult at all.

James was on the basketball court today. He followed the rules of drama and used drama techniques to play a clown!

At halftime, everyone on the Heat team was lifeless.

As soon as Spoelstra returned to the locker room, he smashed the tactical board to the ground:

"I'll say it one last time, press and attack, press and attack!"

James raised his head slightly: "Coach, me."

But before he finished speaking, Spoelstra stepped forward and punched James on the locker:

"Shut up! Don't interrupt when I'm talking!

This is the last time you fucking disrespect me, LeBron!

If you say one more nonsense, you will definitely pack your bags and leave during the offseason, I’m telling you! "

Before, James still had the confidence to shout with Spoelstra.

But today, when he showed this extremely explosive half-time performance, he also completely lost the capital to clamor with Spoelstra.

Spoelstra even did not hesitate to attack Ajan with sentences from "The Sayings of King James", and Ajan had no room to respond.

James has successfully transformed himself from a privileged superstar into a role player who can only swallow his anger!

After yelling, the Filipino coach looked at everyone:

"I say it again, in the second half, press and attack!"

This time, no one contradicted him.

Facts have proven that it is impossible for James to defend Ryan alone.

Ryan had already scored 41 points at halftime. If we were to defend him alone, the consequences would be unimaginable.

James' hairline took a step back at this time. He simply couldn't imagine how the outside world would comment on him now.

It's over, his career is completely over.

Now he is not even a qualified second-in-command player, let alone a star player!

However, James is actually still saved.

If in the second half, the Heat still can't restrain Ryan after switching back to pressing and attacking, it means that Ryan's outstanding performance today is entirely because he is in good condition and has nothing to do with James' defense.

But the embarrassment is that after the Heat switched to pressing and attacking in the second half, Ryan's scoring steps were really restricted!

In the third quarter of the game, Wade directly joined forces with James to press Ryan.

As a result, Ryan only scored 10 points in a single quarter.

Of course, 10 points in a single quarter is a lot.

But compared to the 20 and 21 points in the first half, the defensive effect can no longer be obvious!

Mike Brindou felt unworthy of Spoelstra:

"The whole world owes Eric an apology! Before, everyone thought LeBron was right and thought Eric's tactics delayed the team. But what happened? Eric is the savior of the Heat!

In the second half, when the Heat played according to his strategy, they got another chance to come back to life! "

After three quarters, the Heat recovered the point difference to only 5 points.

In the third quarter, Ryan was restricted, and the Nuggets' role players felt cold because they didn't shoot much in the first half.

Coupled with Wade's explosion on the offensive end and all kinds of fairy balls flying in, the Heat have not yet been sentenced to death.

They still have a chance to turn Ryan's terrifying scoring performance into a blank score!

The game becomes particularly tense in the fourth quarter. For the Heat, this is the quarter that determines their life and death, and the success of the Big Three lineup.

For Nuggets fans, losing when Ryan created the myth of 41 points in the first half of the Finals was too disturbing.

What’s even more disturbing is that if James still wins the game even though he was completely injured, God knows what Nike will do to him.

Ryan's performance today definitely deserves the victory. It's James who doesn't deserve the save from Wade and Spoelstra.

Therefore, the Nuggets must win the game to give Ryan and James a fair ending!

In the fourth quarter, the two sides still played inextricably.

But the Heat have been slowly chipping away at the Nuggets' lead.

Wade was so brave today. As the soul of the Heat, he actually blames himself.

He supported the ridiculous decision of the wrong Ajan without considering Spoelstra's feelings at all, so he felt that he was also responsible for the Heat being so passive today.

Therefore, Wade's combat effectiveness in the second half was stronger than that in the first half.

The score was getting closer and closer, and Spoelstra almost wanted to fight to become a god.

With three minutes left in the fourth quarter, the Heat once narrowed the point difference to 2 points!

This time the Nuggets attacked, Ryan wanted to play the ball quickly under the pressure of James and Wade.

But Wade jumped up the moment Ryan passed the ball, intercepted the ball directly, and then went down quickly!

All the Heat fans stood up. If Wade succeeds in his counterattack, the Heat will equalize the score!

Wade ran all the way to the frontcourt. There was no one in front of him, and scoring on the counterattack was a sure thing.

But through the TV screen, Heat fans saw Ryan taking huge strides and suddenly rushing into the screen range, and then approaching Wade at an incredible speed. In the end, when Wade took off for a dunk, Ryan, who was catching up, just touched the basketball in Wade's hand with his fingertips, completing an impossible chase!

You know, when Wade had already stepped into the three-point line, Ryan had just crossed the midfield line!

In fact, it's all Wade's fault that he doesn't know how to move forward. Just now, Wade slowed down his sprint in order to adjust his pace, which gave Ryan a chance to take advantage.

If Wade knew how to use Arjan's Lingbo Weibu, this shot would have been impossible to block.

Ryan succeeded in chasing the risk and got the basketball. After successfully defending, Ryan looked back at Wade:

"You are lightning, and I am the god who controls lightning!"

Ryan's risk interrupted the Heat's point-chasing momentum!

Wade also gritted his teeth, just a little bit, obviously just a little bit close to equalizing the score!

However, this risk-taking goal actually did more than just prevent the Heat from equalizing the score.

Instead, it completely sentenced the Heat to death!

Because after this block, Ryan has blocked 4 shots today!

The talent of "blocking shots more than three times per game will improve your shooting feel" was finally activated again by Ryan!

Previously, Ryan suffered from the pressure and attack of Wade and James and was unable to score as efficiently as he did in the first half.

But now, with a better shooting touch, Ryan can score some more difficult goals!

Sure enough, as soon as this round started, Ryan made Heat fans despair again!

In this round, Ryan was pressed and flanked by James and Wade as usual.

But Ryan did not pass the ball easily, but took a few steps toward the right side of the basket.

After that, Ryan suddenly stopped and raised the basketball, looking like he was going to make a jump shot!

Wade hurriedly jumped to interfere, but after jumping up, he found that Ryan's feet were still nailed to the ground. He had been deceived.

But James was not deceived. When Ryan shook Wade and jumped up to shoot, James blocked it immediately.

Although this ball was not blocked, it basically blocked the face directly.

However, this shot, which had completely interfered with his face, still hit the target! Ryan successfully scored under the joint defense of Wade and James!

At this time, Ryan had scored 59 points!

Although Ryan has scored 18 points in the second half, it is not as many as he scored in the previous quarter.

But because of his exaggerated performance in the first half, Ryan's current total score is still terrifying.

59 points, 2 points shy of tying the record for the highest score in the finals!

It’s not like Ryan has never scored 60+ points in the playoffs before. In the 08 Western Conference Finals, Ryan used a 61-point performance to defeat the confidence of Kobe and the Lakers.

But 61 points in the finals is just a completely different concept!

Except for Elgin Baylor, no one can score 61 points in the Finals!

If Ryan scores one more goal, he will make history!

The fans didn't wait too long for this goal. This time, as soon as Ryan reached beyond the three-point line, he directly hit the two of them!

James and Wade both blocked it, but the fans at the American Airlines Center still heard the terrifying sound.


"Ryan hit a three-pointer! God, 62 points in a single game! A new scoring record in a single game in the Finals!

Ryan, his existence is to rewrite the entire history of the NBA!

The Heat are now 7 points behind. They are just one step away from seizing the chance to win!

But Ryan doesn't want to give the Heat any more chances!

He's going home tonight with all the honors! "

As soon as Mike Brown finished yelling, Wade scored the ball with a completely unbalanced and difficult layup.

The point difference returned to 5 points.

The Heat were still struggling, and then, as soon as Ryan jumped up to shoot, Wade, who was too nervous, slapped Ryan on the wrist, causing a shooting foul.

The basketball didn't go in, and Ryan didn't score 2+1.

But Ryan made the next two free throws steadily!

64 points!

The historical record of the finals is still being rewritten!

The score difference is still 7 points, and there is only one minute left in the game.

Heat has been put to the neck by Ryan with a knife.

Wade swallowed hard when he looked at Ryan's score.

Today, Wade has tried his best and scored 41 points.

As a result, the team is still lagging behind!

Wade had thought before that no matter how hard the Big Three could suppress Ryan's firepower alone.

But it turned out that it was really unstoppable!

Now, Ryan can score goals calmly under pressure and attack, and Wade has no idea how to win the game!

He realized that the opponent in front of him

Too scary!

He is number one, and number one in Fault!

Being in the same era as him is the tragedy of everyone!

However, Wade still didn't give up.

If the tough man from Chicago is the kind of person who would give up easily, he gave up basketball when he had his meniscus removed in college.

In this round, Wade also hit a long shot from beyond the three-point line, narrowing the point difference to 4 points!

4 points difference, 47 seconds.

Nothing is final yet!

After Wade scored, he also responded to Ryan who had just blocked his shot and said, "You are lightning, and I am the god who controls lightning":

"I'm sorry Ryan, I'm an uncontrolled lightning bolt!"

Ryan was not angry, but replied leisurely: "You are wrong Dwayne, I control everything on the basketball court. Everything on the basketball court is under my control."

Wade looked at Ryan, his eyes were like an eagle overlooking the earth, arrogant and majestic. The slightly raised corners of his eyes revealed a domineering aura that looked down on the world, as if nothing could come into his sight or stand shoulder to shoulder with him.

That kind of arrogance has been deeply engraved in his eyes. This is a kind of arrogance that goes beyond ordinary people's understanding.

At that moment, Ryan, who spoke calmly, seemed to really

Full of divinity!

Wade has never seen any player in such a state, that kind of arrogant state!

Ryan took the ball from the baseline and slowly dribbled it across the half court.

The "bang" sound of the basketball hitting the floor even made Wade short of breath.

James shouted at this time, as if hoping to embolden himself with the shout: "Let's go to Dwayne!"

Then, Wade and James directly pressed Ryan near the midfield line.

Ryan quickly passed the ball and then started running without the ball.

But James was chasing very closely this round, and Ryan ran counterattack several times but failed to get rid of him.

The 24-second attack time was getting shorter and shorter. Ryan finally ran two steps away from the three-point line before catching the basketball.

But the moment he received the basket, Wade made an almost seamless connection and immediately returned to Ryan, continuing to press James!

In this round, James and Wade's defense was flawless!

At this time, even if Ryan passes the ball, the next person will have no time to take action.

So, the moment Ryan caught the ball, he shot directly at the two of them from a long distance!

James and Wade did not give Ryan a chance to shoot this time. Their hands were firmly covering Ryan's head.

This is bound to be a block!

But in the air, Ryan pulled the ball back to his chest, avoided the two blocks before taking a shot, and made a super long-distance three-point shot!

Spoelstra stood on the sidelines. He knew very well that if this goal was scored, the score would open to 23 points in the last 7 seconds, and then everything would be over.

But there’s no way this goal could be scored, right?

It's already difficult to shoot from a long distance when defended by two people, not to mention it's a pull-up three-pointer.

Even Ryan can't make such a shot!

Under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible for Ryan to make such a shot.


Ryan has not only blocked more than 3 shots now, he also assisted his teammates in making their 6th three-pointer before.

Therefore, Ryan now has the double buffs of "enhancing the shooting feel" and "increasing the stability of ultra-long-distance shooting"!

So, Ryan's pull-up shot from outside the three-point line avoided the two blocks and fell straight into the net while the backboard glowed red!

"The ball went in! Ryan used an incredible move to score the ball at the buzzer despite the interference of Dwayne and LeBron!

The Nuggets regained the lead to 7 points, and the Miami Heat had no chance!

It's over, it's all over!

Even the Heat, with their Big Three lineup, can't steal the championship from Ryan!

In this era, there is no contention among hundreds of schools of thought, only one dominant one!

67 points in a single game in the finals, the historical record was refreshed again! I bet that no one can give a more terrifying performance in the finals than Ryan!

Ryan is destined to completely dominate this era with a great gesture! "

Amidst the shouts of the on-site commentators and the exclamations of the audience.

Ryan, who made this incredible shot, didn't do anything too exciting to celebrate.

He just turned around calmly, walked towards his own half, and raised an arm high.

At that moment, Ryan was only 23 seconds away from his fourth championship.

And when he put his arms down, winning this championship seemed as easy to him as picking a flower.

Pat Riley sighed, scoring 67 points in a single game and killing the game with a three-pointer.

It's over, it's all over.

Not only is this round of finals over, but this entire era is over!

Ryan, he is invincible, he does whatever he wants, he really controls destiny and rewrites the plot like a god.

No one can defeat that guy anymore.

Until he retires, he has the final say in the entire league.

After all, Ryan is not McNugget.

His achievements can surpass those of McQueen!

In the next 23 seconds, the already devastated Heat failed to score another goal.

The result of the game is also final.

The Denver Nuggets swept the Heat's Big Three with a total score of 4-1!

Ryan scored 67 points, completely killing the game!

After two years of battling injuries, Ryan is back at the top of the league again!

At this time, everyone around was already going crazy.

The Nuggets players rushed to hug Ryan like crazy, and Mike Malone poured a bucket of Gatorade on his head.

But Ryan just looked at the colorful confetti falling from the dome and smiled silently.

It's over, it's all over.

In this era, there will no longer be any opponents of our own.

Becoming the best in history is only a matter of time! It’s just a matter of winning two or three more championships!

This world is destined to belong to Ryan!

Who would have thought that Ryan was in trouble because of a 30 betrothal gift in his previous life.

Now I just play basketball, but I have become the real chosen one!

Ryan has already stood at the top, next

Just enjoy the scenery at the top!

 Although it’s late today, I’m here to continue with the 10,000-word update! I am a conscientious old man, please kneel down and beg for a monthly ticket!



(End of this chapter)

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