He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 3 003: The Chosen One scored 9 points in a single game?This is just the beginning of the bea

Chapter 3 003: The Chosen One scored 9 points in a single game?This is just the beginning of the beatings!
LeBron James is eager to help his good brother Romeo and take back the initiative in the game.

I thought that a mere unknown person was nothing to be afraid of.To fight Ryan, isn't it just a matter of pressing the accelerator button?
As a result, the first breakthrough was actually forced to stop and a mistake was made.

Romeo was also speechless. The eldest brother patted his chest confidently and said to go to the other side to see what was going on. As a result, the eldest brother himself was beaten.

Romeo didn't know it, but the result was actually pretty good.Some elder brothers will directly join the opponent after going to the other side to have a look.

St. Mary's High School has actually studied Ryan, but in the opinion of head coach Damlot, there is no need to worry about a player who has physical fitness but rough skills.

After all, in terms of physical fitness, who can compare to my Ajan?
But it turns out that there are really people in the high school basketball world who have more explosive bodies than Ajan!

Before James could react after being intercepted, Ryan had already actively started to advance crazily and immediately counterattacked.

Ryan's sprint speed is very fast, and he has already rushed into the opposite three-point line in a few steps.

Angua did not skimp on the opportunity and directly found Ryan with a long pass.

Like an out-of-control truck, Ryan directly pushed away the defender who tried to block him, then took two big steps and easily performed a head-on dunk!

Oak Hill High School leads 6-0!

Don't look at it as just a fast break dunk, it seems very simple.But in fact, many professional players who play for the national team may not be able to understand deductions.

Ryan's abilities in some aspects are already better than those of professional players!

At this time, NBA and college scouts have already added Ryan to their "shopping carts."

There is no way, who can resist a young and energetic body?
In the stands, the famous NCAA coach Roy Williams, the Kansas coach who created "Truth" Pierce, was already grinning.

He has been paying attention to Ryan for a long time. In his mind, Ryan has always been the most worthy high school student to recruit this year, bar none.

Although Anthony is very strong, he has already committed to Syracuse University.

So no matter how sweet the melon is, it belongs to someone else and is boring.

But Ryan is different. So far, Ryan has shown no signs of flirting with any university.

As long as he is recruited, Kansas will surely dominate the country next season!
Right now, Kansas already has Nick Collison, who is known as "the last hope of the ugly native white inside man". He has been the scoring leader of the Big [-] League in the past two years, and was selected to the Dream Five as a college student. The team’s training roster.

In addition, there is the tall white point guard Kirk Hinrich.

Hinrich and Collison, the best duo in college basketball history, led the team to the Final Four last season.

Unfortunately, they lost to the University of Maryland in the semifinals and missed the chance to win the championship.

That game was lost because Maryland shooting guard Juan Dixon treated the defense like air and scored 33 points.

Although Hinrich has excellent defensive awareness, he is also tall enough.But limited by his athletic ability, it is difficult for him to defend such a flexible off-ball scorer.

What Kansas lacks most right now is an athletic wing single defense specialist.

As long as this vacancy is filled, the entire team will have no shortcomings!

And Ryan, who can defend James, is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate!
The huge shouts at the scene pulled Roy Williams out of his thoughts.

All around, Akron fans covered their heads with their hands, as if they were surprised to see God come to earth.

Even James had a shocked expression of "How could this happen to me?"

Roy Williams looked at the big screen at the scene. Sure enough, the scene just now was being replayed on the big screen.

After reading it, he, who had been through battle for a long time, was speechless for a while.

Just now, James singled out Ryan as usual.

But after trying several breakthroughs but being blocked, Xiao Zhan had no choice but to choose a step-back jumper.

The step-back jump shot is not explosive enough in terms of appearance, but Akron fans don't care about the method at all now. They just want to see James score on Ryan's head immediately!

We can't let that No. 0 run rampant any longer!

This is our home court!

The ugly chosen one, the young king of Cleveland, must not be guarded twice in a row by a guy who appears out of nowhere!
It's just that at this time, the entire connection between Ajan's step-back jump shot is not smooth enough.

Therefore, Ryan easily judged James' intentions correctly and jumped up when James took action.

Because it can jump high enough, bounce quickly, and its arms are long enough.

Therefore, Ryan did not just miss James' shot.

Instead, he reached out and confiscated the basketball that James had just thrown!After catching Romeo for a dunk just now, Ryan actually grabbed James' three-pointer with one hand!

After two consecutive catches, Damlot called him a good guy.With your proficiency in catching the ball with one hand, you probably practice controlling the ball with one hand a lot with your female classmates, right?
This block gave Oak Hill High School an opportunity to easily counterattack. Anthony took over the basketball and made a sharp counterattack. Oak Hill High School started with an 8-0 lead!

Ryan and Anthony, this offensive and defensive combination, made it difficult for St. Mary's High School, which remained undefeated this season, to resist.

After Anthony scored, Ryan shrugged at James and Romeo:

"I'm really sorry, Little Prince of Akron and Mrs. Romeo. I originally thought that there were a few players on your team who knew how to play. If I had known that they were such bad guys, I wouldn't have taken them so seriously."

James was trembling all over, someone actually said something about me! ?

Angua shook his head after looking at it, feeling very sympathetic to Ajan and glad that he and Ryan were on the same side.

Although Ryan has strong emotional control ability, he is not easily angry.

But he is really too talkative, and he can make you angry to death with his calm tone!
Angua has been doing this in training camp.

St. Mary's High School coach Damlot couldn't stand it anymore and took the lead in calling a timeout.

As a result, St. Mary's High School, the undefeated team with the chosen son, was the first to be stopped on its home court!

And the culprit who stopped them was not Anthony!

During the timeout, ESPN [-] commentator Dirico looked at the imperfect information about Ryan in his hand and panicked:
"I still can't believe that someone could guard James twice in a row! College scouts across the country must be looking for Ryan's information now!"

Unconsciously, the focus of people's conversation has changed from Anthony and James to Ryan.

James admitted that he underestimated No. 0.

The last time he met an opponent who was equal to him was last year's ABCD training camp, when he faced the king of high school basketball, Lanny Cook, who was stronger than Stoudemire and Anthony.

At that time, Lenny Cook also attracted all the attention. Barkley commented: "As long as Stern allows it, Cook will become the first player in history to be selected by the NBA in his senior year."

But in the ABCD training camp that year, James hit a buzzer-beater over Lenny Cook. Since then, he has taken Lenny Cook's place and become famous all over the country, and Cook has become James' A stepping stone.

And everything today seems to be a replica of a year ago!
An absolute overlord in the high school basketball world is about to become another person's step in the footsteps of others!
James doesn't want such an ending, he doesn't want to be someone else's wedding dress.

He must, must not fall here!

So after returning from the timeout, James, who was determined to win the game, successfully hit a pull-up three-pointer after dribbling under his crotch, and responded immediately.

Akron fans cheered, thinking this was the beginning of James's counterattack.

But Oak Hill High School coach Steve Smith laughed.

Ryan, he is forcing James to use shooting to solve the problem!
And this is the signal for Oak Hill High School to win!
Sure enough, what greeted James next was not a Jedi counterattack.

It's about endless tough confrontation and tight defense.

James didn't have any easy offensive opportunities at all.

Ryan seemed to turn into a hard stone wall, completely blocking the beast James!
Ajan had difficulty getting into the penalty area and could only rely on unstable shots to end the attack hastily.

The three-pointer after returning from the timeout was not a clarion call for counterattack, but just some comfort.

And although Ryan is a Chinese player, his physical fitness is by no means at the level of starting to miss free throws in the second quarter.

Even if he defends James alone for an entire game, Ryan's physical fitness ensures that his defensive intensity can be online from beginning to end!
Hard from beginning to end!
And in terms of mental attributes, Ryan is stronger than Ajan today. Ryan knows very well that as a basketball player, the most direct way to make money is to kill his opponent!
And if you want to do it, you have to do it to the most famous person like James!

Can James be called a rival in Ryan's eyes?That’s called 500 million walking!
The game went down to the last 34 seconds. Oak Hill High School relied on Anthony's triple threat jumper to lead by 11 points at the critical moment!
What was thought to be a fierce competition ended up being beaten without any suspense.

That is to say, Angua started to mess around after taking too much lead and hit a lot of iron, otherwise the score difference would probably be even greater.

James once again showed his organizational talent today, sending a total of 9 assists and only 1 turnover.

But James's single game score so far is .9 points!
Ryan's ruthless defense made it difficult for James, who had previously done whatever he wanted on the offensive end, to score points like chopping melons and vegetables!
A Zhan was so panicked that he never expected that he would overturn such a big car in his prime.

If it was an ordinary game, forget it, but today this is a nationally broadcast game, and it is the most high-profile high school game in the history of basketball!
He was originally praised as Jordan, but was suddenly beaten by Ryan and became Drexler.

Although Anthony was the player who scored the most points today, it was Ryan who was praised by the on-site commentator Dirico:
"Incredible one-on-one defense, I've never seen anyone defend LeBron so badly.

In fact, LeBron has never scored in double figures in a single game throughout his high school career!

In the next key attack, can LeBron complete his redemption? "

That's right, complete redemption.

Although St. Mary's High School has no chance, James still has a chance.

He still has a chance to increase his scoring to double digits, and also has a chance to narrow the point difference to single digits.

At least, James can make himself lose a little more decently.

James held the ball and faced Ryan at the top of the arc, and all eyes were on these two men.

Unconsciously, Anthony became a supporting role today.

Right now, everyone only cares about the outcome between Ryan and James!
Is it Ryan who makes a name for himself, or James who saves face?It depends on this round!
Ryan stared at James closely, his mouth was like a typing keyboard, and it kept making "crackling" noises:
"If you give up on LeBron, scoring 9 points in a basketball game is good enough. I've seen people only score 8 points."

James ignored it and continued to use his invincible body to try to break through as always.

But just like countless previous attempts, Ryan did not let James take any advantage in the confrontation.

In fact, Ryan's good defense is not only because of his strong confrontation. The key is that his lateral speed and wingspan are also very abnormal.

Using James' physical fitness to defend James is called treating the other person with his own medicine.

In desperation, James could only force his way to the basket with two strides, and immediately raised the basketball with both hands, seemingly planning to force a close shot without getting rid of Ryan.

Ryan, who was close to James' side, immediately jumped up to interfere.

Little did he know that James was just making a fake shot. After shaking Ryan away, James took back the basketball, took two more steps and got under Ryan's armpit, and scored with a low-handed basket!
At that moment, the whole stadium shook, and Ajan's score finally reached double digits!

James also breathed a sigh of relief. Although he could no longer change the outcome of the game, at least he would not lose so humiliatingly.

The Akron fans in the stands also started yelling at Ryan:

"Hahahaha, in the end you still can't stop our king!"

"Admit it, you are worthless in front of the Chosen One!"

"As long as he wants, he can score whatever he wants! Before, he was just selfless!"

Ryan is also convinced. You are about to lose, but you are still so stubborn?
But while the Akron fans were busy cheering, the referee's whistle broke the joyful atmosphere at the scene.

After he blew the whistle, he signaled to James.
Walking violation!

That's right, James just took two more steps after being forced to stop and lift the basketball, then passed by Ryan and picked up the basket.

If this were in the NBA, it might be a good shot.Because as we all know, the NBA's walking rules are very user-friendly, and there are different penalty standards for different people.

But in the relatively pure high school basketball arena, it is impossible to get away with what Ajan did just now.

At the critical moment, James was prevented by Ryan and made a mistake on the offensive end!
And this also means that James's single-game scoring is still limited to single digits by Ryan, 9 points!
Ryan brutally locked up the genius James completely!
St. Mary's High School and LeBron James both died!
The moment the referee gave the penalty, Anthony jumped on Ryan excitedly.

He didn't even expect that he could torture double figures at St. Mary's High School!

Ryan looked around. Almost all the cameras in the scene were pointed at him.

Di Rico was also cheering: "This magical Asian has created a new situation in high school basketball! We have a new chosen son!"

Under the desperate eyes of the Akron fans, Ryan put down Anthony on his back, picked up the basketball, took four steps in deliberately exaggerated slow motion, and then threw the ball toward the basket, mocking Ajan's layup just now.

Even if Ryan imitated, the key point is that Anthony, that fool, actually followed suit.

Finally, the entire Oak Hill High School team lined up to perform a four-step layup.
Akron fans are convinced, are you really high school students? ?
But it no longer matters what Akron fans think.

Ryan, the guy with the most arrogant personality and the most explosive body, undoubtedly seized the opportunity of this national live broadcast and left a deep impression on everyone.

James walked off the court with his head lowered and his fists clenched.

That No. 0, why?
A Zhan didn't know anything, but being beaten in high school was just the beginning of their bad relationship.

The gears of destiny of the entire basketball world began to turn!
 Newcomer, new book, please support me!
(End of this chapter)

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