He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 46 046: The 19-year-old boy who can change the outcome will always belong to Ryan!

Chapter 46 046: The 19-year-old boy who can change the outcome will always belong to Ryan!

Before, people laughed at James, a talented high school student, who couldn't beat Ryan.

Then, he laughed at Anthony, an NCAA super scorer, who couldn't beat Ryan.

Not long ago, I started laughing at Stoudemire, the best rookie, for not being able to beat Ryan.

But now, except for Denver fans and Chinese fans, no one can laugh!
Because last season's double-team forwards also couldn't beat Ryan!
And if even Garnett suffers from Ryan, it means everyone will suffer!Tell me, can you still laugh at this?
On the big screen and live TV, Ryan's incredible pull-up dunk after rebounding just now was still being shown.

In his NBA debut, Ryan performed an actual dunk action that had never been seen before.

Everyone was amazed at the performance of this champion.

And everyone secretly sighed: "The successor of Jordan should be conservative!"

On the Timberwolves bench, Flip Saunders is not in the mood to appreciate this perfect dunk performance.

He was in a hurry to arrange the tactics for the final attack.

Garnett's eyes were dull. He really didn't expect that Ryan could successfully dunk in that round when the defense was almost perfect.

Defending to the extreme but still getting scored is the most demoralizing thing.

Phillip Sanders also shook his head when he saw KG's frustrated look.

Nowadays, these geniuses are getting more and more outrageous.

It's amazing how dare you use all kinds of messy postures!

But fortunately, there are still 12 seconds left in the game.

The Timberwolves still have a chance to change their fate.

Flip Saunders glanced at Garnett and Cassel and tapped the tactical board: "Sam, Kevin, let's continue the old routine for the last attack!"

What Sanders means is to let Garnett and Cassell continue to play pick-and-rolls.

Today, the pick-and-roll tactics against the Nuggets back line were the key to the Timberwolves being able to recover the score in the second half.

The Nuggets don't flank Cassel, who can easily break through and make a mid-range shot.

The Nuggets flanked Cassell, and Garnett's open mid-range shot was no joke.

The Nuggets couldn't crack this move all night long.

Therefore, Philip Sanders decided to continue to use this tactic at critical moments.

Mature men all know that when going out to play, you should not choose the most beautiful one, but the most fun one.

Mature coaches also know that tactics don’t need to be fancy, but the most effective ones!
Although Cassel and Garnett's pick-and-roll tactics are very simple, as long as they work, it is a good tactic!

The desperate moment began, and no fans in the Pepsi Center could sit safely in their seats.

Ryan is back on the field. As a rookie, he undoubtedly has many expectations beyond his age today.

In the last round, he ended the offense at a critical moment.

And this round, he shouldered the key defensive responsibility again.

You know, this is only his first NBA game!
It was originally a group of big brothers who were supposed to help the rookies integrate into the NBA in the opening game, but Ryan took on the important task as soon as he came up today. Instead, he led the big brothers forward.

After coming on the court, Andre Miller patted Ryan's arm: "Don't be nervous, Garnett is not a master at attacking, just try to give him a little interference."

Ryan glanced at Miller, then smiled: "Come on, Brother Chicken, when I defeated you Meng Wu last year, did you see me nervous?"

The double-knife turkey means that he is very confused, what is the dream of five?What to lose to college students?I have no such memory at all!
But indeed, this is a super genius who just graduated from high school and led his team to defeat the dream team.

Miller turned to look at Garnett again. It was his opponent who should be nervous!
At the beginning of the game, the Timberwolves successfully sent a sideline ball. The alien Cassel held the ball and called Garnett to cover.

Cassel didn't want to wait until the last moment to attack, but wanted to win quickly!

Garnett ran to the high post to set up a screen as usual, and the Timberwolves' offense was no different from usual.

But this time when the tactics were executed, Cassel's ugly eyes showed a little more worry.

Because he discovered that in the last round, the Nuggets actually used Ryan to face Garnett!
This means that Ryan will participate in the defense of this pick-and-roll tactic, and the Nuggets deliberately let a rookie heavily participate in this key defensive round!
After this game, Cassel already has a very clear understanding of Ryan's defensive ability - a guaranteed first-level defense!
Ryan's defense reminded Cassel of Pippen in the 90s and his teammate KG.

Single defense can defend from position [-] to position [-], and help defense can fill the entire half.

I don’t know if Ryan can become the super giant Cassel, but Ryan is definitely a historical defensive champion.

However, Ryan is only 19 years old after all.

Cassell still had a bit of luck, thinking that Ryan might make a mistake in timing.

Garnett was in position in the pick-and-roll, and Cassel went around the screen as usual.

The Nuggets still have the same old way of dealing with it. After encountering the pick-and-roll, Ryan and Miller directly double-team the ball-holding point to surround and suppress the aliens!

Cassel was forced to move even an inch because he had no room to escape after being double-teamed, so he had to be careful about being intercepted by Miller at any time.

The double-knife turkey who seeks stability usually won't steal easily, but once he does, he is quite fast and accurate.

In the end, Cassel could only jump up and pass the ball to Garnett who had already opened up in the air.

But the moment Cassel passed the ball, Ryan immediately turned and ran towards Garnett!
The timing is wonderful, much more timely than Jordan's pull-up!

Ryan has big strides and is very fast.

The moment Garnett caught the basketball, Ryan had already entered the defensive range.

Garnett still raised the basketball and aimed at the basket.but.
Ryan didn't jump, he just raised his arms to squeeze Garnett's shooting space!

Sure enough, Garnett just faked the shot and didn't take the shot!Not only did Ryan have perfect timing when he returned, he also didn't take advantage of Garnett's feint!This time, Garnett was completely covered by Ryan.Ryan successfully used his quick movement to guard Cassel and Garnett at the same time!

The Timberwolves fans who were watching the live broadcast swallowed their saliva. Ryan simply killed Garnett the way Garnett did!
In desperation, Garnett could only hold the ball and break through.But in terms of speed and confrontation, Garnett does not have the slightest advantage.

At the same time, Ryan's good wife Nene has also quickly shrunk to the basket.

Garnett can now either pass the ball to the sugar man, or rely on two people to take a chance.

KG naturally chose the latter. He would rather play himself than pass the ball to the sugar man?What's the difference between that and passing it to Carl Johnson?
Who is KG Carl Johnson, you ask?He is an unknown junior high school classmate who now works as a car king in Los Santos.

Under the double protection of Nene and Ryan, Garnett's forced layup bounced twice on the rim, and then
"Didn't score! Ryan used flawless defense to contain both Garnett and Cassell at the critical moment!
First, they joined forces to attack from a pincer, and then made up for it in time.Ryan's defensive area is so terrifying that it is simply a nightmare for all attackers!
Just now, Ryan knocked down the Wolf King with an incredible dunk.

And now, Ryan used an incredible defense to completely kill KG! "

When the basketball bounces off the rim, Garnett also wants to use his abnormal bounce speed to fight for offensive rebounds.

But Ryan's bullet speed was even more abnormal than Garnett's. Almost as soon as his feet touched the ground, he jumped into the air again and grabbed the rebound!
There was no way, Garnett could only give Ryan a Titanic hug from behind.

The referee's whistle blows and Garnett commits a tactical foul. Ryan will go to the free throw line and take the last two shots!
Although the game was not over, Ryan still held the basketball in one hand, made a fist in the other hand, and roared to the sky to celebrate the victory.

The double-knife turkey excitedly went up and hugged Ryan, and Nene also took Ryan into her arms.

On the bench, Bzdelik was applauding, applauding Ryan.

Before the game, Bzdelik said that Ryan might score 25 points in his debut, and it will soon become a reality!
Hey, with players like this, pretending to be realistic is so easy!

On the Timberwolves side, Garnett covered his head with his hands.In the last critical round, he was completely beaten by Ryan, a rookie!

Phillip Saunders looked ashen.

Who would have thought that the pick-and-roll between Cassel and Garnett would be cracked by a rookie!
That guy's help defense speed, defensive area and defensive concentration.
From now on, Denver Plateau's wings will be hell for all players!

Ryan stood on the free throw line and took a few deep breaths.

On the court, all the fans were shouting three letters: MVP!

In the first game of his rookie season, Ryan made the home fans shout MVP when he took free throws!

This is enough to show how amazing Ryan's performance was today!
Ryan made a steady free throw under the deafening roar.

Because free throws also count as open mid-range shots, Ryan can get the bonus of the "opportunist" talent fragment when he makes free throws.

This makes Ryan's free throws extremely stable.

Before the second penalty, Garnett, who really refused to admit defeat, began to interfere with Ryan with trash talk:
"Rookie! Do you dare to bet 5 with me? You can't score this free throw!"

Ryan stopped shooting free throws, grabbed the basketball with one hand, and turned to look at KG:

"It's such uncreative trash talk. Besides, if you want to make me feel a little emotional, you'd better say 50 next time.

5. It’s too small for me. This number doesn’t make me nervous at all.

But it's understandable, after all, you don't know what it means to have a 1.2 million sneaker contract. "

After that, Ryan didn't adjust and threw the ball quickly, which looked like a casual throw.

But the basketball still went into the net obediently, and the Denver Nuggets led by 5 points in the last 3 seconds!
Moreover, the Timberwolves have no timeouts!
The Timberwolves quickly took the baseline kick, and Cassel forced a long shot just after halftime.

The alien may have a strong ability to pull up mid-range shots, but looking at history, no one dares to say that they are stable when it comes to pull-up mid-range shots.

The basketball hit the front of the basket hard, and the backboard turned red.


Ryan won the first victory of the season firmly, and it was an honor to refuse even though he lost!

Mike Breen stood up and applauded. This was the best NBA debut performance he had ever seen in so many years of working in the industry!

You must know that Ryan is not only good in statistics, but also led the team to win the game with consecutive outstanding performances at the last moment.

His offense, defense and free throws at critical moments all showed his potential as a killer!

Sometimes when the strength is close, the key to deciding the outcome is those few rounds.

This game is that if the Nuggets change someone else, they may lose today.

If the Nuggets hadn't drafted Ryan, would there have been that back-rebound dunk that led to the final lead?Will there still be that one-lock-two defense?Will there still be such solid free throws?

Ryan was extremely amazing at the critical moment today. The Nuggets can win because of him!

He's still just a rookie, and the players who came into the league with him are still figuring out how to adapt to the league.

But what about Ryan?But he has been able to decide the outcome of the game!Already able to carry the team forward!
Thinking of this, Mike Brin couldn't help but sigh:

“MVP, best defense, championship. These are not Ryan’s now, but they will always be Ryan’s!

The only suspense is how quickly he can get these things! "

Denver fans believe at this moment that God sent Ryan to fill the honor gap in the team's 36 years of existence!

This guy can definitely lead the team to the top!

At 19 years and 4 months old, no one has ever considered Ryan a championship contender.

But in Denver, he is already all hope of the championship!
(End of this chapter)

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