He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 60: Isn’t the game of basketball about throwing the ball into the basket?Why is he all throw

Chapter 60: Isn’t the game of basketball about throwing the ball into the basket?Why is he all throwing to the baseline!

On November 11, the Continental Arena in New Jersey was very busy.

Charlize Theron appeared on the scene wearing a deep V black split dress, showing off her queenly temperament.As soon as he appeared on the stage, he attracted the attention of countless reporters.

Best friend Kidman was speechless. Sister, what if we just agreed to watch a game casually?You're dressed like you're going to a catwalk!

Moreover, the other party is just an introverted 19-year-old boy who is afraid of school violence. Do you need to use such a big move?

Isn’t this purely a dimensionality reduction attack?
Kidman is already imagining the scene where the 19-year-old kid will be unable to move his eyes away after seeing Theron.

As a result, after the Nuggets players entered the court, the one who couldn't walk was No. 22, whose appearance was a million points worse than Ryan's. He seemed to have half a bottle of hair oil on his head: "Hey, do you remember me? I'm going I poured water for you once."

Theron smiled politely: "Of course I remember you, Nene. I hope you can win tonight."

She can even remember Nene's name but not mine!

Is a licking dog really unworthy of being a human being? ?

After greeting Denver's strength ceiling, Theron's eyes were fixed on Ryan who was warming up.

Kidman wordlessly waved his hand in front of Theron's eyes: "Have you seen enough? Are you here to see basketball or basketball players?"

"Of course I watch basketball! I can understand basketball now!

Let me introduce the situation to you. Later, the star of the Nets is very powerful.Four-time assist champion, six-time All-Star, five-time All-Defensive Team player and five-time All-NBA Team player!
In the previous two seasons, he also led the team to the finals for two consecutive years!
To put it simply, Kidd is simply a modern Jordan! "

Theron memorized everything he found on Google yesterday.

In order to prevent herself from being too bored watching the game, she did check the Nets' information yesterday.

After seeing Kidd's many honors, Theron thought, if the guy named Kidd is so strong, he must have great scoring ability, right?You must be able to score 25 and six points casually, right?
If Ryan faces such a strong opponent, if he loses, he must encourage him later and let him know how considerate his big sister is~
It can only be said that her misunderstanding of Kidd is greater than the difference in appearance between Ryan and Skotishvili.

Kidd quickly entered the room, staring directly at Ryan.

In the past few days, newspapers have been saying things like "Ryan will destroy last season's finals team."

This naturally makes Kidd, the head of the Nets, very unhappy.

Although I lost the finals for two consecutive years, I am not a rookie who can succeed!
You disrespect me so much!
Today, at my home court, I want to show you the huge gap between the current number one point guard and the rookie!
Of course, as a player with a very high IQ, Kidd will not think that he can win without thinking. He has reason to think that he can win.

So far this season, the Nuggets, who were last last season and have a record of 9 wins and 6 losses, are naturally amazing, and they have also managed to hold up against strong teams like the Lakers and Timberwolves.

But when facing defensive teams, the Nuggets lose more than they win.

I beat the Pacers before and was brutally beaten.

I also lost against the Spurs.

The Nuggets have struggled against defensive teams.

The Nets are exactly the top defensive team in the league!
As long as Ryan's shooting percentage can be lowered, the Nuggets will have no chance!
Because of this, Kidd felt he could win.

We are a championship team!

The game will start soon. The Nuggets will start as usual. The Nets also sent Kidd, Richard Jefferson, Corey Kidders, Kenyon Martin and the NBA's No. 1 gay Jason .Corinth.

The basketball was won by Collins. Nene was still young and not so experienced in timing jump balls, so most of the Nuggets' games were when the opponent got the ball first.

Kidd slowly passed the half, strategizing.

He has thought of 58 ways to deal with the double-knife turkey.

But Kidd took a closer look. It was broken!

They actually sent Ryan to defend me directly! ?

Bzdelik knows that Kidd is one of the top five point guards in NBA history for first-half organizational ability and is the Nets' offensive engine.

If you want to cause problems with the Nets' offensive operation, you have to let Kidd cause problems!

So today, his defensive strategy was for Ryan to directly press Kidd, not even letting Kidd get the ball out easily!

This tactic is exactly what Ryan wanted. If it falls into my hands, your data may not look too good today!

Ryan pressed directly against Kidd and got into body contact with Kidd.

Most point guards would not dare to defend Kidd like this, because Kidd's body is buggy at the first position.

If you dare to defend yourself personally, Kidd will dare to run over you and charge directly.

Even very strong players like Billups and Deron at the one position find it difficult to fight against Kidd.

Therefore, Kidd rarely feels such oppression.

Under Ryan's close pressure, Kidd took a step back to create a little space, and then chose to directly accelerate and break through, hoping to pass Ryan in one step.

Kidd's athletic ability at his peak is not weak, especially his explosive power, which is very strong.It is often difficult for the No. [-] player to follow his first step.

As a result, Ryan blocked Kidd's path as nimbly as a defender, and completely gained the upper hand in the confrontation!
Ryan's confrontation and speed were not inferior to Kidd's, and he directly pinned Kidd to death!
Kidd wanted to pass the ball, but found that the Nuggets resolutely blocked the passing route one-on-one.

Kenyon Martin tried several cuts, but his speed advantage was lost in front of the equally agile Posey.

Richard Jefferson cut out a fleeting opportunity by running counter, but due to Ryan's close combat, Kidd failed to feed the ball out immediately.

Ryan's hands are too long, which squeezes Kidd's passing space and makes him less able to feed the ball as he pleases.

Kidd had no choice but to retreat to the three-point line and reorganize.This time, he quickly fed the ball to Kenyon Martin.

But as soon as Martin made the cut, he was quickly surrounded by Posey and Nene.

Seeing this, Martin gave the ball back to Kidd.

After this back and forth, there is not much time left to attack.

In desperation, Kidd could only break through one step and then make an emergency jump shot!

Seeing that Ryan failed to block the ball, Theron clenched his fists nervously.

This Kidd is really not that simple. He can actually escape Ryan's block. He is really strong!

Then the next second.
"No stick! Ryan directly defended Kidd with a no stick in the first round!

Beautiful defense, Ryan's individual defense and the Nuggets' overall defense are both very good!

Ryan is worthy of being the strongest rookie. He made superstars like Kidd very embarrassed! "

Kidd cursed secretly. He had just been forced to make an emergency jump shot.Let's put it this way, Kidd's threat with the ball is not much better than Ryan.

Although Kidd has improved in three-pointers over the years, he will also enter the top 15 in the history of three-pointers in the future.

But 9% of Kidd's shots are spot-up jumpers after catching the ball.Kidd is totally useless when it comes to shooting with the ball.

But Kidd can't be an off-ball shooter like Ryan, because he is a point guard and he must hold the ball.

These two contradictory points have kept Kidd's overall scoring efficiency low.

Just now, Ryan and the Nuggets forced Kidd to play in the way he is least good at!
The Nets' offense failed, but I have to say that their defense is indeed strong.

After the Nuggets' attack, Kidd chased Ryan without a chance.

Kidd, who is not slow at this time, is excellent whether he is defending the ball or off the ball.

You can despise Kidd's offense, but you must not underestimate his devil-level defense.

In the end, Leonard's three-pointer after receiving the ball bounced off the frame under the defense of Corey Kidders.

The Nets still have a chance to take the lead!

But later.
"The second no-stick rule! Jason Kidd had a bad start today!"

Kidd almost wanted to scold him. What kind of defensive monster is Ryan?

In the round just now, Kidd passed the ball to Jefferson who was outside the three-point line.Because Miller was a little slow by half a beat, Ryan went up to help make up for it.

Seeing this situation, Jefferson immediately handed the ball to Kidd.Kidd thought he would get an open jump shot, so he caught the ball and threw it away.

Unexpectedly, when he took action, Ryan actually interfered directly with his face!

Kidd knew that Ryan's defensive range was very large, but he didn't expect it to be so large. He was surprised that he could not see the frame even when he threw it out!
Under Ryan's close interference, Kidd's three-pointer once again deviated from the target and flew out of the baseline.

One round later, Miller's breakthrough layup was missed by Kenyon Martin, and the ball returned to the Nets' hands.

This time Kidd learned the lesson. He immediately passed the ball to him and refused to shoot.

Jefferson singled out Miller after receiving the ball from the three-point line. He changed direction, accelerated, and operated as fiercely as a tiger.

But he was stopped by Miller!
Miller can defend the No. [-] position just as easily as Ryan can defend the No. [-] position, not to mention that Jefferson is not a top singles player.

Jefferson kept making luck and never had a chance, so when there were only 3.8 seconds left in the attack time,
Jefferson suddenly passed the ball back to Kidd!
Kidd:? ? ?
Ah Zhe!

What are you doing!

What's wrong with Jefferson?Is it normal for me to leave it to the star player if I can't beat myself?
It’s better than a star player handing the ball over to a role player, right?
Well, Jefferson didn't mean to pass the blame.He simply saw Ryan letting Kidd take a step, so he passed the ball.

Ryan released Kidd because he was preparing to grab rebounds, but with Ryan's height and wingspan, this step did not affect his interference with Kidd's shooting.

Kidd, on the other hand, is someone who is particularly bad at resisting interference from three-pointers.

"Huh? Kidd had three consecutive three-pointers at the beginning! Ryan's defense made him unable to find the basket!?"

On the sidelines, Nicole Kidman was speechless: "Is this what you are talking about, the extremely powerful contemporary Jordan? If I remember correctly, basketball is about throwing the ball into the basket. He is going to the baseline one by one. Vote!"

Theron waved his hand: "You know what the hell, it's because Ryan is too strong! He defended the current No. 25 point guard who averaged [-] and [-] points per game and made him miss three times in a row. This is why he is so popular. !”

Kidman nodded: "That makes sense!"

Theron looked at Ryan's three successful defenses, feeling happy and distressed at the same time.

How can I still be considerate of Ryan when Kid is like this?Contemporary Jordan, you gave Ryan a little setback!
Kidd shut himself up directly. Although he knew that Nets fans were used to his low shooting percentage, it was too embarrassing to miss three consecutive times!
Ryan was completely confident. Indeed, the Nuggets' offense was also very difficult today, and he didn't even have a chance to shoot until now.

I may not be able to score a goal today, but don’t even think about it!

I've gathered your wool!
Nets fans were speechless. Kidd’s shooting percentage was nothing unusual!
Hey, I’m used to it!

But it doesn't matter. What kind of performance have we not seen from Kidd?It can't be worse than 17 out of 1, right?

It can only be said that Nets fans underestimated both Ryan's ability and Kidd's ability.

When the veteran blacksmith met the Denver miners
That will definitely create extremely gorgeous iron flowers!
 The second update is here, I beg for double monthly tickets!thank you all!

(End of this chapter)

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