He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 65 Testimonials on the shelves!

Chapter 65 Testimonials on the shelves!

Thank you for everyone's support and love over the past month. Time flies. Tomorrow is National Day, October 10st, and the day of life and death is about to be released!

With the support of all the parents, it is not easy for a sports book to reach Sanjiang and then be directly promoted to the shelves. Thank you for your support!
Naturally, you have to be prepared for the big chapter on the first day of release. Starting from 12 o'clock in the morning (it may be delayed by a few minutes), you will update a new big chapter first, and then continue in the morning!
The plot is also sure to be solid, never watered down, and will be enjoyable to the end!
The first order is equivalent to laying the foundation for building a house. Whether it can be built high and stable depends on whether the foundation is solid.

Therefore, the first order result is undoubtedly important to a book.

Laohe is here to beg all parents to make a first order!
After it is put on the shelves, it will definitely be guaranteed to be at least [-] words, and will be steadily updated until the book is completed!Anyone who is familiar with Laohe knows that updating stability will never stretch Laohe!

Without further ado, I continued to work hard on coding.

Finally, I once again kneel down and beg all adoptive fathers and parents who provide food and clothing for your first order!

Lao He knelt down and kowtowed to thank you all!
(End of this chapter)

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