He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 69: In-depth exchange of acting skills, the rookie All-Star vote winner?

Chapter 69: In-depth exchange of acting skills, the rookie All-Star vote winner? (Please subscribe!)
When Ryan made Theron and Kidman laugh in the locker room.

A video footage is being played crazily on ESPN.

The picture was taken when Kobe and O'Neal were walking back to the tunnel after the game.

O'Neal was so angry that he didn't even bother to look at Kobe, but Kobe suddenly took the initiative to hold O'Neal's shoulder.

O'Neal thought that Kobe knew that he was ruthless and ready to apologize, so he turned around to face Kobe.

But as soon as he faced Kobe, Kobe sprayed O'Neal directly.
Shark's expression was as shocked as the first time he heard the words "Shaq did it too".

I'm crazy. I'll let it go if I'm disgusted during the competition, but you still disgust me after the competition!
Later at the press conference, Kobe said frankly:

"Yes, I was vomited by Ryan running away! Ryan is as tireless as a robot. I once wondered if he had a twin brother, and the two of them alternated on the court! From now on, Richard Hamilton can only play with me The second most hated defender!"

The reporters were all extremely excited. Ryan had made another big news!

Although Ryan had the experience of making his opponents vomit during the NCAA period, this time, it was Kobe, a physical monster, who was vomited by him!
And there is no doubt that for Kobe, an arrogant guy, to say such things, there is no need to say more about Ryan's power.

But if Kobe only hypocritically praises others after losing, he would not be Kobe.

Soon, Kobe changed the topic:
“I lost this time, but we still have a chance to meet in the West.

Ryan has completely pissed me off, see you next time in Los Angeles!When the time comes, I will definitely beat him!
Definitely next time! "

However, Kobe's warning did not help him save much face.

Last time I said the Lakers wouldn't lose without you, and this time I said see you next time in Los Angeles.

Next time, next time, so many next times!

In this way, although Ryan's personal performance is not as amazing as the 41 points in a single game last time.

But beating the Lakers by 24 points per game and pissing off Kobe Bryant still managed to dominate the headlines of all sports news.

"Kobe's magic rush rule failed for the first time in Denver!"

"90 blocks in 4 seconds and 9 points in a row at the critical moment. Ryan is a veritable star killer!"

"Bzdelik's formula: Kobe scores 0 points in a single game."

"Ryan should have a place in the best defensive team!"

"O'Neal, the man who is most familiar with Kobe's taste~"

Overnight, Kobe and the Lakers, a pair of traffic groups, became Ryan's background.

Kobe has been criticized by thousands of people. After all, before the game, he repeatedly expressed his disdain for Ryan and repeatedly said that the Lakers lost by 24 points "because of the shark's incompetence."

As a result, now that he is involved in the game, the Lakers have lost not a single point.

The main thing is that it's the same with or without him.

James was so happy that there was actually someone in this league who could throw a boomerang better than me!
Again, defending James to save James is a timeless tactic in the basketball world!
After this game, Ryan has led the team to a record of 16 wins and 10 losses.

You know, the Nuggets only won 17 games last season.

Ryan has undoubtedly made the Nuggets a team on another level.

But just making the Nuggets improve is not something to be proud of.

After all, taking a team that won 17 games last season and winning a few more games isn't that big of a deal.

Ryan's goal is still the playoffs!

He hasn't forgotten that playoff assignment he was given before the season started.

If the mission is completed, you can choose any one of the skill points, talent fragments, and action reward lottery gift boxes for lottery. The rewards are no less than an upgrade.

This reward cannot be missed.

With the current record of 16 wins and 10 losses, the Nuggets would already be firmly in the top three in the Eastern Conference.

But the Nuggets didn't even make it into the top five in the Western Conference!

Still hovering between 6-8.

In view of the fact that Ray Allen is not injured this season on the SuperSonics side, and coupled with the strong rise of the Warriors, the situation in the Midwest in this history is more difficult than in the original history!
Therefore, although in the original history, Agua could lead the Nuggets to the playoffs, under the current situation, it is hard to say whether Ryan's Nuggets can safely enter the playoffs!
Judging from the situation this season, 50 wins is just the minimum standard for entering the playoffs!
Therefore, even though the record is already very good, Ryan is still under great pressure.

After winning like this, they still have to worry about whether they can make the playoffs.

Sometimes, Ryan is quite envious of players who were born in the East.

Next, the Nuggets have two games to play before the Christmas break.

And both opponents are direct competitors for playoff spots.

Ryan first led the team to successfully defeat the Grizzlies, led by his sister-in-law.

And in that game, he scored 21 points against Battier.

At first glance, Ryan’s numbers are just mediocre. Putting 21 points on Ryan can only be said to be a failure.

However, Ryan's shooting percentage in this game was a terrifying 66.7%, 15 of 10!

As a catch-and-shoot outsider, his shooting percentage is higher than that of Gasol, an inside player!

Ryan's style of play today can be seen from the fact that there was only one free throw in the game. He purely used mid-range to educate Battier, who was responsible for defending himself.

Battier's defense pays attention to not losing position and not being swayed. It is a typical academic defense.

But the disadvantage is that this defensive style that does not seek merit but seeks no fault is seriously lacking in aggressiveness.

When Ryan faced Battier, he could always use his shooting speed to quickly release the ball before he could catch up and use his "eye-sealing technique".

Many times, Battier seemed to be very defensive, but in fact he did not give Ryan any substantial interference.

In addition, Ryan's mid-range shooting attribute has now reached 90, and it can reach 95 if he catches and shoots!

Therefore, Ryan suddenly hit a shooting percentage in the mid-range that was even more terrifying than in the paint today, surprising everyone!

After the game, Ryan just wanted to shout: "Thank you, Brother Cauliflower Snake, for the 6-point mid-range shooting attribute!"

It’s really fun to use!
Watching his opponents try their best to interfere every time but can only shake their heads and sigh after scoring, Ryan feels that it is extremely addictive!
Ryan defeated the Grizzlies, the direct competitor for a playoff spot, but lost again to Yao Ming's Warriors.

This fact tells fans all over the world that Ryan is better at playing sister-in-law!

Well, what this result really reminds Denver fans is that the Nuggets are really afraid of teams with a space-based fourth position and a super low-post killer.

The Spurs and Warriors, the Nuggets have not won once this season.

The Nuggets' interior defense relies entirely on having more people and beating fewer people.

The biggest feature of the Spurs and Warriors is that they don't allow you to have more people in the paint and fewer people.

There was Horry on the Spurs' side and Jamison on the Warriors' side, so Nene had to face the devastation of the giants alone.

As a result, Nene was so rushed by the giants that she rolled her eyes.

Although Nene is extremely mobile and very active in defense.But guarding players like Duncan and Yao Ming in the low post is simply useless.

So this time against the Warriors, Yao went crazy again, scoring 26 points, 12 rebounds and 2 blocks.

The jumping man Birdman who came on the bench was even more helpless against Yao Ming.

Birdman was so restrained that he wanted to show the tattoo on his back and shout: "Captain Yao, one of our own!"

Although the Warriors' big Yao didn't gain weight unintentionally, in fact, Yao who didn't gain weight without thinking was able to kill [-]% of his opponents in the paint.

Don't you see, even Ben, the best defensive player, has nothing to do with the skinny version of Yao Ming.When the scene of Yao Ming dunking on Ben was broadcast on CCTV5, many Chinese fans thought Yao Ming dunked on Iverson.

Because it's so easy.

As for Birdman, an insider who could only jump but didn't have a solid bottom line, he could only be beaten until he cried for his father and mother.

In addition to Yao Ming, Arenas also felt cramped today. Under Ryan's tight defense, he still scored 22 points and shot 43%.

And sent out 10 assists.

Most of the assists went to Yao Ming.

This is also the biggest reason why the Warriors can truly rise. There is a real chemical reaction between Arenas and Yao Ming!

Many people mistakenly think that Arenas is alone. In fact, Arenas is very willing to share the ball.He may not be a true playmaker, but he's definitely a willing passer.

If he doesn't pass the ball to you, there is only one reason - you are not worthy of receiving the ball he passes.

Arenas once said in front of the media:
"I'm not understood by the media. The media say I'm selfish because I don't pass the ball. But the media never ask me why I don't pass the ball. My teammates go to nightclubs seven days a week. Do you think I will pass the ball to him? Certainly not.

The media said I was obsessed with the ball, but you never asked me why.I come to the gym every day and shoot 300-500 balls, and they don't even practice, and they still want me to pass the ball to them. That's called selfishness of them! "

Arenas has this mindset when it comes to passing the ball.Historically, in the season when Kobe averaged 35 points per game, everyone was saying that Kobe was alone, but Arenas uniquely said: "Kobe just didn't have anyone who could pass the ball."

To put it bluntly, in Arenas' eyes, if you are weak and don't work hard, then I might as well just invest blindly.

As a player with a good professional attitude, Yao Ming has already won the respect of Arenas last season. He is a person who is "qualified to let me pass the ball" in Arenas' eyes.

So Arenas is very willing to share the ball with Yao Ming.

The current inside-and-outside combination of the two plays very well together, coupled with Jamison's occasional long-range shots after helping to open up the space, it is simply impossible for the Nuggets to help defend.

Ryan feels that this Warriors in history may even become the team that has changed the most besides the Nuggets!

The Nuggets beat the Grizzlies but lost to the Warriors, with a record of 17 wins and 11 losses, still walking a tightrope at the end of the playoffs.

However, it is much better than Guagua and Ajan who have not even touched the playoff threshold.

With such a record, the Nuggets entered the short Christmas break.

Although Ryan was very popular before the draft, he was still a rookie after all, so Stern did not arrange a Christmas game for the Nuggets.

On the 23rd, 24th and 25th, the Nuggets had no games to play.

Others can rest, but Ryan has to continue running.

On the night of the 23rd, Ryan was packing his luggage at home.

The Dior commercial shoot with Theron took place on the 24th and 25th.

Nene, who was playing games at Ryan's house, expressed her sympathy for Ryan: "Suddenly it feels like no one is asking me to shoot commercials, which is good. At least I don't have to work during the holidays."

Skotishvili, who also came to Ryan's house, had a worried look on his face and kept sneaking around beside Ryan's luggage.

Finally, when checking whether he had everything in his small bag, Ryan found that not only was there no shortage of things, but there were also a lot of them!
Ryan took out a box of skin-friendly ultra-thin bags from his bag and stared at Nene and Denver's ceiling of strength speechlessly:

"Who put it?"

Nene laughed: "Brother, you know me. If it were me, I would put a game controller in it for you. This kind of thing can only be placed on the ceiling."

Skotishvili did not deny it and looked at Ryan with tears in his eyes:

"Boss, promise me, when you're with my goddess, you won't do five sets! Don't hurt her!
I will be heartbroken! "

Ryan:? ? ?
You are so considerate!
No, will buying a set for me make you appear to be very involved?
When the Boiling Sheep comes, he will kneel down and kowtow twice!

"You kid, who do you think I am!? I'm going to shoot a commercial and do business!"

Nene also nodded: "That's right, Ryan only has basketball in his heart, only the playoffs. How can he be as hopeless as you!"

Ryan then took out the box of skin-feeling ultra-thin and threw it on the table.

Now my bag is finally clean!
The next day, Lane flew to New York and officially started the long-planned advertising shooting trip for Dior.

To be honest, Ryan was quite nervous on the plane.

Because the shooting of this advertisement was a little more measured!
Just like the original ad, Ryan and Theron are in a bathtub-like place, slowly emerging from water up to their necks.As the two of them move around, the water becomes shallower and shallower until they are completely out of the water.

Because it is necessary to show the beauty of the two spokesmen, both sides tend to be naked in terms of camera language.

Of course, it's not really naked. Theron will wear a tube top and Ryan will wear panties.

But overall, this is the commercial with the fewest prints that Ryan has ever done!

So on the plane, Ryan built himself up mentally again and again.

Don't be shy, don't be shy!
It’s almost like going to the swimming pool, there’s nothing to be shy about!
The result arrived at the scene
Facing a large number of cameras and factory staff, after Ryan walked out of the locker room, he was still unable to take off the towel he was wearing.

In the swimming pool, there are not so many people staring at you, and there are not so many cameras filming!
Moreover, because this set is a simulated bathhouse, there are many female extras who are "taking a bath" and dressed very coolly.

The splendid bathing pool, wet body, and bathing. The whole atmosphere is inexplicably a bit like an ancient emperor driving an impart!
At this moment, Ryan suddenly admired those actors who devoted themselves to art.

In his previous life, Ryan always felt that being an actor in art films was the most enjoyable profession in the world.shy?Psychological disorder?nonexistent.If you go by yourself, you must let the director know what it means to do what you do and love what you do!
But today, Ryan found out that their job was indeed a little difficult!
Under these circumstances, they could actually do that for a few 10 minutes!
Dedication, really dedication!

The director shouted at this time: "Every actor, get ready!"

Not far in front of Ryan, Theron untied the belt of the robe without saying a word, and the robe slid down her smooth skin to her heels.

Although Theron's figure is not as exaggerated as the Kardashian sisters, she doesn't even have two melons like Daddario.

But the curves were still very obvious, and coupled with her queen-like temperament, Ryan couldn't help but look at her twice for the first time.

Everyone had taken off their clothes, and everyone's eyes were fixed on Ryan.

The director thought Ryan didn’t understand, so he asked the translator to politely tell Ryan:
"Brother Lai, take off your clothes!"

At this time, Theron opened her slender legs and walked up to Ryan, showing a gentle smile:

"Take it easy Ryan, like I said, this is far less complex than basketball tactics. Take a deep breath and get into your role. Come on, let's be honest!"

With that said, Theron reached out and helped Ryan take off the towel.

Ryan's perfect figure, which looked like an ancient Roman sculpture, made Theron's breathing become more rapid.

Then, Theron took Ryan's hand and pulled him into the bath.

The subsequent commercial shooting went very smoothly. Although Ryan had never taken a modeling course, he had a good image and temperament, so after a few times with the director's guidance, he became very photogenic.

As expected, the three elements of portrait photography are: good-looking model, good-looking model and good-looking model!
All the shooting went very smoothly. The commercial that was originally expected to be shot in two days was almost completed today.

Only in the last freeze-frame shot, Theron had to hug Ryan's neck, and Ryan had to hug one of Theron's legs very wildly, hold Theron's face with one hand, and then put his lips at a distant distance.

In this case, Ryan's expression is neither natural nor wild enough.

That nonsense, can this be natural?
So many people are watching!
Seeing that Ryan was getting stiffer and stiffer as the filming progressed, the director suggested taking a break today and continuing filming tomorrow.

Anyway, the shooting plan was originally scheduled to last for two days.

After the filming, Ryan, who had changed his clothes, saw Theron waiting for him at the door of the dressing room.

Seeing Ryan come out, she immediately handed him a cup of hot coffee:

"Warm yourself up. It's winter now. I've been soaking in the water just now. Drink something to warm yourself up and you'll feel better."

Ryan took the coffee, and then Theron came up and helped Ryan zip up his down jacket: "As an athlete, catching a cold will affect your game state."

Looking at Theron in front of him, Ryan's heart that was sealed by cement actually relaxed a little.

The girlfriend in her previous life, even after Ryan came home from overtime work, she only yelled: "Remember to mop the floor."

Then I lay on the sofa and played with my phone.

If you don't do it, she will still complain: "Why don't men think there is any job!"

Now, you actually have a nice-looking big sister who knows how to take the initiative to care about you.

There is really no harm without comparison!
Realizing that Ryan was staring at him, Theron also stared at Ryan with ambiguous eyes.

But at this moment, the car that took Theron and Ryan back to the hotel arrived, and the assistant called them, breaking the gradually warming atmosphere.

After arriving at the hotel lobby, Ryan gave an apologetic smile and said, "I'm sorry, the film can be shot in one day, but we have to start work tomorrow."

Theron shrugged:

“It doesn’t matter, the original plan was to shoot for two days anyway.

If you have time that night, you can come to my room after dinner.

I can give you some personal guidance from the Academy Award for Best Actress level~"

Ryan didn’t want to continue stretching his hips tomorrow. It would be embarrassing if the entire filming schedule was delayed because of him.

So Ryan nodded: "Okay, I'll call you after dinner."

After dinner, Ryan knocked on the door of Theron's room.

After the door opened, Theron only wore a deep V nightgown, and the lace edges of the dress were vaguely visible.

Ryan walked in the door and saw that the room was lit with candles and there was a martini on the coffee table.

Theron picked up the martini on the table and pointed to the bathroom: "Do you want to take a shower first?"

Ryan:? ? ?
Sister, didn’t you teach me how to act? ?
What kind of performance requires a shower?

Seeing Ryan's shy expression, Theron couldn't help but smile:
"What are you thinking about? I often send you text messages, and you always say you are taking a shower. I thought you had the habit of taking a shower after meals."

Ryan waved his hand: "No, then Oscar Best Actress, let's start your personal coaching."

Before Ryan could react, he saw Theron drink down the martini in the glass, then turn around and pounce directly on Ryan.

One hand took the initiative to grab Ryan's hand and hug his leg, and the other hand grabbed Ryan and held his face.

Under the influence of alcohol, Theron's face was flushed and his eyes were slightly blurred.

Ambiguous candles, dim lights, each other's faster and faster heartbeats and the faint smell of cocktails
Under the influence of this atmosphere, Ryan couldn't help but hold Theron's face, which was close at hand, and brought it to his mouth.

Realizing that his behavior seemed to be a bit over the line, Ryan wanted to let go immediately.

But he found that Theron's hands and mouth had no intention of letting go.

It’s over, I seem to have fallen into the big sister’s trap.
The next day, the filming of the commercial went extremely smoothly, and the final freeze-frame shot passed by in just one shot.

The director was shocked. He knew that Ryan was very talented in playing basketball, but he didn't expect that his acting skills could also evolve overnight!
The shyness and stiffness from yesterday were completely gone, and the expression of wanting to have Theron just now was so vividly performed!

He is truly an acting genius!
Can you still be shy?Yesterday, Ryan had already developed this performance in depth under Theron's guidance and communicated with it in great depth.

Theron also knows why few people can prevent Ryan's violent cuts, because the impact is really strong!

When the director praised Ryan for his good acting skills, Ryan was a little embarrassed.

Show your true colors, just show your true colors~
Just like that, when Ryan returned to the locker room on the morning of the 26th, he found Skotishvili breaking down with a newspaper:

"Brother, is this photo of you?"

"Uh, it's me."

"You and my goddess are walking hand in hand on the streets of New York? Tell me you are just friends!"

"We are just extraordinary friends, don't think too much about it."

Scotishvili's eyes were full of tears: "Brother, I remember that day. You seemed to have thrown the ultra-thin skin on the table, right? In other words."

"Brother, why do you act like I've cheated on you? Don't make me feel so guilty! Besides, I prepared the things myself!"

"Ah? She actually prepared it herself?

She is so sensible, I just cried to death!Ryan, such a good girl, you must never be sorry to her! "

Lane: .
It is really impossible to communicate normally with the dog.

At this time, newspapers around the world were covering Ryan and Theron's romance.

Even in China, major entertainment newspapers are full of photos of Ryan and Theron holding hands while shopping.

After all, scandals between Chinese athletes and European and American entertainment stars are quite rare.

Team Ajan is crying to death, Ryan, you still use this trick just to get some traffic!
It's so funny that Ryan doesn't need to rely on off-field news to suppress Ajan.

Just playing basketball, Ryan's popularity cannot be compared to Ajan.

After Christmas, the Nuggets' win count is still steadily improving.

Always within the top eight in the Western Conference.

Needless to say, Ryan's personal performance simply overwhelmed the other 03 rookies.

In mid-January, the whole world was discussing whether the 1 class could win this year's rookie competition.If he wins, who will become the rookie game MVP.

In this regard, Ryan rarely said: "The rookie MVP should be LeBron or Melo."

The reporter was a little surprised by Ryan's answer: "What about you?"

"Me? The rookie game is not interesting. I have to save my energy for the All-Star game."

This wave of answers was simply a dimensionality-reducing blow to Ajan.

The things he is prepared to pursue with all his strength are simply not valued by others!

To this end, someone on a domestic news website drew a cartoon.

On the screen, a chimpanzee wearing No. 23 is dunking hard, while the lion wearing No. 0 and a crown just looks on with disdain: "Come on, first grade kids."

If this comic is to be published more than ten to twenty years later, the author will have to bring his painting to court directly!
Although it's full of irony, don't tell me, right now, no one really treats Ryan as a first-year rookie!

It’s like Ryan is already a superstar.

If it weren't for seeing Ryan on the roster for the All-Star Rookie Game, everyone might have forgotten that he was just a first-year rookie.

Being able to leave this kind of impression on the fans is enough to show how outstanding Ryan's performance is this season.

However, the Nike team felt that Ryan's behavior was purely out of ambition.

Yes, Ryan sits on the huge Chinese market, and entering the All-Star Game is almost a sure thing. The example of Yao Ming last season is right in front of us.

But even if you Ryan can make it to the All-Star Game, you are just a soy sauce and have no sense of existence at all.Regarding this, Yao Ming last season is also an example!

And if I, Ajan, can win the MVP of the rookie game, I will definitely be able to promote it in a glorious way!
At that time, it will be more useful than if you become an All-Star!
However, the Nike team's predictions, predictably, went astray.

After the first round of All-Star voting ended, the Nike team was shocked to find out.
Ryan actually leads the entire Western Conference!
Although Yao Ming had more votes than O'Neal last year, he still had fewer votes than Kobe in the Western Conference.

Looking at the entire league, they are ranked fourth behind Kobe, McGrady, and Carter.

As for Ryan, he was actually the top vote-getter in the Western Conference in the first round.He is only a hair's breadth away from being the league's chief Carter!
After all, Ryan plays on the outside, and the game is more enjoyable to watch than Yao Ming.

Therefore, not only Chinese fans, but also many local fans of the Mi Li family also voted a lot for Ryan.

Coupled with the "anti-bullying fighter" character created by punching Ajan's chin off before, Ryan's popularity has skyrocketed.

And don’t forget, Ryan is currently in a relationship with Theron.

This made Ryan's fame directly break through the sports circle, and many Theron fans also voted for Ryan.

The Nike team is panicking, this is crazy.
Will Ryan become the All-Star vote winner in one fell swoop? ?

This is a fart!

Wesley and Reebok are also trying their best to help Ryan promote it.

There is no precedent for becoming the All-Star vote winner in his rookie season. Grant Hill, Jordan's successor, did it that year.

Facts have proven that this achievement is possible!
Therefore, Reebok and Wesley now have one goal: "Get Ryan to do it too!"

But everyone knows one thing: no matter how overwhelming the publicity is, Ryan's popularity still depends on his strength.

Ryan must continue to perform well in order to increase the growth rate of votes!

So Ryan is not complacent at all, let alone relaxed. In late January, Ryan scored 1 points, 26 points, 35 points, and 21 points in several games.

The record also became 29 wins and 19 losses.

In addition, Ryan also continued to take advantage of the stars.

During this period, Lane completed the key counterpoint tasks of AK47 and the key counterpoint tasks of Reed.

AK47's characteristic "iron wall" gives Ryan all of his defensive attributes +2!

After this wave of upgrades, Ryan's ball-stealing and pass-stealing abilities have both touched the threshold of 60, and his rebound prediction and block prediction have reached 64 and 63 respectively.

And the most terrifying thing is that Ryan's lateral movement speed increased to 96!

This undoubtedly makes Ryan's already tormenting defense even more terrifying!
And Reid's characteristic "shooting scorer" gives Ryan all of his shooting attributes +3.

This has increased Ryan's mid-range shooting to 93!

Absolutely elite mid-range jumper!

With such a high mid-range shooting attribute, Ryan will naturally not be satisfied with just catching and shooting.

In fact, this entire season, Ryan has been training his ability to take one step away from the defense and then make a pull-up jump shot.

As the attributes of mid-range shots became more and more high, Ryan found that his hit rate on pull-up jump shots in training was getting higher and higher.

It’s time to put it to good use in the competition!

Ryan is still getting stronger quietly, and his record is steadily increasing.

However, the whole world seems to be used to Ryan's performance.

Ryan is on a dazzling road, so he must show an equally dazzling performance to stimulate the fans' nerves.

Only then can more fans vote for him with conviction.

Unfortunately, on the last day of voting, not only is it difficult for Ryan to perform brilliantly, he may even fall into the abyss.

Because next, Ryan's opponent is the No. 60 team in the Eastern Conference this season and the only team with [-] wins this season in original history, the Indiana Pacers!
And in the next game, the Nuggets will also go to the Pacers' home court.

The horror of this matter is: the Pacers have only lost two home games this season, and the last home loss was on November 11!
Moreover, in the game against the Western Conference team, the Pacers still remained undefeated at home!
No Western Conference team can win at the Pacers' home court!

The Spurs even lost to Big Cornfield by 10 points half a month ago.

Considering that the Nuggets were defeated by the Pacers in their last encounter, the Nike team believed that Ryan would definitely be out of the game.

If he loses at this time, Ryan will naturally not be able to surpass Carter and become the vote leader.

But Reebok doesn't think so.

You said, if Ryan can break the Pacers' home unbeaten myth, plus we promote it
Will that make Ryan more popular?

Although this is very difficult,
Along the way, Ryan has done countless seemingly difficult things.

One more thing shouldn't be impossible, right?

 The last update for today!A total of 3.2 words have been updated today, which is equivalent to 2 chapters at 16 chapters!I am a conscientious old man, begging for a monthly ticket, thank you dads for your support!
(End of this chapter)

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