He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 7 007: Teammate No. 58?I will let you do it in the next chapter

Chapter 7 007: Teammate No. 58?I will let you go next round (thank you for the big reward from a guy with such a lovely smile)

Every summer, various high school training camps and star games are the focus of scouts and college coaches.

Because in these events, you can see geniuses from different states and countries coming together to compete head-on.

Just like a few years ago, everyone thought Tyson Chandler was already a ceiling-level young insider.

As a result, the mysterious power from the East made people see that Chandler seemed to be nothing more than that.

As the saying goes, you can only tell whether a mule or a horse is a horse by pulling it out.

When you go to the fruit market, don’t you have to put them in rows and physically select them?

At various training camps and star games in the summer, talents from different competitions will most directly let everyone see who is better.

No matter how much you compare, it's not as realistic as fighting with real swords and guns!
High school prodigies also know that this is their chance to make a name for themselves.

Stoudemire thought so. Due to the transfer, Stoudemire only led the team to a record of 16 wins and 13 losses last season.

Obviously, this is not a particularly convincing result.

Although he can still average 29 points, 15 rebounds and 6 blocks per game, the real GOAT is based on performance and not just personal data.

So Stoudemire is extremely eager to tell the world at the ABCD training camp: "As long as you give me a bunch of average teammates, I can kill everyone!"

But now, there is an obstacle in front of Stoudemire - Ryan.

I don’t know why, but overnight, newspapers and even basketball programs were talking about the showdown between Ryan and Stoudemire at the ABCD training camp.

Commentators such as Barkley and Kenny Smith seemed to have received some kind of order and would always say something like "I really want to watch the game between Stoudemire and Ryan" from time to time.

So much so, that during the start of the NBA Finals, the ABCD training camp actually stole a lot of traffic!

Ryan VS Stoudemire is like Ali VS Frazier in boxing in the 70s, attracting global attention!

Stoudemire still has a beep number. He knows that he is very popular, but he is far from that popular.

In terms of popularity, he is far behind Anthony and James.

The game became so popular overnight, and it felt as if there was an invisible promoter behind it, using terrifying power to hype this showdown to national attention.

And Ryan knew very well that this was Wesley showing off his magical powers.

Because just before Ryan left for training camp, he received a call from Wesley’s shadow agent, Leon Rose:
"Uncle Wes lets you focus on the game and leave the rest to us!"

Ryan thus embarked on a journey to defeat the No. [-] high school student. As soon as he got off the plane, he was surrounded by reporters and fans.

It seems that the hype is effective. Countless fans and scouts have gathered here, wanting to see the passionate sparks of Ryan VS Stoudemire.

Surrounded by everyone, Ryan walked into the training hall.On the first day of training camp, all talents will be divided into different teams, get to know their coaches and teammates, and practice together for the first time.

After completing the team division, Ryan looked around the training ground to see if there were any familiar players among his teammates.

Finally, a short, thin guy with sports shorts that he had worn into cropped pants came into Ryan's field of vision.

Because there are many players in the ABCD training camp, and each player's jersey number cannot be the same to facilitate identification by scouts and fans.Therefore, the jersey numbers in the training camp are all three digits.

And the jersey number "058" on the back of that dwarf is like a symbol of his identity!

Ryan walked up and patted the guy who seemed to be just over 1 meters tall: "Chris Paul?"

The dwarf turned around in surprise, as if he was surprised that someone actually recognized him.

When he saw the nationally famous Ryan, Paul showed admiration like a little fanboy: "Lian. I know you, the high school superstar who guarded LeBron with 9 points in a single game!"

"It's just a trivial victory."

"Wait, our jerseys have the same color, you and I are on the same team!?

Very good!This time we will definitely defeat Stoudemire! "

"That's what I'm here to do, but I want you to do a little thing for me."

As soon as Leon finished speaking, the scene became agitated, and the sound of the camera shutter kept ringing.

Almost all reporters gathered towards one person, and that person was naturally Stoudemire!
The other high school geniuses were being left out in the cold at the moment, and Stoudemire seemed to be completely out of the league with the others.

Stoudemire was wearing a suit and sunglasses, looking very star-like.After entering, he looked around as if looking for a target.Finally, he walked straight to Ryan.

Ryan had no stage fright. He held his head high and looked directly into the opponent's eyes when facing the menacing Stoudemire.

Stoudemire and Ryan were face to face, taking off their sunglasses and putting them in their pockets: "Cherish it, you will only see me on TV from now on."

After that, Stoudemire left Ryan and deliberately bumped Ryan with his shoulder.

Stoudemire has this kind of virtue. Although Ryan has never messed with him, the whole world is comparing Ryan with him, which makes him feel insulted.

He wants to tell the whole world that he is uniquely strong!
In the original history, Yao Ming didn't mess with him at all.But because he is not convinced that Yao Ming is the number one pick, he always takes the initiative to find trouble.

Stoudemire's arrogant behavior made many players on the scene very unhappy.

Everyone was muttering next to them:
"What the hell? This is a basketball court, and he's here for a catwalk show?"

"Look how crazy he is!"

"Fuck, what are you pulling on? Ryan won all 29 games last season. How dare he show off after losing more than a dozen games?"

However, most people can only hold back if they can't stand Stoudemire anymore, because they all know that they really can't beat Stoudemire.

And the fiercely competitive Paul knew that the only way to kill Stoudemire was to turn to Ryan!
"Ryan, you just said you want me to do a small thing? Don't say one thing. As long as you can beat him, I will promise you even ten things!"

"Okay, can you help me kill someone?"

"Hahahaha, this is too easy for me. Tell me, how many eggs can you pinch?"

Lane: .
Ryan originally wanted to make a joke, but he didn't expect that Paul was really capable.

"You're just kidding, no need to kill anyone. In tomorrow's game, you just need to help me pass the right ball at the right time!"

As for the rest, leave it to me.Then, get ready to enjoy the victory. "

Paul nodded vigorously and assisted his teammates. Isn't this my biggest strength besides breaking eggs?
Seeing that he had successfully recruited Paul, Ryan was secretly happy.

His biggest worry before was that he couldn't find a good ball carrier.

After all, Ryan himself is not very good at passing and controlling, and he does not have a strong ability to hold the ball and break the press.

Without a good ball handler, Ryan's ability without the ball will not be fully utilized no matter how strong he is.

Now it's okay, with Paul helping you pass the ball, you can play to your heart's content!
Although Paul's scoring ability during this period was not very strong, he was only just over 1 meters tall.

But his organizational talents have begun to emerge.

As long as he can run out of opportunities, the ball will definitely be delivered!

After the afternoon training, Ryan stayed in the training hall and practiced like crazy as usual.

The sweat paid off was not in vain. Finally, on the first day of the game, he improved his mid-range shooting attribute to 55.

Combined with Angua's talent fragments, Ryan's attributes can temporarily reach 60 when catching and shooting from mid-range.

Next, just wait for tomorrow’s game!

After training, I walked out of the basketball gym.Ryan was surprised to find that some reporters were guarding him.

When they saw Ryan, they all gathered around excitedly:

"Ryan, you are about to face Stoudemire in the group match tomorrow. Are you nervous?"

"There's nothing to be nervous about." "Although you don't face each other directly, your offensive method is mainly to attack the basket, and you will definitely be blocked by Stoudemire tomorrow. You really don't worry, your performance will fail. ?”

"Of course I'm not worried. After all, I haven't lost this season. And some people have lost 13 games, which is more than I lost in all four years of high school combined.

He thought he was already an arrogant superstar, but...
We'll see! "

This is the first time that someone dares to respond directly to Stoudemire's arrogance!
Early the next morning, everyone saw what Ryan said during the interview.

Ryan discovered that if he farted in front of the camera, it would be widely reported the next day.

It seems that Wesley has a wide network of contacts and knows many people in the news media industry.

Ryan's words naturally reached Stoudemire's ears, and he responded disdainfully:
"Record? Haha, if he hadn't hugged Carmelo Anthony's thigh, how many games would he have won?"

Stoudemire still looks like "I am the best in the world" and is very disdainful of Ryan.

He thought, if I can't beat Yao Ming, I can't beat you, a high school weakling!

Did Ryan push the No. [-] high school student to the ground and rub him, or did Stoudemire completely crush Ryan?Everyone is looking forward to it.

Not only fans, but also scouts from various colleges are paying close attention to this matchup.

Although Ryan had killed Ajan before, Ajan was one year younger than Ryan after all.

In high school and college, it's normal for seniors to beat juniors.After all, the bodies of children at this age change every year.

But this time, Ryan's opponent was Stoudemire, who also graduated from high school.

And the most important thing is, there is no Anthony next to Ryan!
Therefore, this game will be a very important reference for whether Ryan can be on his own.

The stadium was buzzing with people, but Ryan was used to this kind of game atmosphere.

Although the ABCD training camp has professional coaches to take care of the children, in essence it is no different from playing field football.

Because everyone will be rushing to show themselves and show that they are first in line to execute tactics.

In fact, the coach did not arrange many tactics.

Therefore, the team's tactics can default to "just pick up the gaps in the battle between Ryan and Stoudemire."

Everyone came to see them!

Ryan walked onto the court and gave Paul a light fist bump.

Stoudemire was out of tune with the teammates around him and seemed particularly withdrawn.But it doesn't matter to him. He considers himself to be a quasi-NBA player, and crushing a group of high school students is no problem!

At the beginning of the game, Stoudemire relied on his unparalleled physical terror to win the basketball.

And in the first round, he asked for the ball from behind in the mid-range position.

But what surprised Stoudemire was that Ryan actually took the initiative to defend himself and faced him directly!
At Oak Hill High School, Ryan mostly played the three or four position.

But today, Ryan directly took over the No. [-] position and directly challenged Stoudemire!

Ryan knew very well that no one present could guard Stoudemire.

Although Stoudemire's skills were still a bit rough at this period, he was able to average 13 points per game in his NBA rookie year just by relying on his body.

Therefore, only Ryan can deal with him.

Xiao Si also got excited, seeing someone come to die for the first time.Okay, I will make it happen for you.

Actively guard against me?Do you really think of yourself as a person?

Stoudemire didn't show any politeness, and directly hit Ryan, who was half a head shorter than him, to dig into the basket.

And he didn't forget to raise his elbow and hit Ryan on the chest.

The audience held their breath. Poor Ryan was about to become the first victim of Stoudemire today.

Most opponents, after being hit by Stoudemire like that, would either fly half a meter away or dare not defend anymore.

But what is surprising is that Ryan still sticks to Stoudemire's side forcefully!

He withstood Stoudemire's impact!


Unconvinced, Xiao Si cursed secretly, and then continued to dig in.

The second time, he hit Ryan with even more force.

There was a muffled sound, and Ryan was pushed back half a step.

But just like before, Ryan immediately pressed forward again, pestering Stoudemire so much that he had no choice but to do anything!

He was like Rodman trapping a magic shark, completely confining Stoudemire!

Stoudemire was already very thin during this period, and throughout his career he was not the kind of back-up type insider.Therefore, it is simply impossible to forcefully eat Ryan, whose strength attribute reaches 90.

He was used to force-eating in high school, so he thought he could crush Ryan in the same way, but he was totally wrong!
The eyes of college coaches and scouts are also shining. Facts have proved that Ryan is not inferior at all when he competes with quasi-NBA players!
Unable to get away from Ryan, Stoudemire had no choice but to turn around and go to the basket, preparing to rely on his athleticism for a dunk.

The result is clear, Ryan's athletic ability is not inferior to Stoudemire at all!
Stoudemire had just jumped up and dunked hard. Ryan, whose elastic speed and wingspan were extremely abnormal, relied on his stronger strength to directly reward him with a volleyball risk!
In this wave, Stoudemire is pretending to be Lean's strong point!
The on-site commentator clapped his hands on the table and said: "Breaking dunk! Ryan completely abused the No. [-] high school student in the first round of defense! Brutal forward Stoudemire couldn't take any advantage over Ryan!"

The basketball was blocked and fell into the hands of player No. 058. Upon seeing this, Ryan turned around and ran forward with all his strength.

Stoudemire pursued, gnashing his teeth.

He couldn't believe that he couldn't beat Anthony's Cavaliers in singles!
If you dare to impersonate me, I will definitely give you a psychological shadow!Start with this attack!
Just as he was thinking of this, Stoudemire saw a basketball fly over his head and go straight to Ryan.

Ryan understood the idea, jumped high, and steadily caught the basketball in the air.

Stoudemire was shocked. This is such a long pass. Is it going to be an alley-oop?
Who can pass it on so accurately?He actually sent an alley-oop pass through me?
That was naturally the pass sent by player No. 058. This kind of ball was too simple for him.

Stoudemire followed suit, but it was too difficult to risk an alley-oop.

When Stoudemire waved to cover the ball, Ryan had already slammed his hands towards the basket.

Immediately afterwards, the whole audience heard a loud "bang"!
"An alley-oop across the entire court! The connection between player No. 058 Chris Paul and Ryan was perfect!

Paul passed the ball very high, but Ryan still caught it. What a terrible physical fitness!

Stoudemire failed to attack, but Ryan scored first!

The number one high school student is in big trouble now! "

Ryan let go, landed, and pointed at Paul to express his gratitude.

Then he picked up the basketball, put it in Stoudemire's hand, and pointed to his nose:

"Don't look like that. I was really too serious just now. Don't worry, I'll let you go in the next round."

The scene of Ryan pointing at Stoudemire and snorting angrily made the fans at the scene even more excited.

This Ryan always makes the game more intense!
Wesley, who was watching the live broadcast, also smiled. Ryan himself was a blazing fire. He just needed to add some more firewood to it and it would burn brighter and hotter!

The fans and college coaches at the scene were all in high spirits.

Judging from Ryan's performance in the first two rounds, he is definitely not here to gain experience for the quasi-NBA level Stoudemire.

Tonight, there is a good show to watch!

 Thank you to the man with such a lovely smile for the 4000 rewards, thank you Lord for your grace!Thanks to the likes of 丶人人丶, Mephisto Mephisto, Children Don’t Cry, etc. for the rewards, thank you all!This is another big chapter with more than [-] words, and I beg to read it with conscientious friends!

(End of this chapter)

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