He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 83: Meeting the Spurs in the opening game, revenge begins immediately!

Chapter 83: Meeting the Spurs in the opening game, revenge begins immediately!
Media Day for the new season is as lively as ever in Denver.

When Kirilenko, Ryan and Webber put on Nuggets jerseys at the press conference, local reporters in Denver couldn't help but cheer.

Finally, this team's lineup finally looks like that!
The appearance of Weber and Kirilenko also impressed everyone.

Kirilenko, who had bangs before, changed his hairstyle to oily hair at Ryan's suggestion.This big back and his sharp facial features make him look handsome, but at least his temperament is much better than before.

Weber has become visibly stronger, but not fat. Everyone can see that his muscle lines are still very obvious, and his belly is not protruding.

It seems that this summer, Weber has put on a lot of muscles and is ready to play center.

Ryan has not changed, the only change is that he is more hopeful to break through the Spurs this season than before!
After the three people sat down, the reporters also started asking questions.

The first question, which reporters are most concerned about: "Andre, what position do you think you are in in Denver?"

Although Kirilenko received the maximum salary, he knew his position, and he did not want to come to the Nuggets to be the boss.

So AK47 said bluntly: "I will become the most powerful weapon in Ryan's hand! I will hit wherever he aims with me! The Nuggets signed me to assist him!"

In a word, AK47 dispelled all the worries of fans and reporters.

The previous incident of AK47 forcing the Jazz made Denver fans a little worried that Kirilenko would disrupt the locker room.

Human beings all expand.

Once you have a maximum salary, you will think about the status of the team.

Didn't you see before that the Kings chose to send away Webb, who was in a period of decline, because Peja's desire grew stronger as he played better and better, and eventually he had a falling out with Webber.

But at present, AK47 has a very correct understanding of its position.

As long as the money is in place, Kirilenko is still very obedient~
And Kirilenko also knows very well that he cannot do things beyond his capabilities.

If the device doesn't match the shape, putting it in will be like rowing a boat, which is no fun.

Similarly, Kirilenko knows that in the core role, he is not suitable for the type and cannot achieve anything famous, so he might as well shine in the role positioning that he is good at.

Some things are too showy, but they make themselves unhappy.

Immediately afterwards, the reporters asked Weber: "You have been training with Ryan this summer. Is the purpose of gaining weight is to change your playing style?"

"Yes, I will change my playing style next season, take fewer shots, and focus on defense, rebounding and support.

But no matter what, as long as I can help the team, I am willing.

After training with Ryan for a summer, I learned that his success was no accident.

I believe that under the leadership of Foreman Lai, our Denver demolition group will definitely become bigger and stronger and enter glory. "

"Denver Demolition Group?"

Weber smiled: "Yes, it's the nickname of our small group, hahahaha. We will tear down the entire west!"

The atmosphere of the press conference, as well as the answers from AK47 and Webber, made Denver reporters extremely excited.

It seems that both AK and Webb are very smart and know that they are here to assist Ryan, so they don't have any extra thoughts.

As for the "chaos in the Nuggets locker room" that was hyped by the media after Ryan broke Ellis' ribs, it seems that this is not the case.

The atmosphere looks great!

Finally, reporters finally started asking Ryan questions:
"Ryan, are you enjoying getting along with your new teammates?"

"You know, AK and Weber have always been my brothers, and of course we have a very happy relationship."

"What is your goal for the new season?"

"Huh? I thought Larry had made it clear enough.

My goal is to be first, and the goal of other teams is to find ways to compete for second place! "

"So, you are very confident about the opening game against the Spurs."

At this point, Ryan clenched his fists.

That's right, one of this year's NBA opening games is the Spurs VS Nuggets!

Stern is as knowledgeable as those girls who make sidekick videos and knows what men like to watch.

After the Nuggets upgraded their lineup, the question that the world was most concerned about was: Can the upgraded Nuggets overcome the Spurs' hurdle?

Therefore, Stern directly arranged for this game.

This has indeed greatly increased fans' expectations for the new season.

Denver fans dream of watching Ryan take down the Spurs.

Spurs fans want to prove that they have the ability to defend their title.No matter how the Nuggets strengthen, it is impossible to stop the pace of GDP!
As long as Ryan, a super genius, is in the West, he is destined to be stepped on by Duncan!
Faced with this problem, Ryan leaned closer to the microphone:

"I feel very honored to be the first player to defeat the defending champion in the new season!"

Half an hour later, after hearing what Ryan said from the reporter, Popovich smiled disdainfully:

"Yes, yes, I still remember Ryan saying he would beat us last year. It's okay, I'm used to it.

Ryan is a good man. Although he always talks harsh words, he is actually soft-hearted.

I just don’t know if Ryan will feel uncomfortable watching us receive our championship rings at the ATT Center. "

Popovich's yin and yang aura is still the same. This proud old man doesn't take Ryan, a rookie who has only played in the NBA for two years, in his eyes at all.

At this time, he only had the great cause of establishing a dynasty in his mind.Ryan?He's nothing like a green onion, he's easily used against himself by the media.

In his opinion, it is nonsense for the media to regard the Nuggets as an important opponent of the Spurs.Traffic stars, please don’t touch the powerful ones like us, okay?

Since you have to pick a rookie against me, then I will hit you every time I see you!
Yes, the Nuggets' lineup has indeed improved since Bird became general manager this summer.Popovich admitted that Bird's execution ability is much better than that waste Vandeweghe.

His coaching level is also better than that of Bzdelik, the pretender.

But the Nuggets' lineup is just that. The AK47 is very strong and good, but its ability to attack difficult situations is limited.

As for guys like Weber, who are highly paid and incompetent, they can only brush up on statistics now.

Win my Spurs?They take the lead and win!
Popovich's eccentricity and Ryan's straightforwardness became the hot topics of newspaper speculation the next day.

The new season hasn't even started yet, but the Spurs and Nuggets are already at odds with each other.

Nuggets fans want to hit Popovich when they see his arrogant look. If they hadn't met a man with a brain like Rivers who persuaded Duncan to quit Orlando, how could you continue to use Duncan?That means your life is good!

But your life won't always be so good!

Chinese fans are also gnashing their teeth. The current Spurs are like the Jazz who stopped the Rockets time and time again in history, making Chinese fans hate them to the core.

The fans were all holding their breath, hoping that Ryan could give the Spurs a hard blow in the opening game, ruin the night of the proud old man's championship ring award, and let out a sigh of relief.

To the delight of Denver fans, the Nuggets did perform well in the subsequent preseason games, recording a wave of 7 wins and 1 loss!
The power of Bird's four-pass-one system is beginning to show, and the Nuggets' offense is more than one level more gorgeous than last season, and even has a bit of the Princeton King's odor.

It's hard to imagine that Bird, who led the Pacers' physical defense team back then, could actually play such wonderful basketball in the Western Conference.

But the difference between the Nuggets and the Kings is that while the Nuggets have a gorgeous offense, they still maintain a high level of defense.

After Weber gained weight this season to play center and defend seriously, although he did not reach the level of a big player overnight, he was indeed able to conscientiously fill the penalty area and protect the frame without being a hindrance.

After Nene returned to the fourth position, he felt even more at home. He no longer needed to support the muscle stick, and he took full advantage of his strong mobility.

The most important thing is that the Nuggets are now at least using two serious insiders to start the game. Both the height and hardness of the insiders have improved a lot.

As for Ryan and Kirilenko's defense, it is even more disappointing!

Although Big Bird didn't let Ryan and AK play at the same time for too long in the preseason.

But in the limited time, Ryan and AK's defense still put their opponents to shame.

Andre Miller once said in an interview that he couldn't laugh or cry:
"Defense? This kind of thing is too simple. I just have to put my hands on my hips and watch my opponent pass by me, and then watch Ryan and AK strangle him."

It seems that Miller has understood the true meaning of defense.Real GOAT-level players always defend with their hands on their hips like this.

Reporters also asked Bird why he didn't let Ryan and AK play together more before the start of the regular season.

The two of them played at the same time in the preseason for such a short time. Aren't you afraid that they would not be able to achieve the training effect?

Bird shook his head: "Let them play at the same time for a long time in the preseason, and the game is over in one quarter. Then how can I train? You don't understand what a worry it is to defend too well!"

In one sentence, he was both pretentious and left reporters speechless.

The Nuggets' strong performance in the preseason has naturally filled Denver fans and Chinese fans with expectations.

In the opening game, the Spurs must be beaten hard!
It's time to turn over!

Just like that, the time came to November 11st, the day the opening game of the 1-05 season started!
Today, Stern has scheduled a total of four games.

Bucks VS 76ers, Mavericks VS Suns, Spurs VS Nuggets and Heat VS Pistons.

It's basically a focus showdown.

Those who can participate are basically super popular superstars.

So, who claims to be on par with Joe Mo but is not even qualified to participate in the opening game?
Kecun fans: Of course it’s the pseudo-superstar Kobe!
Today, from the moment he stepped into the ATT Center, Miller noticed that Ryan had never smiled again.

At first, Miller thought Ryan missed Scotishvili.

But later it was discovered that this was not the case, because Monta Ellis was more thoughtful than Skotishvili in serving tea and water.

When soaking in water, you also know to put a few wolfberries in the Ryan cup.

As expected of someone who had a life-long friendship with Ryan.

The reason why Ryan doesn't smile is simple - this is the place where Ryan failed for two consecutive years.As soon as he walked in here, Ryan felt unhappy.

Before the game started, the Spurs also held a massive championship ring awarding ceremony at home.

Popovich picked up the microphone in front of everyone and said this deliberately:
"I'm very happy that my players and I can reach the top again. Ever since we first won the championship in 1999, there have been many teams clamoring to beat us.

But what now?They can only hide in the dark and watch us put on our third championship ring! "

This sentence is not yin and yang, it is directly mocking Ryan on the sidelines.

In the CCTV studio, Yu Jia couldn't stop: "Coach Popovich's speech is very directional! However, even a world champion may fail!"

Ryan stared at the gleaming ring in the dark, almost biting his teeth.

It’s not that I envy others who have rings, but because behind that shiny ring, there is the blood of the Denver Nuggets!

The Spurs stepped on the Nuggets' corpse to reach the top!And twice!

This championship ring presentation ceremony was tantamount to a public execution for Ryan.

Popovich's speech sprinkled salt on the Nuggets' wounds and gave Kiel a 50G seed while he was getting stitches.

While the Spurs players were celebrating, the camera also gave a very inappropriate close-up of Ryan.

Because the lights around the scene were turned off at this time, and Ryan was also in the shadows, people could not see his expression clearly at this time.

But from the clenched fists, it is not difficult to see how murderous Ryan is now.

Ryan will not give in easily, he will find his dignity on his own.

But the Spurs will also do their best to save the face of the defending champion.

Today’s game will definitely be exciting!
Soon after, the championship ring awarding ceremony officially ended.

As soon as the lights came on, Ryan immediately walked onto the court and started warming up.

In the stands, Holy City fans raised countless numbered signs to taunt Ryan:

"One step at a time, and we are going backwards every year!"

“Have a great round this year, Ryan!”

"Maybe next year? Ryan. Next year, next year for sure!"

Ryan looked at these signs and felt that the anger in his heart was still building up crazily.

Now there are three beauties wearing only torn socks standing in front of Ryan, and there is only one thing in Ryan's mind - kill the Spurs!
The starting lineups of both sides quickly took their places. Ryan looked around and saw that he was still facing a group of familiar opponents.

Parker, Ginobili, Bowen, Duncan, Nesterovich.

During this period, Popovich used Ginobili as a starter.Therefore, the Spurs' firepower is very strong.

On their bench, there are also powerful players such as Finley and Horry.

Popovich looked at Ryan with a disdainful smile.

From the beginning of the media day until now, he has never looked at Ryan.

On the Nuggets side, Denver fans finally saw the full picture of this year's team's starting lineup: Miller, Ryan, AK, Nene and Webber.

Larry Bird stood on the sidelines with a serious expression.

This guy who usually laughs and laughs will not joke about victory.

Before the game started, Mike Breen, who was the designated commentator for the national live broadcast, praised the Nuggets:
"The Nuggets performed extremely well in the preseason, and they came here to avenge the Spurs!

I heard that Ryan has been training all summer, and the team has also added top wing defenders besides Chu Ryan!

We can look forward to the Nuggets' performance! "

But as soon as Mike Breen finished speaking, Spurs home commentator Bill Rand immediately sang the opposite:

“Never underestimate the strength of the defending champion!

The Nuggets' defense is indeed very strong after adding Kirilenko, but don't forget, last season we avenged the league's best defensive team to win the championship!
No matter how strong the Nuggets' defense is, can they still be better than the Pistons? "

Kremlin fans in front of countless TVs agreed. The Nuggets added a second defense of Kirilenko and a fat Webber. Do they want to beat the Spurs?

Don't pee and look in the mirror!
Don't ask why Cavaliers fans watch the game between the Nuggets and Spurs. You also have to understand the pain of some fans who have no game to watch in the opening game.

Amid the bickering between the two commentators, the referee threw the ball high into the air and the game began!
After gaining weight, Webb naturally couldn't jump to the ball, and the Spurs easily got the ball first.

The Spurs' offense was unhurried, with Parker controlling the ball outside the three-point line and waiting for Duncan to gain position inside.

After Duncan reached his position, Parker also delivered the ball steadily.

Weber gritted his teeth and stood behind Duncan, but when Duncan sat back, Weber was still unable to stop Shifo's pace!
Bill Rand shouted excitedly: "Webber, who has gained weight, can't resist the great Tim Duncan! The Nuggets' desire to rely on him to stop Duncan is simply wishful thinking!"

Duncan glanced at Nene's position and found that Nene was not attacking from a flank.Therefore, the basic skill chose to turn around and hook directly.

All Spurs fans stood up, ready to celebrate the first official score of the new season.

As a result, in the next second, everyone from Shi Buddha to Popovich to the fans at the scene had their eyes widened.

Nene really didn't come forward to help defend, but that guy with slicked back hair, a face that looked like the most sinister and sinister character in the Russian gang, slender limbs and a good jumper, flew into the penalty area in an instant!

He swung his whip-like long arms in the air like a volleyball player, and slapped Duncan's hook out of the penalty area!

For a moment, the cheers in the ATT Center were reduced by half.

Damn it. He actually took advantage of Duncan's hook?

Moreover, it came from outside!
Indeed, even if the average No. [-] position has time to rush back to the penalty area, it is impossible to have the height to block Duncan.

But for Kirilenko, who is 206cm tall, has slender arms and is good at flying and jumping, height has never been a problem when helping to defend the opponent's inside line!Not to mention Duncan, Dayao could even volleyball with blood!
The two-handed turkey and Parker, who have a keen sense of smell, went to grab the basketball that flew out of the fan.

Although French sports cars are fast, American trucks are more powerful.

Miller got stuck and squeezed hard, then pushed the sports car away and grabbed the basketball.

After grabbing the basketball, Miller slammed the ball to the ground.

This is the third season that Double Blade Turkey and Ryan have cooperated. The tacit understanding between them has already reached the point where they can find the right place with their eyes closed and the lights turned off.

The basketball fell into Ryan's hands diagonally, and once Ryan, whose speed had reached 98, rushed up, no team in the league could hold it down!Miller's passing and Ryan's impact made the Nuggets' counterattack fast and deadly!

Ryan rushes to the front, with no Spurs players within the safe zone.

At this time, Ryan slowed down and stepped into the penalty area in two leisurely steps, seemingly with a slight leap.

As a result, Ryan held up the basketball with one hand in the air and turned 360°, performing an extremely elegant one-handed 360° dunk!

Ryan's athletic ability allows him to perform various dunks in actual combat as if he were playing a game.

The Nuggets took the lead at the beginning. Kirilenko's block, Miller's pass and Ryan's counterattack just now were simply a joy to watch!
But after 2-0, Bird still had the same frown on the sidelines.

Popovich didn't seem to pay attention.

He still has the same attitude: "The Nuggets beat me? I want to eat shit!"

The game continued. Parker and Duncan tried to break through in a pick-and-roll this time, but Ryan quickly bypassed the screen and continued to block the French sports car.

This year, the Nuggets are treating others the way they treat others. They also began to use Ryan to directly lock Parker's ball-holding point!
Before, Ryan had to spend all his energy defending Ginobili and had to help defend Duncan at all times.

The defensive task was too heavy, so there was no time to take care of Parker, so last season's series allowed Parker to average 22 points per game.

But now, Ryan only needs to do one thing, and that is to keep an eye on Parker, the Spurs' most stable outside firepower!
As for helping to defend Duncan and restricting Manu, Kirilenko can now do it for him!
Parker is fast, and his finishing efficiency at the basket is comparable to that of the inside. His finishing ability is incredibly strong for his size.

So Ryan's strategy is also very clear, just let Parker take two steps!

At this period, Parker's mid-to-long-range shooting was still very unstable. With Ryan's height and wingspan, even if he took two steps, he could interfere in time.

Anyway, the shots Parker chose were not to the point where they couldn't be taken at all.

The main thing is to limit his breakthrough.

Duncan once again sets the screen for Parker, but Ryan continues to go straight down the line and around Duncan.Giving Parker space to shoot, once again blocking Parker's breakthrough route!
To be honest, it would be very uncomfortable for Parker to face an opponent like Ryan who has speed, height and wingspan and can crush him.

For example, in the 2007 Finals, James defended Parker, and Parker became the Finals MVP!

Uh. Well, this example doesn’t count!

At that time, Parker's mid-range shooting had already begun to take shape, so it was normal for Ajan to have difficulty defending. How could he blame Ajan?

But at least now, Ryan has no problem handling Parker.

Parker was stopped by Ryan again and could only look for Ginobili.

He immediately crossed the ball and found Manu. Ginobili was already accumulating strength and was ready to break through the moment he received the ball.

But the basketball did not fall into the hands of the long-haired Argentinian, but was intercepted by Kirilenko after stretching out his arm!
Kirilenko's ability to steal the ball is average, but his ability to steal passes is very strong.

He just gave Duncan a bloody blow, and he gave the Spurs a blow in the head with another steal!
In the history of the NBA, there are only four people who have averaged 1.5 steals and 3 blocks per game in a single season since detailed statistics are available.

Olajuwon, Admiral, Ben and Kirilenko!

Otherwise, how about saying he is a hexagonal warrior?
On the defensive side, Kirilenko can grab and block, making opponents dream of his villain's face!

After Kirilenko stole the ball, he directly held the ball and pushed quickly, and the Spurs had to quickly switch.

Bowen stayed close to Kirilenko's side, and at the same time, Parker had already run to the basket to block the ball.

But during the march, Kirilenko used a solid back pass to send the ball to Ryan, who followed up from the center.

Kirilenko's pass caught the Spurs off guard. By the time Parker turned to face Ryan, Ryan was already flying into the air.

Parker knew that reaching out at this time would definitely be a foul, so he simply didn't reach out to stop it.

As a result, Ryan spread his legs and flew directly over the Frenchman's head, dunking with one hand!A clean death dunk, Ryan directly silenced the boos on the scene!

Mike Breen swallowed. The whole world knew that Ryan had performed a death dunk when facing James' teammate Romeo in high school.

It is quite rare for most players to dunk this kind of dunk once in their lifetime.

But Ryan, he actually did it again in the NBA!
Got it, French players come with the buff of being buckled by death!

In the stands, Spurs fans rubbed their eyes, unable to believe what they just saw.

"It flew over Parker so easily?"

"Now I know why LeBron suddenly regretted not participating in the dunk contest last season! Whenever he participated, he was just serving as a background for Ryan!"

"Damn it, how could anyone use flying over opponents as a regular means of breaking through defenses! It's simply outrageous!"

This goal was a shock to the Spurs.

Because the prerequisite for being able to perform a death slam is smooth fast attack.

And just now, Kirilenko's transition from stealing to advancing with the ball to making a wonderful pass to Ryan couldn't be smoother!
If this were the Nuggets last season, no one except Miller could feed Ryan the ball in fast breaks like this.

In the first few rounds, Kirilenko has already blocked 1 shot, 1 steal and 1 assist.

Now you know why he can become the 5X5 player second only to Olajuwon!

Mike Breen couldn't help but applaud: "Ryan is shooting wildly with his AK47!"

At this time, Popovich's face was still relaxed and he didn't even frown.

Yes, the Nuggets' counterattack ability is indeed very strong.

Especially after adding Kirilenko, the fast break is equivalent to having an arrow figure who can pass and rush.

But in a basketball game, victory cannot be won by counterattacks alone!
In the final analysis, the final battle is still the ability to forcefully break the position.

The Nuggets can't always fight back, right?
Sooner or later they will be dragged into position.

At that time, it will be the Spurs' chance to counterattack!
In this era, except for outliers like the Suns, most strong teams actually rely heavily on positional offense and defense.

Therefore, Popovich's idea also makes sense.

This time the Spurs attacked, Parker used the pick-and-roll to reach mid-range under Ryan's defense.

But Ryan quickly reached out and interfered with Parker's shot, causing him to strike.

The Spurs' offense failed again, but the Spurs players are used to it.

In the finals of the past two years, this was how they battled the Pistons round by round.

Blacksmithing, screening, running, and confrontation. These things fill most of the offense.

Scoring goals is a reward that only comes occasionally.

Although Parker struck again, Popovich was a little happy.

Because this time, the Nuggets finally have no chance for a fast break!

They must go head-to-head with the Spurs in a positional battle!
I want to see what you can do!
Popovich is gearing up, wanting to watch the Nuggets get knocked to the ground by the Spurs' strong positional defense like they did last season.

At this time, Popovich discovered that Ryan was not working in the mid-range.

Instead, he used his "back-up without the ball" and shot directly to the basket without the ball, easily pushing Ginobili away.

At the same time, Webber pulled to the free throw line, and Duncan had to stand out a little in order to interfere with Webber's shooting at any time.

Although Weber's skills are greatly reduced now, he still can't let go of his straight-arm jump shot casually.

Popovich smiled. Although Duncan had to leave the basket, he still lay directly in front of the basket.

So, how does Miller feed the ball to Ryan under the basket with Bowen, Webb, and Duncan separated?
Your offense is still locked!
But soon, the Nuggets this season gave the answer!
Miller did not go directly to Ryan, but quickly passed the ball to Kirilenko in the left corner.

Seeing this, Duncan immediately closed the penalty area to prevent Kirilenko from feeding Ryan the ball from the side.

But Kirilenko immediately passed the second pass, and the target was Webber who was let go by Duncan and was on the free throw line!
The moment Duncan passed the ball from Kirilenko, he immediately leaned toward Weber again.

Weber jumped up to receive the pass, and then, without waiting for the landing, he caught the basketball in the air and immediately passed it lightly and fed the ball to Ryan under the basket!From Miller to Webber, with three exquisite passes, the Nuggets fed the ball to the basket!

There was no suspense about what happened next, because Weber's pass was too sudden, so Duncan and Nesternovic had no time to return to the penalty area.

Ryan directly hung onto Ginobili and got up on the spot, smashing and dunking hard to score!
At the same time, the referee's whistle sounded.Ginobi took advantage of a meaningless foul and sent Ryan to the free throw line!
This is why Popovich wants to make breakfast for Ginobili one second and wants to trade him the next.

Ginobili often scores a morale-boosting fairy ball on the offensive end, and then gives the opponent a 2+1 with a meaningless foul the next second.

In front of the TV, Denver fans had goosebumps all over their bodies.

It's okay for Ryan to dunk with Ginobili hanging on, but the mercury-dropping pass just now made both Nuggets fans and Chinese fans excited!
Especially when Weber passed the ball directly in the air, it was really a treasure!
Putting aside last season, the Nuggets would never have been able to play this kind of offense.Although Nene's passing ability is very good, he can't pass the ball like Weber just died.

With the help of a new system and teammates, Ryan doesn't even need to run for the entire half.

He just stands under the basket and waits to eat Ginobili!
Bird's face finally showed a long-lost smile.

In positional warfare, I will still beat you!

Popovich could no longer hold back, and immediately frowned, completely losing his previous arrogance and calmness.

In this round, the Nuggets explained to the world their method of breaking positional defense.When Miller was locked by Bowen, the Nuggets' offense was no longer as stagnant as usual!
Ryan stood on the free throw line amid boos from the audience, but Ryan, who was extremely driven to win, completely dismissed these voices.

He made a steady shot and hit the free throw, and the Nuggets led the Spurs 7-0 at the start!

Mike Breen is still immersed in the wonderful cooperation just now:
"Did you see Bill? The Nuggets' offense is as good as it was in the preseason!
In just three passes, Ryan got such an easy scoring opportunity!
The Nuggets' four-feed-one tactic is indeed quite successful!

You know, the Spurs are one of the most defensive teams in the league! "

Bill Rand on the side responded angrily: "It's just a flashy trick!"

Afterwards, Duncan continued to beat Webber.

Weber is really weak. Even after gaining weight, he still can't beat Duncan. It's like taking a little blue pill but still spending 1 per minute.

But Duncan knows that taking down Webber is not the same as taking down the Nuggets' defense.

He turned around and saw that No. 47 was attacking again!

Under the strict defense of Webb and AK47 with their arms raised, Duncan still passed the ball to Ginobili who was left open.

The Argentine Demon Blade didn't hesitate and shot a three-pointer directly!
When the demon sword is unsheathed, it will inevitably see blood!

Only this time, it was the Spurs who saw blood!

Ginobili had just thrown the basketball when he saw a black shadow flying past his eyes.And, like a fly, he slapped his shot directly out of the baseline!

"Ryan! He defended in front of Ginobili in time!
When Kirilenko went to help defend Duncan and left Ginobili open, the Argentinian thought he had got a chance.

Relying on his strong mobility, Ryan helped Kirilenko block the eye-catcher again!

And the scariest thing is that when Ryan blocked Ginobili, Kirilenko had already run in front of Parker!

The Nuggets completed a perfect, watertight rotation on defense!Didn't give the Spurs any chance!

This is the power of Ryan + AK47. The Nuggets will definitely be the most terrifying team in perimeter defense this season, bar none!

Bird is right, they are not allowed to play for a long time in the preseason because they are too strong! "

Mike Breen couldn't help shouting loudly, how come the Nuggets' defense looks so gorgeous?

These days, most defensive teams rely on "hardness".

As for the Nuggets, they rely more on "fast"!
Ryan instantly filled Kirilenko's position, and Kirilenko immediately helped Ryan block the gap.

After the ball was slapped away, Ryan and Kirilenko came together and crossed their arms.

This is the celebration of the Pistons' double Wallace combination.

And now, the double-block defense has been moved to Denver!It’s just an external version!
The Spurs still didn't score a goal, which undoubtedly made the Holy City fans a little worried.

Damn it, we can't lose to the Nuggets on this great night when championship rings are awarded!

Then the Spurs baseline ball was sent out. Nene and Webb were surrounding the idiots, and Spurs center Nesterovich caught the ball in the air.

After getting the basketball, he took two long steps along the baseline to the basket and then went straight for a layup.

But just a second before he took off, Webb appeared under the basket with his arms raised.

Weber didn't jump either. He knew it would be useless if he jumped now.He just raised his arms to block at the basket, that's all.

Filling the penalty area is what Weber should do as a blue-collar player.

In the air, Nesterovich and Webber collided violently. In the fierce confrontation, the Spurs center missed a layup!
Weber, he used his gained weight to resist this attack!
Although Weber still can't hold off Duncan and other players alone, he can't just eat any rotten fish or shrimp!

Mike Breen looked at Weber's changes and felt incredible.

In the past, Weber did not like such rough physical confrontations, whether offensive or defensive.

But this season, Weber is actually actively filling the penalty area and actively using his body to act as the team's shield.

He is really willing to be a blue-collar worker for Ryan!
Nene grabbed the rebound, but the Spurs still didn't score!

Facts have proved that the Nuggets have become stronger not only in offense, but also in defense which is more than a star and a half better than last season!

Popovich, who had been pretending to be calm just now, was so anxious that he yelled from the sidelines:
"Stress the speed, don't let them go faster!

Limit Ryan from catching the ball! "

This old man has no idea how difficult it is to complete the command "restrict Ryan from catching the ball"!
Ryan started running around for the whole half of the game again in this round, with Ginobili chasing after him, hoping to block Ryan's catch.

Meanwhile, Bowen forced Miller to go both ways, separating him from Ryan.

But Miller was not restricted this time. He passed the ball to Webber, who touched the ball with one hand and passed it to Kirilenko.

Kirilenko gives it to Nene immediately, and at the same time, Lane brushes past Nene.

Ginobili immediately rushed forward and reached out to steal, but Ryan and Nene did not hand over each other. Ryan simply passed by him.

After Ryan passed by him, Nene immediately gave the ball to Ryan outside the three-point line on the right!
When Ryan went around Nene just now, it was equivalent to getting rid of Ginobili through the cover.So when receiving the pass, Ryan has a wide space to shoot!
Popovich almost wanted to curse, this team's ability to move the ball is so strong that it's abnormal!

Anyone who stands up can feed Ryan the ball.

Bird simply put the best passers in the five positions into one team!
This time, the transmission went from the outside line to the inside line and back to the outside line again, without any jamming in between!
But what makes Popovich happy is that the Nuggets have a chance, but Ryan does not have the ability to shoot three-pointers.

In the first two seasons, Lenga only took 28 three-pointers and hit 5.

Most three-point shots are forced shots when the shot clock is about to run out, or shots in overtime.

So everyone knows that Ryan is too "classical". Although he is accurate in mid-range shooting, he has no three-point ability.

When Ginobili saw Ryan receiving the ball from outside the three-point line, he was relieved and slowed down his pursuit.

Ginobili couldn't help complaining in his heart: What's the use of passing the ball no matter how gorgeous it is?In the end, it has to be shot to end!

But right now.
Ryan decisively shot a three-pointer!

The three-point attribute of 72, coupled with the "opportunist" talent fragments, increases the stability of open shots.

This gave Ryan enough confidence!

The basketball sailed through the Spurs' defense and headed straight for the basket.

Popovich swallowed. Ryan was not a fool. He shot so decisively. Could it be that he was shooting so decisively?

“Three-point hit!
Ryan hit a three-pointer in the first game of the new season!

10-0, the Denver Nuggets started a 10-0 offensive climax on the defending champion!
It seems that Ryan’s efforts this summer have been in vain!

He has added a new weapon to his arsenal!
And since the start of the game, Ryan's four teammates have each given him an assist!
The teammates are responsible for passing the ball steadily to Ryan, and Ryan is responsible for passing the ball into the basket!
A more suitable system, better teammates, and a stronger Ryan!
Don't think that the defending champion is safe, the Denver Miners are coming with a lot of momentum this year! "

Mike Breen’s shouts, Spurs fans’ expressions of disbelief, and Popovich’s angry yells
All of this shows that Ryan is in a good mood!

He just likes to create panic in the ATT Center!
Chinese fans and Nuggets fans were also elated, it was so fun, so fun!The proud Spurs were defeated by the Nuggets this season!
Popovich had to suspend the game. The defending champion was beaten 10-0 from the beginning. It was really embarrassing.

Ryan looked at Popovich, who went from calm to nervous, and yelled at him:
"From now on, I promise, you will never fucking dare to speak to me in that contemptuous tone again!"

The Nuggets' counterattack against the Spurs has officially begun!
 Thanks to woofer and other big guys for the reward, thank you all!Today I will present two chapters in one!Another steady update of [-] words, I am begging for monthly votes!

(End of this chapter)

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