He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 93: Ryan’s firepower increases greatly!If you want to win the championship, you must first d

Chapter 93: Ryan’s firepower increases greatly!If you want to win the championship, you must first defeat the championship team!
Just after Christmas, Stern thoughtfully gave Ryan a holiday gift - two tickets.

One was for Ryan wiping his neck in celebration at a Cleveland fan.

One was when Ryan yelled "Merry Fucking Christmas" to Cleveland fans.

However, Ryan didn't care about this. The two tickets added up to 5000 dollars.

For $5000, you can beat James to the point where he is running away before the game is over, and you can beat the originally arrogant Cleveland fans to tears in their eyes.

It’s guaranteed that you’ll get it right away, the 5000 is well spent!

If you could get such enjoyment every time you spend 5000, Ryan could pay the annual fee directly at the Quicken Loans Center and get an annual membership!

It can only be said that Stern charges very conscientiously. You can experience this exciting project for only 5000 dollars, which is much more conscientious than the Gold Club.

Forget about 5000, even if you ask James to pay 50, he also hopes that the person standing on the technical stage and shouting to celebrate the victory can be him.

The fact that Ryan was fined not only did not receive any negative comments, but actually made the media ridicule:

"Fortunately, Ryan doesn't need to pay a fine for almost beating James to tears."

Yes, the whole world is making fun of James at this time!
After the Christmas game, any news related to basketball can be related to James.

Compared to Ryan being fined 5000, the media and fans are obviously more concerned about James.

Today's newspapers are full of news about James being invisible at critical moments.

"With 16 points and 10 turnovers, the all-around warrior LeBron once again scored a double-double, killing the game at a critical moment! And, he didn't look back to see the explosion!
Note: It was the Cavaliers who were bombed. "

"Maybe LeBron and Kobe should work together. One of them likes to shoot too much, and the other likes to pass too much. If Kobe keeps shooting like that this season, let alone 80 points, but 70 points in a single game is really possible!"

"The selfless LeBron assists Ryan at critical moments and continues to sit first in the Western Conference, thwarting Larry Hughes's conspiracy! No brothers, no basketball!"

Ajan's overturning performance at critical moments has become a talking point among fans and the media.

It is not difficult to imagine how humiliated Ajan was at this time.

As soon as I opened my eyes, all the newspapers and TV news were mocking me.

If someone had a different psychological quality, he would probably be autistic.

In such shameful circumstances, James has not appeared in public since the Christmas Day battle.

He felt that he was too embarrassed to meet anyone. In just one game, he added two more golden sentences: "I will never pass it one-on-one" and "No one wants to meet Larry and I."

James dare not say anything else, but the frequent occurrence of golden sentences is indeed comparable to Bird.

Even the most die-hard Cleveland fans can't wash away the shame of this loss.

In the past, you could still say, "I ride as a substitute and it's all parallel imports. I don't blame Ajan for not being able to beat him."

But in this case, there is really no excuse for James' performance in the last few rounds.

On the contrary, it gives people the feeling that Larry Hughes has been cheated!

James doesn't have the courage to face the media now. He feels that he has to wait until he wins a game before he can change the subject.

Don't tell me, after the Christmas game, James really had a big outbreak.

上一场腹股沟受伤的他,再度面对上次逼迫他甩锅的芝加哥公牛,愣是拿下了 32分8篮板6助攻2抢断2盖帽的全能数据!
Directly led the team to an 11-point victory!
After the game, James finally didn't avoid the camera.

I performed so well this time, surely no one else would criticize me, right?
He stood confidently in front of the camera, but as soon as the reporter asked a question, James almost shut down.

The reporter's question was: "LeBron, is your groin sore because of the opportunity? You were forced to leave the game early in the last game, but this time, facing the Bulls who are on the verge of the playoffs, they are suddenly full of energy. It's quite smart!"

"Ah, this. A slight injury can't leave the line of fire!"

James was instantly embarrassed again. Damn it. Why did you bring up the last match?
Don’t you know that people have to look forward?

Just like who would miss the fruit they have eaten?Aren’t they all looking forward to the next flavor of fruit?
My almighty statistics have beaten the Bulls, why do you still mention the Christmas war?
This question really caught Azhan off guard.

As it turned out, even if he won the game, the shame of his Christmas would not be erased.

In this way, the game after the Christmas game not only did not make James feel better.

On the contrary, "smart groin" became a buzzword in basketball circles 20 years in advance.

This season, he once mocked Ryan with 56 points but was slapped in the face by Ryan with 60 points in a single game.

He once clamored to let Ryan lose in Cleveland, but as a result, a group of people got scared at a critical moment.

These two incidents have caused James' reputation to almost collapse.

He has turned from the little emperor into the clown emperor in the eyes of most fans!
If "Joker" were to be made into a live-action movie in the future, the first choice would be actor Will Smith, and the second most suitable would be James.

Will Smith is a natural clown, his wife openly cheated on him, and he even publicly stated that his ex-boyfriend is his soul mate.The most disgusting thing is that the young man she cheated on was her son.

The son arranges for his friend to have sex with his biological father. So no matter how outrageous the plot of an art film is, it really all comes from real life.

According to this, the application of time-stop technology in real life is just around the corner.

But for this shameful humiliation, Will Smith, the ultimate turtle man who is even more turtle than Westbrook, just said: "We share joys and sorrows, life and death, and we are husband and wife for life."

If this Emperor Shi doesn't act as a clown once, he will really be sorry for this subject matter.

However, considering that Emperor Shi’s schedule is too full, it’s not impossible to let Ajan act as a substitute!

What?Are you saying your skin color is wrong?It’s so funny, the mermaids can be black, and the clown turning black is so correct.

James has done too many things that make him look bad, and no one has the memory of a fish.

So now even if James wins, reporters will no longer favor him as before.

Ajan knew that he wasted this season again.

Unless you win the scoring title, you will be laughed at for the entire season!
How easy is it to be the scoring champion?The venomous snake in the west made me lose my face.

James' current scoring average is far behind Kobe Bryant.

A'Zhan is convinced by Kobe, can't you learn from me and trust your teammates more?

There are so many epic superstars around you, and the No. [-] pick Kwame Brown is with you, can't you share the ball?
But the only thing that makes James happy is that at least his points per game are currently more than Ryan!
So far this season, James is averaging 31.2 points per game and Ryan is averaging 29.7 points per game.

Even if he doesn't win the scoring title, Ajan feels that he should be able to overtake Ryan in scoring this year.

Of course, James doesn't ask for this to overtake Ryan in public opinion, but at least it can save him the last trace of face.

You can't be completely blown away by Ryan in all directions every time!
But James didn't know that by defeating him, Ryan obtained a talent fragment that greatly enhanced his scoring ability.His last bit of dignity is about to begin to fall apart.
The Nuggets continued their streak of wins after the Christmas Day game.

Defeated the 76ers, SuperSonics, Celtics and Bird's old club Pacers respectively, raising the record to 27 wins and 5 losses in one fell swoop!
In fact, none of these four teams are strong. Only the Pacers are barely in the playoffs, and the other three are lottery teams.
Therefore, it is not surprising that the No. [-] team in the Western Conference can defeat them.

But what's exciting is that Ryan's personal data in the four games, especially the scoring data, are quite beautiful!
Against the 76ers, Iverson tried his best and scored 36 points, 10 assists and 5 steals!
But what he didn't expect was that Ryan actually scored 40+ points for the second time this season, scoring 46 points like a chopping of melons and vegetables!
AI looked at Ryan scoring at will, and it was full of shadows of himself a few years ago. I thought the 01 finals was the beginning, but unexpectedly, it was already the peak.
After the game, Iguodala, who was responsible for defending Ryan, just shook his head:
“It’s so fast, his first step off the dribble is incredibly fast for his size.

I once felt as if I was defending the AI.

I couldn't catch up with him at all, allowing him to get mid-range shots one after another through jump shots after pick-and-rolls.

He absolutely destroyed my defense.I can't guard him! "

Iguodala was really beaten. This second-year forward, who thinks he has made great achievements on the defensive end, has never been beaten so badly by anyone.

In fact, when he met Ryan for the first time this season, Iguodala thought Ryan was not that difficult to track down.

All thanks to Wade's talent fragments, Ryan's first step after the pick-and-roll is now so fast that most people can't stop it.

But the only drawback is that Ryan's ball-handling attributes are too low, so Iguodala took two of them today.

But overall, the flaws are not concealed, and Ryan's performance is good enough.

Later against the SuperSonics, Ryan scored 37 points.Ray Allen was like a miracle tonight, making 12 of 8 three-pointers and shooting 66.7%.

But there was no way, Ryan's efficient mid-range shot after the pick-and-roll directly ruined the SuperSonics' shot.

Junzilei's exaggerated three-point shooting rate cannot save the team.

Ray Allen felt particularly helpless about this result:

"He never seems to miss. I don't know why he suddenly increased the proportion of holding the ball in pick-and-rolls, but I have to say that it really works! Again, the scariest thing about Ryan is that he continues to improve!"

Against the Celtics, Ryan habitually abused Pierce, scoring 35 to 23 in a single game.

And in the game against the Pacers, Ryan scored another 42 points!
The whole world is going crazy. Although Ryan's scoring ability was explosive in the first two years, he didn't always score forty points!

This season, counting the previous record-breaking 60-point game, Ryan has already had three 40+ games!

What's more, the one responsible for defending Ryan today is still the beast Artest!

In fact, it was precisely because of Artest's defense that Ryan was able to score so many points!

Artest's defense has been greatly reduced in power since the league began to implement the No Handcheck rule.

Because Artest is a representative figure of rough defense, he is used to using rough confrontation to contain his opponents.

Now you are no longer allowed to use your hands to block the opponent, which is simply fatal to Artest who cannot move laterally quickly enough.

What if we add a pick-and-roll?That Artest is simply a wooden stake to Ryan!
He can't move laterally, can't get around pick-and-rolls, and can't stop Ryan with his hands. How can Artest defend him?
Previously, Nike happily believed that Ryan would not be able to reap the benefits of No Handcheck.

But now, Ryan’s mouth is full of oil!

The Pacers played very tenaciously today, with Jermaine O'Neal frequently attacking in the paint, and "Martial Saint" Stephen Jackson also in great form.

But Ryan suddenly made a one-step mid-range shot after playing a pick-and-roll throughout the game, and killed the Pacers!
Ryan scored 42 points. Artest was targeted and after the game, he angrily threw a trash can in the tunnel.

After the game, Pacers coach Carlisle, Bird’s younger brother, shrugged helplessly:

"Ryan was possessed by Bird today! I have never seen such a magical mid-range performance!
They just play pick-and-roll!I once thought I was facing the Utah Jazz!
Ryan, he has evolved to the point of being terrifying.

Now he can play a dozen simple ball-holding offenses.

Of course, I don't mean to belittle Ryan by saying it's simple.

After all, he scored 42 points on us in this simple way!
The real master kills the competition by simplifying the complex!
James' passing is like this, and so is Ryan's pick-and-roll jump shot! "

Kecun fans:? ? ?
How did Ajan kill the game with his passing game?Speak clearly!
No one knows why Ryan suddenly increased the number of times he held the ball in pick-and-rolls, and it worked so well!

Four games, two with 40+ points, four with 35 points.

This series of brilliant performances made the whole world truly begin to believe:
"The Denver Nuggets are ready to compete for the championship! Ryan is now the star of a team that truly competes for the championship!"

James was extremely panicked. If he continued playing like this, Ryan's scoring average might not surpass him!

Isn’t it why every time I want to prove myself in some way, Ryan can do precise sniping?

If I call 56 points in a single game, you can score 60 points in a single game.

If I blow Ryan's Limitation Law, you will break it.

Now I just want to surpass you in points per game, and you start to work hard?
It turns out that you are the one in my heart!You understand me best!

Of course Ryan didn't mean to score high. He scored so many not because he wanted to surpass James, but because it really became easier to score!

And how could Ryan's goal be so naive? In his eyes, surpassing James in points per game is not an achievement.

All Ryan wants this season is the championship!

But Ryan knows very well that winning the championship is not that easy.

There have been 32 games played in the regular season so far, and there are still three teams that Ryan has not won.

One is the Miami Heat, one is the Detroit Pistons, and the other is the Dallas Mavericks!
And among these three teams, two have reached the finals in the original history!
If they can't defeat the Mavericks, even if the Nuggets pass the Spurs this year, they may not be able to break out of the Western Conference.

If they fail to defeat the Heat, the Nuggets may break out of the Western Conference but fail in the Finals.In Ryan's view, this is a worse way to lose than not being able to break out of the West.

You can't find where the foot-washing gate opens and have to take a shower by yourself. That's helpless.But if you have already entered the foot-washing city but don’t have the strength to go to the third floor, then you really have a bad attitude.

Therefore, Ryan will have to find a way to steal victory from the Heat and Mavericks in the regular season!
Exactly half a month later, on January 1, the Nuggets will play the Heat for the last time in the regular season.

The last time they met, Ryan's offense was limited by Wade, and the defense couldn't hold down the Flash.

Coupled with the fact that the Sharks did whatever they wanted in the paint, the team ultimately lost the game.

This time, Ryan, whose firepower has been upgraded again, will do his best to put out the Heat!

Only by defeating the real championship team can it be considered a serious championship team!

After all, it's impossible to claim "Nuggets Championship" even if they're in the playoffs, right?

Use fragments of Wade's talent to kill Wade's team?

It sounds like quite enjoyable!
If we can find a way to defeat the Heat, then we will win the championship.
It’s really more than just a fantasy!

 Today’s [-]-word update is here!Laohe, who is as steady as an old dog and updates [-] words every day, is begging for monthly votes. Thank you fathers!
(End of this chapter)

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