He just played basketball and became the chosen one...

Chapter 98: You can never use this sentence to disgust people again!The first place in the league is

Chapter 98: You can never use these words to disgust people again!The first place in the league is close at hand!

Before the game, many media and fans ridiculed that "Ryan couldn't score at all in front of the Pistons' defense."

This sentence has almost become the ancestral motto of Cleveland fans, and any Clevelander who stands up will recite it.

If you say on the Internet that Ajan makes many mistakes, Cleveland fans will reply to you: "Lyan can't score in front of the Pistons' defense."

If you say on the Internet that Ajan is over-packed and De is not matched, Cleveland fans will reply: "Lyan can't score in front of the Pistons' defense."

If you say on the Internet that Ajan's skills are rough, they will still respond to you like this: "Ryan can't score in front of the Pistons' defense."

I don’t know what kind of mentality some James has. When you talk about James’ shortcomings, he doesn’t refute you. Instead, he gives an example of a player who has nothing to do with James and his performance overturned.

The logic seems to be: As long as I say others are bad, it will prove that James is bad!

In his previous life, every time Ryan said on the Internet that James scored 8 points in the finals, someone would pop up and send a gif of James laughing with the sentence "Oh, Kobe Bryant scored 2 points in the finals."

Ryan was speechless. Is there any relationship between Kobe's 2 points in the finals and James' 8 points in the finals?Kobe's 2 points in the finals does not prove that James will not score 8 points in the finals!
How can it be so glorious compared to being bad?

Moreover, Kobe's 2 points in the finals were due to injury after playing 9 minutes in that game, and he did not come back later. How can this be used for comparison?

The time is short and the quantity must be small.If we just book the night, who can't do it seven or eight times a night?
But don't worry about whether it's reasonable or not. Anyway, the current "Lian can't score in front of the Pistons' defense" is the same as the "Kobe Bryant 2 points in the Finals" in the original history.

It has become a weapon for Cleveland fans to disgust you to death.

But after today, this disgusting ancestral saying can no longer be used by Kecun fans!
Ryan's strong performance in the opening game completely made the saying "Lyan can't score in front of the Pistons' defense" untenable.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Pistons' current defense is quite embarrassing.

Before the no handcheck rule, only breakthrough masters like Ginobili and Wade could pierce the Pistons with breakthroughs.

But now, Ryan can come and go as he pleases!
Piston seemed to have suddenly changed from a little girl who kept her privacy to a businesswoman who was welcome to come and go at will.

Even Ryan, a star who is generally known as not very good at holding the ball, can score with the ball!

The current piston has only one way, and that is to continue to shrink.

Don't let Ryan attack the frame easily and efficiently.

This time the Pistons attacked, Roaring Tianzun successfully hit a turnaround jump shot.

But Bird wasn't worried at all. The goals from Roar Tianzun and Prince couldn't kill the game.

Even Hamilton and Billups can't kill the game.

Previously, the only thing the Pistons could kill the game with was defense!
And today, Ryan will be immune to their defense!

This time, Hamilton faced Ryan's breakthrough and wanted to steal it.

It is true that Ryan's dribbling is not superb enough, but Hamilton's timing of holding the ball and stealing is not good enough either.

He slapped Ryan's wrist directly, and the "snap" was so loud that the fans in the luxury private room could hear it.

The referee also gave Hamilton a foul, and the ball still belongs to the Nuggets!

In fact, with Ryan's current ball-holding skills, if he dares to hold the ball to challenge Kobe, Wade or even Artest, he will be cut into pieces.

But facing Hamilton who is not strong enough in tackling, Ryan can really play with confidence and boldness!

This is called novices pecking each other!

Ryan's offense with the ball is still at a level where he can only pinch the soft persimmons.

And Hamilton is the soft persimmon in Ryan's eyes!
The sideline ball came out, and Miller gave the ball directly to Ryan.

The Nuggets planned to use one move to death today, and they were simply playing this game like a playoff game.

Ryan tried to break through again, forcing Hamilton to fight into the core of the Pistons.

However, because the Pistons' defensive formation was mainly contraction, Ryan was immediately surrounded after breaking in.

Ryan currently only has a layup feel attribute of 74, which is not enough to support his performance of "pull the bar twice in the air to avoid everyone and then score a layup."

Ryan's passing attributes that were specially upgraded last summer to deal with the Spurs can come in handy!
Before being completely trapped, Ryan pushed hard with one hand and passed the ball to Weber inside the three-point line in the bottom corner!

In the original history, the Pistons were able to use contraction to pinch the OK combination because the Lakers' role players were too useless.

Give them space and they're useless.

But this Nuggets are different. Just before the game started, what Webb said to Ryan on behalf of everyone in the Nuggets, "We are all behind you and supporting you," was not just a casual statement.

As long as they get a chance, they will really stand up today!

"Chris Webber, one step inside the corner three-point line, shot a two-pointer."
Go in!

The cooperation between Weber and Ryan has been very good this season!

In the Nuggets, Webber, who has tried a new position and role, is shining!

The Pistons' shrinking defense gave the Nuggets an easier chance! "

Weber did not disappoint Ryan and steadily hit this open jump shot.

And because Weber shot a long two-pointer, even if he was as mobile as Ben, he wouldn't have time to save it.

Ryan pointed at Weber, and Weber nodded with a smile.

The AI ​​who was eliminated by the Pistons 4-1 in the playoffs last season said he was cheated. Webber, you were not like this with me last season!
Kobe smiled. Webb still played at your place. Horry didn't even play at my place at that time. Who should I ask to reason?

Weber's goal put the Pistons' defense into a deadlock again.

Shrink and encircle Ryan?Others in the Nuggets can score easily.

If it doesn't shrink, it will be burst.

9 to 4, the Nuggets still lead.

The Pistons' offense, Billups, the core of the offense, can no longer sit idly by. He must shoulder the heavy responsibility of narrowing the score difference.

So this time, Billups took advantage of the screen and broke through directly.

But Ryan, the third position in front of Billups, does not suffer at all from his speed.

Ryan didn't hold anything back, bypassing the pick-and-roll and directly pursuing the defense at full speed, because he knew that Billups would most likely not make a sudden stop for a mid-range shot.

After all, Billups is one of the earliest magic ball guards. He usually only takes shots from the three-point line and the three-second zone.

Ryan's prediction was indeed correct. Billups dived directly into the penalty area. Without getting rid of Ryan, he jumped up leaning on Ryan and made a high toss and layup.

There is no way, without this move, Billups can't even complete the shot.

The basketball passed over Ryan's fingertips, hit the upper third of the backboard, and then refracted and rebounded.

This kind of high-throwing layup is indeed a good way to avoid blocking shots, but the disadvantage is that it is not very stable!
If the intensity is not grasped well, it is easy to miss a layup.

No, this time the basketball bounced off the board and didn't go directly into the net, but missed the frame!

Although Ryan failed to complete the block, he still held down the Pistons' offensive core one-on-one!

But the Pistons' offense was not over yet. Webber was just about to take off, but Ben was already in mid-air, holding the basketball with both hands, ready to tip in!
Ben's athletic ability during this period was simply a dimensionality-reducing blow to Weber.

This is the second time he has grabbed an offensive rebound today!
Big Ben also learned a lesson this time. He did not wait for the landing to attack again, but chose to directly tip-in.

He wants to see who can foul him in the air!
This time, I don’t have to challenge my weaknesses!
I don’t want to shoot any more of that beep basket!

But just when Ben pushed the ball towards the basket, he saw the Nuggets' No. 0 jumping straight into the air, his body rising at an incredible speed!Ryan bared his teeth in the air, like an angry lion.

I saw Ryan waving his arms vigorously, and actually slapped away Ben's tip-in!

The whole audience exclaimed. In the past three seasons, Ryan has performed all kinds of unreasonable blocks at the Pepsi Center.

But Nima Gai made a tip-in, which was simply extraordinary!
Ben was also shocked. Even as a former shot-blocking king, he had never done such a crazy thing as risking a tip-in.

Because I want to risk the opponent's tip-in, the conditions are too harsh.

You must seize the opportunity of a few tenths of a second!

The athletic ability and wingspan must also be abnormal enough!
But Ryan just met this demanding requirement. After interfering with Billups' layup, he immediately took off twice with his abnormal athletic ability, and his bounce speed exceeded that of Ben.

Just like that, he seized the opportunity of a few tenths of a second and blocked the big tip-in!
Fortunately, the Pistons have good defensive discipline. The moment Ryan completed the block, the entire Pistons team immediately retreated, giving the Nuggets no chance to counterattack.

Otherwise, the score difference may be widened again.

Phillip Saunders waved his hand and asked the players to continue their contraction strategy.

Sanders' idea is very simple. He would rather give the Nuggets' role players a chance than give Ryan a chance!

Just like that, the Nuggets' offense "played on a loop" again.

Ryan easily broke through Hamilton and was surrounded.

Ryan calmly passed the ball before being pinched.

Only this time, Ryan's passing target was AK47!

The Russian received Ryan's pass in the right corner and took a decisive shot before Prince pounced on him!
Seeing this scene, Phillip Sanders breathed a sigh of relief.

The whole world knows that AK47's three-pointers are unstable, and it is better to let him shoot than to let Ryan break through and score.

As long as we continue to press like this, the score will be reversed sooner or later!

But a second later, Sanders heard a "swipe" sound.

The AK47 suppressed the gun this time and hit the head with one shot!
"Three-point hit! 12 to 4!
The Nuggets lead the Pistons by 8 points!

Are you preparing to lead the Pistons by double digits from the get-go?

Weber and Kirilenko both received passes from Ryan and scored successfully.

The Pistons think they can get away with letting go of the rest of the Nuggets once and for all. This is impossible!

Ryan gave his teammates full trust, and his teammates reciprocated that trust!
The Pistons, who claim to be invincible defensively, have not been able to defend the Nuggets even once since the beginning! "

Phillip Sanders was at a loss. He didn't even know how to adjust.

Last season, Ryan was obviously very poor with the ball, and his ability to play the ball was not very good.

Why did you suddenly score so much this season?

How can we have fun when we grow up so fast? ?
Now, both Heizi and Pistons fans are silent.

Even Isiah Thomas was silent, and Chris Marlowe felt like he was doing a stand-up comedy.

Thomas' partner can't even be praised.

Thomas is really in no mood to talk. He really doesn't want to see the Pistons become the backdrop for the rise of stars.

But as of now, the background plate and the piston are a sure thing.

The game continued. This time, the little prince broke through Miller and went straight into the paint. He stretched his long arms and wanted to layup.

But AK47 immediately rushed back to the penalty area and opened its arms in the air to block it.

For a moment, the basket was completely covered by Kirilenko.Prince's wingspan advantage was instantly gone.

Bird laughed, you are only tall and your arms are long, right?Who doesn’t have a weird model yet?

The little prince knew that if he insisted on a layup, there was a high probability that he would be blocked, so he was forced to make an emergency pass in the air and throw the ball towards Hamilton who was left open.

But this kind of passing is not easy. Although they are all model monsters, the really scary thing about Kirilenko is his versatility.

Prince is not like Kirilenko. In addition to being a strong defender, he is also an elite passer.

Such a message is undoubtedly beyond the capabilities of the little prince.

The basketball was passed too high, flew out of bounds, and fell into Bird's hands.

The Pistons made a mistake and the Nuggets got the ball again!
This means that the Nuggets will have the opportunity to open the score to double digits as soon as they come up!

Bird, wearing a suit and leather tie, hugged the basketball and calmly took a shot from outside the bounds.
Basketball hollow into the net!

Then, Big Bird didn't say anything, didn't show any expression, and just walked away as if nothing had happened, as if it was a matter of "just having your hands on it".

Bird waved his sleeves and took away not a single cloud, leaving only the classic pretense~
Isiah Thomas is convinced. Even being a coach can’t cure your addiction to pretending!

Bird's pretense was caught off guard. Not to mention the fans and the Pistons, even Ryan was caught off guard.

Bird is like this. When he is on the training ground, whenever he sees someone hitting three-pointers in a row, he will silently walk up, pick up the basketball, hit the shot casually, and then leave silently.

Use this method to mock players who have been unable to make three-pointers.

Although Bird's pretense can't help the Nuggets score,...
This undoubtedly severely hurt the Pistons' already suppressed morale!
It also boosted the morale of the Nuggets!
The head coach has already pretended like this, we must not pretend any more!
Brothers, blast the piston!

In this attack, Ryan still broke through and scored, and the passing target was Weber.

But Ben kept an eye on it and pounced on Webb the moment Ryan passed the ball.

So when Webber received the basket, Ben, who was extremely mobile, arrived just in time and did not give Webber any chance to shoot!
The Detroit Pistons seem to have found an opportunity to defend the Nuggets!
Weber saw Ben rushing forward and made a fake shot.

But Ben's ability to predict shots was excellent. He was not fired and stayed close to Weber!

This time the contraction and expansion of defense were perfect, and both Heizi and Pistons fans cheered.Now, the Nuggets' offense is helpless!
As long as they can prevent Ryan's sudden score, the Nuggets will be out of luck!
In desperation, Weber could only squeeze in with his back to Ben.

But because the Pistons' defense reverted to man-to-man, and everyone was very aggressive in their matchups, Webber had no chance to pass the ball at all.

There was no other way, Weber could only half-turn a hook shot at the edge of the penalty area and throw the ball towards the basket.

Ben jumped up with all his strength to block the hook shot. Although he couldn't block it, he could at least interfere with Weber.

Weber's singles is no longer good, this is the consensus of everyone.

Forcing Weber to hook with his back, this is considered a defensive success!
The Pistons will never be led by double digits as soon as the Nuggets come up!

But the next second, seeing Ryan soaring into the air, the hearts of the Pistons players were broken.

It turned out that Weber was not a hook.

After attracting Ben's defense, he used a hook gesture to pass an alley-oop to Ryan who was cutting along the baseline!

Don’t forget, without the ball is what Ryan is best at!
Ryan easily ran back and got rid of Hamilton, jumped high, caught the basketball and smashed it with both hands to score!Weber's hook alley-oop allowed the Pistons' defense to be penetrated again!
14 to 4, the Denver Nuggets led the Pistons by 10 points at the beginning!
When Ryan used his system against the Pistons, the Pistons' defense was nothing!
Flip Saunders had to pause the game, and the Nuggets fans cheered.

They know very well that Ryan will not only win this game, not just make Cleveland fans no longer disgusting with those words.

But soon, he will win the first place in the league!

The peak may begin here!
 Today’s [-]-word update is here!Laohe is as stable as an old dog, and his conscience is updated every day. Is it not too much to ask for votes?I beg for monthly votes, thank you adoptive fathers!

(End of this chapter)

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