Servant information: Bayi (Rider)
Servant: Bayi
Job Description: Rider
Affiliated camp: Chaos·Evil
Source: Folklore "The Story of Afanti"

Muscle strength: C
Durability: B
Agility: B+
magic :D
Luck: E——B+
Noble Phantasm: C——A
Profit-seeking (mind-set and false): B
As a profit-seeking landowner exploiting class, Bai has keen insight and the ability to discern business opportunities.

When she appeared as a Servant, this keen insight was sublimated into a skill similar to the mind's eye.

Specifically, it is the ability to observe and predict the enemy's movements and analyze intelligence in battle. (Crit star acquisition rate)

Unyielding Perseverance: B+
According to the legend, in the face of Afanti's repeated defeats and defeats, he never gives up. Even if he becomes a follower, he seems to have not given up yet.

The actual effect is shown as perseverance and perseverance, which becomes stronger with every setback.

(Crit Star, Perseverance, refer to Sister Wang’s three skills.)
Human nature is greedy: A
A skill that was sublimated from her greedy and stingy nature. As a servant, she could not completely let go of the deepest greed in her heart, even under the orders of her master.

In addition to being unable to help but rush to participate in various profitable places and events, the actual effect in battle is magic power stealing, which can steal the enemy's magic power. (NP, enemy defense reduction)

Ride: B
According to Bayi, she had never ridden a donkey before and learned Western Equestrianism. It seems that because the mount she brought this time was that person's little donkey, Western Equestrianism changed to riding.

Yun Yi: D
Although he is a rich man in the story, he is good at singing and dancing, especially the folk dances and folk musical instruments of the Western Regions.

Unchanging faith: E
He is a devout Islamic believer, but it does not seem to have any special effects. Although he claims that the Lord's protection is always at his side, in addition, if the Master questions this, he does not have a large amount of QP (money). Words cannot be coaxed well.

Furthermore, this is one of the few things about Bayi that cannot be bought, namely, his unchanging faith.

The lifelong enemy of the wise: A
As the name suggests, because of Afanti, she hates all wise men, so never put her into the same team as a strategist, detective or other servants, unless you are prepared to spend a lot of QP to beg her forgiveness afterwards. .

The specific effect is a special attack on wise men.

True or false: B
The story of Afanti is just the beautiful and longing fantasy of the people of the exploited class in the old society, and is even equivalent to the overall subconscious (un)consciousness of a certain human class at that time.

So, it has not yet been determined whether Bayi here is an exploiter who has a similar experience to Bayi in the story, or whether he is a fantasy character created out of thin air by the Holy Grail based on legend.

In addition, this skill seems to have some unknown effects or functions...

Noble Phantasm: Funny Story Ending
Grade: C
Type: Anti-human Noble Phantasm

Maximum catch: 3 people

This Noble Phantasm was sublimated from the ending of the story of always stealing the chicken but losing the rice.The actual effect is to sacrifice one's own luck and defense in exchange for an increase in all the values ​​of everyone in the team except oneself, which is the so-called funny effect.

Noble Phantasm: I have a tree, the tree has shade, and the shade has a price!

Grade: B
Type: Anti-Army Noble Phantasm

Maximum Catch: A Noble Phantasm that was sublimated from the story of 1000 people who forced poor people to pay money while enjoying the shade of a tree in front of their house in order to exploit the poor people.

Noble Phantasm Effect: Forcibly captures the vitality and magic power of all those who enter the shade area of ​​the tree, but it is slightly difficult to work for those with magic knowledge.

Additionally, the shade seems to change with the light.

Noble Phantasm: His (Wise) Rider

Grade: A
Type: Anti-human Noble Phantasm

Max catch: 30
Using the mount under him, the wise man's horse is intelligent, can fly, and is extremely fast, and they cooperate with each other to launch a powerful attack.

Utilize the super speed and super flexibility of the Wise Man's Rider, and add a song that can make the enemy fall into hallucinations. It shuttles back and forth between the hallucinated enemies, and uses the scimitar and whip in its hand to harvest.

In addition, perhaps not because of the original owner, Bayi, who was not compatible with the donkey, could not let the wise man's horse exert 100% of its capabilities. Occasionally, the wise man's horse would not cooperate with Bayi and would kick it. Open, the scene of rushing towards the enemy alone (Easter egg animation).

Bond information:

In the modern society where materialism is rampant and consumerism is paramount, many people no longer worship Afanti, but instead worship exploiters like themselves, without showing too much happiness.

On the contrary, her eyes seemed a little complicated.

Perhaps, she has become accustomed to being defeated by Afanti every time, and then gets up and keeps trying again.Therefore, in this world full of "Bayi", "Bayi" have an absolute advantage, and "Afanti" are rare and occupy a weak position, I feel a different kind of loneliness.

In this world where "Bayi" could easily win, she did not feel the slightest joy of victory.

Therefore, if the enemy is someone like Avanti, she will probably be full of energy.

In addition, surprisingly, I don’t dislike the Master’s good nature.

Although she has first-class beauty, and a healthy and plump body that can make the Master blush and make his heart beat faster when stretched a little, he doesn't seem to have any self-consciousness about it.

Occasionally she would say some inexplicable words and show an expression that was not hers at all.

Voice (whole life):

Opinions on the Holy Grail: What else can you give me if I say I want it?

Opinions on the Master: Of course I like it, QP and the like.Bad guy?It doesn't matter if he is a bad person, as long as he is rewarded. (I say so, but if the Master is really a so-called villain, it seems that he will become a Servant who will actively ask for rewards from the Master.)
The views of the other servants of the Master: Just colleagues... No, wait, are they taking away all the resources that the Master should have given me?
(End of this chapter)

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