People are in American dramas, American Iihe

Chapter 217 You bastard, buy a submarine

Because of Dingze's appearance, Mary Cruz was so frightened that Sucre could understand, and then had to comfort her.

Under Sucre's comfort, Mary Cruz finally calmed down a little.

Seeing this, Sucre, who was still afraid of Dingze, did not dare to waste too much time and quickly told Mary Cruz about Dingze's proposal.

After listening to this, Mary Cruz felt a little silent for a while.

Compared to living in hiding in this ghost place like Panama, Mary Cruz would certainly prefer to go back to the United States. Besides, Miami is really a very nice city, and Dingze will also give her a big house.

However, Sucre is going to take risks again. What if he dies?

Mary Cruz was hesitant and didn't know what to decide.

Sucre waited for a short while, but couldn't wait any longer and had to persuade Marie Cruz to agree.

Sucre persuaded him for a long time.

Mary Cruz gritted her teeth and nodded in agreement.

At this point, the decision is made.

Sucre was very happy, so he stopped inking and said immediately, "Then quickly pack up and go to the airport and fly to Miami. We won't waste any time."

Mary Cruz actually didn't want to stay here. After a moment of hesitation, she nodded, "Okay, then you must pay attention to safety."

Sucre smirked, "Don't worry, I will call you every day. Once the matter is settled, I will go to Miami to find you immediately."

The two chatted for a while, and Mary Cruz began to pack her luggage.

About half an hour later, the two walked out of the house.

Sucre said politely to Dingze, "Mr. Ding, we have discussed it. I agree to your proposal. Mary Cruz will go to Miami now."

Ding Ze held a cigarette in his mouth and smiled, "Okay, let's go. I'll take you to the airport."

The three of them got into the car and went to the airport without any ink.

Flights from Panama to Miami are not available every day, so Dingze arranged a transfer for Mary Cruz and said to Sucre, "Don't worry, go to New York first. I have a branch in New York and will ask employees there to escort Mary Cruz there." Miami, no problem.”

"Where's the FBI?" Sucre was most worried about this.

Ding Ze shook his head, "Dongfeng Security has been active in the United States for so long, has the FBI done anything? Don't worry about them, my company's employees will make arrangements."

Sucre thought this was reasonable, so he didn't say much.

Time flies.

About an hour later, with tens of thousands of dollars casually given by Ding Ze, Mary Cruz checked in and boarded the plane to fly to New York.

It wasn't until Marie Cruz was out of sight that Sucre withdrew his gaze, raised his hand and touched his bald head, breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to Ding Ze, "Mr. Ding, let's work."

"Okay, I'll take you to see Lincoln and tell you about the plan," Ding Ze replied.

The two get in the car.

On the way, Ding Ze briefly talked about his two plans.

One of the plans is for Sucre, Lincoln, Michael and others to escape from Sona Prison with Whistler without making too much noise.

The remaining option is to conquer by force.

"Sucre, if I need to use force to capture this plan, then our deal will be invalid, can you understand," Ding Ze asked with a smile.

Sucre nodded, "I understand, but Mr. Ding, even if we use force to conquer this plan, I can still help."

"Oh?" Ding Ze raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "You can kill people?"

Sucre nodded solemnly, "I can do anything for Marie Cruz!"

Ding Ze found it very interesting, "If this is the case, then our transaction may not be invalidated."

Sucre immediately nodded happily, "Absolutely not, I will definitely help you get that Whistler out."

"We'll see how you perform then," Ding Ze said with a smile.

The two chatted casually.

It didn't take long to find Lincoln. Sucre got out of the car. Ding Ze didn't get out of the car and asked Lincoln about the situation.

Lincoln answered truthfully, but of course, concealed Michael's other plan.

After hearing this, Ding Ze didn't say much and drove away to kill time.


It's night.

In the hotel room.

Gretchen arrived as promised.

The two started fighting.

Still three holes.

After playing, the two sat on a chair respectively.

Gretchen lit a cigarette and said, "I asked the company to check your details, and you are indeed very interesting.

Ding Ze held a cigarette in his mouth and smiled, "Thank you for the compliment."

Gretchen also laughed, "I'm very curious about a question, what would you do if I killed Janet Austin?"

Ding Ze still smiled and glanced at Gretchen calmly, "First of all, you, or the company, can't kill Janet, at least, not within Miami. She will always have an elite team protecting her."

"Secondly, if you really succeed in killing her, I will kill you, your sister, your daughter, the Kranz father and daughter, everyone in the company, and bury her with her."

"Look, is it enough?"

Gretchen's face changed drastically. She really couldn't believe that Ding Ze knew about the company to this extent, and she couldn't believe that a person like Ding Ze would care so much about Janet.

"That's enough," Gretchen regained her smile in the blink of an eye and replied truthfully, "I don't dare to do anything to Janet. Mr. Ding doesn't have to think too much."

Ding Ze smiled and said, "Gretchen, I said I know you very well, so there is no need to tell me such lies. Let's tell the truth."

"It seems to me that you would be a good fit to work for me and do certain things."

"For example?" Gretchen asked with a smile.

"I am planning a war, and you are very suitable to participate in it," Ding Ze said with a smile.

Gretchen raised her eyebrows and was a little stunned, "War?"

"Well, a war between countries," Dingze replied;

"What's the goal?" Gretchen asked again.

"Afghanistan, Yilang, Vietnam," Ding Ze responded calmly.

When Gretchen heard this, she became serious and her expression became serious, "Purpose?"

"Haha, if I say that I am happy and think this is interesting, what would you think?" Ding Ze asked without answering.

"I'd think you were really crazy," Gretchen thought for a moment before replying.

Ding Ze grinned, "From a certain perspective, maybe I am indeed crazy, but if you ask me, I think the world is crazy."

"What is a country with so many messes and smog?"

"Some countries would be better off disappearing."

"What do you say?"

Gretchen: "??? You are so crazy!"

Ding Ze smiled and said nothing.

"If you want to start a war, it must be profitable. If there is no benefit, why are you bothering?" Gretchen really didn't understand.

"I have benefits. I will get huge happiness and huge benefits, right?" Ding Ze said with a smile.

Gretchen couldn't understand it and said subconsciously, "It's impossible to realize your plan. The world has already become a whole."

"Once you launch a war of this scale, if you are not careful, it will cause..."

As she spoke, Gretchen's body shook suddenly, and she suddenly understood what Ding Ze was talking about.

So, in an instant, I was completely shocked.

"You want World War III?" Gretchen asked in shock. Ding Ze chuckled and didn't answer.

However, this reaction is tantamount to admission.

Gretchen was stunned.

Crazy, crazy, completely crazy.

This guy is a complete lunatic and should be killed!

Gretchen was speechless and silently smoked hard.

Seeing this, Ding Ze didn't bother him and just smoked quietly in a daze.

for a long time.

Enough rest.

Ding Ze smiled at Gretchen and said, "How about it, do you want to play again?"

Gretchen hesitated for a moment, smiled, nodded happily, and then knelt down in front of Ding Ze.

So what if Ding Ze is a madman?

Ding Ze’s kung fu is good.

Let’s talk about what happens next.


The war begins.

The fighting was quite fierce.

Because it was just for fun, Ding Ze showed no mercy and used it to his heart's content.

Suddenly, the phone rang.

Not a cell phone yet, but a satellite phone.

Ding Ze heard it and without hesitation, he immediately drew his gun, found the satellite phone, and took a look.

Okay, it's a call from Albruzzi, it doesn't seem like it's a big deal.

So, Ding Ze pressed answer while continuing to fight, "hello."

Abruzzi was about to speak when he heard a strange voice and was speechless. "Otherwise, I'll call you later."

Ding Ze smiled and said, "It's okay. If you have anything to say, you can tell me."

Abruzzi: "..."

What can be done?

When the boss says something, of course he should do it.

Abruzzi had no choice but to bite the bullet and pretend he didn't hear anything. "It's about the nuclear submarine. The date and location of the auction have been decided. Peter Gayev just informed me."

"Oh?" Ding Ze became interested, "Tell me."

"The time is two o'clock in the afternoon the day after tomorrow. The location is a coordinate. I checked it and it is an unknown island. It is not far from Panama. You can sail there," Abruzzi said.

Ding Ze heard this and was silent for a moment, "It's an unknown island, right? In this case, everyone else will have to take a boat to go there?"

Abruzzi failed to immediately realize what Ding Ze meant and responded, "Well, that should be the case. After all, there shouldn't be an airport on that island."

"In this case, if that island is bombed, wouldn't anyone be able to escape?" Ding Ze asked.

"???" Abruzzi was stunned, not sure what Ding Ze meant, "Boss, what do you want to say?"

Ding Ze smiled and said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't want to cause any damage, I'm just worried about my safety. If something happens on the island the day after tomorrow, or someone wants to kill me, then I But I can’t escape even if I want to.”

Hearing the words, Abruzzi, who just now really thought that Ding Ze wanted to blow up the island, immediately breathed a sigh of relief, then thought for a while, "Arrange a cruise ship and a few helicopters to meet at sea?"

"Well," Ding Ze nodded, "Safety comes first. You make arrangements as soon as possible. I'll be there the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, boss, you go ahead and hang up," Abruzzi said, without giving Ding Ze a chance to say anything, and hung up the phone decisively.

Ding Ze didn't care, threw the satellite phone aside, and continued fighting.

After fighting for another twenty minutes, Gretchen gave up.

Ding Ze announced the end of the battle.

When you're done, sit back on the chair.

Gretchen moved to the chair with difficulty, touched a cigarette, lit one, and took a few puffs to calm down a little. Then, she asked Dingze feebly, "Are you leaving Panama?"

Ding Ze smiled and said, "The day after tomorrow, I'll probably leave for just one day. It won't delay things here, and your timeline won't be delayed much."

Gretchen was silent for a moment, exhaled a puff of smoke, and looked at Ding Ze, "Do you want the company's Sira?"

Hearing Sira, Dingze turned to look at Gretchen and smiled without saying a word.

Gretchen understood, "I'm curious, how do you plan to get Scylla? That thing is the life of the company. With the strength of Dongfeng Security, I'm afraid it won't work."

Ding Ze shook his head, "You made a mistake. Think carefully about what I told you that day."

Gretchen heard this and thought about it silently, then thought, "General Kranz works for you?"

"As long as Kranz is willing to work for me, does it matter whether he is Scylla or not?" Ding Ze asked in return.

Gretchen was speechless for a while, then smiled and shook her head, "General Kranz is not someone who would work for anyone."

"There are no absolutes in this world, we'll just have to wait and see," Ding Ze smiled back.

Gretchen said nothing more about it.

After smoking a cigarette, Gretchen packed up and left.

Ding Ze had nothing to do, so he went out for a walk on the beach. On the way, he called the captain of this group of employees to learn about the progress.

It's going pretty well, just a little slow.

Panama is a hellish place with soldiers patrolling everywhere.

And the employees are all Americans, so they are relatively conspicuous, so it is not very convenient to do things.

However, a batch of bomb orders have been installed.

It is estimated that in the next three or four days, all the bomb orders should be installed.

After listening quietly, Ding Ze encouraged the employees and told them to pay attention to their safety. If they were really targeted by local soldiers, they should strike first. After finishing the matter, he hung up the phone and called Janet to chat.

Janet has good news.

On the one hand, more and more people and institutions are investing in FireWire Capital.

FireWire Capital's capital pool will soon exceed 10 billion US dollars.

On the other hand, Ida-Hassan has started to make money. In recent days, he has made an average of 10 to 20 million US dollars a day.

"That kid is quite powerful. It was not in vain that I tried so hard to get him out," Ding Ze said with a smile, "By the way, does that kid still have any thoughts about you?"

When Janet heard this, she immediately became happy, "You want me to say yes or no."

"Guess," Ding Ze shook the question back with a smile.

Janet chuckled, "Maybe, but it doesn't matter. I asked Abruzzi to find him a girlfriend. Although she is a professional, she is really beautiful. He doesn't care. She is busy recently."

"He's a good professional and has good skills. That guy is really lucky," Ding Ze said with a smile.

Janet really took the bait, "Fuck you, are you looking for a job over there? I'm telling you, if you get sick, I will never let you touch me, you bastard!"

Ding Ze was overjoyed, "Absolutely not?"

"Absolutely not!" Janet said firmly.

"Then I'm not looking for a job," Ding Ze replied.

Janet was speechless for a while, "So, you bastard, you really found it, right?"

Ding Ze smiled, "No, didn't I say no?"

"But you obviously mean to find me," Janet said angrily.

"That's because you misunderstood. I didn't say anything," Ding Ze replied cheerfully.

"..." Janet was so angry, "You bastard!" (End of this chapter)

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