Second, there are a lot of kudzu vines here, which are a very tough plant. A thin vine can bear the weight of her entire body.She could cut some vines, pick them up, tie them to a tree, and climb down the cliff along the vines to leave.
But... there will be bodyguards passing by on this lawn at any time. She only has a short time to catch the rope, and the length may not be enough.However... there is a river below the cliff. As long as you don't fall directly from a height like a lawn, you won't die or faint.
What's more... she used to like rock climbing, and her skills were pretty good, so there wouldn't be any problems.The only bad thing is...her injured foot...
However, she can't delay it any longer. Her adoptive father, Uncle Feng's company is about to go bankrupt, and he is still waiting for her to ask brother Ye Wei for help!
Thinking of this, she acted quickly. She snuck a knife out of the villa, cut the kudzu vines, and quickly connected them one by one. She only needs to connect the 200-meter-high cliff to a length of 80 meters.
Eight minutes later, when she was ready, she tied the rope to the tree trunk and climbed down the vine...
Halfway through the climb, the people on the lawn were already in chaos!
"Miss Mu is missing! Miss Mu is missing!"
"Everyone, look for it quickly!"
Listening to the voice, Shao Guang forced herself to stay calm, moved her hands and feet more slowly, and continued down the rope, down... 150 meters, and when she was almost 30 meters down, she dared to jump!
However, people from the villa quickly came over and said, "Here, Miss Mu was standing next to the red bean tree just now!"
A group of people came running over, Xiao Ruo was the most panicked. If Master Xuan knew that Miss Mu, who might be pregnant with his baby, ran away, all of them would be buried with him!
"Hurry up and find it!"
"Look, these ropes...are left by Miss Mu!"
"She's down there?" Xiaoruo's eyes widened in surprise. How could it be possible? There's a cliff below. You'd definitely be dead if you fell. How could a weak and young girl like Miss Mu have the courage to go down?
She shuddered, her feet slipped, and she almost fell!
Fortunately, there was a hanging railing on the edge of the cliff to catch her, but... when her feet slipped, a stone she stepped on fell down accurately!
So fast, it fell straight onto the forehead of Shao Guang, who was focusing on his feet!Boom!
"Ah..." Severe pain!
Shao Guang felt blood gushing out from her forehead. She loosened her hands in a daze, and her whole body... fell straight down the cliff. 140 meters. If she falls from a height of 140 meters, will she die? !
When Xiaoruo and others heard Shao Guang's screams below, they all turned pale with fright, "Everyone, go and save people!"
Mu Shaoguang's prediction was correct. She fell from the cliff in mid-air and fell straight into the river.
Then, she watched helplessly as the helicopter coming out of the manor circled over her head, and the people inside rescued her neatly.
Xiaoruo and the others had already prepared blankets and even pushed the mobile bed. As soon as she got off, they carried her onto the bed, covered her with a blanket, and pushed her into the villa.
Everything happened so fast, Shao Guang almost thought that her risky escape just now was just a dream. She was quickly sent back to the bedroom again... the place that gave her nightmares again and again!
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