"But..." Huanhuan was hesitant. She had been living in Lishi since she was a child, a medium-sized city that was neither big nor small.She was really scared to go to a prosperous metropolis like Mo City, where time would pass and she would be helpless. "I do not dare to go."
"Why don't you dare? You are not young anymore. You are 16 years old. What's wrong with going out and having a look?"
"I..." Huanhuan looked into Shao Guang's eyes, "I know you mean it for the best, but... Shao Guang, I'm not as courageous as you. Besides, my father is still locked up, and I don't want to leave this home."
When Shao Guang heard this, he looked at Huan Huan's still somewhat innocent eyes and sighed secretly.
She had always known that Huanhuan was timid, so at this moment, she didn't have the courage to run away, not to mention that her father was still in jail.
Then she thought about it again, she went to Mo City not to go to Ye Wei's brother's house, but... she wanted to live in Mo City first, and then find part-time jobs and do odd jobs to earn herself and her school fees.
She is only 19 years old and may not be able to take good care of Liunian and Huanhuan.
However, if she and Liunian leave, Youyou will definitely vent all her anger on Huanhuan, and this girl's life will already be difficult...
It's better to really take Feng Youyou away.As long as she is not at home, Feng's mother and Jue Jue will not be too embarrassed.But... Feng Youyou made it clear that she was here for brother Ye Wei. If she were to drag her to Mo City and really seduce him...
Shaoguang suddenly laughed at himself in his heart, Mu Shaoguang, what are you thinking about?
Only a shallow man who is greedy for novelty and only cares about his appearance will be interested in Feng Youyou. And brother Ye Wei, will he be that kind of person?
She really thought too much, turned around and said to Feng Youyou, "I can take you to Mo City, but you have to agree to one condition."
Feng Youyou was delighted after hearing what Shao Guang said, "What are the conditions?"
"Give your room to Huan Huan."
"My room?" Youyou frowned. How could that stupid girl match her exquisite and beautiful room?But...when I think that I can be close to Ye Wei, with glory and wealth right in front of my eyes, how can I miss the room here?He immediately agreed, "No problem."
"Shaoguang, you don't have to do this for me..." Huanhuan is not stupid. He understands that Shaoguang takes Youyou away for her. He feels good about Shaoguang, but he is worried about her. "I'm fine living here."
What's so great about a room that's too crowded even with a bed and a desk?Shao Guang patted her hand and said, "You can stay here if I ask you to."
In the afternoon, Feng Youyou packed her luggage happily and got into Ye Wei's Porsche as the time passed.
Mo Feixue walked all the way to the door, waved to a car of people, stood by the car window, talked to them, and shed a few tears. "Shaoguang, fleeting time, go home and visit more often when you have free time... My good children, we have lived together for so long and suddenly left. I really can't bear to leave."
Shao Guang and Liu Nian were so shocked that they broke into cold sweat and did not answer her words.
Ye Wei only found it funny and simply waved goodbye to Mo Feixue, "Auntie, goodbye."
"Mr. Ye, if you have time, come and play often. Time and fleeting time will be troublesome for you. Goodbye."
Ye Wei drove very fast, and in the blink of an eye, the Feng family's house disappeared from sight, and Shao Guang looked back silently.She has lived here for 11 years. If she says she has no feelings at all, it is definitely not true.

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