"Blah blah blah-"
His door is ringing. Who is looking for him so late?
"Brother Ye Wei, are you there?"
He opened the door and saw... Feng Youyou standing in front of him.
She was wearing a goose-yellow dress-like skirt, with a slightly low chest that perfectly highlighted her snow-white breasts.The two jade-like peaks stand proudly and firm as if supported by a pair of invisible hands.
The sultry scent of night charm perfume is a long-lost smell.
Ye Wei's eyebrows twitched slightly and he asked her, "What do you want from me?"
Feng Youyou had already taken advantage of him to open the door, stepped in, and quickly closed the door with her back.
"Brother Ye Wei, couldn't I come to you if I had nothing to do?" I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but she was standing leaning against the wall, exposing most of her chest.
Haha, this dress really fits her very well... She secretly took it out from Shao Guang's room this evening.
Yejia customized a dress for Shaoguang?Can she look good in a figure like hers?
Feng Youyou lowered her head and glanced at her towering place, haha... Only such a material body can be worthy of such noble clothes, okay?
Wearing light at dusk?What a waste!
Now, not only does she have to wear her Twilight Shaoguang clothes, she also wants to... try on the man Twilight Shaoguang likes!
She squeaked and approached him, "It's really unfair. I came here with Shao Guang. Why did brother Ye Wei only take her to the banquet and not me?"
"You want to go too?" Ye Wei smiled softly and felt her breasts rubbing against his back through the fabric of her clothes.
"Of course I want to go. As long as it's with Brother Ye Wei, I want to go anywhere!" Feng Youyou looked at him with a pair of delicate eyebrows.
"In this case...if there is a chance in the future, I will take you there."
"I always keep my word."
"Brother Ye Wei, you are so kind to me!" Feng Youyou was excited, turned around and sat next to him, and held his hand gratefully. "Then don't break your promise. I will be very sad if I know you lied to me."
The scent of her perfume was so close, and her soft jade-scented hands were holding his. "Miss Feng Er, are you throwing yourself into my arms?"
When Feng Youyou heard this, she lowered her head tenderly, and a blush spread across her face.The palms of her hands kept rubbing his big palms, "Brother Ye Wei, just call me Youyou, why are you so polite..."
She looked down at Ye Wei's strong body and that... strong waist and abdomen wrapped in a bath towel. She was so flustered that she actually swallowed.
Ye Wei smiled faintly and sat calmly in his arms.
"As for... throwing yourself into someone's arms, it depends on the situation. Like now, what a woman does because she admires a man cannot be called throwing herself into someone's arms, it's just that... she can't help herself."
When Feng Youyou said this, she carefully raised her head to look at his face.
Seeing him smiling slightly, one corner of his raised mouth actually had a bit of evil flavor... Wasn't this kind of man the kind she knew best?
He couldn't resist her temptation... Feng Youyou raised her head slightly and boldly kissed his left cheek.
Just... the moment she kissed his face, the people in Ye Wei's room were suddenly pushed away, and Xiao Hongying walked in, "Weier, your father is back and looking for you downstairs. You didn't hear me. ?"

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