However... Young Master Xuan was not at all intimidated by her ugly and uncanny face. Instead, he took a step forward and asked, "What's the matter with you?"
"I'm not doing anything...are you asking me about this face?" Mu Shao touched his extremely uneven face and said proudly, "Haha, it's innate, I know it too. I'm ugly, but...what should I do? My parents gave me this, so I can't throw it away."
Ye Xuan's slanted eyes were even more focused, and he pulled her out of the room.
She was still wearing long, inappropriate pajamas. She stumbled and fell down. She was almost dragged out of the ground roughly by him!
The door behind them slammed shut. Xiaoruo and the others smelled the movement and immediately ran up in fear, "Master Xuan, Miss Mu, you..."
"What's going on?!" Even with these four simple words, he shouted loudly and loudly. Xiao Ruo and others were frightened when they heard it!
Then they turned to look at Mu Shaoguang on the ground, "Ah——" They all exclaimed and covered their faces and took a step back. Where did this ugly woman come from? !
"This...this...what's wrong with Miss Mu?"
"Do you want me to answer this question for you?" Master Xuan narrowed his eyes and stared at him with a burning gaze.
Xiaoruo was startled, "No, no, Master Xuan, please don't be angry, I...I..." She was so anxious that she almost cried.
"Go find a doctor quickly!"
Hearing this, Mu Shaoguang was so anxious that he kept waving his hands, "No, no, no, no need to find a doctor. This is an old problem of mine. Whenever I feel sad, my pimples will swell and break out. It will be fine in a few days!"
Xiaoruo, however, had already jumped up and left as if running away.
Hearing this, Master Xuan looked at him coldly and domineeringly, "Old problem? Sad? Why are you sad?"
"I..." Shouldn't a woman feel sad if she loses her virginity for no reason?Mu Shaoguang stared back at him.
"You have achieved your goal. You have successfully approached me and even got into my bed. Do you need to feel sad?"
"What do you mean?!" When I heard this, I was not just sad, but angry!
"I know your intentions, no need to pretend to be stupid!" He chuckled.
"I don't know you, and I don't want to get close to you. If you let me go now, I will run away immediately and never want to see you again!"
"You know I won't let you go, so what's the use of saying this?" He didn't bother to look at her again, turned around and went downstairs.
The doctor in the villa came over quickly, conducted a detailed examination on Shaoguang, and made a conclusion:
"Miss Mu is allergic to red bean tree. The redness, swelling and acne on her face are all allergic symptoms."
"Red bean tree?" Master Xuan raised his eyebrows coldly.
Xiaoruo immediately lowered his head and replied, "There are indeed a few red bean trees near the rose garden. I didn't know Miss Mu had encountered them."
The doctor said, "You will only become allergic if you eat the leaves of the red bean tree."
"Oh?" Master Xuan turned back meaningfully and glanced at the ugly woman sitting on the sofa... It seems that she deliberately ate the red bean leaves to make him dislike her and abandon her?
Very good... In this world, there are actually women who act ugly in front of him?
He looked at her ugly face and... her slender white fingers that were like peeled onion roots, and he suddenly became interested, "How long will it take to heal?"
When Shao Guang heard this, he immediately stood up and waved his hands vigorously, "It doesn't require any treatment. It will be fine in two days... No need to bother Young Master Xuan and the doctor."

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