"You hit me, I didn't say anything, and you lost your temper?"
"Hehehe..." Feng Youyou squinted her eyes and smiled, "How dare I lose my temper with you? You are the great benefactor who brought me to Mo City. I can't even thank you enough!"
Hearing her sinister tone, Shao Guang was too lazy to pay attention to her, turned around and was about to go upstairs.
Feng Youyou stood on the stairs and reached out to stop her, "What are you doing? I'm talking to you. Can you leave if you want?"
Shao Guang was already in a bad mood, so he said, "What you say is human language, so naturally people will listen."
Feng Youyou was furious and pointed at her, "What do you mean?"
"How do you understand, that's what I mean!"
Mu Shaoguang opened her hand and went upstairs to his room.
Unexpectedly, Feng Youyou ran up right after her. The moment she closed the door, he broke into her room and stared at her provocatively.
"What do you want?!"
Feng Youyou had a sneer on her face, "Mu Shaoguang, I'm really curious, what are you so proud of? What are you so superior to me in front of?"
Shao Guang was extremely irritable and looked at her calmly, "If a person lacks something, he will always feel that others are showing off. Feng Youyou, are you... too inferior in front of me to say such a thing?"
"Inferiority?" Feng Youyou smiled as if she had heard the funniest joke in the world, but she was extremely jealous in her heart:
"What do you have for me to feel inferior to? Do you think... the person Ye Wei likes is you? Stop dreaming! I have been pretending to be very busy in the past few days, running out every day, but today I stayed at home all day, Is it because you know brother Ye Wei is coming back and have been waiting for him?"
"I don't need you to ask about my affairs."
"Ha... you like her in your heart, so you can only watch her from a distance, right? Mu Shaoguang, have you ever got him?" Feng Youyou smiled evilly and said coldly:
"A man like Brother Ye Wei has had countless women. You haven't been with him yet, have you? Hahaha, that's right. How can a man like him look after a woman like you, who is so clear and watery?"
Shao Guang said coldly, "It's not your turn to interrupt in this kind of thing."
"Really? Let me tell you a fact, don't be scared. Brother Ye Wei and I... haha, we are already close to each other. Just that night, you... came back from the banquet with him. , he and I were having a rough time in bed."
Her words were like an atomic bomb, exploding in Shao Guang's ears!
"You don't know how skilled Brother Ye Wei is. He has strength, muscles, and an extremely good figure. That night, he... made me so comfortable, no, not just that night, but many times , many times before he went on a business trip, we were together and he kept asking for me!”
Shao Guang held her trembling hand tightly. Feng Youyou's words... made her feel sick and ridiculous... "Then it must be a scene that appeared in your dream, right?"
"Haha, I knew you wouldn't believe it, so what if you don't believe it? That's already a fact... Let me tell you, Mu Shaoguang, Brother Ye Wei didn't even want to take safety measures, he just put it in my body... He She said she wanted me to help her give birth to the baby, but unfortunately... I don't agree! A woman's prime time is only a few years, how can she get pregnant so early? "
Pregnancy... When Shaoguang heard this, he felt a pounding in his head and felt dizzy.

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