At this time, her brain was in a state of being unable to think, and without even the most basic resistance, he invaded her.He swept directly in and swept through her mouth.
"Uh... uh..." She reacted and breathed softly, but it was already too late.
His tongue was like an offensive weapon, breaking through her walls one by one, tasting her sweetness greedily and wantonly.She wanted to retreat in panic, but Master Xuan held the back of her head tightly in his arms, keeping her close to him.
Capturing her petite tongue accurately, it was like two magnetic poles attracting each other. Once they touched her, they were inseparable.
The breath is right at the tip of the nose, and both parties can smell the familiar scent of each other.
With her body so close, she could feel his reaction, something was touching her hotly.Shao Guang felt nervous and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated. She stretched out her hand to push him away, but he grabbed her hand and led her to hold it somewhere firm...
"Hahahaha..." Mu Shaoguang didn't know where the courage came from. Just when he relaxed a little, he suddenly moved his mouth away and looked up to the sky and laughed a few times like an ancient hero.
She smiled arrogantly, killing Master Xuan's excitement, "Why are you so crazy?"
"I suddenly thought of a joke, Master Xuan, do you want to hear it? Hahaha, it's very funny:
A wife suddenly asked her husband: 'Do you love me? '
'Love, of course! 'The husband replied without hesitation.
The wife asked again: "Are you afraid of hurting me?" '
The husband quickly said: 'No, no, I said that because I was afraid you would hurt me. '"
"Hahaha——" After Shao Guang finished speaking, he was still laughing so hard.Then she looked up at Master Xuan. He was standing coldly, staring at her like a monster. "Why is there no reaction at all? Don't you think it's funny?"
"How childish!" Master Xuan was greatly disappointed by her. He didn't even look at her and went back to the house with a cold attitude.
Haha, so what if it's naive?Anyway, she told this joke to change the topic and divert attention. Now that her purpose was achieved, she felt so happy that she didn't care what he thought!
After a while, Aunt Lan came out and called her, "Miss Mu, dinner is ready!"
"Okay, I'll be right over!" Shao Guang agreed, and immediately went to the restaurant. At first glance, he saw a large table of dishes, all made with local characteristics.You can smell the fragrance from a distance. I didn't eat much in the past, but now I feel my index finger twitching when I smell this smell.
At the large dining table, Master Xuan sat on the left side of one end.
Shao Guang didn't want to get too close to him, so he sat on the right side of the other end, stretching out his hands to pick up the food.
Young Master Xuan raised his head and said coldly, "Sit over here!"
"I can just sit here and eat."
Young Master Xuan said impatiently, "Sit over here and serve me some soup."
"Your hands are so long, why don't you hold them yourself?" Shao Guang rolled his beautiful eyes.
Aunt Lan has a good temper and immediately comes to smooth things over, "I'll do it, Master Xuan, I'll serve it to you."
"Aunt Lan!" Master Xuan shouted these two words seriously.
"Go and eat by yourself!"
"Okay..." Aunt Lan looked at the weird atmosphere between the two of them and could only back away, "Miss Mu, Master Xuan, please use it slowly." ——

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