It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 130 New achievement: Box office exceeded 2 million!Alternative propaganda that makes journal

Chapter 130 New achievement: Box office exceeded 2 million!Alternative propaganda that makes journalists depressed!
As a national first-class actor and a repertory troupe veteran, Li Youbin plays a police officer, which is a piece of cake for him.

In the scene opposite Huang Bo, he always maintained his uprightness and respect for his profession, and perfectly interpreted the image of a police officer.

It's a pity that such an "upright" person is destined to not end well in a "forbidden place" like no man's land.


Following the violent collision, the police car was directly knocked over, and the only person who interpreted "justice" in the whole drama was completely killed in the car accident!
"Hey, I was quite unlucky too. I was hit and killed just after I came out."

Lao Li was very humorous and even made a joke of his own, which made everyone laugh.

I only shot this scene in the afternoon, and then Chen Fei announced that it was time to call it a day.

Later, he invited the reporters who came to attend the opening ceremony and the staff who came to help from Tianshan Film Studio to the hotel.

Regardless of whether these people have other purposes, since they are here, they are guests.

Especially these reporters, they have so much money in their pockets, and they must have a good relationship with these people so that they can take action when the time comes.

After eating and drinking, everyone unanimously received a red envelope.

Zhang Yigang wanted to refuse, but Chen Fei forced it on him, "Director Zhang, these are the rules of our crew, everyone has them."

Everyone has? ? ?
After looking around, Zhang Yigang showed a little surprise on his face.

Not only the reporters, but also the actors, crew, logistics, staff, etc. all received a red envelope.

"A bonus will be paid before work starts?" Zhang Yigang was a little surprised, but he didn't refuse.

He was very satisfied with Chen Fei's attitude and work style. He believed that the two parties would be able to reach a good cooperative relationship in the near future.

Because there was still filming tomorrow, the dinner party ended on time at eleven o'clock, and everyone returned to the hotel to rest.

Early the next morning, after asking Zhang Yigang to send someone to take Li Youbin to the airport, Chen Fei led a group of crew members to officially enter the filming.

At the same time, news also spread online:
"No Man's Land, the new film by billionaire box office director Chen Fei, will officially start filming on October 22!"

"The rumor has been confirmed that Director Chen has indeed invested in an anti-war drama..."

"A film full of villains, full of "bestiality and cruelty"!"

"The male protagonist of "Bright Sword" comes to guest star."

"Duo Bujie personally said that compared to "No Man's Land", "Kekexili" is just a documentary film at best..."


"You must keep in mind that during the entire filming stage, you must unabashedly release the "evil" in your heart.

This is no man's land, no laws, no witnesses, no rules.

Even murder, arson, and robbery are commonplace, and everyone acts according to the law of the jungle of killing each other..."

Chen Fei's filming never sticks to the constraints of the script. He prefers to see actors play freely and show off as they wish.

Regarding this point, Huang Bo understood it very well.

He likes to use facial expressions and subtle movements to deepen his ferocity and evil.

Chen Fei did not stop or call for a stop, but let it play out.

He has always believed that actors should not be restricted by scripts. As long as they can produce the effect they want, any performance method can be captured on camera.

Another person worthy of praise is Wang Baoqiang, and his performance did not disappoint Chen Fei.

She looks silly, which is just her true nature, and there's nothing much to say about it.

But in terms of "cruelty", he created his own opinions.

He was holding a blood-stained hammer, his expression was indifferent, and his eyes were calm, as if he were looking at a dead body!
"Bang! Bang!"

Two hammers were hit in succession, and even though Huang Bo's head was already bloody and bloody, he still acted calmly, with no wave in his eyes.

"I already have a vague feeling of being "Feng Yuxiu"."

This is Chen Fei's evaluation of him in his heart.

Ning Hao smacked his lips and murmured in a low voice: "This can no longer be described as a habitual criminal. He is like a butcher in a slaughterhouse, without any mercy for livestock."

"Yes, great performance!"

Chen Fei looked at the monitor with satisfaction.

After the murder, Wang Baoqiang still stood quietly, with no wave in his eyes.
Even though the dancer played by Wang Luodan was screaming crazily and trembling with fear, he still remained cold, like a cold-blooded cobra looking at the mouse he bit to death, thinking about what posture he should take Put your mouth down...

"Ka! Okay, passed, you did a great job!"

Chen Fei stood up from behind the monitor and gave encouraging applause without hesitation.

There was also warm applause from behind...

He glanced back and looked at the growing number of reporters, feeling speechless.

"Are these people very idle?"

"Haha, they are not idle, they are here to witness the miracle." Although Ning Hao was smiling, the envy on his face was beyond words.

Today is already the fifth day of filming for "No Man's Land", and it's October 27th.

"New Police Story" starring Cheng Long, Nicholas Tse and Wu Yan was officially released and grossed 4300 million at the mainland box office.

At the same time, "Crazy Racing" also ushered in the final sprint moment!

After 27 days of release, the box office data smoothly surpassed "Crazy Stone" and "House of Flying Daggers", and officially reached 1.85 million!
Everyone is curious, why did such a comedy full of black humor break the box office record of "House of Flying Daggers"?

As a result, more and more people choose to watch it in theaters.

Some people even did two, three, or even four brushes in the later stage!

This movie is so packed with laughs, and there are so many classic and famous scenes that it can still make people laugh even if it is watched over and over again!

Of course, the most important thing is that pirated discs are really hard to buy!
The three producers have simply put their best efforts into combating pirated discs to the extreme, using various methods in an endless stream.

Due to the combination of various factors, even though it is now in the late stage of the release, the daily box office is still stable in the range of 300 million to 400 million.

There are still five days left before the end of October, and there are still 2 million left before the box office exceeds 1500 million!
Even if the box office growth rate is as low as 300 million per day, it is enough to fill the 1500 million vacancy.

According to this calculation method, it is a certainty that "Crazy Racing" will exceed [-] million. It is no wonder that these reporters flocked to the Northwest in droves.

You know, the last mainland movie to exceed 2 million was "Hero" in 02.

Now, two years later, another movie with a box office of 2 million is about to appear. This can be regarded as a major event in the film and television industry!

"witness the miracle?"

Chen Fei shrugged and looked at the filming site of "No Man's Land" in front of him.

If he remembered correctly, before the rebirth, the original "No Man's Land" was nominated for the Golden Bear Award at the Berlin Film Festival.

And that was the result of several changes to the script!

But this time, what he produced was the original version of "No Man's Land". So what will be the final result?

"Believe me, "No Man's Land" will also be a miracle!"…

Although he was in the northwest, Chen Fei still didn't miss any news from the outside world.

Not long after the Golden Rooster and Hundred Flowers Film Festival ended, the news came out that "Ride Alone" would start filming.

After the great success of two commercial films, Lao Mouzi stole the show, and now his return to the field of art films has attracted a lot of attention.

At the same time, there has been a lot of news recently about Chen Kaige receiving a 3 million investment from China Film Group and officially starting the filming of "The Promise".

The target of this "The Promise" is "Hero", and it also follows the route of global release.

So far, journalists in the film and television industry have been roughly divided into three groups.

One of them came to the Northwest. While paying attention to Chen Fei's filming, he was also waiting for the moment when "Crazy Racing" exceeded [-] million.

The second trip was to the filming site of "The Promise", which is Studio 2000 of the Beijing Film Studio covering an area of ​​2 square meters and known as "Asia's largest studio".

And the last third one was to the filming set of "Ride Alone, Thousands of Miles".

These three groups of people maintain close contact, and information from the three parties is shared almost all the time.

It's a pity that compared to "No Man's Land", there is much less news about "The Promise" and "A Thousand Miles Alone".

The former is shot in a studio, which almost eliminates interviews and viewing by reporters.

The latter is even more exaggerated!
In order to prevent the leakage of filming footage, "Riding Alone, Thousands of Miles" was on full alert from the beginning to prevent any information from being leaked.

The most exaggerated thing is that at the filming location, yellow cordons and barriers were even used to block outsiders' sight, and police were also dispatched to strictly control the situation.

Even internal staff are prohibited from taking photos on the set. Once violators are discovered, they will be expelled directly without mercy!

Therefore, the most popular thing on the Internet so far is about the filming location of "No Man's Land".

The three major portals will leak live stills from time to time.

Of course, these photos were not taken by reporters, but were taken by Chen Fei and handed over to them.

Although some were curious as to why director Chen Fei would take the initiative to leak the filming footage, the reporters also faithfully published all the revelations.

Chen Fei was very satisfied with their operation.

This will ensure that the popularity of "No Man's Land" continues to rise, which will be of great help to the box office data after its release.

In Chen Fei's view, the wool on these reporters' bodies is very strong. Wouldn't it be a pity not to go up and pick up a handful?
Anyway, the exposed photos and video clips will not affect the release of the movie.

Even at certain times, he would shoot some video clips that had nothing to do with the plot and hand them over to reporters.

For example, the lawyer played by him proposes to the dancer played by Wang Luodan...

This video, which would not appear in the feature film at all, was handed over to reporters as part of the feature film. Ning Hao was shocked when he saw it.

"Isn't this deceiving the fans?"

"I didn't say this was a scene that would appear in the feature film. It was just a game in my spare time. It's none of the reporters' business. What does it have to do with me?"

"Fuck? Is it okay?"

While being greatly shocked, Ning Hao also felt that he had benefited a lot from Chen Fei's series of tricks.

This horse riding is simply taking publicity to the extreme!
How much publicity expenses will be saved in the end?

The waiting time is always excruciating, and it finally got to October 31st. The reporters almost stayed up all night waiting for news, for fear of missing the critical moment.

At 06:30 in the morning, almost all reporters’ cell phones rang at the same time.

"Crazy Racing", the box office officially exceeded 2 million!
The three major portal websites were the first to break the news, which immediately set the entire film and television industry on fire!

So much so that when Chen Fei led a group of actors to the shooting scene, he was immediately surrounded by dozens of reporters!
"Director Chen, congratulations, the box office has officially exceeded 2 million!"

"As the second commercial film director in China with a box office of over 2 million, what do you think?"

"Director Chen, three movies in a row have been hugely successful. Is there any secret behind this?"


Questions echoed in his ears one after another, and Chen Fei was well prepared and dealt with them calmly.

He received the news much earlier than these reporters, so he had already thought of what he should say during the interview.

"I am very grateful. First of all, I am very grateful to my fans and friends for their strong support. I will not hesitate to move forward. I will bring you more excellent works in the future.

For example, during the filming of "No Man's Land", I mixed a variety of narrative styles, such as thriller, crime, suspense and other elements, while also cleverly incorporating a certain amount of black humor..."


We are here to hear your thoughts on the 2 million box office, not to hear your introduction to new movies!

A reporter interrupted Chen Fei and tried to approach from another angle: "Director Chen, what do you think of the upcoming "A World Without Thieves" and "Kung Fu"? Do you think these two films have the potential to surpass "Crazy Racing"? ?”

Hearing this, Chen Fei replied seriously: "I participated in the filming of both movies. It is undeniable that these are two very good movies with profound educational significance. They are also full of Feng's comedy and Zhou Dynasty. With his unique style of comedy, I believe it will be absolutely no problem for the box office to exceed [-] million..."

The previous words were quite satisfactory and what the reporters wanted to hear.

But while talking, Chen Fei brought the topic to his new movie again.
"Of course, compared to the film styles of "Kung Fu" and "A World Without Thieves," No Man's Land also has an unforgettable image style.

The desolate land, the gray-faced characters, the dim tones, and even the pictures have a rough texture like gravel..."


Here in the northwest, Chen Fei is using interviews to promote "No Man's Land" in various ways, but over in Kyoto, the entire film and television industry has completely exploded!

When the number 2 million appeared, everyone couldn't sit still!
Within China Film Group.

Everyone who passed by the door of Han Sanping's office could clearly hear Mr. San's hearty laughter, which lasted all morning and didn't stop.

The same scene also happened in Shanghai Film Studio and the Fujian Film Studio, which had bad luck.

But compared to those who got the meat, everyone else was red-eyed!
Guangguang, Huayi, Rongxingda, Tianyu, Bona, and even large and small film and television companies in Hong Kong and Taiwan all invariably set their sights on Chen Fei and began to arrange personnel to connect with him. .

And this even includes Tang Ren, who started out as a TV series producer!
The filming of Fairy Sword has ended, and Cai Yinong is currently focusing on post-production.

But when she heard that the box office of "Crazy Racing" directed by Chen Fei exceeded 2 million, she immediately left the editing room, summoned all the senior executives of the company's planning department, and began to discuss how to build a bridge with Chen Fei.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that spring is coming for the film and television industry.

Compared with TV series, movies are the real "money printing machine". At the same time, they can greatly increase the popularity of actors, so Tang people are naturally not willing to miss it.

It's a pity that there are only a few well-known film directors in the country, and most of these people are backed by large companies, and they simply don't look down on Tangren Film and Television, which started out in television.

But now Chen Fei's appearance has given her hope!

This is currently the only independent director in the country and has not signed a contract with any company. He also writes, directs and acts by himself.

Although he also has a company, a little investigation will reveal that the company is not even a "leather company".

Therefore, Chen Fei has naturally become the favorite in the eyes of major film and television companies!

For a time, people with various ideas swarmed in...

(End of this chapter)

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