It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 277 The strength of the second generation "Flying Girl"!Go to Mango, 2 billion liq

Chapter 277 The strength of the second generation "Flying Girl"!Go to Mango, 227 billion liquidated damages!

"Tell me again? How much was the box office on the first day?"

"Mr. Wang, it's 4850 million yuan."

In Hollywood, at the filming site of "The King of Kung Fu", Wang Zhonglei felt bad.

4850 million!

You made half a month of other people's box office sales in one day. You're just fooling around. The money allows you to make money with Feiyue Film and Television and Shanghai Film and Television. You simply don't leave a way for others to survive!
Looking back, the first-day box office record in the Mainland still stood at 4200 million for "Source Code".

At that time, many film companies secretly made up their minds to work hard to break this record and make a grand comeback.

But now it's better, you just raised the data to 4850 million?
Do wool!


Some people are happy that someone is worried.

Many film companies in the industry are shouting "Wolf is coming", but Ren Zhonglun is laughing so hard that he can't close his mouth.

Shanghai Film has been promoting for so many years, but this is the first time it has received such good box office data.

He couldn't even imagine how proud he would be when he reported to the General Administration this year!

Picking up the phone, he called the publicity department of Shanghai Film Studio directly: "Continue to charge me and make sure the data is upward. If the box office of this movie can exceed 2 million, the publicity department's bonus will be doubled this year!"

"Mr. Ren, I'm looking forward to organizing the celebration banquet, but try to arrange it as late as possible. I really can't leave here in the near future."

When he received the call from Ren Zhonglun, Chen Fei was reviewing the contract with Su Guohai and the company's lawyers.

It's August [-]st soon, and "My Leader, My Group" will be premiered on Mango Channel. It has been confirmed that it will be premiered during prime time.

The reason why we reviewed the contract again was to be on the safe side.

Tianyu, a subsidiary of Mango Channel, specializes in messy contract regulations.

No, now the second Supergirl champion is also seeking to terminate her contract.

The extremely long contract period and harsh terms are something that a state-owned enterprise can do, which is really deceiving.

Su Guohai was completely confused: "800 million in compensation for contract termination, which means Super Girl has high commercial value. Otherwise, who can afford the compensation?"

“Aren’t all capitalists vampires?”

Chen Fei was not surprised. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the contract, he specifically warned: "When signing a contract with Mango TV in the future, we must form a professional team of lawyers to go through it one by one. No matter how good the relationship is, this kind of thing costs tens of millions." You can’t be careless.”

"Okay, I'll pay attention next time."

After putting away the contract, Su Guohai reminded again: "I want to ask you to record a program over there. It's the recently popular "Happy Camp" to help attract attention to the premiere of the TV series."

"Okay, just this week, I will take time to participate."


Su Guohai had just left, but before Chen Fei could arrange for his assistant to buy a ticket for him, Liu Xiaoli walked in from the door again.

"Auntie? What's the matter?"

It seemed that there was some good news, Liu Xiaoli had a happy smile on her face.

"The Mummy 3 side sent an email and wanted Sissi to audition. They said that the role of "Gravekeeper" is very suitable for her."

Grave guard girl?
After recalling the memory in his mind, Chen Fei shook his head and said, "Reject it. That role is not suitable for Liu Yifei. Also, try not to touch it in this movie."

A basin of cold water directly extinguished Liu Xiaoli's passion.

She was stunned for a moment. Although she was a little curious as to why she couldn't touch it, she still nodded seriously and said, "I'll get back to you right away."

Liu Yifei's current management contract is with Walton Pictures, which means that her work schedule is determined by Chen Fei.

Liu Xiaoli was very relieved to hand her daughter over to him!

The reason is very simple. In addition to having a large amount of resources at his disposal, Chen Fei also has a deep understanding of the inside stories of some movies and TV series.

This kind of "prescience" can avoid risks very well, and this is where Liu Xiaoli is most satisfied and reassured.

Since Chen Fei said he won't go, then he won't go!

Liu Xiaoli was preparing a reply, but the news still spread online.

The producer of "The Mummy 3" personally stated that he very much hopes that mainland actors can join the film, and also expressed his desire to cooperate with Liu Yifei.

When the news came out, there was an uproar in domestic entertainment!

The eyes of a group of actresses were red with envy. They couldn't figure out why all the good things were taken away by Liu Yifei?

The heroine of "Source Code", the strong invitation of "The King of Kung Fu", the heroine of "Mulan"...

Everywhere you look, there are top resources!
Now the producer of "The Mummy 3" even spoke in front of reporters, saying that he very much hopes to cooperate with Liu Yifei. This is a resource that ordinary female stars can't get even by selling themselves!

However, before the heat could completely build up, Liu Yifei issued a statement.

"First of all, I would like to express my special thanks to Universal Pictures for the invitation. However, the filming work of "Mulan" is heavy and I really can't be distracted, so I can only regretfully refuse. I hope there will be opportunities to cooperate in the future..."

Refused? ? ?
When they saw Liu Yifei's statement, a bunch of female celebrities in the industry were shocked!

They couldn't imagine what kind of state this was, but a Hollywood series masterpiece was dumped so naturally?

"Isn't there any hesitation at all?"

In the crew of "Up to the Study", Yang Mi murmured to herself while looking at the statement published online, with deep envy in her eyes unconsciously.

If it were her, she would definitely fly to Hollywood as soon as possible after accepting the invitation from Universal Pictures!
But Tianxian was different and refused without hesitation.

This gesture!
She is indeed the second generation of "flying girls"!

While thinking about it, she sent a resume to the email address of the Universal Pictures casting team.

No matter whether you can choose it or not, just try it first and then decide.

She is not Liu Yifei. With Chen Fei as her support, she doesn't care at all when facing such a big production.

For a time, many female stars in the industry began to seek relationships and "recommend themselves", hoping to get an audition opportunity.


On July 7, Chen Fei, Kang Honglei, Duan Yihong, Zhang Yi, Xing Jiadong and others came to Mango Channel's "Happy Camp" to promote and record "My Leader, My Group".

At this time, the happy family has been established.

He Jiong, Li Weijia, Xie Na, Du Haitao, Wu Xin, they are all Chen Fei's childhood memories.

"Mr. He, long time no see."

He Jiong has always been a pillar of Happy Camp, and is even one of the best among the host team of Mango Channel.

Chen Fei has met him in many award ceremonies.

This person's emotional intelligence is very high, and his words are full of respect, which makes people feel like a spring breeze.

"Haha, Director Chen, long time no see. I was waiting to meet you at this year's Magic City International Film Festival, but I didn't expect that I didn't wait until the end."

As he said that, he turned to look at Wang Ke who was standing aside, and joked with a smile: "Director Wang, are you here to guide the work?"

"Haha, I don't understand your variety show. I just came here with the client. This is the first time for Director Chen to enter our Mango Channel recording center. I'm afraid he went the wrong way."

After being transferred from Xiaoxiang Studio to Mango Channel, Wang Ke became one of the deputy directors in charge of TV drama business.

As long as he can hold on to Chen Fei's thigh, his business this year will be at the "excellent level", so he will naturally be more attentive.

The response to the previous two TV series "Soldier Assault" and "Insidious" was very good, and the higher-ups were also very satisfied.

Now that he has signed a contract with Chen Fei for two TV series, "My Captain, My Group" and "My Brother's Name is Shunliu", Wang Ke's business this year is already the best among the deputy directors!
The recording went very smoothly, and the audience was very considerate.

Anyway, in Chen Fei's opinion, today's program should be able to increase some ratings for the premiere.

The only thing that made him a little uncomfortable was that Xie Na was really talkative and kept talking. If He Jiong hadn't been the one to tell the truth, she would have been in a lot of troubles by herself!
This was still a recorded broadcast. If it were broadcast live, with her hosting skills, she didn’t know what kind of fool she would make!

After recording Happy Camp, Chen Fei was just about to follow Wang Ke to visit Mango Station when Ning Hao suddenly called.

"Hahahahaha, the nominations for the Venice Film Festival are out."

"Huh? What happened? To make you so happy?"

"We have three films shortlisted for this Venice Film Festival, namely "The Sun Also Rises" by Jiang Wen, "Help Me Cupid" by Li Kangsheng, and "Lust, Caution" by Li Xian."

After hearing this, Chen Fei finally came to his senses.

"Hey? Where has Lu Chuan's "Nanjing! Nanjing!" gone? Didn't he clamor online to guarantee that he would be shortlisted for the main competition?"


Ning Hao started to laugh again, and after a while he explained: "The reason given by the jury is that the narrative perspective does not conform to the true historical records."

"Pfft, this unlucky guy."

Although I regret not being able to see Lu Chuan’s expression in person, it would be very interesting to think about it!
I vowed at the beginning that I would definitely be shortlisted for Cannes, but I never thought that I would be rejected in the first round. I turned around and went to the Venice Film Festival, but was rejected again.This slap in the face makes a snapping sound!
"Please help me find out when the film is going to be released?"

"Hammer him?"

"It has to be hammered!"

While talking, he walked away. When he hung up the phone, Chen Fei just looked up and saw many people busy in a very large studio.

"What is this doing?"

"Tomorrow night is the night of the 07 Happy Boys finals. The staff are debugging equipment and preparing for the finals."

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Are there any tickets left? Can you leave me an on-site ticket?"

"Huh?" Wang Ke raised his eyebrows slightly: "Do you also like to participate in this kind of boy group audition activity?"

"We just happened to meet each other, and we had a lot of fun together. I have always watched Fast Boy and Super Girl online before, but I haven't been able to watch it live yet."

"Okay, I'll ask you later. There should be internal tickets left."

With that said, Wang Ke took out his mobile phone and called the person in charge of Happy Boys directly.

"What? Director Chen wants to watch the Happy Boys Finals? Do you want a live ticket?"

On the other end of the phone, Danny Long, the director of Fast Man, became excited after confirming several times that the Director Chen in Wang Ke's mouth was Chen Fei, who had recently won the Palme d'Or.

"Yes, of course!"

After a while, Chen Fei met this legendary figure who was called the "godmother of the draft" by netizens.

"Dragon guide."

"Director Chen, I have long admired your name!"

Although the 34-year-old Danny Long is not in his prime, his resolute and shrewd temperament is still very rare in the industry.

Although both of them are directors, there is still a big difference between them. After all, Chen Fei's status as a film director is almost among the top in the industry.

"This is a ticket for the finals. It's such an honor. I didn't expect to see you here."

Long Danny behaved very politely and was respectful both inside and outside his words.

"Sorry for the trouble, Director Long." Chen Fei responded with a smile.

"Actually, I have another unwelcome request. During the finals, can you please invite Director Chen to come on stage and say a few words?"

As soon as these words came out, Wang Ke frowned slightly.

This woman has crossed some lines!

I just didn't think about it, but Chen Fei didn't care at all, and responded casually: "Okay, this is no problem, it's just a couple of sentences."

accepted? !

Danny Long became more and more excited and thanked him repeatedly.

Wang Ke, an old boy, still knows how to play. He had been shouting that when Chen Fei comes to Mango Stage, he must make good arrangements for him.

And tonight, Chen Fei knows what the arrangement is!
People in China seem to like white-skinned, blue-eyed foreigners. Although Chen Fei also likes them, in comparison, he still prefers the happiness of cultivating people.

For example, Lin Yuer and little sister IU.

Natasha kept sending him emails.

The box office trend of "The Twilight Saga" is very good, and the North American box office data is infinitely approaching the US$2 million mark!

In addition to crushing "Fantastic Four 2", it also successfully defeated several movies such as "Fantastic Four 2" and "1408"!

Fox is also anxious, and has been in frequent contact with Marvel Studios recently, hoping to reach cooperation on subsequent movie shooting plans.

After the failure of "Fantastic Four 2", Fox's follow-up projects are only "Die Hard 4", "Rare and Sword", "Aliens vs. Predator 2" and the national animation "The Simpsons".

But whether these series and cartoons can make money is still unknown.

As the current boss of Fox, Wendy Deng contacted Chen Fei many times, but was rejected.

"Hmph, what's so great? Aren't you just making two big productions? After "Avatar" is released, I will also let you see what a real big production is!"

Wendy Deng was so angry that she felt a little stuffy. She really couldn't figure out why Chen Fei didn't want to contact her.

Isn't this mature young woman attractive enough?


After learning that Chen Fei actually went to the night of the Fast Man Finals, Liu Yifei and others, who had an extra day off for no reason, were speechless.

The movie hasn't even been finished yet, and my own director is chasing stars. How can I make sense of this?

"Anyway, I have nothing to do, let's watch the finals too!"

Liu Yifei led a group of young girls in their twenties to stay in the hotel room, waiting for tonight's 2-to-1 finals to begin.

What's rare is that although a group of people think that Su Xing is more handsome, if they were asked to vote, they would definitely choose Chen Chusheng without hesitation.

As for Jing Tian, ​​who is the only one who is fighting to wake up, her role in the crew has been completed, and Lu Zheng took her to audition for "The Mummy 3".

As one of the famous "people who bring money into the group", Jing Tian's main focus this time is to buy roles!

However, the success rate should not be too high. After all, this role seems to be decided by Li Lianjie.

Finals night.

The studio with thousands of people was full. Chen Fei and a group of Mango executives sat in the front row, watching He Jiong and Wang Han host.

"Tonight we specially invited a special guest. Now let us welcome Director Chen to the stage with the warmest applause to give a speech and cheer for our two singers participating in the competition tonight!"

In the Mulan crew hotel, a group of people were stunned when they saw Chen Fei walking onto the stage and taking the microphone from He Jiong.

"Good guy? Did Director Chen go to Kuaiman to be a judge?"

"Are you kidding me? Are you chasing stars all the way to the stage?"

"Hey, do you believe it or not? Chen Fei will make headlines again tomorrow!"

A group of people nodded in unison, this is inevitable!
"I am very happy to be here to watch tonight's Fast Man Finals. I hope both players can give their best and strive to charge towards the championship throne and start your highlight moment.

It's quite embarrassing. I finally came here and couldn't bring you any gifts.

Well, here I can make a promise to the two contestants competing tonight, whoever wins the Fast Man Finals, I will invite him to participate in the post-production of my new movie "Mulan".

Whether it's the theme song or the ending song, it's up to you to choose! "

boom! ! !
As soon as he finished speaking, there was thunderous applause.

Backstage, the other members of 07 Kuaiman were full of envy, wishing they could kick Chen Chusheng and Su Xing away so that they could receive the championship reward themselves.

The competition hasn't even started yet, but a generous job opportunity has already been placed in front of them. It's really hard to resist this temptation!
Sitting down again, Long Danny’s eyes were extremely complicated.

"Director Chen, you have a big surprise for us!"

"Haha, it can be considered as a way to catch the fast boy's popularity."

Although that is said, the difference between the two can be described as worlds apart.

"Mulan" is destined to go global, but Kuaiman is just a domestic talent show and variety show, and the two are not on the same level at all.

If he's lucky enough, the singer might even be on the Oscar podium!

This gift was really too much for Danny Long to bear.

The three-hour final session officially begins!
0713 Singing on the same stage, the judges help singing, the contestants help singing, and the two of them perform a total competition...

"Chen Chusheng's breath is really stable."

"Indeed, Su Xing is worse in this regard."

Chen Fei and Danny Long chatted about each other until the final voting session began, and both of them began to get excited unconsciously.

There is no shady secrets on the night of the finals. The competition relies entirely on the popularity and strength of the players. Mango TV will not engage in secret operations on such occasions.

"Wake up: 2573655 votes!"

"Chen Chusheng: 3318550 votes!"

"Dear friends, I announce that the overall champion of the 2007 Happy Boys is Chen Chusheng!"

Fireworks exploded and applause continued.

Chen Fei also applauded, but he began to think in his heart, how to avoid the 23 minutes of darkness between Chen Chusheng and Mango?
He still liked the singer quite a lot, so he also wanted to do something within his power.

Arrogant capital collided with youth and vigour, and no one was willing to give in. In the end, a 227 billion liquidated damages event resulted.

Mango Channel is also very ruthless. The sky-high liquidated damages are enough for Chen Fei to make more than 20 major A-level productions!
(End of this chapter)

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