It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 282 It’s so ugly to eat! Female celebrities are really having fun! The generous guest appear

Chapter 282 It’s so ugly to eat! Female celebrities are really having fun! Wrapping up...guest appearance...the generous James Wan!
After watching "Transformers", Lu Zheng happened to arrive outside the theater.

"Director Chen, haha, I didn't expect to meet you in a foreign country."

"Mr. Lu, it's been a long time."

The two chatted briefly for a while, and then parted ways because it was getting late.

Back at the villa, Chen Fei was just about to continue the filming plan for Game of Thrones when a new message suddenly popped up on the portal.

As expected of the literary and art world, there is an endless supply of nonsense and nonsense.

My brother actually came up with the idea of ​​​​the inheritance of his recently deceased brother!

"This eating scene is really ugly!"

Fade curled his lips and didn't pay too much attention.

Sometimes people still have to believe in retribution. It’s not that there will be no retribution, it’s just that the time has not yet come.


In fact, people are really weird. Sometimes when they are used to eating delicacies from the mountains and seas, they inexplicably want to go to a roadside stall to eat some fried food to spice up their appetite.

After Bruce returned from Dior's party, he brought back a video for Chen Fei.

In a dark corner, a man and a woman were playing thief six. The foreigner's face was full of madness.

"Zhang Ziyi?"

Chen Fei watched for a long time before he recognized who the heroine was.

"Yes, it's her."

Bruce had a look of interest on his face, and he also preferred petite figures, such as the Japanese maid at home.

"This one really has a lot of fun."

Chen Fei was a little speechless. He didn't know what to do with the International Chapter in the past few years, and there were more and more sexy tricks.

Follow that woman Wendy Deng, she will sell herself out one day!
Domestic female stars are fighting fiercely in the Mainland for resources, and some even pay extremely high prices to become famous!

The Venice Film Festival is about to open, and Li Yin naturally brings "Lust, Caution" with him.

Due to stricter control in China, not much information has been revealed yet, but a 1 minute and 46 second English trailer has appeared on YouTube.

In the picture, Tang Wei was naked, and his high curves were much more perfect than the video leaked from the beach gate of the International Chapter.

There is nothing wrong with pursuing fame, but since you do it, you must suffer the corresponding consequences!
It’s not that easy to mess around in South Korea!

Liang Chaowei is not a good guy either, and Chen Fei's impression of him is getting worse and worse.

There are rumors that Mr. Li was about to let a substitute take the body, but he sternly rejected him. In the end, he didn’t know what happened, but after patting and patting, it became a real sword and a real gun...

It's not a pity, it can only be said that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

I just feel sorry for Tian Yu...


The filming of WALL-E came to its final moments.

Eva returned to Earth with the squashed WALL-E. She didn't waste any time and rushed to his tin hut with WALL-E in her arms.

She rummaged for parts and quickly replaced WALL-E. She even replaced the small shovel with two new ones. Then she opened the ceiling and recharged it with solar energy.

Soon, the fully charged WALL-E turned on again.

But it seemed like it didn't recognize Eva anymore, and turned around to go to work. Even when Eva handed it a toy, it was crushed into small cubes of garbage.

For a robot, if a CPU is replaced, will it still be the same?
But Eva didn't give up, she knew what Wally wanted to do most.

It has wanted to hold my hand countless times, but it didn't dare!

This time, Eva took the initiative to hold Wali's small spatula and put it against his forehead to release a trace of electricity.



The familiar Wari finally came back, and the one who witnessed this scene was Xiaoqiang who had been accompanying him all the time!

This is an animated movie where the main character has no lines, but is still romantic to the point of being messed up.

Wall-E is like a flower blooming in the ruins, lonely and tenacious, never complaining about himself, and bringing beauty to the world.

Fortunately, he also met his beloved and gained a more sincere passion.

It will be happy for the rest of its life!

Looking at the rendered picture, Chen Fei let out a sigh of relief and stood up.

"Everybody, this will be the last Cut!"

It took nearly a year from the beginning of the project preparation, during which there were several interruptions and continuations of filming. The filming of "Wall-E" is finally over!
"Yeah! It's finished!"

Warm cheers erupted in the studio, and everyone in the animation team raised their arms and shouted, excitedly welcoming the moment of victory.

Chen Fei was very generous and directly arranged: "Tonight, a wine party, let's have a good time!"

In an instant, the cheers became more and more enthusiastic!
As the person in charge of the animation studio, Andrew Brocher also breathed a sigh of relief at this time. This movie was made with great effort.

Chen Fei patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I can arrange a week's holiday for you."


Andrew raised his head suddenly, his eyes full of disbelief.

"This is not a drunken nonsense. If you come back in a week, the post-production and "Kung Fu Panda" will still be waiting for you."

For the animated film "Kung Fu Panda", Chen Fei planned it to be released on August 08, 8. He wanted pandas to appear in China together with the Olympics.

This will be a time-intensive task, and for this reason, Natasha has already begun poaching people from Pixar.

She had no worries that the company would not be able to pay these people. As long as Chen Fei was around, her monthly salary would be just a drop in the bucket.


After the party in the evening, Chen Fei and Natasha met at the cinema during the midnight show.

"Two tickets to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix."

Sigma men will not spend money on women, so Natasha will be responsible for all expenses tonight.

Warner Bros. has very high expectations for this movie, and coupled with the pressure from Twilight, their recent promotional intensity has been particularly strong.

During these days when Chen Fei was busy in the animation studio, he could often see the three protagonists appearing on major talk shows.

Hermione, who is in her 20s, is very beautiful, and she has not yet reached the ghostly look she had when she transformed so rapidly after torturing herself crazily.

Natasha watched it with gusto, but Chen Fei was a little uncomfortable with this kind of movie that looked for pictures in the dark.

Maybe it’s because he loves the house and the bird, but in comparison, he still prefers Twilight!
Harry Potter was released on Wednesday, with a box office of 4000 million US dollars on the first day, and 1.3 million US dollars in North America in one week. Overall, the box office trend is not as high as the previous films.

Turning back to "Twilight", it has a box office of 2.5 million yuan in China, 4.5 million US dollars in North America, and the global box office has exceeded [-] million US dollars.

Chen Fei always thought that the country in Brazil was very poor, but after looking at the data, he discovered that in the overseas box office of Twilight, Brazil actually topped the list with US$3000 million!

"The theater chains in China are really bad, but they can't compare to the theater chains in Brazil?"

Chen Fei was inexplicably disappointed.

The Venice International Film Festival hasn't ended yet, and the Golden Rooster Awards suddenly started inviting directors and stars from the industry to prepare for the 26th Golden Rooster Film Festival.

Ren Zhonglun immediately called Chen Fei.

"Brother? The Golden Rooster Awards have sent me an invitation letter. Do you need to send "Shoplifters" to the selection?"

"Don't go."

Chen Fei refused without hesitation.

You guys already won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. Is it necessary to get another gold medal at the Golden Rooster Award?

Jin Xiong's "No Man's Land" had received invitations from many film festivals, but Chen Fei chose to reject them all without exception.

He knew that he would definitely win a prize if he went there, but the specific prize arrangement would depend on the organizer.

If it loses to other literary films, wouldn't it mean that it is carrying the sedan chair for the other party?

He is not stupid!

Since its release in mid-July, after one month of release, the box office performance of "Shoplifters" has officially exceeded 7 million yuan, reaching an excellent result of 2.65 million yuan.

It is also a literary film, and this movie has a box office of [-] million more than "No Man's Land"!

This is Chen Fei's new achievement in the field of literary films.

So far, there is no purely literary film that can match his current box office record and award record. The domestic box office is 2.65 million, and the copyright is 5000 million US dollars.

Let’s compare it with the investment cost of RMB 1000 million. It’s no exaggeration to say that we are making a lot of money!
Such results have far exceeded Chen Fei's expectations, and there is no need to go to the domestic awards to add gold.

A Palme d'Or is worth tens of millions of prizes!


The work on "WALL-E" has ended, but Chen Fei has not been able to take some time off.

He had to go to Super 4 to make a cameo first, and then start shooting Game of Thrones non-stop. The actors and preliminary preparations had been completed, and they were just waiting for him, the director, to come on stage.

The organizers of the Golden Rooster Awards issued a notice, expressing great regret that they were unable to invite "Shoplifters" to participate in the selection.

"What do you mean? Backstab me?"

On the way to the filming site of Super 4, Chen Fei looked disdainful as he looked at the news released by the media.

He knew that these old dogs would never have any good intentions.

It's a good thing that I didn't send a copy of the movie, otherwise it might have become their wedding dress and helped carry the sedan chair for other literary and artistic films.

As the only Chinese actor in the company, Bruce is very keen to help Liu Yifei find various jobs.

No, in the past few days, I have been talking about the Asian general spokesperson for a perfume.

The little girl called him specifically to greet him, and also told him some news she had seen while surfing recently: "Nicholas Tse is happy to have a son. Many people in the circle sent congratulations."

"Ah? Who gave birth to him?"

Chen Fei was a little confused. Isn't this guy filming in the crew of "October Siege"? Why did he give birth to a son?
"Zhang Baizhi, don't you know?"

Chen Fei looked confused: "Isn't she in love with the princess? Are they already married? When did it happen?"

"Are you colluding with each other? The princess is with Li Yapeng..."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei reacted instantly.

It's true that I remember doing the splits. At that time, the princess, Li Yapeng, and Zhou Xun had a love triangle in the past, but that was already a long time ago.

Li Yapeng has been in decline in recent years, with no outstanding works coming out, and he has begun to rest on his laurels.


Arriving at the Super 4 filming site, Chen Fei received a warm welcome from the actors.

The story of the fourth part is about police detective Brian once again acting as an undercover agent in order to wipe out a drug cartel, and infiltrating the drug dealers. In order to avenge his girlfriend Letty, the racing driver Dominic also decided to "go deep into the tiger's den" , bringing the leaders of drug trafficking organizations to justice.

The two teamed up with drug traffickers to stage a "racing storm" on the American border!
In order to recreate the glory of Super 1, Super 4 once again used the lineup of the first part this time, bringing back two Hollywood stars, Vin Diesel and Paul Walker.

As the heroines of the first part, Michelle Rodriguez and Jordana Brewster also returned again, continuing the story of the first two parts of the "Fast and Furious" series.

The previously released Super 3 did not have a very good reputation in North America. Although it made money, Universal Pictures always felt that it was missing something.

After much thought, I decided to use the original actors again and strive to be "faster"!
"Fei, haha, I finally waited for you."

Wen Ziren was so happy when he saw his partner. He couldn't wait to see Chen Fei's cool driving skills again!
For Chen Fei's shots, he prepared many cars in advance and planned to scrap them all at once.

"Sorry, I seem to be a little late."

Chen Fei was very embarrassed and apologized to everyone.

As the starring actor and co-producer, Vin Diesel smiled generously and didn't care at all about Chen Fei's "lateness" behavior.

"Fei, welcome home."

"Haha, long time no see."

Chen Fei stepped forward and hugged him. Boss Tang also went to Tokyo to support the filming of Speed ​​3.

As for Paul Walker, although it was the first time they met, Chen Fei liked this actor very much, especially his performance in Super 1, which is a classic!

It's a pity that success comes with racing and failure comes with racing. This guy finally left this world forever due to a car accident.

The appearance of Gal Gadot was something Chen Fei did not expect.

She was just 85 years old in 22. Her status as a beauty pageant champion directly established that her debut in the industry was to show off her figure.

It's the same in Fast 4. When he appears, he wears a tight leather jacket, and his curvy figure makes a group of old men want to stop!
It's a pity that this country...

Since her stance is different, it's hard for Chen Fei to make an evaluation, so just treat her as an ordinary partner.

But this person's figure is really great. When hugging him, Chen Fei could even clearly feel the feeling of being strong and tall.
She is indeed a beauty on earth!

He suddenly thought of the scene in Fast 5. The scene when "Han" drove two "sports cars" alone is still unforgettable to him for a long time!


"So many cars? Are they all used to crash?"

Arriving at the shooting scene and looking at the pile of luxury cars prepared by Wen Ziren, Chen Fei had a complicated expression on his face.

No wonder Romulo complained to him many times, saying that the funds used for filming were almost over the limit!

According to Wen Ziren's generous temperament, it is not certain whether funds can be set aside for publicity in the end.

"Yes, everything serves the perspective effect."

Coming from a background in horror films, it's different. When it comes to the angle of view effect, Wen Ziren has everything he needs and is absolutely sure of it.

Romulo Otero only said that he crashed too many cars and did not mention that the effects of his photos were not good.

"Han" doesn't have a lot of roles in Fast 4, he's just a fourth or fifth male.

Speaking of the coolest scene, it is naturally the scene of robbing the oil tanker at the beginning of the film.

"Are you going to take a real shot?"

Chen Fei was a little ready to move. He hadn't played with a car for a long time, and he couldn't help but want to go for a lap.

"Yes, real shots." Wen Ziren nodded and added: "There will be professional stand-ins..."

"I don't need a substitute!" Chen Fei interrupted him immediately.

Wen Ziren immediately changed the topic: "I didn't prepare anything for you in the first place, and you don't need a stunt double for your driving skills. We will try to give you as many shots as possible during the filming of this scene, it just depends on how you perform."


Taking the key to the 1976 Chevrolet C1500 pickup truck handed over by the staff, Chen Fei got into the car without hesitation and started the engine.


The violent roar of the engine resounded on the roads of the Dominican Republic, which was very exciting.

The filming is divided into two passes. A professional racing driver will shoot the first pass, and then the actors will come on stage for the second pass, mainly recording the driving scenes.

With Wen Ziren's "Action", filming officially began!
The tanker truck was speeding on the road. A racing driver wearing full protective clothing drove Mr. Tang’s 1987 Buick Regal GNX to take the lead and came to the front of the tanker truck to say goodbye.

The roar of the 3.8-liter V6 turbocharged engine was extremely harsh, and its 300 horsepower allowed it to successfully overtake the car in front and complete the interception.

As the tanker truck slowed down, the Chevrolet pickup truck driven by Chen Fei made a shining appearance.

His cool and handsome face stood out in the camera, making a group of actresses look at him with dazzling eyes.

Some people will admire the "talent" of the opposite sex, while others will be attracted by the "appearance" of the opposite sex.

And when the two are combined, the resulting chemical reaction will be unparalleled attraction!

Suddenly there was a harsh friction sound on the road. In the camera, Chen Fei suddenly turned his direction and used the inertia and handbrake to successfully complete a 180-degree drift in the Chevrolet pickup truck.

After being decoupled and connected to the tank truck, the 7.4-liter V8 engine showed its surging power at this moment!

Behind the monitor, Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Gal Gadot and others were watching this scene blankly.

They all know that this well-known Chinese director in Hollywood has very good driving skills. After all, they all paid attention to the Akina Mountain drift competition.

But most people have only seen the broadcast or recorded video. This is the first time they have seen such a very intuitive live scene!
"Isn't he a director? Why is his driving skills so good?"

Gal Gadot looked at Paul Walker standing next to her with confusion. She was shocked by Chen Fei's driving skills.

"Maybe this is talent. After all, he is still the spokesperson of Red Bull. Extreme athletes who can sign with Red Bull are not ordinary people."

"Is that so..."

Gal Gadot nodded slightly, the light in her eyes getting more intense.

Director, actor, screenwriter, Red Bull signee...

Chen Fei's appearance suddenly made her understand what "the best" among men is!
The tank truck was successfully cut off, and the engine roar erupted again. The Chevrolet C1500 dragged two oil tanks and drove quickly in the opposite direction.

The task is successfully completed!

(End of this chapter)

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