It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 331 Clean and hygienic! Shelling everywhere? Dog title party! 'Whale' moment!

Chapter 331 Clean and hygienic! Shelling everywhere? Dog title party! 'Whale' moment!

"Are all your Indian movies like this? Half an hour of singing and dancing? Don't you feel tired?"

In a 162-minute movie, Chen Fei actually saw a 30-minute singing and dancing session. Fortunately, there was no rap, otherwise he would have gone crazy!

When he first watched "Three Idiots in Bollywood", he mostly just pulled up the progress bar when encountering such singing and dancing scenes. This was the first time he went to the cinema to watch an Indian movie.

However, just such an experience made him feel inexplicably refreshed!

There are a bunch of people singing and dancing around. Don’t they feel tired?

Rajkumar Hirani explained next to him: "This is also a strategy to increase the number of moviegoers. As long as you spend a small amount of money, you can watch a very long film. Isn't this considered a gain? "

Chen Fei: So is this why you extended the duration of "Three Idiots in Bollywood" to three hours?

Danny had already begun to take a nap. He didn't like this kind of movie. In comparison, he preferred movies with cool special effects or action movies.


The next day, Chen Fei and Rajkumar Hirani came to the set again.

The scene has been almost set up, and now you can try to take some pictures. This is also for the convenience of future publicity.

While the crew's camera, props and other staff were preparing, Chen Fei saw many extras running to the roadside food stalls.

He suddenly felt moved.

"Danny? Do you want one to try?"

"No! No! No!"

Danny waved his hands repeatedly, his expression extremely ugly.

He didn't want to be Splatoon anymore. Thinking about that scene, it was a disaster!

"Fei, can your stomach handle it? The food stalls here are not as clean as your Chinese delicacies."

"It's okay, I'll just buy some to try."

With that said, Chen Fei walked to a stall selling "Indian flying pancakes" outside the set, and also bought a glass of aloe vera juice with ice.

Seeing this scene, Danny's eyes were extremely complicated, and he was already ready to call an ambulance for Chen Fei.

However, several young actors in the crew who played the male lead, second lead actor and female lead in childhood ran over and looked at Fade longingly... To be more precise, they should be looking at the food in his hands!

"Do you want to eat?"


Several children have no idea what "clean and hygienic" means. Most of them grew up in slums and are no strangers to these things.

Chen Fei thought for a while and simply looked at the rest of the crew, "Who else hasn't had breakfast? I'm treating you. You can order whatever you want."


For a moment, bursts of cheers erupted from the group.

Rajkumar Hirani and several leading actors also came over and looked at Chen Fei in surprise. It was obvious that they did not have such a generous director in India.

"Fei, thank you. It's a waste of money."

Rajkumar Hirani obviously had a good stomach, so he ordered a portion of something that looked like miso, wrapped it on rice, and ate it with his hands.

Several other people chose their favorite foods.

Chen Fei looked at Deepika Padukone who was indifferent in the crowd, "What about you? Do you want something to eat?"

"I want that too..."

Deepika Padukone pointed at the doenjang-like thing and noticed that many people chose the "disgusting" looking food.

Because of her family background, she rarely comes to places like slums, so everything here feels very novel.

"Try it?" Chen Fei handed her a portion of "Doenjang".

The upper castes are indeed different. This girl actually carried the tableware with her and did not directly reach out to grab it like others.

After scooping a spoonful and putting it into his mouth, Deepika Padukone's eyes suddenly lit up, "This tastes quite good, doesn't it?"

Chen Fei smiled, his nose twitched slightly, and he smelled various mixed spices.

Danny was nibbling bread on the side, looking at a group of people squatting there to scoop up "bean paste" to eat, and began to make crazy calculations in his mind.

If you want to bring so many people to the hospital, how many ambulances do you need to call?


The test shooting officially started, and to Danny's surprise, no one on the scene became a "Splatoon". Everyone acted very calmly after eating a clean and delicious breakfast on the roadside.

"Oh? Why?"

His face was full of doubts. Could it be that the bottle of water he drank before was expired? Nothing wrong with the food here?

The more he thought about it, the more puzzled he became. Finally, he gritted his teeth and bought a portion of "doenjang"!

So Splatoon appears again!

And when Chen Fei saw Danny again after finishing the trial shooting process, he saw that he was curled up on the bed with a height of 1.9 meters, with a sling bottle hanging on his arm, and his face was pale.

"Fei, I was defeated again."

His face was full of reluctance, but there was nothing he could do about it.

Thinking about the raw food he had eaten while serving in the Marine Corps, he felt inexplicably nostalgic. Obviously snake gallbladder and tree worms would not turn him into a Splatoon, but a serving of Indian "bean paste" completely failed him!

"You have a good rest and try not to eat those foods in the future." As he said this, Chen Fei took a sip of the "Evian" brand mineral water he got from the hotel.

There is a hint of sweetness in the water.

Clean and hygienic!

Looking at this scene, Danny almost cried without tears...


On the day of launch, many media from India came to the scene.

After all, Chen Fei is also one of the well-known commercial film directors in Hollywood. He has personally directed several excellent A-class productions. He is also the "double winner" of the Golden Bear and the Palme d'Or.

It is no small matter that such a great international director who wants achievements and awards has come to India!

For a time, the media surrounded the crew, and Chen Fei could only accept their interview.

What makes him a little depressed is that when people here speak faster, they will have a strong accent, which is really difficult for him to understand...

At this time, Rajkumar Hirani will appear as his translator.

After the opening ceremony of "Slumdog Millionaire", the film officially entered the filming period, and the time officially came to late July.

In China, many film and television production companies and first- and second-tier actors are still immersed in the casting process for "The Founding of the People's Republic of China."

When the news that Chen Fei was filming a movie in India was exposed, everyone in the industry who paid attention to the matter was stunned.

On, a bold and blackened headline is extremely eye-catching!

[Famous director Chen Fei recently directed and wrote a new film in India: "Slumdog Millionaire", aiming to win the Oscar! 】

On the day the news was exposed, a steady stream of calls came directly from China, all wanting to know the inside story.

Several media outlets even sent reporters to India overnight to find out the inside story.

When she received a personal call from Han Sanping, Chen Fei was instructing Deepika Padukone on how to play a "poor". This was a role she had never played before. Even though she had been living in a slum recently, she wanted to It’s still hard to understand.

"Director Han, just arrange the film "The Founding of the People's Republic of China". This film of mine is just a small-budget art film. At most, it is just my attempt."

Han Sanping, "Trying to win an Oscar?"

"You can understand it this way, but I really don't have much confidence. I just accidentally saw a story and wanted to film it, that's all."

On the other end of the phone, Han Sanping curled her lips, not believing what Chen Fei said at all.

This guy said this before when he was filming "No Man's Land" and "Shoplifters", but in the end he took home a Golden Bear and a Golden Palm.

And in this movie, he started to speak modestly again. It's obvious that this guy is very confident!

But, Oscar is not just something that can be obtained with confidence, it involves a lot of inside information, which cannot be explained clearly in a few words.

"Okay, now that the filming has started, China Film will not get involved, but what is the situation of "Inception"? When are you going to start filming? It's almost August!"

Chen Fei had previously promised him that the filming would be completed in the second half of the year, but there were only 5 months left before the end of the year. Can the filming still be completed?

"I also want to start filming right away, but Leonardo, Anne Hathaway, and Tom Hardy all have their own work, and it would probably be September before we could all get together, so I just took the time. I’m going to make a literary film for fun.”

"..." After a moment of silence, Han Sanping said helplessly: "Okay, you are the director and you have the final say. You can make arrangements yourself. Anyway, remember, I have left an important role for you in "The Founding of the People's Republic of China". Be sure to come back!”

"no problem."

Chen Fei agreed very happily.


The response speed of the domestic media was so fast. The day after the news was exposed, they had already flown to India!

In order not to be annoyed by the paparazzi and reporters who came one after another, Chen Fei simply held an impromptu press conference.

He first talked about some aspects of the movie, and then went directly to the reporter's question session, striving for "Quick! Accurate! Cruel!"

As expected, these guys are becoming more and more rascals!

Princess Six: "Director Chen, are you preparing to compete for Oscars with this movie? Or will you continue to compete for the top three movies in Europe?"

Chen Fei: "The main thing is to compete for the Oscars. This movie is not suitable for the style of the three major European films, and the judges there may not like it."

The pen tip moved, and a line of headlines appeared on the notebooks of various reporters at the scene.

[Director Chen’s new film is aiming for an Oscar! Go beyond Hollywood! Win glory for the country! 】

NetEase: "Director Chen, first of all, I would like to congratulate "The Twilight Saga: New Moon" for its global box office exceeding US$2 million. Director Wu Yu said some time ago that your movie is about romance and has no connotation. How do you respond? ?”

Huh? Is the question so acute?

Chen Fei thought for a while and replied directly: "I generally don't care what people with lower global box office than me say, but since you asked, I will simply reply. If he can do it, then let him do it. ."

Swish swish!

The pen tip moves again…

[Chen Fei bombards Wu Yu, you are awesome, come on! 】

Sohu: "Director Chen, I noticed that the screenwriter of "The Founding of the People's Republic of China" is you yourself. Many people in the literary and art circles are currently questioning whether you can write about the cruelty and hardships of that era at such a young age? Is it possible to use an all-star cast? To cause a stir?"

Chen Fei did not remember to answer this question, but looked curiously at the Sohu reporter in front of him.

"Have we met somewhere? Why do you look familiar to me?"

"Hello Director Chen, it's been a long time. I'm Dong Chengpeng, the host of Sohu Video's celebrity interview program "Celebrity Online". You were on my show when you were promoting "Crazy Racing"."

"Oh! It's you!"

Chen Fei quickly remembered it and carefully calculated the time. It seemed that it was not too far away from the broadcast time of "Diaosi Men".

This web drama has not caught up with the good times. If it were placed on a self-media platform in 2023, it would probably explode!

Closer to home, Chen Fei was very calm in the face of Dong Chengpeng's doubts.

“As I said, since some people express doubts, let them try it too. I very much welcome anyone to come and challenge.

If you write a script and there is no investor, you can come to me with the script and I will arrange the entire filming process for you! "


The moment of recording has come again.

[Chen Fei bombards all doubters in the literary and art circles, is he capable? come on! 】

Sina's reporter came last in line, and the question was no worse than the previous ones, "Director Chen, what do you think of the movie "Nine Beauties" and its director Wang Yuelun's recent online promotional words and strategies?"

Hearing this, Chen Fei raised his eyebrows slightly and showed some curiosity in his eyes.

"'Nine Beauties'? Director Wang Yuelun? I've never heard of it? Is this also a mainland movie? Is it a member of the commercial film club with a box office of hundreds of millions?"

The subsequent answers are no longer important. The reporters were so excited that they never stopped writing!

[Chen Fei made it clear that he didn’t know Wang Yuelun at all, he had never heard of “Nine Beauties”, and he was not familiar with directors worth less than 100 million yuan. 】

The news quickly spread back to the mainland, causing countless people to be shocked!

Ning Hao called immediately, "What the hell? Is this really your answer? Are you going to fight them hard? Isn't this too awesome?"

Chen Fei's eyes are complicated...

These idiots made a mess of their answers!

Although the general meaning is the same, the smell of gunpowder is too strong, and the old men in the literary and art circles may be so angry that they take Jiuxin Jiuxin Pill again.

"Now there are many voices criticizing you in the mainland, and Brother Chen Kai has made it clear that young people should not be too arrogant, otherwise they will suffer losses sooner or later."

"Huh?" Chen Fei suddenly became happy, "How can you call him a young man without being so angry? Who is he? Is he worthy of preaching to me?"

By this time, Chen Fei already had great qualifications, so he didn't give in to those sanctimonious guys at all.

The only member of the commercial film club with a box office of 6 million in the mainland film and television industry, the top grosser in the domestic film market, the winner of two Golden Bear and Palme d'Or awards, Oscar winner for Best Foreign Language Film, Annie Award and Saturn Award Grand Slam, Volton Award Chief Content Executive of Film and Marvel Studios, the world’s number one foreign language film box office player...

He has created so many achievements that even a goal that is beyond the reach of many people, let alone so many achievements gathered together!

Brother Chen Kai?

Is he a piece of cake?

Despite the hustle and bustle in the mainland, Chen Fei didn't pay any attention or respond at all.


Then come and try it!


Trains were an important part of the filming of Slumdog Millionaire.

During filming breaks, Chen Fei would often meet up with Rajkumar Hirani to check out locations at nearby train stations and make follow-up shooting plans.

To be honest, when he saw photos or videos of the Asans climbing on the roof of the train, Chen Fei always thought that this was a deliberately shot effect.

But after he observed it personally in the past two days, he realized that this thing was not a fiction at all, but a real thing!

Seeing several people riding bicycles on the roof of the train, he couldn't help but wonder, "Is this the scene that inspired the screenwriter of "Railway Guerrilla"?"

Fortunately, the trains here are not very fast, even much slower than the green trains. Otherwise, the population here will be degraded to an "endangered state" before long.


A week passed quickly, and after arranging some subsequent piecemeal shooting work to Rajkumar Hirani, Chen Fei flew directly to Hollywood.

August is approaching, and "Kung Fu Panda" is about to be released. Natasha has prepared a grand premiere for this animated film, and he, the director, must be present.

However, Chen Fei did not fly to Los Angeles immediately, but went to New York first.

After landing at the airport, the first thing he did was to visit the "digital field" controlled by Longxiang Capital, accompanied by Lyon.

The company is located in Manhattan, on the 19th floor of the century-old former Main Post Office complex near Penn Station.

There is a total of nearly 57 square meters of office space here, but there are only employees. Film and television props are placed everywhere. When he first walked in, Chen Fei even felt as if he had entered a bizarre fantasy world!

After a brief visit, he called everyone to the conference room, gave a brief speech, and announced the appointment of Sandra Netback as CEO, with full responsibility for the operations of the "digital field."

As for the salary and other benefits of all employees, they have been increased by 5%. This is the highest respect and recognition he can give to all technical staff. How to operate in the future depends on Sandra Netback's ability!

Suddenly going from a special effects engineer to the CEO of a special effects company, this change of identity was very challenging for Sandra.

But he is still young and he believes that he is definitely qualified for this job!

"come on!"

Before leaving, Chen Fei patted him on the shoulder to encourage him and told him many things.

There is a plan to train new people...

Later, Chen Fei returned to the company with Leon and signed a series of contracts that could only be decided by him.

In the following time, the two men split up and deposited the remaining US$450 billion in 25 banks, and opened accounts at more than a dozen brokerages such as Interactive Brokers, First Securities, Fidelity Investments, and Scottrade. 35 accounts in total.

The economic crisis is about to reach a full-scale outbreak. The New York Stock Exchange and Nasdaq are now in turmoil, and the three major U.S. stock indexes, the Dow Jones Index, S&P 500 Index, and Nasdaq Index, have already collapsed. sign.

The time of "whale swallowing" is coming, everything is ready, just waiting for that day to arrive!


Asking for a monthly ticket~

(End of this chapter)

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