It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 334 Chen Long: Not a good signal? Show the style of China!

Chapter 334 Chen Long: Not a good signal? Show the style of China! (Ask for monthly ticket)

Chen Fei had promised Liu Yan before that he would invite her to be the host of the next movie press conference.

He didn't break his promise.

So at tonight's movie meeting, Liu Yan appeared in a OL outfit and ten-centimeter high heels!

Chen Fei felt a little regretful, but it was a pity that Brother Chen Kai was not here tonight, otherwise he could have seen his "face-changing" skills.

"Director Chen, can you tell us your expectations for this animated film?"

There are almost no such animated feature films in China, so Liu Yan didn't know whether to use box office or awards as the point of question for a while, so she simply gave a general question.

Taking the microphone, Chen Fei looked serious and said solemnly: "During these years of filming in Hollywood, I will always keep these 12 words of 'promoting national culture and inheriting national spirit' in my heart.

Because I didn’t have much say in the international community before, I have been working hard to improve myself. From the Berlin International Film Festival to the Oscars, from the Golden Globes to the Cannes Film Festival, from the Annie Awards to the Saturn Awards, I have been working hard to move forward. OK!

Finally, I was lucky enough to make some achievements and make a name for myself.

After establishing a foothold, I used "Source Code" as a stepping stone, and then "Mulan" as a cornerstone. Finally, I won an Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film, which established my status in the Oscars.

Now, "Kung Fu Panda" will be my first step after laying the foundation. Although this is a Hollywood-style animated film, all the elements in it come from China!

And in the coming days, I will send more and more Chinese actors to Hollywood, and always implement the great policy of 'promoting national culture and inheriting national spirit'!

As for the expectations for this movie, I hope it can exceed 6 million US dollars. I hope this kung fu panda can travel around the world! "

"Clap! Clap! Clap!"

In an instant, there was thunderous applause and everyone applauded, very much approving of what he just said.

In the front row of the venue, the leaders of several film bureaus were extremely satisfied. While applauding, they were still communicating with each other, as if they were preparing to do something.

As for the actresses in the back row, their eyes sparkled, and they were all filled with admiration.

Chen Fei's words just now were not bragging. It can be seen from the fact that several young artists from Feiyinghuang's agency were sent to Hollywood by him. He is really implementing this great goal!

Fan Bingbin held the room card tightly in his hand, thinking about how to send it out.

Not far away from her, Huo Siyan felt even more numb all over. Her slightly bright eyes were staring at the handsome young figure on the stage, as if she had already begun to draw hair!

"You must not offend him."

Li Hen whispered in Li Bingbin's ear, while still secretly thinking about how to get close to this thigh.

As for other actresses such as Liu Yifei, Yang Mi, Jing Tian, ​​Liu Shishi, Gao Yuanyuan, etc., they all showed admiration at this moment!

What Chen Fei said was not a lie, he was really implementing it step by step.

The day he succeeds, perhaps Hollywood will no longer be the palace that everyone expects, but an ordinary place that is dispensable.

In the audience, Chen Long looked wary, "Fortunately, this kid was born late, otherwise he would definitely be my biggest rival!"

He suddenly thought of the day of the skateboarding competition. After Chen Fei won, both Yao Haotong and Zhang Lanxin showed expressions of admiration.

This seems to be a bad sign!

As Chen Fei finished his speech, Chen Long and Hong Jingbao were also invited to the stage as heavyweight guests and expressed a series of views.

Most of the two expressed various sentiments surrounding the filming process of the film.

In the end, Chen Long even said excitedly: "If there is a suitable opportunity, I actually want to make a cartoon, preferably a drama series, and I will be the protagonist."

Hong Jingbao encouraged him with a smile and asked him to try it.

Everyone at the scene applauded, and Han Sanping even expressed his willingness to be an investor to help him make this cartoon.

Only Chen Fei's eyes flashed slightly as the name of an animated series suddenly popped into his mind.

After thinking for a while, he half-jokingly and half-seriously said to Chen Long: "Perhaps we can cooperate in the future to make this animated series with you as the protagonist."

"Hey? That's great!"

Chen Long immediately became interested, "I will study it after my film "Twelve Zodiac Signs" is completed."


That night, as the event ended, online media began to conduct multi-dimensional reports on the animated film "Kung Fu Panda" from various angles.

Chinese Kung Fu, Chinese national treasures, Chinese elements…

All the elements here are unique to China, but when combined together they become a Hollywood animated film that is suitable for all ages and can be understood at home and abroad!

This unique innovation is unconsciously refreshing.

Of course, no matter how well the film festival is held, the box office of the movie is the key.

The next morning, amid much anticipation, China Film announced the first-day box office results of "Kung Fu Panda" in the Mainland.

4050 million!

When he received the notice, Chen Fei was already preparing for a new round of rehearsals at the Bird's Nest.

"450 million less than "The Twilight Saga"? It's okay, that's it. With a one-month release period, it is estimated that it will only be about 3 million in the end. The box office in the mainland is not important. The key is to look at global data... "

Zhang Yimou listened to him on the phone with extremely complicated eyes.

Is it because he is old?

When did it start?

Is it normal for a mainland movie to have a box office of over 3 million?

If he remembered correctly, the movie "The Golden Armor" didn't even break 2 million. How come Chen Fei wasn't very satisfied with 3 million?

"What are you talking about? The single-day box office of "Nine Beauties" has dropped to 150 million? Pfft... They asked for it. Just don't pay attention to them."

This couple is quite shameless. After being criticized by netizens some time ago, they actually refused to change their relationship and still tied up Chen Fei for publicity.

Fortunately, two days have passed, and the box office has just reached 400 million. In the end, it is estimated that it can barely recover the cost.

This is called "deserving it"!


Perhaps because of the approaching Olympics, more and more tourists are coming to the capital. When Chen Fei was participating in rehearsals, he could occasionally see tourists from outside the Bird's Nest.

This made him very excited. After all, it is difficult for ordinary people to get to the top of the bird's nest!

However, compared to his excitement, Zhang Yimou's mood was not very high.

"Director Zhang? Is there something that doesn't suit your liking? Why do I feel that you are so unhappy?"

"Alas!" Zhang Yimou didn't hide it from him. He sighed and said with some helplessness: "I really think that the original plan was better. The phoenix held the torch in its mouth and lit the main torch. This scene makes me laugh every time I think of it. I was amazed, but in the end it was ruined!"

Hearing this, Chen Fei's heart moved.


Bird's nest?

As Zhang Yimou said, the scene of the phoenix lighting up the bird's nest is indeed great, and the response and shock it brings must not be comparable to ordinary scenes.

Unfortunately, this plan has been leaked.

But... Chen Fei suddenly thought of an extremely bold idea.

"Director Zhang, I have a new suggestion here. Do you want to listen to it?"

"Oh? What?" Zhang Yimou cast a curious look.

Chen Fei briefly sorted out his thoughts, and then said: "I think we can add the element of "Phoenix" to it. For example, I strolled to the top of the Bird's Nest, and while lighting the main torch, a fire phoenix suddenly emerged from the blazing fire. What do you think of the idea of ​​being conceived, circling around the entire bird's nest, and finally returning to the torch?"

flaming Phenix?

Conceived and born?

Circle the bird's nest?

Finally return to the torch?

Zhang Yimou frowned slightly at first, but when Chen Fei's proposal began to appear in his mind, his eyes widened unconsciously, and his eyes flashed with light.

The fire phoenix is ​​conceived from the torch, which represents the rebirth of China.

Hovering over the Bird's Nest means that it will protect the motherland and the 56 ethnic groups, ensuring that they live and work in peace and contentment, and at the same time, it can give the audience a very novel experience!

But after returning to reality, his eyes dimmed again, "Your idea is indeed a good one, but unfortunately it is impossible to realize it.

There are only five days left before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Where do you get so much time to make a lifelike fire phoenix? And it also has to circle the sky, which requires a huge investment of manpower and material resources, and is simply impossible to achieve. "

Hearing this, Chen Fei subconsciously retorted: "No props are needed! We can use 3D holographic projection technology to complete it."

3D holographic projection technology?

A trace of confusion appeared on Zhang Yimou's face, "What is this?"

"3D holographic projection technology is..."

Chen Fei was just about to explain to him, but before he could finish speaking, his brows suddenly frowned.

He found that he seemed to have misremembered the timeline. At this time, there was no such technology as 3D projection. This technology seemed to only exist in science fiction stories.

However, he did not give up the idea immediately, but tried to call Sandra Netback, the former Industrial Light and Magic special effects engineer.

"3D holographic projection technology? Yes, Dennis, a British Ph.D. in physics, invented this technology in 1947, and this technology has been used in electron microscopy since its invention. It is also called electronic holographic projection technology, Hollywood These 3D movies are based on this technology..."

Chen Fei didn't let him continue talking about the rest of the nonsense, but directly made his request and asked him if he could handle it.

"In five days, become a fire phoenix soaring in the sky?"

Sandra Netback was silent for a moment, and finally responded: "If we only use click digital now, it is impossible to complete this work, but if we add Industrial Light and Magic and Weta Digital, the success rate is as high as 90%."

"that's enough!"

Chen Fei thought of the lucky orange he got not long ago. As long as he adds some luck, it will definitely not be a problem to increase the success rate to 100%!

After hanging up the phone, he went straight to Zhang Yimou.

"What? Can Hollywood produce this technology?"

"Yes!" Chen Fei nodded firmly and looked directly at him, "I think we should go to the leaders of the Olympic Organizing Committee now."

Zhang Yimou suddenly fell into silence.

There are still five days left before the opening ceremony, and all aspects have actually come to an end. If I suddenly make new suggestions now, I am afraid that I will be dissatisfied by the leaders.

For many people, as long as they don’t make mistakes, that’s success!

But if it is so simple to light a fire, how can it show the unique style and artistic style of the Olympic Games opening ceremony?

"I can go with you." Chen Fei's voice surrounded his ears like a magic sound.

After a moment, Zhang Yimou suddenly raised his head.


A simple word that speaks volumes.

He didn't want to leave any regrets at this important moment!


"What, you want to change the way the Olympic Games are lit? This is impossible, this is absolutely impossible, this is just a joke!"

As the two of them expected, after hearing their proposal, the leader rejected it without even thinking about it.

There are still 5 days left. If you don't rehearse well, you actually do something like this. Isn't this a pain in the ass?

Although their idea is indeed good enough, if it fails, they will suffer ridicule from all over the world, which is something that no leadership wants to see!

After being scolded, Zhang Yimou and Chen Fei were sent back.

But Lao Mouzi couldn't suppress his stubborn temper. He didn't go back to the Bird's Nest at all. Instead, he got in his car and led Chen Fei straight to the center of power!

When he saw the person in charge of the "power of life and death" in the entertainment industry, Chen Fei suddenly had a toothache!

This old Mouzi is so "cruel", he comes to find the big boss whenever he disagrees!

Chen Fei didn't say anything, and quietly listened to Zhang Yimou chatting with the big man about his ideas for igniting the torch, and at the same time he also taught the man what 3D holographic projection technology was.

After listening to Zhang Yimou's explanation, the giant set his sights on Chen Fei.

"It's good to be young, have flexible thinking, and dare to do things. It's no wonder that you can achieve such outstanding results."

"You've given me the prize, I'm just lucky."

"Humility is a good thing. Staying humble at all times and being aware of yourself is also a kind of cultivation and growth."

The big man's words were so vague that Chen Fei couldn't understand it, and he didn't dare to analyze too much. After all, he didn't want to be abandoned abroad and be alone.

Fortunately, the boss changed the topic quickly, "I don't know anything about 3D holographic projection technology, so I just want to ask you one question, are you sure?"

As a guarantor, Zhang Yimou did not express his position, but also set his sights on Chen Fei.

Although he has never heard of this technology, he believes in Chen Fei!


Chen Fei responded word for word, his eyes did not waver at all, and his face was full of confidence and fearlessness!

Click Digital, Industrial Light & Magic, Weta Digital.

The three top special effects companies in the industry have joined forces. If they can't even make a "Fire Phoenix", then they can declare bankruptcy.

And more importantly, Chen Fei himself also masters post-production special effects production technology.

And because of the system, he also has certain knowledge and practical experience in holographic projection technology!

Coupled with the lucky orange... with the support of many parties, this matter will definitely succeed!

The giant nodded with satisfaction, with a bright and kind smile on his face, "Then just go ahead and do it. This time, I hope that the whole world can see our Chinese style!"

(End of this chapter)

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