It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 350 Who is the "social butterfly"? Go to South Korea to fish for cocky lips!

Chapter 350 Who is the "social butterfly"? Go to South Korea to fish for cocky lips! (asking for monthly ticket)

In nearly ten days, Chen Fei successfully completed all his scenes in "The Founding of the People's Republic of China".

Unfortunately, he was unable to catch the premiere of "The Defender", but he still decided to take a trip to South Korea and take a flight from Seoul to Los Angeles.

It was still very early before the opening ceremony of the Berlin Film Festival, and he had no interest in flying to Germany in advance like Brother Chen Kai. If he had that time, he might as well follow up on his preparations for the Olympics.

"Slumdog Millionaire" and "The Embalmer" are both preparing to compete for Oscars, so naturally he has to take the lead in this kind of thing.

But before leaving, there was one more event he had to attend.

Starry Star will hold a grand press conference for the new TV series "The Legend of Sun Tzu" and has invited many people in the industry, and he is naturally one of the invitees.

Based on his personal relationship with Lu Zheng and Jing Tian, ​​this invitation cannot be rejected.

As for the invitation to the screening of "Red Cliff Part 2", he had already thrown it in the trash can, and no one would even look at it!


On the morning of the 27th, Chen Fei and Ning Hao set off from the company together, and picked up Liu Yifei along the way, and rushed to the event together.

"Do you think our movie can win an award?"

On the way, Ning Hao was still shocked that "The Embalmer" was shortlisted for the main competition section of the Berlin Film Festival!

He had received many congratulatory calls in the past few days, but it also made him feel unreal.

Sometimes he even felt like he was dreaming?

The film he directed was shortlisted for the Berlin Film Festival?

It’s so fantasy!

"Won't you know better after the awards ceremony starts?"

Chen Fei was a little annoyed by his questions, and Ning Hao called him every day to tell him about it, as if he was possessed by a demon.

If you call to report this, it will constitute harassment!

"I find it difficult." The feeling of unconfidence enveloped him again.

"I think it's possible." Liu Yifei expressed a rare opinion.

Seeing that both of them were turning their attention to her, she explained seriously: "I have watched both movies. The work directed by Chen Kaige is empty and has an unreal feeling. This kind of work is not what the Berlin judges like." style of.

But our "The Embalmer" is different. It has a full story, full of emotions, and speaks directly from the heart. I think it has a good chance of winning. "

"Huh?" Chen Fei looked at her in surprise, "Not bad, you can come up with such a summary. It seems that you have put in a lot of effort in your daily life."

Liu Yifei hummed slightly, raised her chin slightly, and said proudly: "I will grow too!"

But when she said this, she silently added in her heart: At least she has to keep up with you.

"Haha, okay, not bad, keep up the good work!"

Chen Fei was originally still thinking about who should play the role in "Super Body". Should he continue with Scarlett, choose Liu Yifei, or find another actress?

But now, it seems that there is no need to continue to think about it.


Upon arriving at the press conference, the three of them walked straight onto the red carpet and walked into the hall amidst bursts of cheers.

"Director Chen! Director Ning! Qian Qian!"

Seeing the three of them walking in side by side, Jingtian's eyes suddenly lit up and he hurriedly came towards them.

After saying hello, the two girls got together and started chatting.

The two people also have similar personalities. They both have a carefree temperament. In addition, they have worked together many times before, so they become very familiar with each other after going back and forth.

Lu Zheng still has quite a reputation, and there were many first- and second-tier stars at the press conference.

Huang Xiaoming is considered a "social butterfly" type, but wherever there are various press conferences and launch ceremonies, he is always indispensable.

Of course, he also has a good temper. As long as he is not particularly busy, he will rarely refute other people's face.

"Congratulations, Director Ning, for being shortlisted for Berlin!"

"Haha, it's just a shortlist." Ning Hao was actually modest.

Because the schedule was quite tight, Chen Fei didn't stay here too long, and left first after staying for more than half an hour.

His plane will take off in three hours, and he has to check in first. There may be some delays on the way, so he has to leave early.

But he never thought that as soon as he got in the car, Su Guohai's call came in.

"Mr. Chen, a company has been eyeing us in the past two days and wants to work with us to produce those three... Gongdou dramas. The other party said that they are willing to take more risks and benefit us, just for the sake of long-term cooperation."

"Oh? Which company is it? It actually targets us?"

Chen Fei couldn't help but be a little curious. Who in the industry didn't know that Feiyue Film and Television never collaborated with others to produce TV series, so why are there still people so stubborn?

"It's a company that mainly produces TV series, Galloping Pony."

As he spoke, Su Guohai complained in a very depressed tone: "The vice president of this company is a woman. This is the first time I have discovered that a woman can be so eloquent. I was almost convinced by her several times!"

Galloping pony?

Female vice president?

"It's her!"

A name suddenly popped up in Chen Fei's mind: "Zhong Lisha!"

This woman is indeed a "ruthless character". At the beginning of the year, she helped the company negotiate for US$4000 million in financing, creating quite a myth in the industry.

You know, even Huayi, which claims to be the No. 1 private film and television agency in mainland China, has never had such a big battle.

In addition, there was another thing that impressed Chen Fei deeply about her!

If he remembered correctly, after several rounds of financing for Galloping Horse, Zhong Lizhu went directly to Los Angeles, and after a series of negotiations with the Big Six in Hollywood, she finally acquired the "digital field"!

But that was already an event in the original time and space. After rebirth, Chen Fei had already taken control of the visual effects company early.

"The other party's target is probably a movie, right?"

After several rounds of financing, Galloping Horse's funds were already very abundant, and Chen Fei didn't believe that they would only be willing to hang out in the TV drama circle.

Su Guohai was slightly startled, "I've never understood this before."

"Forget it, ignore them and refuse. The revenue from the TV series is not big to begin with. What will we do if we give another point to others?"


Su Guohai actually thought so too, but that woman was too annoyed!

When he finally hung up the phone, he mentioned another thing, "By the way, the first "Chinese Drama Festival" is about to be held. Do you want to attend?"

Chinese drama festival?

"Which show is dominated by light?"


"Forget it, go ahead for me and call Wang Shiliang and Tang Honglei. I might still be abroad at that time."

It was just a program specially made for TV series, and Chen Fei was not very interested in it.


After landing in Seoul, CJ's people were already waiting at the airport.

"Director Chen, welcome to Seoul again!"

Park Qihan led a bunch of bodyguards every time he picked up the airport, and the cards were in place, but the result was that the airport was blocked again.

"The Embalmer" followed the global distribution route, and its box office results in South Korea were also very good.

As the male protagonist, Chen Fei naturally has many loyal fans in South Korea, and most of them are female fans!

Coupled with his status as director, screenwriter, and producer...

As long as he wants to, there is absolutely no problem in stir-frying rice noodles!

After finally squeezing out of the crowd and arriving at the parking lot, Chen Fei was surprised to find that Li Zhien was not waiting for him in the car this time!

Seeing the confusion in his eyes, Park Seo-han smiled slightly and explained: "IU has a very important national tour and will not be back in Seoul until this afternoon."

"Huh? The little girl's film has started a nationwide tour?"

Chen Fei was still very pleased. He had already begun to feel the joy of cultivating the system.

On the way back to the company, Park Seo-han specifically reported on the results of "The Defender", "This film has caused a very high response. It has topped the box office list for eight consecutive days, and many fans expressed their love..."

As he spoke, he was still sighing secretly in his heart.

He is worthy of being a world-renowned top screenwriter. The several movie masterpieces launched in South Korea have all been huge successes and have never failed!

Some professionals have even predicted that "The Defender" is very likely to become a movie with a total audience of over 10 million!

You know, since the establishment of the South Korean film and television industry, there have been only eight movies with a total audience of over 10 million.

It is worth mentioning that the eighth film is also a work by Chen Fei, and its name is "New World".

"It seems that I can win a lot of awards." Chen Fei agreed casually.

Pu Qihan quickly climbed up the pole and said, "Director Chen, do you want to participate? There will be many award ceremonies next month, and our films will all be shortlisted."

"No interest, no time." Chen Fei refused directly.

He came to South Korea this time just for a detour, and he wanted to meet his two young lovers. He would not stay for more than two days in total, so how could he stay to attend any award ceremony?


Pu Qihan sighed regretfully.


Li Zhien was not in the company, and Chen Fei was not interested in chatting with a group of big men. After staying with Xijie for an hour, he called Lin Yuner.

"Are you busy? Come pick me up here at CJ."

"Okay Oppa!"

On the other end of the phone, the girl's voice was quite excited.

Half an hour later, surrounded by CJ senior executives, he walked out of the building and got into Lin Yuner's Mercedes-Benz.

"Oppa, when did you come here?"

"Just arrived this morning."

Chen Fei responded while watching her skillfully shifting gears and turning around, and couldn't help but praise: "Huh? Are your driving skills good?"

"It's far worse than Oppa!" Her little mouth is always so sweet. "Oppa, where are we going now?"

"Go to where you live."

Chen Fei adjusted his seat so that he could stretch his waist smoothly.

Fertile farmland should not be abandoned, but should be plowed diligently and irrigated frequently.

Speaking of which, he hadn't enjoyed it for a long time. Lin Yuer's massage techniques were very good, and he missed it.


The Mercedes-Benz accelerated slightly and soon merged into the traffic flow.

Caring girls are always considerate of everything. Chen Fei has only experienced Lin Yuer and Li Zhien in taking baths, but not the other little lovers. They will always use their hands and feet, which makes him feel uncomfortable every time. Can only wash half of it.

The warm water flowed across his chest, and Chen Fei lay in the bathtub, quietly enjoying the service of those soft, boneless hands.

Lin Yuner has a very good figure, with a standard S-shaped curve, and her skin is also in great condition because of her long-term dancing practice.

Chen Fei deliberately acted mischievously and lightly patted her buttocks, making her squeal.

"Oppa, how bad are you!"

"I've got worse things to do later."

"Today is my safe period, so I don't need to... wear it!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

"Forget it, no more washing, let me check how safe you are today."

"Want me to fill it up?"

"I want to keep you full!"


Afterwards, it was dusk.

Lin Yuner's eyes were as charming as silk, and she gently pushed her sweat-soaked hair behind her ears. She lay in Chen Fei's arms and told him some of her current situation.

When he heard her say that her popularity in South Korea had skyrocketed because of the movie, Chen Fei smiled slightly.

"It just so happens that I still have a script here. When the time comes, I will tell ShowBox that you will continue to be the heroine."

"Yeah? Really?"

"Is this still false?"

After receiving the promise, Lin Yuer's originally tired demeanor seemed to have recovered a little, and her pert buttocks suddenly came closer again.

It’s time to post again~

This time the two didn't struggle for too long, because Li Zhien rushed back after finishing the activity.


As soon as she entered the door, she screamed in surprise, and then immediately pouted.

"Okay, sister Yun'er, you can eat it secretly without waiting for me to join you."

Chen Fei waved to her and motioned for her to come with him, which made her suddenly excited again, and she quickly joined him.

Her petite body can't withstand the violence, so I can only work hard on her little mouth!

After a night of tenderness with his second daughter, Chen Fei took Lin Yoon'er's car to the ShowBox company the next day and met Park Buncheng, the head of their production department.

"Director Chen, welcome to ShowBox."

"Producer Park, you're welcome."

Fade Chen followed him into the familiar conference room with a smile.

Everyone has worked together many times, and the procedures to follow and the rules to follow are all clear, so there is no need to repeat them many times.

When they saw Chen Fei take out the script from his bag, a group of ShowBox executives suddenly burst into bright smiles.

However, Chen Fei did not hand over the script immediately, but said with a serious expression: "I have two conditions."

"Please tell me." Park Pucheng responded quickly.

"First of all, I want Lin Yuner to be the heroine of this movie. Secondly, I really dislike your company in Seoul called SBS. Can you understand what I mean?"

It's easy to understand why Lin Yuer is the heroine. After all, ShowBox is the introducer between them.

Even Park Buncheng is quite happy. The initial investment has finally paid off, and the top players in his company will pull back the script.

Sure enough, women are the hub of cooperation!

As for SBS…

Park Pucheng frowned slightly. This company was one of their competitors, and it was also a very strong competitor!

"Does Director Chen have any trouble with this company?" he asked curiously.


Chen Fei made no secret of his dislike for this company.

"Okay, I understand, ShowBox will definitely stand by your side."


The script was thrown directly by Chen Fei.

The senior executives of ShowBox quickly came over and saw four big characters written on the cover of the script!

"The Lone Hero"!


ShowBox was very excited. After signing the contract, they immediately announced the news that they would collaborate with Chen Fei again to shoot a new movie.

For a time, South Korean movie fans were even more excited than the major media showed.

"New World", "The Crucible", and "The Defender", three consecutive films have already made Chen Fei's name resounding in the South Korean film and television industry.

And his status as a top screenwriter and producer has made many film and television agencies in South Korea regard him as a "god"!

In recent days, "The Defender" has become extremely popular in South Korea.

But I never thought that Chen Fei just walked around South Korea and dropped another script. This is simply a gift!

When the press conference was held, the senior executives of ShowBox couldn’t close their mouths with laughter.

On the other hand, the senior executives at CJ all showed envious expressions.

In fact, when they met with Chen Fei, they had already proposed the idea of ​​continuing to work with him on new scripts, and said that they could still make a profit.

However, Chen Fei wanted to pull them away in order to make them obedient, so he directly stated that he would not continue to cooperate with them for the time being.

One "The Defender" is enough for them for this year. Giving too many at once is not a good thing and will encourage their "arrogance".

As Chen Fei's two "concubines" in South Korea, CJ and ShowBox are two very important cards in his hand. Naturally, they have to play both roles, so they can't favor one over the other.

"Reward ShowBox first this year, and then reward CJ next year, yes, that's it!"

Chen Fei has become very proficient in fishing and raising his mouth.

But what he never expected was that a certain female star would be even more exaggerated about fishing!

When Bruce landed at Los Angeles Airport, as soon as he saw him, he couldn't wait to show Chen Fei a copy of the video.

"Fei, look at this, it's so cool!"


Chen Fei curiously took the phone and looked down.

On the endless beach, the woman was lying down in a bikini and basking in the sun.

But while he was in the sun, his shirt was taken off.

The man held the sunscreen in his hand, applying it deeper and deeper without missing any part...


Chen Fei was a little shocked. Is he already doing this now? That was broad daylight!

At least you are hiding from people. If we break up from now on, how will others come to take over this big deal?

Bruce clicked his tongue and sighed. Anyway, he didn't have the courage. He preferred to do this at home.

Chen Fei returned the phone to him, opened his laptop, opened the portal website and Tieba.

Sure enough, a large number of photos and videos are flooding the Internet, which is extremely eye-catching!

There were even more curses in the comments.

Even those fans found it difficult to accept it for a while, and they fell off their fans one by one!

"Tsk, Brother Chen Kai doesn't know whether to cry or laugh. It's really deceiving to have such a heroine on the stand."

Chen Fei originally thought that Zhang Jingchu was awesome enough, but today he suddenly realized that her actions were simply not worth mentioning!

"Fei, do you want to go to the company now? Or go back to the villa?"

"Don't even go."

Chen Fei shook his head, and then gave him a hotel location.

The crew of "Slumdog Millionaire" arrived in Los Angeles very early, and the actress Deepika Padukone, who has great attributes, has been waiting for him for a long time.

He has to go to an appointment now.

Subconsciously he raised his head and glanced at the rearview mirror in the car, and frowned slightly.

I actually have dark circles under my eyes!

"Oh, in recent days, I have been hurt by drinking and sex, and I am so haggard!"

Chen Fei secretly swore that he would have to quit drinking for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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