It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 371 The second money-spreading boy is here, the new 2 little beauties from the Mainland? You

Chapter 371 The second money-spreading boy is here, the new four young stars from the Mainland? Your first time?

After chatting for more than an hour, Lu Zheng took Jing Tian and left Feiyue Film and Television.

Before leaving, the little girl was full of confidence and kept thanking Chen Fei. Her eyes were shining when she looked at him, which can be said to be a visible admiration to the naked eye!

It is no exaggeration to say that what Chen Fei just said was more effective than her last month of acting classes!

And this also led to her growing admiration for her elder brother, who was only a few years older than her, and even mixed with some different feelings.

"Mr. Chen, won't you go to dinner with us? I have prepared wine and food in advance, just waiting for you to show your respect."

"Haha, thank you Mr. Lu for your kindness. Let's make an appointment next time. There are others waiting for me to meet."

"Okay, I would also like to thank Mr. Chen for his support of our star. I hope we will have more opportunities to cooperate in the future."

"Don't worry, it will definitely happen."

"Goodbye, Senior Brother Chen Fei!"

"See you."

The next morning, Huayi announced the cooperation.


The second "wealth boy" came in the afternoon.

"How about making a fuss about this?" Xu Ke thought to himself, and his thoughts began to spread on a large scale again.

The contract was signed that afternoon, and Feiyue Films was responsible for all special effects, accounting for 30% of the final box office and copyright revenue.

The other party wanted to make an extension of the 1992 version of "New Dragon Inn" and continue to produce a martial arts movie, and they were willing to invest a lot of money.

Looking at the visiting Wang Zhongjun, Chen Guofu and Xu Ke, Chen Fei had a bright smile on his face.

But if a large number of special effects are added, there is no doubt that the amount of investment will have to increase at least several times!

In the first version of the plan, Wang Zhongjun just wanted to make an ordinary costume action movie, and at most it would add a few special effects to the fighting action.

The cooperation talks went very smoothly. After all, Chen Fei's previous goal has always been "Di Renjie: The Empire of Heaven", and this is also the most suitable training project that Dotcom Digital can currently access.

"Then I wonder if Mr. Chen is willing to cooperate with our friend Huayi?"

After the cooperation is negotiated, the next step is to officially start the film shooting project.

Wang Zhongjun simply made it clear: "Just like our previous cooperation on "The Wind", this time, I would like to invite Feiyue Film and Television to join the production of "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven".

However, Chen Fei had already boarded a plane to Los Angeles overnight, giving reporters no chance to surround him!

Xu Ke positioned the scene of this film as "oriental magic", so many special effects were needed to show the ghost market full of magic.

However, Xu Ke is a director who is unwilling to rest on his laurels. He only wants to work hard on visual effects and show fans a different "costume action" + "oriental fantasy" type of movie.

Now being able to add special effects according to his wishes is already a big concession. As for more requests, forget about it. The management has to consider the box office revenue after the movie is released, and it is absolutely impossible to follow his temper.

You are mainly responsible for the production of special effects and earn part of the box office revenue and copyright share. What do you think? "

After laying the groundwork for half a year, these three people finally arrived. All the previous efforts were finally in vain.

Xu Ke on the side sighed silently in his heart. He originally wanted to make the IMAX3D version directly. For this reason, he even went to the "Inception" crew to work as an assistant director for several months.


The male lead has not yet been decided, but since the partner is Golden Harvest, a male lead from Hong Kong must be chosen.

After watching the finished film of "Inception", he really wanted to make a domestic IMAX 3D movie to prove that the line he had adhered to for many years was correct!

Do IMAX3D work in the country? Isn't this horse riding a pure attempt to die?

Wang Zhongjun was not very optimistic about his bold idea in the early stage. After all, the market for costume martial arts movies has become increasingly sluggish in recent years, and you may lose money if you are not careful!

However, the establishment of "Dianjing Digital" gave him some other thoughts.

"There is a long way to go!" Xu Ke secretly sighed in his heart.

But then, he suddenly thought of something Bona boss Yu Dong said when he came to him a few days ago.

It is about to go public, and the bonus effect of this cooperation is very powerful, which directly makes the capital market's optimism about it soar!

For a time, many film and television investment companies in the industry set their sights here, and media from all walks of life swarmed in, wanting to interview more details about this cooperation.

Chen Fei smiled slightly, "Thanks to my friends for taking care of me, I introduced a few small jobs."

"Hey, if Mr. Chen's place is still a humble place, then our Huayi will have to be called a humble house." Wang Zhongjun came here this time without Wang Zhonglei on purpose. He probably knew that the two of them would not be able to deal with each other very well.

Su Guohai smiled happily and nodded in agreement.


However, Wang Zhongjun directly rejected his idea?

"Oh?" Chen Fei pretended to be confused, "Please tell me, Mr. Wang, after all, you know my personality. What we at Feiyue Film and Television have always been is win-win cooperation."

Wang Zhongjun laughed and said: "China Film has recently invested in a costume action movie called "Di Renjie: The Tongtian Empire", and it has been decided that director Xu Ke will direct the filming.

However, we currently have some differences, mainly in terms of special effects..."

"So, Mr. Wang, what do you mean?" Chen Fei was still pretending to be confused.

The director has decided that Ye Weixin will take charge of the expedition. This guy has always wanted to make his own "A Chinese Ghost Story", and this time he has fulfilled his wish.

"Mr. Wang, Director Chen, Director Xu, haha, welcome to Humble House!"

Chen Fei sent the two of them out of the company door with a smile.

When talking about business, if there is someone present who makes the employer estranged, who can be in a good mood?

A few people sat down in the tea room. After exchanging a few words, Wang Zhongjun directly pointed out the theme of the visit: "I heard that Mr. Chen's digital finishing work is progressing quite smoothly?"

"Tell Huo Qigang that it's better to find an acting savant to guide her. This girl is really a bit casual in acting, so she needs to be trained hard!"

However, there were still some lucky reporters who took photos of him and Jiang Gurou when they were saying goodbye at the door of the private restaurant, and they also made a lot of subjective and personal speculations.

As for those suspicions on the Internet, Jiang Henrou gave an intuitive response when she held a press conference for Zhou Yi's three TV series.

"We did talk about some projects, but no cooperation was reached."

When Chen Fei, who was far away in Los Angeles, heard this answer, he felt a little helpless towards Jiang Herou.

This woman is so angry!

Take a look at Huayi, the popularity has almost skyrocketed. As soon as the cooperation was announced, it attracted widespread attention and the response was very good.

But what about Zhou Yi?

As soon as Jiang Herou's response came out, the major film and television investment companies in the industry almost flew away from her!

Who in the industry doesn't know that Chen Fei's vision is notoriously ruthless, especially in film and television investment. He has almost no failures so far!

And the cooperation between Jiang Herou and Chen Fei failed to succeed, doesn't it mean that Zhou Yi is completely doomed?

Capital is very cruel. For a company that has no future or hope, who would be willing to invest money regardless of the cost?

"Receiver" is not a good word, and everyone is trying their best to avoid appearing in such an identity.


A lot of interesting things happened in China in April, and some news even reached Los Angeles.

Brother Chen Kai's wife was the first to make a fool of herself. It was said that she damaged a borrowed dress and refused to pay compensation. Then she was sued by another clothing brand.

There were many people in the circle watching the fun.

Netizens are also making noises. They don’t know which clothing brand this is. How dare they deny Mrs. Chen’s face? Don’t you know that Director Chen’s heart is only big enough to hold a steamed bun?

However, the final result was quite unexpected. The lawsuit was filed just in the morning and suddenly withdrawn in the afternoon. This reversal is really surprising.

"Pfft? Is everything a misunderstanding?"

Looking at the explanation posted on the Internet, Chen Fei immediately became happy. He knew without thinking that it must have been Brother Chen Kai who took action. The great director's reputation was slightly greater than that of his wife.

After this incident, Mrs. Chen probably has to worship her husband as a god again!

Chen Fei could even think of the conversation between the two couples when they were lying in bed at night.

Chen Hong: "Husband, you are so awesome!" Brother Chen Kai slowly blew out a puff of smoke: "Of course."

Zhang Weiping is also restless in the new picture. The cast of "Three Guns" has been criticized in various ways since it was announced.

When interviewed by reporters, Zhang Wei made an astonishing comment, "This cooperation with Liu Laogen is actually a process of "learning from each other's strengths to offset weaknesses."

Yimou will use his expertise in large-scale scene scheduling to integrate it with the humorous lines and performances of the duo actors, so that the film can achieve a situation where the story and visuals bloom together at the same time, and achieve a win-win situation in terms of awards and box office.

If nothing unexpected happens, the latest box office data of domestic movies will be successfully refreshed by "Three Guns"! "


When Chen Fei saw this interview, he immediately became even louder.

It may not be good to let this guy do business, but it is definitely good to let him brag and show off.

Also refreshed the box office data of domestic movies?

If he can guarantee not to lose money, he is considered very awesome!

Zhang Weiping is still working hard on marketing, while on the other side, Emperor is ensuring that the promotions of "Anti-Drug" and "Overheard 3" are proceeding as normal, and at the same time, he and Shanghai Film Group held a launch event for the TV series version of "The Myth" meeting.

Chen Long announced at the press conference that the "Myth" TV series is adapted from the movie, and he will personally serve as the director and producer, and invited director Tang Jili to serve as the artistic director.

Originally, Chen Fei was also one of the invited people, but because he was too busy with the work at hand, he was unable to go back.

However, Chen Long specifically mentioned him at the press conference and said that he would play a very important cameo role in the play.

For a time, the media seemed to have caught the bright spot, and the interview topic once focused on Chen Fei.

Although Hu Ge, as the male protagonist, suffered some neglect, he didn't care. After all, being able to invite Chen Fei clearly represents the success of this drama!

What's more, the success of a TV series is closely related to the male protagonist, and a temporary neglect is nothing compared to the skyrocketing ratings.

The only thing he is more curious about now is who will play the female lead?

I heard that the competition among female celebrities in the industry is extremely fierce, but I don’t know who will win in the end?

Of course, no matter who the winner is in the end, don’t even think about comparing yourself to Liu Yifei’s invincible lucky star!

"Super Body" held a press conference in Los Angeles, and a poster spread from Hollywood to China, triggering the envy and jealousy of countless female stars in the industry.

In the center of the poster is Liu Yifei's beautiful face, and to her left and right are Morgan Freeman and Gary Oldman!

Although the content of the poster did not reveal too many details about the movie, it still attracted a lot of attention from the media and netizens.

"Liu Yifei, one of the most developed among the new generation of actresses!"

"Damn, this poster is so handsome! I didn't expect my Sissi to have such a heroic side."

"Can you star in a Hollywood blockbuster? This guy's status is really high!"


When it comes to fan support and fan stickiness, among the group of actresses born after 85, Liu Yifei is already in a far leading position.

At this time, CCTV reported on the candidates for the new four Xiaohuadan, who were jointly selected by hundreds of mainstream media and millions of fans in the industry.

Liu Yifei, Wang Luojue, Huang Shengyi, Yang Mi!

As soon as the report appeared, it immediately caused a huge heated discussion on the Internet!

"Good guy? How does this selection work? Wang Luojue can barely do it. After all, she also starred in Hollywood science fiction blockbusters like "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" as the heroine. But what are the two people at the back doing?"

"I just want to ask, what are Huang Shengyi's masterpieces? Apart from the mute girl in "Kung Fu", does she have any other good roles?"

"You don't know this, right? Huang Shengyi partnered with Dwayne Johnson in Hollywood last year to make a science fiction action film called "The Adventures of Wushan". He can barely be considered a Hollywood person."

"Huh? Why haven't I heard of this movie? Has it been released? How much is the box office? Does she play the female lead in it?"

"The heroine? How is that possible? She only played a female supporting role who appeared a few times, and she didn't even have a few lines."

"What nonsense are you talking about when you step on a horse? How can you become a famous actress like this? She is not even worthy of carrying Liu Yifei's shoes!"

There are constant jeers on the Internet, and many celebrities even said that Liu Yifei is no longer suitable to appear on this list.

She has received all kinds of luxury endorsements, and her movies have grossed more than 6 million in box office in the Mainland, and she has also won many awards such as the Saturn Award and the Oscar. Now she has become the heroine of a Hollywood blockbuster...

With her status being compared to Huang Shengyi and Yang Mi, it seems more like an insult to her!

Due to pressure, the organizer could only come out and explain.

"The purpose of the previous selection of the Four Little Actresses is to select the four most popular young actresses at the moment, such as Zhao Wei, Zhang Ziyi, Zhou Xun and Xu Jinlei in the previous session.

In this selection, we should also uphold this tradition and select the four most popular young actresses among young people.

It is true that Liu Yifei is indeed the best among her peers at the moment, but we can't just exclude her just because she is the strongest, right? This is also unreasonable. "

This explanation barely convinced everyone, but it was a little unfriendly to the other three except Liu Yifei.

Fortunately for Wang Luojue, as the first "Flying Girl", her current development path is quite stable and she has many excellent masterpieces.

But Huang Shengyi and Yang Mi felt a little uncomfortable.

After all, they really don't have any masterpieces that they can produce.

Huang Shengyi barely managed to play "Kung Fu", but although Yang Mi claimed to be Rong Xinda's first sister, she didn't have any work that she could produce at all!

"Legend of Sword and Fairy III" has not yet been broadcast in the mainland at this time, so her identity as a "fadan" has been questioned a lot.

"I will definitely prove myself!"

Holding the script of "Gong Lock Heart Jade" in her hands, Yang Mi secretly vowed that one day she would definitely become famous, and when the time comes, she must impress those who look down on her!

Huang Shengyi on the other side is also incompetent and furious. She is very angry at the ridicule of netizens!

"Humph, what's so great? Isn't it just that I found a good sponsor? If I could have resources like her, I would definitely be much better off than she is now!"

That is to say, Yang Zai is not at home today, otherwise she would never dare to complain like this.

In fact, she had sent some suggestive text messages and emails to Chen Fei many times before, but unfortunately she received no response from the other party at all. This was one of the reasons for her irritation.


Time has entered May in a blink of an eye.

Just as three Hollywood blockbusters, "Fast and Furious 4", "The Wolverine" and "Star Trek", were being hunted in the domestic film market, the Cannes Film Festival officially announced the films shortlisted for the main competition.

Mainland filmmakers submitted many works, but only Lou Ye was shortlisted.

However, netizens' attention was focused on the opening ceremony video column.

"Inception", director: Chen Fei!

The media, with their sharp eyes and quick hands, immediately reported that Chen Fei's new film would be the opening ceremony film of the Cannes Film Festival.

For a time, netizens were happy.

"Hahaha, Li Xian and Venice failed in their pursuit after all. Director Chen's first time was taken away by the Cannes Film Festival."

"Pfft! Brothers upstairs, aren't your words too ambiguous? Those who don't know may think that Director Chen is unclean."

"Damn it, I've been watching this movie for so long. I have to get a ticket no matter what this time!"

"Go together! Go together!"


Chen Fei received several calls, including one belonging to Li Jian.

"Oh, what a mistake. If I had known I should have invited you in advance to bring this film to Venice."

"We don't have enough time. By the time of the opening ceremony of the Venice International Film Festival, my film will probably have already been released."

"Well, alas!"

Li Xian hung up the phone with a sigh, feeling quite depressed. He seemed to be a little bit worried about not being able to get Chen Fei's first time?


(PS: First update, please vote for me, there are still more in the evening!)

(End of this chapter)

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