It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 385 Is the flatterer here? Wu Yu, me, was taken into the gutter! Zhao Gao! Make money?

Chapter 385 Is the flatterer here? Wu Yu, me, was taken into the gutter! Zhao Gao! Make money?

After walking onto the stage and taking the microphone, Chen Fei made a simple gesture of looking around, and quickly finished drafting.

"First of all, I would like to thank the organizer for giving me such a special honor. Since I have a good opportunity today, let me talk about some of the experiences I have gained as a director in the past few years."

Upon hearing this, many directors in the audience immediately pricked up their ears, and some even took out their mobile phones to record.

You know, the man on stage is a top international director who has won the Golden Bear, Palme d'Or, Oscar and many other awards. It is self-evident how valuable his experience is!

At some point, the confusion that you have been unable to answer for a long time may be solved with just a word from a "wise man".

This is the power of experience!

"Cough cough..."

After clearing his throat, Chen Fei came up with a thunderbolt, "Today I'm going to tell you what is the 'industrialization of commercial films'. To put it in simpler terms, it is how a movie can achieve high box office!"

As soon as he finished speaking, some were surprised and some were confused.

The reason for the surprise is that any director doesn't want his movies to achieve high box office. With Chen Fei's experience, he may be able to gain something.

As we all know, there is an unreachable gap between Hollywood movies and Chinese-language movies.

Then I will find a suitable director, give him the script, and follow the standard process of the film industry throughout the process.

The news spread like wildfire, and Chen Fei took calls all morning. Without exception, they all came to ask how his new movie would be produced.

His answer was simple, only eight words, "You will know when the time comes."

The script is indeed ready, but now it is just a process of building momentum, and it is still very early to start preparations.


He was starting to go crazy in his heart, but it was too late to say anything at this time. He had already been taken into the gutter by Chen Fei.

After saying that, Chen Fei directly returned the microphone to the host and walked towards the audience with Wu Yu's face full of confusion.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, after all, Chen Fei has made several movies with a box office of more than 6 million, what do you have? One "Wind Talker" directly bankrupted MGM, what are you doing?"

This promotion came at the right time. Taking this opportunity, he not only promoted the new movie, but also advertised for Dot Eye Digital. It can be said that he got the best of both worlds!

In the audience, Wu Yu was stunned for a while before he recovered. The first thought that came to his mind was whether Chen Fei was crazy?

After seeing the words "Wu Yu strongly questioned Chen Fei", many fans posted posts to criticize him!

Many keyboard warriors have begun to appear on the Internet, and their posts are more ugly than the last, which almost made Wu Yu so angry that he had a cerebral hemorrhage on the spot.

He stood up directly and said with a smile: "Since what Director Chen just said is so clear, why don't you show us how to industrialize commercial films in a domestic environment like this?"

The blueprint that Chen Fei drew for them is indeed very good, but at this time, no one in the country can do it!

To put it nicely, it’s called looking forward to the future, but to put it worse, it’s called daydreaming!

After the conversation between him and Chen Fei was published by the media on the night of the Golden Goblet Award Ceremony, the ridicule for him on the Internet was wave after wave, with no sign of stopping at all.

Wu Yu had long been unhappy with Chen Fei, especially after hearing what he said just now, he became even more dissatisfied with his proud and arrogant attitude.

Seeing Chen Fei's speech end, his heart moved slightly, and he immediately had a bold idea.

Many foreign directors in the audience nodded their heads and applauded from time to time.


"Two major directors from Hong Kong and Mainland China are competing with each other. Who will prove himself?"

But in China, who has the qualifications to compete with Hollywood film companies?

This is why Wu Yu sneered again and again.

"Wu Yu expressed strong doubts that the domestic environment is simply not suitable for commercial film industry to survive!"

On the other side, Wu Yu, who had returned to the "Sword Rain" crew, felt a little aggrieved.

"Director Chen Fei talked about the industrialization of mainland commercial films and said that the most important part, the special effects company "Dianjing Digital" has basically taken shape."

The admiration is finally here!

Chen Fei was overjoyed and took the microphone from the host's hand again, "I just wrote a script not long ago. It is a science fiction thriller and disaster type. Originally, I was planning to find time to film it, but Naihe never had a chance.

But the most important thing now is that there is no suitable director yet!


Obviously, the industrialization of film is a dream that is difficult to realize, but those blinded movie fans don't care so much.

But Chen Fei ignored the complicated expressions on the faces of many people in the audience. In the next half hour, he explained in great detail the shooting and production methods of heavy industry movies, and even the story creation methods. Analyzed it again.

"Director Chen Fei announced that the new script has taken shape and will challenge the field of Chinese science fiction with large investments. Filming will start at a later date."

Since we talked about the industrialization of films today, Director Wu also raised strong doubts, so let’s try this script.

Chen Fei was already planning to find some free time to look through the graduate list of Nortel's directing department, hoping that there would be suitable candidates.

But many domestic directors frowned and their eyes were filled with sadness.

"You still question Director Chen? See for yourself what the movie "Red Cliff" is about?"

Recently, a group of behind-the-scenes staff from Feiyue Film and Television were sent to Hollywood for training. After these people return from training, it is time to start preparations.

Some people may not know it yet, but "Dianjing Digital", a special effects production company solely invested by Feiyue Film and Television, has opened for business, which also means that the most important link in the film industrialization system has been formed. Please wait and see! "

The reason for confusion is, what is the industrialization of commercial films? ? ?

"Huh? Industrialization of commercial films?" Wu Yu sneered again and again and muttered in a low voice, "Do you think this is Hollywood? Industrialization of films? China won't be able to catch up even if it takes another ten years!"

"'Hello, Mr. Tree!' has successively won the Golden Goblet Award for Best Director and the Jury Award. Wang Baoqiang's literary and artistic career is bright."

As expected, after the Shanghai International Film Festival Awards Ceremony, the media immediately reported all the news that happened that night.

"Huh? Who are you to question a guy who was kicked back from Hollywood?"

But then he realized that he seemed to have been tricked!

"What are you doing?" Director Wu strongly questioned? "When did labor and management question you?"

It's like making an assembly line product there, with everyone performing their own duties and focusing on standardization, process, and simplification...

He wanted to reply, but after much thought he didn't know how to reply.

After all... what netizens tell is the truth!

The only thing he is looking forward to now is that the science fiction movie that Chen Fei said was a mess after its release, so that he can get back the lost face!



On the 23rd, Chen Fei followed Hu Ge to Hengdian and met Chen Long and Jiang Jiajun on the set of "Myth".

He planned to get the guest appearance in the "Myth" TV series first, otherwise Chen Long wouldn't know how to complain about him behind his back.

"Huh? The busy man is here!"

As soon as he saw him, Chen Long immediately started teasing him.

"Haha, long time no see, big brother."

Chen Fei didn't pay attention to this kind of joke. He went up and gave him a hug, and then said hello to director Jiang Jiajun.

The three of them chatted for a while and then walked to the set together.

At this time, Bai Bin, Jin Sha, Zhang Meng, Zhang Shi and others who were doing makeup in the dressing room quickly ran out and greeted Chen Fei respectfully.

"Hello you guys."

Chen Fei responded with a smile, his eyes staying on Bai Bin for a moment.

She is worthy of being able to play the role of "Princess Yushu". Not to mention Bai Bin's acting skills, the image is absolutely 100% consistent!

After walking around the set under the leadership of Chen Long, Chen Fei asked curiously: "Which role should I play?"

He is here to make a guest appearance, so it is definitely not possible for him to be a permanent member of the crew, so he can only shoot for a week at most, and it will not be suitable for more than this time.

Chen Long naturally understood this truth and handed him a script that he had already prepared, "You play the role of Yi Xiaochuan's brother Yi Dachuan. Today, you will do your makeup first, and you will join the set to start filming tomorrow. We will try to complete your role within a week." The scene." "Okay, I'll leave my body and bones to you anyway, and we'll do whatever you want to do!"

The role of Yi Dachuan is a modern character, so there is no need to try on ancient costumes. The stylist simply handled it and successfully solved it.

"Handsome! Much more handsome than Hu Ge!" Jiang Jiajun flattered him.

Chen Fei chuckled, looking at Hu Ge and Zhang who were brewing emotions in the hall, and couldn't help but be curious, "What kind of scene are you filming today?"

"You'll find out later."

Jiang Jiajun exchanged a few words with him in a low voice and then sat behind the monitor.

The staff brought a chair to Chen Fei, but he didn't refuse. After thanking him quietly, he also sat behind the monitor.

"Scene 134, first shot, first time, Action!"


The sound of playing the board sounded, and Chen Fei's attention was instantly attracted by Zhang, who played the role of "Gao Yao".

His whole body was trembling, his eyes instantly turned red, and his heavy snoring echoed throughout the hall. His trembling right hand was raised and pointed at Yi Xiaochuan opposite, and he tortured him from the bottom of his soul!

"You are amazing, everyone loves you... Just because I have no money and no power! I am disabled! Everyone bullies me!

What a broken place! Broken place! Broken place! I just want to catch up to the highest step by step, step by step, step by step, step by step, I want to be Zhao Gao!

I don’t want others to bully me anymore, I can’t stand it anymore, I want to be that Zhao Gao who is inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people! ! ! "

The extremely explosive acting in this scene really shocked Chen Fei. This guy looked ordinary, but he didn't expect to turn it on as soon as he came on the stage!

He could see from the monitor that Hu Ge, opposite Zhang, obviously didn't catch the performance. His expression management wasn't very good. Fortunately, he didn't need to recite his lines in this scene, otherwise he would have to Show your timidity!

"This guy has something!"

Chen Fei silently wrote down the name "Zhang" in his mind. With his explosive acting skills, as long as he is given a good script, he will definitely produce unexpected results.


Starting from the morning of the 24th, Chen Fei officially entered shooting mode.

The news of his guest appearance on the set of "Myth" must not be hidden. Many reporters appeared outside the set, but they were all stopped by the staff.

Time was tight and he had no time to accept any personal interviews.

Busy until the evening of the 25th, after finishing the day's filming, Chen Fei was originally going to call Natasha to inquire about the release of "Transformers 2", but his attention was attracted by a message online.

As of yesterday, the North American box office of "The Twilight Saga" has officially exceeded US$3 million, settling on the figure of US$3.5 million.

At the same time, the film’s global box office also exceeded US$8 million!

What shocked the entire mainland film industry was that as of the day "Twilight 3" was released, the mainland box office data had soared to 3.8 million yuan!

And this also means that the 3.59 million yuan figure created by the imported film "Titanic" has been successfully broken!

You know, this is the data created in 98. There have been many imported films that have been released in the mainland, but without exception, they have never touched this data.

And now, "Twilight 3" came out, and it has been catching up all the way, directly bursting Big Brother's anus, and successfully pushing the data to the height of 3.8 million!

In fact, this news should not be worth publicizing. After all, "Twilight 3" is also an imported film, and all mainland movies regard it as a scourge-like opponent.

But the key is that its screenwriter is Chen Fei!

Just the word "Chen Fei" in the screenwriter column was enough for the news to spread throughout the mainland film and television industry!

Netizens spare no effort in their praise.

"I really admire Director Chen's screenwriting skills. He is proficient in both literature and business. He is really awesome."

"Haha, I thought that the box office performance of "Titanic" would be broken by other movies, but I didn't expect that it was a movie that Chen Fei participated in the screenwriting and production. This should be regarded as a different kind of winning glory for the country, right?"

"Made, I am looking forward to "Inception" more and more now. This film has been praised as one of the best in the world recently. Is it true or false?"


"Huh? Over 8 million US dollars?"

Looking at the data reported in the article, Chen Fei felt happy. Judging from the current situation, the No. 1 movie box office ranking in Hollywood in the first half of the year is definitely "The Twilight Saga".

No matter how powerful the old man and the little fat guy are, it's impossible for them to break through 8 million US dollars, right?

Just as he was thinking about it, the cross-country call was connected, and Natasha's excited voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Fei, have you received the news? We have created a new miracle again!"

"Haha, I got it, it's great."

The two talked about the box office data of "Twilight 3" for a long time, and then moved to "Transformers 2".

Natasha said sternly: "The box office performance of this sequel on the first day was very good, and the fan support was extremely high. Although we chose to release it on Wednesday, the box office on the first day still reached 6500 million US dollars!"


Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, he really didn't expect that the purchasing power of these tough fans would be so strong!

He quickly came to his senses and immediately ordered: "Contact Michael Bay and Spielberg, increase the frequency of promotional activities, and try to suppress the popularity of "Up" , let Disney have a headache for a while first."

"Ok! I'll make arrangements right away!"

Natasha responded excitedly. She liked to do things like stumbling upon her opponents, especially Disney.

I heard that Walt Disney is currently looking for a location to build the sixth "Disney Theme Park" in China, and she has arranged for people to intercept it.

No matter where they are chosen, the name will eventually become "Ready Player One Fantasy Theme Park."

Although I don't know why Chen Fei insisted on changing the name to "Ready Player One Dream Theme Park", it's just a name. You can call it whatever you want. The main purpose is to cut off Disney!


After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei was about to wash up and go to bed, but the cell phone on the table suddenly rang again.

Picking up the phone and looking at the caller ID, he couldn't help but say "tsk", "Sure enough, the sixth princess's reporter is well-informed."

After we got on the phone and chatted for a few words, the person on the other end made a request to do an exclusive interview with him.

"Is it okay tomorrow night? I have to film during the day."

"Of course, I'm really troubling Director Chen."

"No trouble, see you tomorrow night."

"Okay, see you tomorrow night."


After hanging up the phone again, Chen Fei casually threw the phone on the table, but before he could raise his hand, the phone rang again.

After looking at the caller ID, he walked to the bathroom and pressed the connect button.

"Director Xu? Are you calling me so late? Is there something important?"

On the other end of the phone, Xu Ke replied: "Nothing, I just want to tell you that the props and makeup transformation for "Di Renjie: The Empire of Heaven" have been completed. Do you want to come and take a look in person?"

"I'm too busy, so I won't go." Chen Fei said casually: "You can watch and take pictures yourself, as long as you deal with the problems I mentioned last time."

"Okay, then I'm going to turn on the phone." Xu Ke happily hung up the phone.

While waiting for the bath water to get hot, Chen Fei called Su Guohai. In fact, he still didn't quite believe Xu Ke and had to make sure himself.

The person who was sent to supervise the production played a great role in monitoring. This old boy Xu Ke also likes to let himself go, so you have to tie his feet with a rope!

"It has indeed been improved. Huayi has invested another 150 million yuan and changed all the inappropriate places inside and outside."

"That's good. Just keep an eye on him and let me know if there are any problems. I'll go talk to Xu Ke."

"OK, no problem."

After hanging up the phone, Chen Fei secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

This is the first big job that "Dianjing Digital" has received, and we must not let it go wrong.


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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