It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 429 A super cool contrast? The little princess of Beijing Circle! The premiere was a huge su

Chapter 429 A super cool contrast? The little princess of Beijing Circle! The premiere was a huge success! There are flowers inside and outside the wall!
Time has officially entered June.

If we want to talk about the most lively events in the entertainment industry today, the premiere of "Super Body" will definitely be ranked No. 1.

Many big-name celebrities and film and television production companies in the industry received invitations, and many fans spontaneously went to the scene to support a wave of idols.


Although the premiere only started in the afternoon, Wang Zhongjun and Wang Zhonglei started preparations early. They planned to bring some of the company's main artists to the scene to increase their presence.

"Bring Zhao Liying with you, this little girl is pretty good."

Huayi's artist management business has actually been declining recently.

Since Zhou Xun terminated his contract, Huang Xiaoming and Li Bingbin have left the company and established their own artist studios.

Although their studio is still affiliated with Huayi, their degree of freedom has become much greater, which also means that Huayi can make much less money from them.

Therefore, Huayi now urgently needs to introduce more high-quality acting talents, and at least stabilize the current situation.

In fact, according to Wang Zhongjun's idea, he was originally planning to sign Han Geng, who had returned from South Korea, to Huayi, but the signing fee was too high.

"Sister Xun, come, look over here..."


Before she could react, there was a loud noise behind her.

Wang Zhonglei held the invitation letter for "Super Body" in his hand, and he was really a little envious.

The overall style of clothing tends to be black, and the combination of suits and trousers brings out a sense of heroism. Combined with the specially modified eyebrow shape and face shape, the overall look feels like a cool goddess.

Cai Yinong led Tang Ren's first sister Liu Shishi and first brother Hu Ge to appear at the exit of the plane. The media crowded around them and tried their best to get a frontal photo.

Liu Yifei's dress today is more mature. Her long black hair is scattered behind her back, and the front section is specially fluffed, which cleverly modifies her exquisite and beautiful face.

After returning from the crew of "Step by Step", Liu Shishi joined the crew of "The Strange Man", and his partners Huo Jianhua, Ma Tianyu and others continued to film costume martial arts dramas.

On the other side of Xiangjiang, Emperor, Golden Harvest, and Media Asia are naturally indispensable.

The theme of "The Great Earthquake" is quite special, and it is destined not to adopt an overly commercial promotion model. Wang Zhongjun decided to discuss it with Feng Xiaogang at that time.

Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet!
"Strange? How could she be with the crew of "Painted Skin 2"?" Cai Yinong was puzzled. There was no news about Yang Mi's participation on the Internet?

In the end, the matter had to be dropped.

As soon as Chen Fei entered the door, he heard Shu Changcai yelling at the top of his voice, "Qianxi, you look so handsome today. Are you going to officially transform into a martial arts actress? Female version of Chen Long, haha."

Looking at the loud voice, Chen Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

It's a pity that the popularity of this drama is not high, so Cai Yinong always wants to increase the popularity.

"Look, they're from the crew of "Painted Skin 2"!"

Chen Fei didn't care, after all, today's premiere was originally prepared for the Chinese-speaking community.

Fortunately, because the stylist was here today, she didn't continue to be stupid.

Not many people came over from overseas. Natasha was preparing for the premiere of "Twilight Saga 4" and Bruce was still busy with acquisitions and lawsuits at Neon, so they couldn't make it.

These can all be used to issue press releases, and they are all achievements!
Cai Yinong was originally going to answer the reporters' questions, and by the way, she helped Hu Ge and Liu Shishi brush their faces and mention their popularity.

"Haha, Director Ning Hao has brought back the entire crew?"

After getting up early in the morning, he went straight to Liu Yifei's house, ready to see what kind of tricks this girl was going to do.

Listening to these noisy sounds, Cai Yinong glanced back subconsciously, but he never thought that he would just meet Yang Mi's eyes!
Suddenly, she frowned, quickly withdrew her gaze, and hurriedly left the airport.

Lao Long and Xiao Long also appeared at the airport, accompanied by Liu Dehua, Liu Zhenwei and others. Although the queue was full, it always gave people a feeling of being left behind.

"What's going on? Are Tang Ren's first brother and first sister so unpopular now?"

There are many more people coming from behind.

She actually didn't want to come today, but in order to make "My Beautiful Boss" more popular, she had no choice but to appear.

This strange operation made Cai Yinong slightly stunned.

And Zhao Liying became a good choice... one.

Jing Tian walked in the front and greeted the others gracefully, but he felt a little sour in his heart for no reason.

"Hey, it's very good. It looks much better than the one at the North American premiere." Chen Fei's words of praise without hesitation attracted the girl's bright smile.

The premiere starts in the afternoon, which means that many people will fly to the capital in the morning and go directly to the venue.

Finally, when he thought about it and gritted his teeth and decided to bring the other party into Huayi, he found out that he and Du Hua actually established "Lehua Entertainment".

"Our "Big Earthquake" will have to hold a premiere of this scale when the time comes."

Ning Hao had just led a group of people out of the airport, and then Lu Zheng appeared with a group of people from the "Warring States" crew.

Black skirt and white stockings... I don't know how this guy looks?

It has been a long time since there has been an outstanding representative among the younger generation of actors in Hong Kong...

There are also a lot of media at the airport today.

However, the reporters just stepped forward to take photos and then turned around and left, with no intention of interviewing them at all.

"It's still early, let's talk about it later."

"Is it packed? Can we set off?"

"Hehe, it's okay!"

"Let's go then?"

"it is good!"


Red carpet ceremony, stars are shining!
Isolation fences were specially placed on both sides of the dozens of meters of red carpet. The security personnel were vigilantly observing the surroundings to prevent fans from rushing in while trying their best to clear the way and avoid stampedes.

Journalists were allowed to interview and take photos inside the fence, but were told not to interfere with red carpet traffic.

One after another, luxury commercial vehicles and sedans stopped at the starting point of the red carpet, and celebrities and entertainers in bright clothes arrived in droves.

The four actresses and two ice queens, three of the new four young actresses, Jing Tian, ​​Shu Qi, Tang Wei, Zhang Ziyi... Jiang Wen, Ning Hao, Huang Bo, Gu Changwei, Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Yimou, Jiang Wenli, Ma Sichun, Zhang Jingchu... Zhen Zixuan, Wang Baoqiang, Tong Liya, Wen Zhang, Wang Luoxuan...

Media reporters are running out of film so fast that some of them are so dazzled that they don’t know who to shoot!

"Damn it, there are so many people in this scene!"

"Good guys, all the directors signed by Feiyue Film and Television are here. It's rare!"

"The artists in Feiyinghuang's agency... Tsk, there are more and more, almost more than Tama Huayi + Chengtian. Eh? Why are there still ethnic minorities here?"

"Isn't this the new Mou girl? What is her name? Zhou Dong...Yu?"

"Damn it! Stop making noise, look! The real owner of today is here!"

In an instant, all the reporters on the red carpet turned their cameras and pointed them directly at the starting point of the red carpet.

The Mercedes-Benz Business Office slowly stopped in front of the red carpet.

The car door opened, and Liu Yifei, dressed in a "heroic" style, took the lead to step out.

There was a moment of silence at the scene!
Even the fans on both sides who were shouting "Goddess Sissi" stopped shouting and looked blankly at Liu Yifei who was getting out of the car, and they were a little unresponsive.

The two images of "Wang Yuyan" and "Little Dragon Girl" are really impressive. Because of this, Liu Yifei has always been a fairy-like, quiet and gentle person in everyone's mind.

But today she suddenly changed her style and took a neutral style route.

This strong contrast is! ! !
"Ah! So handsome!"

Some female fans immediately started screaming, causing many people at the scene to look outside frequently.

The reporters even picked up their cameras and clicked the shutter button, their eyes filled with hot fire.

If this look was posted online, it would go viral!
At this moment, Chen Fei inexplicably became Liu Yifei's background. Everyone's attention was almost focused on her, not him, a great director, at all.

He was happy and free, and turned around to find Ning Hao and the others.

"Director Chen, Mr. Chen..."

Many people greeted him, and he occasionally stopped to talk to them.

I just never thought that when I turned around, I saw a minor?
"Hello Director Chen, do you still remember me? I participated in the audition of "Shoplifters" before. My name is Guan Xiaotong. I currently play the role of Princess Jing in the movie "Painted Skin 2". I also appeared in "The Promise" before... …”

Chen Fei looked at Ning Hao, with a trace of confusion in his eyes.

How did you get this little princess from Beijing to be involved?
"A professor at Nortel introduced me to her. The little girl has pretty good acting skills and is a malleable talent."

"Oh, okay."

Chen Fei nodded and said nothing more.

Brother Chen Kai didn't come today, he was still working on his "The Orphan of Zhao". I heard that the whole family was on the set, and the filming was in full swing.

"The Promise" may be an indelible stain in Director Chen's life, but for a young actor like Guan Xiaotong, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it is also an extremely dazzling resume.

It's this resume that makes people laugh easily...

However, as soon as he turned his head, Chen Fei saw another person who surprised him.

"Hello, Director Chen, I am Yang Ying..."

Huang Xiaoming smiled at the side like a licking dog, "Hey, Director Chen, she came with me."

Chen Fei raised his brows slightly and looked at Yang Ying carefully. He couldn't help but sigh in his heart, "Master Huang is so infatuated. He always looks for the same girlfriend?"

He didn't chat much with Huang Xiaoming and the others. Han Sanping and several theater officials were already calling him, asking him to go over and say hello.

""Super Body" is also ready to be filmed, "The Hunt" has been filmed, and "Heart Blossoms" is also scheduled to be released. When are you going to start preparations for "Gravity"?"

There were many people around who looked over, their eyes lighting up like light bulbs.

"Wait, wait, wait, the post-production of my movie is not over yet, Super 5 is still waiting for me to shoot, I really can't spare the time..."

Looking for an excuse, Chen Fei ignored the topic.

There was still more than half an hour before the movie started. Chen Fei said hello to everyone present to support "Super Body" as much as possible, and did not deliberately ignore anyone.

Although he is now the one that others need to fawn over, he is not arrogant because of it.

Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi... Who knows whether someone will deliberately cause trouble in the future?

And since they are here, they are all guests. Naturally, he, the host, must show the proper hospitality, otherwise others will stab him in the back behind his back.

Even if he doesn't really care...

"How are the preparations for "Cold War 2" going?" Huo Qigang was caught by Chen Fei.

"Wait a minute, don't be anxious. After everything is ready, we will start shooting directly. It will be finished in a few days." This person's character is really super slow. He is famous for "Anti-Corruption Storm" and "Ip Man 3" It’s almost halfway through filming, and he hasn’t turned on the camera yet!
As for the release... it will probably be released in the second half of 11.


Half an hour flew by.

After the entertainment was over, everyone returned to their seats and began to wait for the movie to officially start.

In the entertainment industry, seniority ranking is unavoidable. This situation can be reflected in the seating arrangement.

A group of big guys with resources were sitting in the front row, and Chen Fei was naturally there too, and on the left and right were Han Sanping and Ren Zhonglun.

He is the youngest among these people, but no one thinks there is anything wrong with him sitting in the front row. This is the benefit of being a capital.

Most of the people sitting in the second row were from second-rate film and television companies, as well as many first-tier celebrities, such as Sidan Shuangbing and others.

Wang Jinghua's face looked a little unhappy. She didn't expect that she would be placed in the third row. But she took a look at the group of popular celebrities sitting in front of her, and then thought about her dwindling influence in the industry. Inexplicably, it seems to be quite appropriate.

Yang Mi and Jing Tian were also sitting in the third row, and their seats happened to be next to each other.

"Hello, junior sister."

Yang Mi took the initiative to say hello, feeling inexplicably emotional.

Originally, she was envious of those resource people, and Jing Tian was naturally one of the objects of her envy, but today she suddenly realized that she seemed to have become a resource person too!

People like Hu Ge and Liu Shishi who were at the same level as her before have moved to the fourth row, which clearly means that her status and celebrity status in the industry have experienced a surge!
But soon, the excitement in her heart quickly turned into envy and...jealousy!
Because at the invitation of the host, Liu Yifei actually stood on the stage, accompanied by Catherine, this year's Oscar Director Award winner, and Hollywood golden supporting actors such as Morgan Freeman.

This guy’s status is almost reaching the sky!

In the back row, newcomers such as Dilraba Dilraba, Gulina Zha, Zhou Dongyu, and Yang Ying made no secret of their envy, secretly dreaming that one day they could stand on that stage.

Unfortunately, the naked reality shattered their daydreams.

According to the current situation, it would be extremely difficult for them to move forward in the row, let alone stand on the stage.

"Ding dong..."

Jing Tian's cell phone rang suddenly, and she was stunned. She opened it and took a look, only to find that it was a message from Lu Zheng.

"One day, you can stand on that stage."

"Thank you, Uncle Lu."

She replied to a message with a smile, and then her eyes fell on Chen Fei in the front row, not moving away for a long time.


After the speech of thanks, the video officially started playing.

"Super Body" also uses IMAX 3D mode, so when seeing the trailer appear on the screen, everyone skillfully picked up the 3D glasses and put them on, ready to enjoy a hearty movie-watching experience.

Cool! Burn! quick!
Just like the scene at the North American premiere, the domestic audience fell into an extremely comfortable emotional state watching this film.

Early oppression, mid-term rise, late-stage superpower...

There are no bells and whistles, and the essence of standard commercial films is released in this movie!

The presentation of various action scenes caused constant exclamations on the scene. Many actresses looked at Liu Yifei's smooth fighting movements in the picture and subconsciously fell into deep thought.

"If you let me go, can I do it?"

Many people blushed unconsciously as they thought about it.

It is true that very few female stars can perform such beautiful moves. Most of the time, they use stand-ins. There will even be various "cutout monsters" appearing in the future, which will further lower the lower limit of the film industry.

Since it is a science fiction action movie, it is naturally inseparable from various wonderful special effects.

The visual effects in the film were produced by Industrial Light and Magic, and the special effects artists produced full CG shots to show the drug in Liu Yifei's body.

The special effects team even designed Liu Yifei's digital double and made particle animations for her to show the side effects of the drug.

Visual effects supervisor Richard Braff and the entire special effects department even conducted some simulations using chemical reactions and various fluids to create a scene where the heroine's body turns into a black tower when her brain is developed at 100%.

In the film, special effects such as Liu Yifei sitting in Times Square, a big explosion, and time travel were also provided by Industrial Light and Magic.

Montreal's Rodeo FX studio produced more than 160 visual effects shots for the film, used colored light simulations from various mobile devices to create the supernatural X-rays in the film, and even created a large number of special effects for Bay City, one of the filming locations. The matte painting and CG set were expanded, and modeling animations of various CG weapons were produced. At the same time, the streets of Paris were modeled and animated, and CG cars were integrated to create racing scenes on the streets of Paris...

After the more than ninety-minute video ended, everyone felt like they had drank a glass of iced Coke in the dog days of summer.

It’s really cool!

Some of the producers of the films that will be released in June have complicated expressions at this time. Facing a film of this quality, it is really difficult for them to have confidence!
Although "Super Body" is an imported film, because the screenwriter is Chen Fei and the starring role is Liu Yifei, there will be no impact on the film schedule at all.

And this also means that movies of the same period as it may be severely suppressed!
As the video ended, the host came on stage and invited the entire creative team to the stage with warm applause.

As a screenwriter, Chen Fei naturally had to follow suit.

The host was still Liu Yan from Enlight Media. With a look of emotion on her face, she expressed the true thoughts of many female stars in the audience.

"This is also a movie with a female protagonist, right? Just like the previous "Mulan", it is really enviable to be able to star in such a movie!"

Liu Yifei smiled and didn't make any answer. She just glanced at Chen Fei quickly from the corner of her eyes, and unconsciously stirred up some waves in her heart...

“Is it difficult to shoot a movie?”

"Fortunately, the action scenes need continuous practice and deepening..."

"This must be your second time starring in a heroine movie, right? Are you nervous now? It should be much more relaxed than when the first "Mulan" was released, right?"

"Actually, not really. I'm actually very nervous right now. The investment in this movie is too big, and it will take a lot more time than "Mulan". What if...

wrong! Don't say bad words, hehe, I hope the movie will be a big hit at the box office after it's released! "

After briefly chatting for a few words and completing all the hosting procedures, it was time for media interviews.

Sohu's reporter immediately opened the door, targeting Chen Fei, "Mr. Chen, I heard that the investment in this movie is as high as 4000 million US dollars. So what kind of box office results do you think this movie can achieve?"

Han Sanping and the bosses of several theater companies in the audience suddenly became interested and looked at Chen Fei with bright eyes.

It's a commercial film, it's made just for the box office.

If it weren't for making money, who would be willing to do this?
After taking the microphone and thinking for a moment, Chen Fei replied: "This kind of Hollywood-style science fiction action film with a heroine is also a bold attempt of mine. My goal is actually not too high. I will try my best to catch up here in China." "Iron Man 2" and "Dawn of the Planet of the Apes", try to break through 2 million yuan.

Mainly in the global market, we hope to break through 2 million US dollars and strive to strive towards 3 million US dollars. "

In the audience, Han Sanping took the lead in applauding, with a smile on her face.

As a top commercial film director, everyone's analysis of Chen Fei is quite trustworthy. Since he said that the total global box office can reach 3 million US dollars, it should be close to ten.

According to the current exchange rate, 3 million U.S. dollars is 19 billion yuan!
The look in the eyes of many female celebrities when they looked at Liu Yifei changed instantly. If she really has so many box office numbers, then she will definitely be far ahead of others in the box office data list of film history!

"I couldn't catch up in the first place, but now it's even harder to catch up..."

Many people complained silently in their hearts, but they were helpless.

Good resources are so scarce that they can’t even get a foothold!

That is to say, artists from Feiyingwang Agency only occasionally get the opportunity to make guest appearances in Hollywood blockbusters. As for artists from other agencies, they can't even see the shadow of Hollywood at all, let alone perform in such a show. The role of the heroine.

Zhang Weiping also came to the scene today, but when he watched Chen Fei talk on the stage, what he thought of was Zhang Yimou's new movie "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling".

There is a lot of investment in this movie. If it can reach 3 million US dollars, then he can really brag about it!


The premiere ceremony officially ended, and the reception that followed was naturally the Vanity Fair where everyone used to socialize.

While we are eating and drinking here, the media on the other side are already issuing press releases.

The premiere of "Super Body" almost dominated the front pages of major film and television entertainment news sections, leaving no chance for other movies to make a splash.

The news that "The Adventures of Li Xianli" is scheduled to be released on August 8 was directly squeezed into the nook and cranny. It would be difficult to find it without looking at it with a magnifying glass.

One night, Chen Fei didn't eat much at all, and almost all his energy was spent on socializing.

Countless people were toasting, and a large number of flirtatious female celebrities came up to him, looking at him with such eyes that they almost went crazy!
It is no exaggeration to say that if Chen Fei is willing, he can even complete the "eighteen kills" record tonight.

Who is Wei Xiaobao? All he relied on were drugs.

And Chen Fei only needs to move his fingers, and a lot of female stars are willing to sleep on his bed, without him even having to move!
It's a pity that these rouge and vulgar powder can't get into his eyes at all.

Many directors have taken advantage of the resources they have to engage in all kinds of disgusting skin-trading in the industry, and many people have even vaguely expressed that they can take them with them.

Chen Feiquan pretended not to hear these words.

Labor and capital have a good time abroad. There are various types of ocean horses and skin colors. You can play how you want.

Who is willing to play with you like this kind of rouge and vulgar fan, and is not afraid of being tricked?

After the cocktail party, Chen Fei did not leave with anyone, but went straight to the airport.

The private plane was ready, and he had to fly to New York overnight to attend the premiere press conference of "Thor".

And then he had to rush to Los Angeles to attend the world premiere of "The Twilight Saga 4", so he was really busy!

After seeing him leave, many actresses walked aside and made phone calls, their abacus beads ringing.

Unfortunately, what greeted them was the prompt tone "The phone you dialed has been turned off."

At two o'clock in the afternoon on June 6, Chen Fei successfully landed in New York.

Although it was late at night in China, after he turned on his mobile phone, he soon received a call from China.

Liu Yifei should have calculated the time of his landing accurately.

"It's midnight and you're still not asleep?"

"Hehe, I'm so excited that I can't sleep. Do you know the domestic box office of "Super Body"?"

"How many?"

"Just take a guess."

"More than 40 million?"

"Tch, it's really boring. I guessed it right away..."

Chen Fei could even imagine the expression of the girl on the other end of the phone. She must be pouting, full of depression, and maybe even humming a few times.

"Haha, how much is it specifically?" he asked.

"The domestic box office is 4570 million yuan. I also called sister Natasha. She said that the box office on the first day in North America was 1700 million U.S. dollars, which is great..."

A sentence popped up in Chen Fei's mind unconsciously.

"Within the wall and outside the wall... there are two blooms!"


(PS: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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