It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 434: Another billion US dollars! Feiyue Film and Television only produces high-quality produ

Chapter 434: Breaking the 10 billion US dollar mark again! Feiyue Films, only producing quality products! The greed of "The Great Earthquake"...

Chen Fei originally thought that he would first receive the first-day box office results of "Earthquake", but what he never expected was that the first news he received was that the global total box office of "Twilight 4" exceeded 10 billion US dollars!

Today happens to be July 7th, which is also the premiere of "Earthquake".

Woody Allen, who was following the late stages of "The Twilight Saga 5", was stunned. He never thought that he, who was making literary films and then switched to commercial films halfway, would achieve such excellent results!
This time I can finally retire successfully!

"There will be a celebration reception tonight."

Chen Fei gave an order, and the entire company fell into a wave of cheers.

The press release immediately appeared on major websites in North America. reporters were quick to reprint the news back to China.

For a time, the mainland was filled with envious voices.

"There is no doubt that the stock price of Volton Pictures will rise again, and Chen Fei's worth will soon exceed 10 billion US dollars."

Mentioning this matter, Wang Zhonglei's face was full of envy.

Li Yang and Yang Yu are actually contracted directors from the animation department. After all, both of them have made excellent animated short films.

As the old saying goes, three cobblers are better than one Zhuge Liang.

"Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage"

"Let's go then."

After a few months of busy work, the animation department of Feiyue Film and Television has been successfully established, and all the equipment has been fully equipped, and it will naturally start to be put into use.

He even made a special call to Huo Qigang and asked him to speed up the development of the theater chain.

And "Captain America" ​​wants exactly this part of the audience who are unwilling to cry!
Chen Fei was secretly thankful that he had acted quickly enough and secured the Pan-Asia Cinemas in advance, otherwise, future films might be suppressed when they are released in the mainland.

In fact, the operation of "Earthquake" also had a certain impact on Chen Fei. After all, the follow-up "Captain America" ​​will also be released in mainland theaters, and the film schedule will definitely be worse.

It's a pity that these are just useless efforts. How can the higher-ups give such a scale of publicity to a literary film?
In Wang Zhonglei’s words, “Zhang Zhang who brags is just thinking nonsense!”

"There is no need to envy him. When the first-day box office of "Earthquake" is released tomorrow, Huayi's stock price will naturally experience a surge."

"Well, everyone does their job."

Pei Zhuxian has been in the United States for several days and has almost played in Los Angeles. As soon as she heard that Chen Fei was going to fly to New York, she immediately said that she wanted to go too.

Let me ask, how many viewers are willing to spend dozens of dollars to go to the theater to watch a tear-jerking movie?

"Damn love brain!"

Chen Fei said he didn't care about this.

Chen Fei did not reject her.

The leader of the animation department is tentatively named Liu Wenxiang, Yang Yu’s previous partner.

It just so happened that both of them were free at this moment, so naturally they had to start to bear heavy burdens.

Kevin Feige said that the preparations for "Avengers" are almost complete. This is the key project that Chen Fei needs to focus on next. As a director, he should go to the scene to see it.

This guy is very capable and has deep knowledge in the field of animation. He is very suitable for being a producer and doing various behind-the-scenes jobs.

Don’t forget, he also has Pan-Asia Cinemas under his control!
Moreover, many people actually have a rebellious mentality. This kind of large-scale publicity will make everyone unhappy and disgusted with it.

If nothing happens, I may not be able to surpass it in this life.

Leap Animation, only produces high-quality products!

This "Journey to the West: The Return of the Great Sage" is the first script prepared by Chen Fei for them. He plans to let these two guys work together to make this domestic animated film as a co-director.

There were many objections in the industry, especially Zhang Weiping, who reported it to the higher-ups, demanding that "Hawthorn Tree Love" be given the same publicity model.

And the most important thing is that this kind of publicity is free. Huayi does not need to pay any price for it, just sit back and enjoy it.

Han Sanping has already informed him that "The Great Earthquake" will inevitably be "booked", so he should be mentally prepared.

During this period of July, only "Earthquake" dominates the mainland film market!
All major state media, TV stations, and even CCTV went out in person to promote the film.

The Sixth Princess even issued a "Movie Viewing Advocacy Letter", hoping that the majority of movie fans can go to the theater and support this movie, and don't forget the disaster!

Then he opened the bag and took out a script.

The two chatted on the phone for more than an hour. Guo Jingjing suddenly called for dinner. Huo Qigang, the licking dog, ended the call in a few words, leaving Chen Fei speechless.

"Wow, Oppa, you have four stewardesses on this plane?"

With these three people working together, and with the strong support from DotDing Digital and Hollywood, it’s impossible that they can’t even make a domestic animated film, right?

"Mergers and acquisitions, land purchases, theater construction... the more the merrier, and distribution channels are expanded abroad to strive for global coverage..."

Wang Zhongjun crossed his legs and looked confident.

Chen Fei nodded, and then motioned for her to go and play first.

In particular, some schools even force students to go watch movies...

It has been several months since Huayi went public, and although the stock price continues to rise, his worth is still far behind Chen Fei.

He muttered a few words, thought for a moment, and decided to fly to New York.

After boarding the private plane, she started shouting in surprise again. She touched it here and looked there, looking quite excited.

Chen Fei's current job is to carefully review the script. He decided to eliminate some inappropriate details and plots, leaving only the essential parts.

After landing in New York, Chen Fei received a call from China.

"The resources of "Earthquake" are really good!" Su Guo sighed with emotion first, and then said in detail: "According to media reports, the theater attendance rate is extremely high, almost above 75%, and some of the theaters are even reserved. The area reached %!”

“What was the box office result?”

"3700 million yuan."

"Tsk, it's really strong!" Chen Fei sighed with emotion. This is the benefit of booking a venue. Feng Xiaogang has made a lot of money this time.

If nothing else happens, there should be no problem surpassing the previous "The Founding of the Republic".

And he vaguely remembered that this movie seemed to have created a terrible figure. It seemed to be the annual box office champion in 10.

"Feng Xiaogang said at the premiere that he is very confident in this movie and that it may be able to break the box office record of Chinese-language movies."

"Topping 6 million?"

"Yes, he did not boast about Haikou like Zhang Weiping, but he still confidently said that the film market in July will be unique to "The Great Earthquake"."

"Then we'll see."

Chen Fei didn't say much. The higher the box office of "Earthquake" is, the higher Huayi's stock price will rise, and the higher the stock price he holds will be.

Overall, he can make a lot of money indirectly because of this!
The next day, Huayi announced new box office data early in the morning.

The next day's box office of "Earthquake": 4550 million.

As soon as the news came out, the industry was abuzz!
Chen Fei glanced at Weibo and Tieba, and there were comments everywhere.

"Reverse growth, maybe it can really break the record, this is too strong!"

"Made, I cried to death when I watched it. There were cries all over the theater. It's not a disaster movie. It doesn't involve pain to make money. It's all a lie."

"I heard that some of the special effects were done with the help of Dot Eyes Digital? I went there and it was really shocking, especially the overlooking shot. The whole city was covered with paper-burning stars at night. When I saw that scene, I couldn't stand it anymore."

On the third day, Huayi once again announced box office data.

4700 million!
The box office is still growing in reverse and there seems to be no downward trend.

Chen Fei called the person in charge of Pan-Asia Cinemas in Shenzhen City to inquire, and the answer he got made him sigh with emotion, "Having official endorsement is strong!"

According to the person in charge, in the past three days, there have been more than 20 reserved games, all with 100% attendance.

According to this kind of operation, it would be surprising if the box office dropped!

After all, Wang Zhonglei couldn't hold back and dropped his harsh words in front of the media. "The new domestic movie box office record will be set by "Earthquake"!"

Ning Hao called and informed him that "Painted Skin 2" was about to be completed. At the same time, he said worriedly: "I went to watch "Earthquake" with Zhou Xun and the others, and the quality was really good.

Coupled with the support of official bookings, various publicity, and even rumors that the key period will be extended, I am afraid it is really possible to break the box office record of "Mulan"! "

Chen Fei smiled and didn't care.

"Believe me, even if he breaks the record, his record won't last long, at most three months."

"Heart Blossoms on the Road" is paired with the National Day release, Chen Fei is very confident!
What he didn't expect was that in addition to his confidence, Jiang Wen was also full of confidence.

"Hahaha, when are you coming back to China? You must come and see the finished film of "Let the Bullets Fly". It's so awesome. I'm so excited after watching it. This film has been made. If not, Unexpectedly, it can also exceed 6 million or 7 million!”

"Huh? So confident? Don't imitate Zhang Weiping and brag everywhere."

"Then don't worry, I'm not as shameless as him."

After chatting for a while and agreeing to go back to China to watch the movie, the two ended the call.


After entering the studio of "Avengers", Chen Fei suddenly felt itchy when looking at the exquisite props, so he simply started modeling work with the prop team.

In the blink of an eye, a week flew by.

Pei Zhuxian has returned to South Korea, and she still has a lot of work to do there.

The little girl was still a little reluctant to leave before leaving. She had such a great time following Chen Fei in the United States!

Not only did it broaden my horizons, but my body and mind were also greatly satisfied.

Chen Fei promised her to pick her up to play when he had time next time, and then he sent her on the plane.

Domestically, the weekly box office data of "Earthquake" was also announced.

3.2 billion RMB!

The Film Association didn't know why they were so crazy, but they suddenly said they were going to hold a seminar to discuss why the box office performance of "Earthquake" was so brilliant?

The staff called Chen Fei in the middle of the night, and he hung up after listening to a few words.

Ma De, are you sick just because you're just riding a horse? You don't even check the time difference when you make a phone call?

And also hold seminars?
Is it necessary to ride a horse?

Why did it achieve such a high box office? Don’t you really have any idea?

Chen Fei will definitely not go to the seminar. He cannot afford to lose that person, but I think Feng Xiaogang and Xiao Wang will go there happily and enjoy a wave of praise from the leaders.

The premiere of "Captain America: The First Avenger" was held in New York.

Kevin Feige did not go out of his way to invite big names in the industry. Most of the people present to support the movie were companies related to Marvel's copyrights, such as Sony and Lions Gate.

In addition, all the superheroes were present.

Chen Fei came a little late, and by the time he arrived, the movie was almost starting.

The studio was far away from the city center, and there was a huge traffic jam on the road, so he had no choice.

When he sat down next to Kevin Feige, he looked up and saw Chris Evans on stage dealing with reporters.

Compared with Chris Hemsworth who plays "Thor", Chris Evans who plays "Captain America" ​​is not a newcomer.

He made his debut in 01. In 04, he starred in the campus comedy movie "Perfect Score" with Scarlett Johansson. In the same year, he also appeared in film and television works such as "Love Forever", "Made in Hollywood", and "Fantastic Four". "Xia" etc.

"Fantastic Four" is actually a Marvel work, but the film rights were bought by 20th Century Fox, but now they have been taken back by Kevin Feige.

Chris Evans plays Johnny Storm, nicknamed "The Human Torch" in "Fantastic Four."

Now that he has transformed from "Human Torch" to "Captain of America", his fans are looking forward to it.

After the interview, the feature film began to play.

Compared with "Thor", the graphics of "Captain America" ​​are actually more delicate, because the latter's post-production is very complicated!
After the filming of the film was completed, Look VFX Company arranged for 15 people to complete about 65 shots and three main sequences.

Subsequently, two editors, five assistant editors, three VFX editors and two stereoscopic 3D editors used a total of 14 Avid Nitris DX workstations to complete subsequent work.

In addition, there is an Avid high-definition non-editing system for VFX, and another dedicated for exporting sound, music and digital intermediates... It can be said to be very cumbersome!

However, although a lot of money was spent in the post-production period, the final effect of the film was excellent.

For example, the scene where Chris Evans shrinks into a 97-pound man. This special effect was shot by a Los Angeles company called LOLA that specializes in digital "plastic surgery." The effect of the film impressed the viewers at the scene. Shout "amazing"!
After the 124-minute movie ended, warm applause erupted in the theater.

Chen Fei originally thought that nothing happened to him, but he didn't expect that he would be named by the reporters as soon as the interview session began.

"Fei, I heard that you are following the preparations for "Avengers" recently. How are you doing now?"

Dog nose! So smart?

Chen Fei was slightly stunned. After thinking for a moment, he did not hide anything, "The filming will officially start in December, and the finished film is expected to be released to everyone in December next year."

There was a commotion at the scene, especially the CEOs of the production companies who were preparing to release their own films in December next year. They all frowned at this time.

"Another formidable enemy!" The head of Sony's production department smiled bitterly.

Waltons Pictures + Marvel + DreamWorks...

This combination is really terrible!

However, when the first weekend box office of "Captain America" ​​came out, they discovered that something more terrifying was yet to come!
The three-day box office of the first weekend was US$9500 million, basically the same as "Thor".

What this means is self-evident.

You know, the total global box office of "Thor" has exceeded 5 million US dollars at this time, and is charging towards 6 million US dollars.

The box office data of "Captain America" ​​in the first three days of the weekend are very similar to the former, so does this mean that the box office potential of the two superhero movies is basically the same?
Plus "Iron Man 2"'s $8.79 million...

Marvel’s potential is fully unleashed at this moment!

Movie fans have begun to look forward to "The Avengers" and want to know what kind of glory this movie that brings together "Iron Man", "Thor" and "Captain America" ​​will create?
Chen Fei paid special attention to the comments from the media and film critics. He especially wanted to know how those people would brag about their "Captain of the United States"?
"Entertainment Weekly": "There is actually nothing in this movie that you haven't seen before, but it defines what a normal, competent, and purposeful commercial blockbuster should be."

"Chicago Sun-Times": "We are deeply attracted by this comic book movie with unlimited imagination!"

Chicago Tribune: "This is a rare superhero that is inspiring and charming!"

Commentator William Biagini of FSU News commented: "'Captain America' is Marvel's best movie because it uses different concepts to inspire people and it upholds the core that everyone should strive to abide by. values, but also has an excellent plot and attractive special effects.”

"The Guardian" film critic Peter Blood even called the movie "the best superhero movie this year"!
Looking at these comments, Chen Fei couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Sure enough, Lao Mei has true love for their savior captain!"

You know, "Thor" didn't receive such reviews when it was released, and he didn't pay these media to hype it up.

So why do they do this?

This is actually just like the Film Association attaches great importance to "Earthquake", the United States also attaches great importance to "Captain America", and must have given a lot of promotional resources behind the scenes.

But in fact, looking back at the essence, although the American captain is packaged as powerful, he is actually a very mediocre patriotic hero.

He only attracts attention by punishing evil and promoting good and patriotism, and it very lacks the touching and attractive character interactions and complex storytelling skills of Marvel's "X-Men: First Class".

Of course, these have nothing to do with Chen Fei.

His goal is box office and dollars!

Making money from the Americans, plundering their wool, and then taking it back to develop domestic films, this is his next goal!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)

(End of this chapter)

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