It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 442 Jiang Wen came asking for money: "I like eating meat, the more meat, the better!&qu

Chapter 442 Jiang Wen came asking for money: "I like eating meat, the more meat, the better!"

"Sword Rain" failed at the box office, "Hawthorn Tree Love" is about to be released, and "Fist of Fury" and "Heart Blossoms" have launched promotions, which also means that the battle for the box office in September is about to enter a fierce stage!
Just like the previous "Mulan", "Earthquake" has now become a "big hurdle" that every commercial movie cannot avoid.

The box office of 6.9 million is like a wall, standing tall in front of all domestic movies.

Zhang Wei commented that if "Hawthorn Tree Love" can also get "booking benefits", it will definitely break Feng Xiaogang's record.

When Lau Weiqiang promoted the movie on the show, he also expressed confidence that he could catch up.

It's a pity that the media didn't believe them at all, and most people's eyes were focused on "The Flowers of the Heart".

The slogan of one billion box office was shouted by Chen Fei himself, and everyone in the industry can testify to this.

But whether such results can be achieved is still unknown.

After all, the investment of 3000 million was too small, and everyone did not have much confidence in him. Zhang Weiping even bluntly said that Chen Fei was completely bragging!
In his words, "The era of low-budget comedies has passed. According to my prediction, it's pretty good if "Heart Blossoms" can have a box office of 100 to 200 million."

Of course, these words are purely meant to belittle!
According to the predictions of insiders, this is a movie directed and starred by Chen Fei after all. No matter how bad it is, it should have a box office of about 3 million.

Lu Yang, Guo Fan...these two are directors from Nortel.

"Haha, okay, I'll be there for sure."

On the 15th, Feiyue Film and Television held a celebration party for the two films "Xiu Chun Dao" and "The Adventures of Li Xianli".

"Hehe, not bad." Zhu Yawen grinned, "If there is another good opportunity like this in the future, you must remember me."

Nortel helped him a lot when he was in school. Now that the school wants to invite him back to do publicity, he has to go. He can't do that kind of trick of "having a wife and forgetting his mother".

"Sister Hua went to the court. The lawsuit with Chengtian is in court today." When saying this, Zhu Yawen looked a little embarrassed.

"Nortel's 60th anniversary?"

These words are purely to fool fools. After all, the number one agent in domestic entertainment is not just a boast. If Wang Jinghua can lose money, she will not come out to establish her own business.

At the banquet, Wang Jinsong also gave Chen Fei an invitation letter.

Chen Fei did not refuse, and he had no reason to refuse.

"Okay, don't worry, I will definitely not forget you."

Several leaders from Nortel even came over, and they were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths at the banquet.

Chen Fei gave him a hint, "I suggest you better get a studio. It will be more convenient to pay the bills and save you trouble."

"Ok, I know."

Chen Fei saw several artists from Gathering Culture at the banquet today, and even Wang Jinghua's son came, but she herself was rarely present.

Although the combined box office of these two movies is only over 2 million, which is just a drop in the bucket for Chen Fei, after all, this is the work of three new directors, and such results are already considered very good.

"Yes, remember to come when the time comes. The principal has specifically told me that no one will be able to leave you without you. When the time comes, I will have to tie you up even if I am tied up."

While the two were chatting, they saw a young man coming over and said hello obediently.

Probably because he knew that he had offended too many people, Zhang Weiping did not hold a premiere for "Hawthorn Tree Love" and directly arranged for it to be released in theaters.

"Will this affect you?" Chen Fei asked curiously.

These second-generation stars have a much easier road than the first-generation stars!
Dong Zijian has been taken to various social events by Wang Jinghua, and Chen Kai, who is on the other side, has even arranged for his two sons to join the crew. The purpose is naturally self-evident.

Zhu Yawen has not asked for many resources from Chengtian in recent years. Even if he loses the lawsuit, he will only pay a hundred thousand yuan.

Everyone is waiting to see.

"Brother Fei, come on, have a drink?"


"Huh? By the way, why didn't Wang Jinghua come?"

"How does it feel to be the leading actor with a box office of 50 million?"

Zhu Yawen didn't think much about it and introduced him casually: "This is Sister Hua's son, Dong Zijian."

"Well, I also have this idea. The contract happens to expire in October. I'll do it after I go back this time."

"A little, but not much."

Zhu Yawen came over and had a drink with Chen Fei.

Being a domestic slave with the third surname is not that easy!

Now both of them have joined Feiyue Film and Television, and the new projects they are directing are all works with tens of millions of investments. Who knows one day they will become top directors like Chen Fei and Ning Hao!


As long as Zhu Yawen doesn't act like Jiang Yiyan, he will definitely not be left behind when a suitable role comes up.

No, last month she was sued in court by Vukbo with a complaint.

Chen Fei nodded, feeling inexplicably emotional.

No matter how luxurious the artist lineup she had was at the beginning, it is obvious now that she just doesn’t want to give Cheng Tian any money!
Of course, Wu Kebo is not stupid. If he doesn’t want to pay, then he can go to court. Are you talking about losing money? Then I will look at the financial statements and let everyone put the matter on the bright side to see who is more embarrassed.

According to the news revealed by the media, during the three years of cooperation between Shiyi Culture and Chengtian Entertainment, Wu Kebo was not paid any dividends. The reason was that the company was poorly managed and suffered serious losses.

After breaking up with Huayi and Chengtian one after another, Wang Jinghua's current situation is already very difficult.

Chen Fei is a very nostalgic person, and it is human nature not to avoid relatives when promoting talents.

Zhang Yimou has returned to the field of artistic films, and many fans are paying attention.
It's just that most of the attention of insiders is focused on the cost of this movie.

A small-budget literary film, the male and female protagonists are all newcomers, but it has a production cost of 7000 million!

After the news was exposed, Chen Fei immediately came to a conclusion.

"The producer earns 4000 million, the movie costs 2000 million, the director gets 500 million, and all the actors add up to 500 million."

"What the hell? Are you so cruel?"

Ning Hao was shocked. Is this something a human can do?
"How is it impossible?" Chen Fei waved the movie ticket in his hand and said, "Let's go and see it first. After watching the finished film, you will know whether what I said is true or false."

Although Zhang Weiping is not a good person, he has an elite soldier like Lao Mouzi in his hands, which allows New Picture to remain standing in the industry.

Although "Three Guns" is terrible, I have to say that the level of Lao Mouzi's literary films is as high as ever!

Although Chen Fei doesn't like Zhou Dongyu, he likes the story of "The Love of the Hawthorn Tree" very much.

Some directors of literary and artistic films like to make things mysterious and create plots that fans can't understand, as if this can reflect their level.

Here I want to criticize Jiang Wen's "The Sun Also Rises" by name.

But Zhang Yimou is different. He is very good at using a restrained, quiet and plain directing style to lay out the content of the film. He also eliminates complexity and simplicity in form, and interprets love from the perspective of an elder, which is exactly in line with the view of love in that era. The implicit expression is very suitable.

"Hawthorn Tree Love" uses bold lines to show a pure, poignant love story in a special era.

The movie sets up a beautiful and pure scene. The dense hawthorn tree, the beautiful fields and clear streams, as well as the nostalgic blue coat and white shirt, all evoke the people living in reinforced concrete cities today and their love for nature. The desire, the yearning for purity.

The setting of the storyline is also very simple. There are no big ups and downs. The text only shows the time clues of the development of the story. The whole picture is as clean and pure as the background.

From the beginning to the end, "Jing Qiu" played by Zhou Dongyu is smiling silly and maintaining the reserve that a girl should have.

They had no close contact, and even the kiss was just a fleeting touch, but this love that seemed light on the surface actually contained a deep affection, which is a kind of love that needs to be guarded for a lifetime!
From time to time there would be sounds of sobbing in the theater, and Ning Hao's eyes had an inexplicable trace of reminiscence, as if he was caught in some kind of reminiscence.

When the movie ended, Chen Fei patted Ning Hao on the shoulder, indicating that it was time for him to leave.

"As expected of Zhang Yimou, he is really awesome! This artistic film is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people..."

Before he could finish the previous sentence, Ning Hao's tone suddenly changed, "Zhang Weiping is really evil. This film can cost 7000 million? Didn't he swallow it all?"

I was confused. Didn't Zhang Yimou notice something was wrong? He's so deceptive, why would you cooperate with him? "

"who knows?"

Chen Fei shrugged and was a little puzzled.

Lao Mouzi doesn't look that stupid, does he?
After leaving the cinema, the two returned to the company.

Ning Hao continued to work on his "Painted Skin 2", while Chen Fei met Jiang Wen, who had been waiting for him for a long time, and Ma Ke, the producer of "Let the Bullets Fly" in the office.

"Hey? You two, are you rare visitors? Are you okay?"

"Here comes the money."

Jiang Wen is the kind of straightforward person, so he doesn't hold back and gets straight to his point when he speaks.

"Ah?" Chen Fei was slightly startled, unable to react.

He had already invested in "Let the Bullets Fly" with a public account, and he didn't borrow Jiang Wen's money. Why did he suddenly come to ask for money?
Marco smiled bitterly and explained from the side: "Actually, there are not enough publicity funds. The competition for the Lunar New Year period is too great, and the subsequent publicity cannot keep up, so we thought of borrowing some money."

Competition for this year’s Lunar New Year stalls is extremely fierce!
"Laughing in the River", "If You Are the One 2", "The Orphan of Zhao"... these are the powerful enemies that "Let the Bullets Fly" need to face. The first two are okay, and the movie promotion activities have not been officially launched yet, but "The Orphan of Zhao" is more intense.

Chen Kaige's status as a Palme d'Or director and his family connections have brought him a lot of official support. In addition, the "maternity photos" of Fan Bingbing's character Zhuang Ji were recently exposed, which directly caused huge popularity on the Internet. !
Netizens have been discussing it with great enthusiasm, and the stills have been widely circulated on the Internet, which directly caused the popularity of "Let the Bullets Fly" to drop again and again.

Jiang Wen couldn't sit still. After all, he had invested too much energy in this movie. If the box office was affected due to insufficient publicity and distribution, he would never be able to bear it.

But publicity and distribution requires money. Now that he wants to increase the amount of publicity and distribution, he must continue to invest money.

However, in order to make this movie, the new company he founded has been almost wiped out, and there is no extra spare money at all.

So Jiang Wen thought of asking Chen Fei to borrow money, and also brought Ma Ke over to let this smooth-talking guy do the talking.

"Damn it, what you said, I thought I owed you money!"

Chen Fei rolled his eyes, and while arranging his secretary to pour tea for the two of them, he said: "How much do you want, just tell me the number, and I will ask the financial officer to pay it to the public account for you."

"Twenty million."

"OK, no problem."

Chen Fei nodded, picked up the phone on the table and gave a brief order.

Even before ten minutes, Jiang Wen had already received a text message that the money had arrived!
"Fuck, so fast?"

"It's only 2000 million, why are you so surprised?" Chen Fei waved his hand casually, as if he threw away two dollars.

"Made, if I make a movie next time, I will definitely drag you along. This is too much trouble."

Chen Fei heard the meaning of his words and was quite surprised, "What? Is there a new script?"

Jiang Wen shook his head, "I haven't decided yet, but I want to try literary films again."

"Like Zhang Yimou?"

"Then I can't play with him. He's too pure. The films he makes are like White Lotus. I like to eat meat. The more meat, the better."


Chen Fei was speechless and suddenly recalled the filming scene of "Let the Bullets Fly" in his mind.

That horse riding is really naughty!


After sending Jiang Wen and Ma Ke away, Chen Fei took the morning newspaper from his secretary.

The top headline page marked the first-day box office of "Hawthorn Tree Love".

1050 million.

This data was overwhelming to the previous "Sword Rain". Wu Yu didn't know if he was crying secretly behind his back. After all, they were commercial films, and the box office results in the three days combined were not as high as those of literary films. It was really miserable!

At the same time, with the release of "Hawthorn Tree Love", "Fist of Fury" on the other side is also rubbing shoulders, and it feels like I want to compete with the former.

Liu Weiqiang led a group of main creators to hold a press conference in the capital.

The invitation letter was naturally sent to Chen Fei, but he did not go.

"Heart Blossoms" has to be promoted, and he has to follow up on the scenes and props from the space agency. How can he have time to participate in this kind of press conference?

It is no exaggeration to say that since collecting the three gold medals, his reputation has become bigger and bigger. This kind of movie is not qualified for him to go to the scene to support it in person.

However, although the others did not go, Liu Weiqiang was not ready to let him go.

At the press conference that day, although "Fist of Fury" was promoted, the one that appeared most frequently was... "Ip Man".

When interviewed by reporters, Liu Weiqiang vowed, "September will be the September of "Fist of Fury", and even October will be the time for us to kill each other."

A reporter asked him, "Director Chen Fei said that "Heart Blossoms" can break 10 billion, so how much do you think the box office of "Fist of Fury" will be?"

Liu Weiqiang smiled, looking unconcerned.

"I don't want to give up 10 billion. This kind of baseless speculation is meaningless. My goal has always been "Earthquake". As for other movies, I actually don't think anyone can surpass us."

As soon as he finished speaking, the scene was almost silent.

Liu Weiqiang's words are clearly saying that he thinks Chen Fei is just bragging, and there is no hope at all for 10 billion or something.

At this moment, not only the reporters were confused, but even Donnie Yen was a little confused.

He is indeed very strong in the movie, one can fight at least ten of them, but in reality he is really not that good!

Fight with Chen Fei?

Even if you give him two courages, he won't dare!
After the press conference, the reporters immediately posted these remarks online, giving the impression that the excitement was not too big a deal.

Donnie Yen even called Chen Fei to explain, saying that Liu Weiqiang's words were completely unknown to him in advance and had nothing to do with him...

"Ip Man 3" is really being filmed right now. If he offends the investors, he might be crushed to death at some point.

He saw clearly that if he wanted to come to the mainland in the future, he must not offend Chen Fei!
But Chen Fei didn't mind at all.

If someone wants to show off, he can't shut his mouth, right?
Then see the real story at the box office!


On September 9st, "Fist of Fury" was officially launched in mainland theaters.

Jiang Wen pulled him to see it, but he refused.

"If you want to go, just go by yourself. But don't blame me for not reminding you. Wouldn't it be better to keep a few dozen dollars for your wife to sell fruit? Do you want to watch this kind of movie?"

"I just want to know how good this movie is, which is touted to have a box office of over 7 million."

Jiang Wen finally went, but Chen Fei didn't try to persuade him, so he could only send him away with a "you're good to go" look in his eyes.

Two hours later, Chen Fei's phone suddenly rang.

He glanced at the caller ID, pressed the connect button, and asked cheerfully: "How is it? These dozens of dollars are well spent, right?"

Jiang Wen already scolded him regardless of his image, "Damn it, it's such a bad movie. It's so bad that I want to vomit. What the hell is this? People are more powerful than bullets." Can you believe it? Even Hollywood science fiction movies don’t dare to do this. At least it must be consistent with common sense!”

"Haha, I told you not to go, but you didn't listen..."

On the 22nd, under much anticipation, the first-day box office of "Fist of Fury" was announced.

1032 million.

It was a full 18 yuan less than the literary film "Hawthorn Tree Love". Compared with the high investment, it was a miserable mess.

For a time, the Internet was full of ridicule.

Feng Xiaogang, who was still exchanging words with Zhang Weiping from time to time, even directly posted on Weibo, "Some people call themselves masters, and some people call themselves brave. In fact, they are still ordinary people and villains in essence. It is not worth digging deeper. Everything underneath It's mud and dirt..."

This scolded both families, and for a while, people in the industry expressed their joy in hearing it.

Chen Fei opened Douban and wanted to see if there were any good "high-quality" reviews from contemporary netizens.

"Jingwu Fengyun" has a Douban score of 2.7.

"Director and screenwriter, pure writing!"

"I almost vomited when I stepped on the horse, fuck!"

"Migrant workers are killing people on the battlefield? Damn it? Is this a purely American superhero script?"

"Nah, labor and management don't know how to evaluate it anymore, refund the tickets!!!"

"The protagonist walks through a hail of bullets, and his skin is not even scratched? Mad? If I read it correctly, this seems to be a modern action movie, right? Why does it feel like a fantasy movie?"

Amidst the scolding, Chen Fei saw an interesting comment.

"The film copied the cross-dressing routines of comic book heroes such as Batman and Spider-Man. Although Chen Zhen's costume is relatively realistic, it only combines the characteristics of the Green Hornet and Black Man, and has no superpowers. However, in the film, the media and the people have no respect for each other. The recital of "Tianshan Black Man" is like a scene from a Marvel Comics movie..."

Chen Fei raised his eyebrows, is it so exciting?

However, he still forcibly resisted the urge to go to the cinema to watch the movie. Wouldn't it be better to keep the tens of dollars to buy fruit to eat? Why spend money to buy it and suffer?

Turning off Douban, Chen Fei stood up and prepared to visit the space agency again.

The props and scenes will be set up soon, and he has to go and check them for acceptance.

There is nothing worth paying attention to in "Heart Blossom Road". Everything that needs to be promoted has been publicized. Next, we will start the "kill all" mode after the premiere!

"Big Earthquake"? "Hawthorn Tree Love"? "Sword Rain"? "Fist of Fury"?
Little brothers, please wait to see big brother perform!


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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