It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 446: Has Lao Mouzi grown up? A good hand of cards was played badly, the beginning of the inc

Chapter 446: Has Lao Mouzi grown up? A good hand of cards was played badly, the beginning of the incubation of big Chinese film IPs

Not surprisingly, on the next day, various news about Nortel's school anniversary began to attack the major entertainment news pages.

The first thing that bore the brunt was the photo of Chen Fei and Liu Yifei rushing to the school anniversary together.

The man is handsome, the woman is beautiful...

They look so perfect together!
There were even a lot of cp fans on the Internet, and they went to the two's Weibo to post messages to persuade them, "If they are so matched, we can stay together."

Then came the group photo of Nortel's directing department. When they saw Chen Fei standing in the middle of Zhang Yimou and Chen Kaige, many people in the industry and outside the industry just felt their hearts trembled, and their admiration was beyond words.

Jiang Wen even made a special call and said, "Haha, the photo you took is pretty good. A young guy is standing among so many old men. They don't know whether to be shy or not."

Lao Jiang was planning to apply for Nortel's performance department a long time ago, but he was rejected because of his appearance. From then on, he started to feel a little resentful.

Now that I saw the Nortel anniversary photos and watched a group of old guys who looked down on him at the beginning being crushed by Chen Fei, I suddenly became excited.

Chen Fei said leisurely, "I don't know about others, but Lu Chuan will definitely not be able to hold his head up."

Of course, some confidential locations must have been covered in advance. There were cameras and security guards all over the place, and no one dared to make the slightest move.

Walt Disney Studios' dispute with Warner Bros. and Walt Disney is about to begin again.

"Fortunately, I can bear it."

You know, Lu Chuan is classified among the sixth generation of Chinese directors, but in the group photo, his position is far away from the sixth generation.

The filming progress of "Gravity" is not too slow, and many of the veteran actors who came to make guest appearances almost left without showing their face.

Wu Yu and Liu Weiqiang: "You are noble! You are amazing!"

It can be said that the three families refuse to admit defeat to each other and are just waiting for a showdown!
Chen Fei didn't know what the other two families were thinking. Anyway, he was not timid at all.

A good hand is played badly!

In fact, in the original arrangement, "The Twilight Saga 5" was to be released in December, but considering that there is also "The Hunger Games" in December, it can only be moved forward.


The November schedule is not too tight, and the only one that can compete with them is "New Shaolin Temple" produced by the temple. The two schedules are 11 days apart, so the competition is not particularly big.

And the most important thing is that "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven" should be regarded as the first big special effects business after the establishment of "Dianjing Digital". If the box office and response after the release are good enough, orders will naturally come in a steady stream!
"New Shaolin Temple" also sent an invitation to the premiere in advance, but Chen Fei was not prepared to go.

Wearing a spacesuit that weighs more than 100 kilograms, I was looking for the right shot again and again in a weightless environment. I was so strong that I looked like a bull in estrus!
Liu Dehua, who co-stars with him and has fewer roles than him, is already recognized as a "representative of dedication" in the industry, but after comparing him with him, he was completely abused!
"Okay, continue if you can bear it, get it done as soon as possible, and have a good year."

Guo Fan smiled reluctantly. The intensity of work here was completely different from when he was filming "The Adventures of Li Xianli".

The operation of "fighting left and right" can only be placed in TV series or movies. If it is done in reality, it is pure nonsense.

There was a burst of laughter on the other end of the phone.

The level of cooperation from the space agency is very high, almost all requests are met, and everyone is welcome!
Even places like the rocket launch pad were included in the shooting scene, allowing them to set up the scene and shoot various details at will.

Quality and speed go hand in hand, shooting almost day and night...

However, competition in November in North America is much greater than in China, including not only "Tangled" but also "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 11".

The invitation to the premiere has been sent to Chen Fei. After all, he is also one of the producers. Although the investment is relatively low, he can still get some money from it.

During the filming of "Gravity", Chen Fei did not forget to pay attention to various hot news in domestic entertainment.

The reason is simple. "The Twilight Saga 5" produced by Volton Pictures will also hold a world premiere event in November.

At the same time, as the popularity of "Flowers in the Heart" gradually declined, Huayi also launched a promotional campaign for "Di Renjie: The Empire of Heaven".

After the box office of "Flower Heart" exceeded 1 billion, Chen Fei didn't care much about the follow-up matters.

In the vast universe, he wore a space suit and tried hard to find the chance to return home, cooperating with the crisis-ridden satellite fragments around him and the blue earth under his feet...

Now that the last movie in the Twilight series is here, even if it's for sentimental reasons, the support from fans will not be any less.

Some people on the Internet are already laughing at him. It is considered unique for a director with a profound background to get to this point.

After all, he is also the screenwriter of the Twilight series. In addition, this is the last part of the Twilight series, so naturally he, the "Boss", has to participate.

As for "The Twilight Saga 5", which was introduced as an imported film, this is not within the scope of comparison... because it is not qualified for comparison at all!

The main theme is a hard science fiction and strong shock!

"Act 4" has a box office of 4.18 million in North America and a total global box office of US$11 billion. It was well received after its release.

The box office potential has been almost exhausted. Now the daily new box office is only around 1000 million, so he can no longer watch it very much.

The two Wang brothers are now looking forward to it. It is best for the box office of "Detective Dee" to be as high as possible, so that they can make money after the stock ban is lifted.

Fortunately, he is still young. If an older director were to direct the film, he would probably be in the ICU within a few days.

This movie is almost entirely his one-man show.

"How is it? Can you still sustain this intensity of work?"

But then again, he really admired Chen Fei.

His goal is still aimed at 10 billion US dollars!

Chen Fei patted Guo Fan on the shoulder and walked towards the spacesuit placed next to him again.


During lunch, Chen Fei found Guo Fan and asked him if he could adapt to the current shooting speed.

In addition to a few Lunar New Year movies that occasionally release stills and trailers for promotion, the most exciting thing these days is the news about "The Thirteen Beauties".

The new screen side is not willing to stop at all, and will make some big noise every few days.

When Zhang Yimou was a guest on a certain talk show, he made it clear that this movie would use all new actors, just like the previous "Hawthorn Tree Love".

But he had just set the tone. Within a few days, Zhang Weiping came out again and said that he was going to open auditions and wanted to give the remaining undecided roles to famous artists in the industry.

The producer and director can't agree on the same tone, which just adds to the joke!
People in the circle who know Zhang Weiping's character are already watching the excitement, but if nothing else happens, Zhang Yimou will eventually have to "surrender".

"After all these years, it seems like he has never resisted?" Ning Hao expressed his confusion. Why are you coaxing such a big director? At worst, you can just go it alone. Are you, Zhang Yimou, afraid that you won't be able to attract investment?

Even Brother Chen Kai, who has failed many times, can find investors again and again. A great director like Lao Mouzi will definitely not be abandoned by people in the industry.

Chen Fei laughed, "Do you think it's possible that Lao Mouzi's ID card was taken away by Zhang Weiping?"

"Damn it, it's not like I entered a black workshop and my ID card was taken away..."

Ning Hao suddenly fell silent as he spoke. After all, according to the current cooperative relationship between Zhang Yimou and Zhang Weiping, Lao Mouzi seems to be more like his... long-term worker? ? ?
"Forget it, let's just watch the movie and forget about them."

Ning Hao shook his head, Zhang Yimou felt a little worthless for no reason.

The rough cut of "Painted Skin 2" has ended. Today is a viewing party within Feiyue Film and Television. Let's see if there are any detailed problems that can be pointed out and corrected.

The rough cut was much longer than the finished film, and it took a full two hours to finish.

After making some constructive suggestions, Chen Fei stood up and was about to continue filming his movie, but at this time, Ni Xuelin suddenly stopped him.

"Brother Fei, I've almost adapted that novel. Do you want to take a look?"


Chen Fei raised his eyebrows and followed him directly to the screenwriting department without thinking.

The main work goals of the screenwriting department in the past year have almost all been focused on novels about tomb robbing adventures, more specifically: "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" and "Tomb Raider Notes".

The film and television adaptation rights of these two novels were acquired by Feiyue Film and Television very early. With Chen Fei's approval, Ni Xuelin led the team to begin the long process of film and television scripting.

More than a year has passed, and finally some results have been achieved.

Walking into the unique conference room of the screenwriting department, Chen Fei saw the thick stack of scripts at a glance, with the words "Ghost Blows Out the Lamp" boldly written on the cover.


Ni Xuelin casually took one of them and handed it to Chen Fei.

The script begins with the first-person narration of the male protagonist "Hu Bayi", and then begins with the plot of paper-tying the bride. The main theme is a challenge to the review, and the face is open to the public.

Continuing to read further, the plots of "Money Stealing Rat", "Sixteen-Character Feng Shui Secretary" and so on gradually unfold, which can be said to be very eye-catching.

Chen Fei didn't read it carefully because there was too much content in it. If he read it all, he wouldn't have to do anything else today.

He chose to look up at Ni Xuelin and said, "Tell me your thoughts?"

"it is good."

Ni Xuelin nodded slightly and gave an unscripted speech without even reading the script. "My idea is to make a three-movie series based on the four films: "Jingjue Ancient City", "Longling Labyrinth", "Yunnan Worm Valley" and "Kunlun Temple".

The main plot of the first part is mainly about "Curse", and "Jingjue Ancient City" is launched.

The main storyline of the second part is mainly "looking for the Muchen Bead", launching "Yunnan Worm Valley", and then integrating "Longling Labyrinth" into it. After all, the storyline of this part of Longling Labyrinth is not suitable for the big screen. .

The last third part is "Kunlun Temple" with the main line of "removing the curse".

As for the remaining "Return to the Ruins of the South China Sea", "Wuxia Coffin Mountain", "Nuqing Xiangxi", "Huang Pizi Tomb", etc., they can be made into separate story units, closely following the main line, but straying outside the main line... …”

At this time, Chen Fei, who had been silent all the time, suddenly interrupted him, "According to this framework, are you planning to make a ghost IP? Just like Marvel and DC?"

"Yes." Ni Xuelin nodded, a little embarrassed, "I do have this idea, but I don't know if it can succeed.

Hollywood has been working on sequels and developing various theme parks and peripherals, but we have been lagging behind, so I wanted to give it a try. "

"Yes, you should be encouraged if you have this idea."

Chen Fei gave him a thumbs up approvingly, causing him to giggle.

Afterwards, the two had an in-depth discussion based on the content of the script.

Based on his own experience of making movies in Hollywood, Chen Fei instilled a lot of experience in making blockbusters into Ni Xuelin, as well as modifications to the content of the script.

"There are definitely some things that need to be adjusted."

Ni Xuelin murmured to himself, then quickly raised his head and said: "Brother Fei, I think there are still a lot of things that need to be revised in the script. Give me some more time, and I will try to give you a perfect answer sheet by the end of the year."

"Okay, don't worry, you can take your time. The launch of this project is a bit complicated. It is difficult to start based on the current domestic market. It must be expanded internationally. I will try my best to cooperate with you in the future."

The current "Ghost Blowing Lamp" is just like the "Twilight", "Hunger Games" and "Harry Potter" series. If you want to turn it into a film and television, this cannot be done overnight.

Chen Fei was already brainstorming in his mind.

High investment and the international market are the keys to profitability, but this also involves cultural barriers. Therefore, if you want to distribute the film globally, marketing is the top priority.

Original novels, comics, animations... these all need to be laid out in advance.

Why do "Twilight" and "Harry Potter" become hits one after another? Isn’t it because original parties are spread all over the world?
Why are Marvel movie series so popular? Isn’t it just because of the promotion of comics?
Therefore, if "Ghost Blowing the Lantern" wants to take the IP incubation route, various early preparations are extremely critical, and this all takes time.

"By the way, have you obtained the film and television adaptation rights of those science fiction novels I asked you to buy?" Before leaving, Chen Fei did not forget to ask about the progress of other work.

Ni Xuelin nodded subconsciously, "It's all done. Teacher Liu has great confidence in us and said that our company is probably the only company in China that has the ability to put his works on the big screen."

"Haha, then remember to tell him and thank him for his trust. When you are working on the script, remember to ask him for help."

"it is good."

Ni Xuelin responded cheerfully, but then he seemed to think of something again, and quickly stopped Chen Fei who was about to leave, "Brother Fei, please wait a moment and help me read this book."

Stopping, Chen Fei turned his head curiously, "What book?"

Ni Xuelin took out a book from the bookshelf next to him, walked in three steps at a time, and handed the book over.

"That's it. Take a look, it's a fantasy work. I feel it's a bit similar to "The Twilight Saga", but I don't think the story is that good. I don't know if I should buy it."

Chen Fei looked down and saw two big words written on the cover of the book.

"Grand Traces"

His brows twitched sharply, he endured the discomfort and flipped through a dozen pages, then closed it without hesitation.

"Forget it, the protagonist is really useless, even if it is adapted, the effect will not be very good."

"Oh, okay then, I won't contact the original author."

Ni Xuelin responded without thinking too much. In fact, he just thought the story setting of this book was quite interesting. As for the plot, it was really bad!
If you buy it, the adaptation will probably be difficult, so you might as well focus on "Ghost Blowing the Lamp".


Time quickly entered late October,
The filming of "Gravity" has entered a feverish stage. Chen Fei, Guo Fan and the filming team have been on the set day and night, just filming!

At the same time, the daily box office growth of "Heart Blossoms" finally fell below 10 million, and began to hover back and forth in the range of 7 to 8 million.

But on Saturday and Sunday, there will be another wave of reverse decline, soaring directly to more than 10 million, which makes many people in the industry frown.

"That movie of yours is so exciting!"

When Xu Ke came to visit the class, he also started to imitate Jiang Wen and used foul language without hiding his inner envy.

The box office of "Butterfly Love" has now exceeded 11 billion. According to the current growth trend, it should finally be able to finish at 12 billion.

Ren Zhonglun was sharpening his sword and was already preparing for a celebration banquet.

Chen Fei said while putting on his space suit: "Haha, I also wish your movie a big hit."

"Are you going to the premiere of "Detective Dee" tomorrow?"

"I'm sure. I have a part in this film, so how could I be absent?"

"That's good."

Xu Ke suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't know why. He wasn't nervous at all when Chen Fei was in charge, but if he was just a big king, he felt inexplicably floating in his heart.

Huayi put a lot of hard work into this premiere, and almost everyone in the industry was invited. The scene was no worse than the premiere of "Beautiful Heart".

When Chen Fei walked on the red carpet, he once again became the focus of media attention.

Many reporters were asking about "Gravity" and "Heart Blossoms", but he did not answer. After all, today is the premiere of "Detective Dee: The Great Empire".

Andy Lau came over early. He is the protagonist and must not be absent.

Wang Zhongjun accepted media interviews as a producer.

"What is Mr. Wang's box office expectation for this movie?"

"Try to catch up with "The Great Earthquake"."

Wang Zhonglei was not very confident in what he said. After all, this movie does not have a reserved theater, so it is certainly impossible for a screening hall to be filled with acquaintances from the same unit, and this means that the box office performance depends entirely on the quality of the movie.

Chen Fei was also interviewed as a co-producer.

"Director Chen, can you predict the box office results?"

"I hope I can surpass 3 and chase 4."

Wang Zhonglei, who was sitting in the audience, felt inexplicably unhappy.

And a great director! Do you only dare to brag so much?

He himself thought that the box office of this movie could exceed 5 million!


After the premiere of Detective Dee, October officially came to an end.

On November 11st, "Detective Dee: The Empire of Heaven" was officially launched in mainland theaters and was fully released.

At the same time, "Heart Blossom Road Release" was also officially offline.

China Film Group announced the box office results of "Butterfly Lovers" early in the morning.

Total box office in 30 days: 12.15 billion yuan!

As soon as the news was announced, all kinds of news emerged one after another, and there was a lot of discussion within the circle, outside the circle, Tieba, Weibo and other platforms!

"Damn it, is the era of blockbusters coming? 12 billion! This is so awesome!"

"Director Chen is really strong. He is the best in small-budget comedy."

""Mulan" has dominated the box office of domestic movies for two years. It was just broken by "Earthquake", and then it was taken back by "The Road to Flowers". Haha, Director Chen is really good at playing."

"This number is really scary. I don't know when it will be broken?"

"Isn't Huayi saying that the box office of "If You Are the One 2" is expected to be 10 billion? Isn't it possible that it will break through?"

"Are you listening to them? I feel like the next movie to break 10 billion will be "Gravity", with an investment of more than 6 million. It's scary to think about it!"

"We'll see..."


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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