It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 458: Is the "Selected Workers" system activated? Jack Ma plays Sun Wukong! Oscar r

Chapter 458: Is the "Selected Workers" system activated? Jack Ma plays Sun Wukong! Oscar... Let's go!
This Spring Festival, the Internet is almost full of news about "Gong Lock Heart Jade".

Media from all walks of life rushed to report it, and the theme song became a hit all over the Internet!

Popular TV series, new genres, the first person to eat crabs...the combination of various factors directly brought Yang Mi's nationality to the full value.

Even if Chen Fei doesn't pay much attention, Yang Mi's name still appears in his ears from time to time.

This person's "Selected Workers System" seems to have been activated.

Even though he was filming a movie at the time, Ke Ren would still appear on a variety show from time to time, creating a trend that became popular across the country!

Huo Wenxi even made a special call to Chen Fei, saying in amazement that she had never seen an artist as powerful as Yang Mi. The announcements came one after another, and the queue was always full!

"I never felt tired at all from her. She was always full of energy..."

Chen Fei frowned and warned: "Tell her agent that you can't make enough money. Try not to do this kind of thing. No director will like her to do this."

"Okay, I will tell them."

Cai Yinong is providing psychological counseling to Liu Shishi, and she is also providing psychological counseling to herself.

After "Sword and Sword 3" was broadcast, the relationship between Tang Ren and Yang Mi dropped to a freezing point, and now it has become incompatible with each other.

The investment in the former is as high as 1 million, and Paramount Pictures even participates in it.

"Hang up now. I'm going to call Mr. Xing and ask. Maybe it can be done. Don't tell me. Just looking at this image is quite suitable."

$6000 for a straw hat and a safe lock?

As for the latter, you can tell by the name that it is definitely another bad movie!
Principal Gu's character is quite good. The school has donated one building after another. But for some reason, he always likes to appear in all kinds of bad movies?
As for the heroine, it’s hard to comment...

Haha, how is it? Didn't you expect that? But it’s not confirmed yet, let’s wait and see after the audition…”

Zhou Xingchi was stunned for a while, and then he responded belatedly, "Okay, please."

The mainland box office of "The Hunger Games" was finally set at 5.3 million yuan, giving Feng Xiaogang another hard blow.

Chen Fei was a little confused and didn't know what mentality this Hollywood company had in investing the money?

"Don't worry about this." Chen Fei patted his chest and promised: "I can give you an idea. Behind Dot Eye Digital are Industrial Light & Magic, Digital Domain, and Weta Digital. These are my partners. The special effects of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" are absolutely no problem!"

"Haha, then he must be disappointed. Master Xing is not the kind of person who respects the original work."

Jack Ma?

Huayi just announced that it will invest in Zhou Xingchi's new film, and here Xingye announced the casting requirements.

"Gong Lock Heart Jade" and "Bu Bu Jing Xin" seem to be produced by Feiyue Film and Television, but the two dramas are in a state of competition.

Zhou Xingchi said with a smile: "I will definitely not play any roles. After the filming of "Yangtze River No. 7" is completed, I will quit the acting circle and may concentrate on being a director in the future.

Zhou Xingchi said seriously: "The special effects of this movie are very important. The real bodies of the three monsters must have a high degree of realism. Can you catch them with the digital finishing touches?"

Huo Wenxi nodded in agreement, but she didn't feel that her advice would work.

When Ning Hao called, he said: "Teacher Six is ​​already preparing to start complaining. He just posted a new Weibo post yesterday, saying that he should respect classics and so on."

Chen Xuanzang, Miss Duan, Sun Wukong, Young Master Kong, Sha Monk (River Demon), Zhu Ganghye, Tian Can Jiao, Four Evils...

In desperation, he had no choice but to retreat and start contacting Doanjing Digital.

Yang Mi and Liu Shishi are destined to have a showdown this year!

After making the call and exchanging pleasantries, Chen Fei began to inquire about the casting situation.

Sun Wukong?
Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, then burst into laughter.

After chatting for a few sentences, the topic quickly turned to special effects.

As for Jack Ma playing Sun Wukong, that is purely a joke. I am going to invite Huang Bo to try this role.

In the film industry, the main thing that has stirred up the popularity is "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons".

In fact, in order to do special effects, he had approached Weta Digital a long time ago. However, the other party was currently following up on the "Hobbit" project and was not willing to take on this small business from him.

"No, I heard that Jack Ma will be invited to play Sun Wukong. I don't know if it's true or not. The relationship between the two is quite good."

I just never imagined that Dotcom Digital’s trump card would be so strong!

Since the release of "Let the Bullets Fly" and "If You Are the One 2", the domestic film market has gradually begun to be dominated by imported films and Hong Kong and Taiwan films.

He had to admit that he had made a mistake.

It’s simply a bad thing!

As for Industrial Light and Magic, they are currently mainly following up on "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" and "Avengers" and are not willing to take on small business.

Anyway, Chen Fei invested in so many movies in Xiangjiang, but all of them refused Wu Junru's participation.

Just by looking at the list, you can see that this is definitely a script that has been magically modified.

Because... Yang Mi seems to have become obsessed with being famous!
On the other side, "Bu Bu Jing Xin", which is preparing to succeed "Gong Lock Heart Jade", is also getting ready to go.

Liu Dehua and Gong Li launched "I Know Women's Hearts", and Principal Hu and Wu Junru launched "The Wonderful Heroes"...

He couldn't stand this kind of actors who crazily belittled the mainland but still came to the mainland to make money!
The same goes for Chen Kexin. Once he comes to the mainland, Chen Fei will unite other capital to suppress him.


"Shi Shi, you don't have to worry about being suppressed by Yang Mi. The production of our drama is more sophisticated and sophisticated, and it is top-notch in the same category. It will definitely become an instant hit!"

As for the global box office, it has exceeded US$7 million, of which US$4.5 million was accounted for by theaters in North America alone.

According to the analysis of the data department, the total global box office of the first part of The Hunger Games should be around 7.5 million US dollars.

The plan for the second sequel "Catching Fire" has been announced. Chen Fei will no longer serve as director, but Wen Ziren will replace him.

"Fast and Furious 5" will be launched on April 4 this year.

As for whether the sixth part should be filmed, Universal Pictures has not decided yet, so Wen Ziren, who is idle and bored, happened to take over from Chen Fei to film "The Hunger Games 2: Catching Fire".

The "Now You See Me" plan was taken over by Catherine.

The "Rise of the Planet of the Apes" series has officially come to an end, and she has nothing to do. She doesn't have a suitable script in hand, so she can take on a new film.

Catherine doesn't mind the small cost.

She is very grateful to Waltons Pictures for helping her win the Oscar for Best Director, and it is appropriate to reciprocate the favor.

What's more, the scripts written by Chen Fei usually bring surprises.

Even if it is just a small-budget movie, who knows whether it will have great potential after it is released?

On the 22nd, the Golden Broom Awards Ceremony was officially held.

Feng Xiaogang had been firing for more than half a month, but he still couldn't stop the fact that he was nailed to the "pillar of shame".

What is unexpected is that the top ten Chinese-language films of 2010 were also awarded at the second Golden Broom Awards Ceremony.

"Let the Bullets Fly" and "Heart Blossoms Are Free" were both on the list.

Event founder Cheng Qingsong delivered a speech at the end of the award ceremony, responding to Feng Xiaogang's bombardment for nearly half a month.

“The judges are serious and conscientious, and they do not mean to sensationalize. For example, the film “Earthquake” is actually very good, but the placement of huge advertisements caused controversy among the audience and the media.

I feel that the explicit placement of commercial advertisements in a film about the pain of Chinese people should not be praised, and the forced placement of commercial advertisements makes the audience burst into laughter in this tear-jerking and sensational drama. This is even more disturbing. Disappointing behavior. "

In this wave, Feng Dapao was completely defeated!
The next day, the media put out a press release.

The title [Golden Broom KO Feng Xiaogang] directly appeared on the front page of Sohu Film and Television Information Page!

Chen Fei also specifically searched and checked the content of the article.

Feng Dapao could be said to have lost both people and battle this time, and he was taken out and whipped.


Chinese actors seem to have an inexplicable obsession with Hollywood. No matter if they are good guys or villains, no matter if they are the second male lead or the second female lead, as long as there is a role, they will take it!

For example... Zhou Jielun is known as a new generation singer in the Chinese music scene.

A "Green Hornet" went directly from the mainland to Hollywood.

Sony Columbia spent $1.2 million to co-star Seth Rogen and Jay Chou, and also invited Christopher Waltz to serve as the villain.

However, the box office on the first day was 1090 million U.S. dollars, and the results of the first three days of the weekend were 3100 million U.S. dollars, which gave Sony a hard slap in the face!

Chen Fei found some time and went to the theater to watch the movie.

how to say……

In terms of overall evaluation, it is probably just a popcorn movie to kill time, and I have no memory after watching it.

Judging from the results in North America, the film was obviously a failure. However, the film studio's publicity operation seems to be quite confident in the Asian market, and they probably want to rely on Jay Chou's influence in Asia to make a splash.

As for Zhou Jielun's acting skills, Chen Fei only had one comment:
"Brother, you are more suitable for acting in your true colors. Forget about Hollywood."

If Chinese actors want to win awards or hold up the box office in Hollywood, the effort they need to put in must be double, or even three or four times that of what they do in China!
Of course, there are shortcuts to this.

For example, being approached by someone with powerful capital.

The best example is "International Chapter". At her peak, she participated in many A-class masterpieces produced by Warner!
But now?

She couldn't even go back to the mainland.


The 27rd Academy Awards ceremony held on the 83th touches the hearts of many people.

Although the crew had to stop working for a few days, for the sake of the Little Golden Man, Chen Fei still reluctantly shouted "Cut" and then motioned to the actors in the crew to set off together.

After all, everyone is a billionaire box office actor, so he can still get an invitation to the Oscars.

It has been exactly 01 years since the Kodak Theater opened on November 11, 9. Although the building is a bit old, it cannot conceal the dazzling brilliance of the venue!

Even though Anne Hathaway was co-hosting with James Franco today, she still ran out backstage while the cast of "The Hunt" was walking the red carpet.

Holding Chen Fei's arm, a bright and moving smile appeared on her face.

Matt Damon, who was walking on the other side, glanced at the plump Leonardo next to him, and couldn't help but show a bit of disgust in his eyes.

When people appear on stage, they are always accompanied by beautiful female companions, but he actually wants to go with a middle-aged man? !
How sad!

"Fei, I wish you a big prize tonight."

Anne Hathaway smiled and congratulated her, and then ran backstage to prepare.

Chen Fei had to walk two red carpets tonight, so after bidding farewell to the two ugly men beside him, he went around from the other side, found the "Avengers" team, and walked on the red carpet with them again.

The domestic broadcast of the Oscars ceremony started very early. Except for the actors who were filming, almost all the artists in other circles were paying attention to this awards ceremony from across the ocean.

at this time.

The cast of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

At Christian Bale's request, the crew connected him to the Oscar broadcast, and Ni Na, Zhang Xinyi, Tong Dawei and others who were on the same crew also had the opportunity to watch.

In fact, it was already time to start filming the movie. Logically speaking, they were not allowed to watch TV here.

However, the producer and director quarreled again...

The crew immediately stopped working, and the actors had nothing to do, so they had no choice but to watch TV.

While watching the familiar and unfamiliar foreign actors walking on the red carpet, Zhang Xinyi asked in a low voice: "Where's Ni, guess who will win the fight between Producer Zhang and Director Yimou this time?"

Ni Ni thought for a while and said very firmly: "Based on past experience, it should be Producer Zhang. He has more weight than Director Yimou."

Both girls were acting in a movie for the first time, so they naturally sympathized with each other, so they quickly became good friends who talked about everything.

Although I don’t know how long this friendship will last, the gossip is still very hot now.

"Oh, it would be great if director Yimou could win." Zhang Xinyi's face looked a little helpless.

The key reason why the two people suddenly quarreled was because of a rather special scene.

For the sake of the overseas market, Zhang Weiping asked Zhang Yimou to add a passionate scene between the heroine Ni Na and the hero Bell, as well as several other scenes in which Chai Chai was raped.

Of course Zhang Yimou refused.

He's not Li Jian, how could he take such a shot?
However, Zhang Weiping pressured him as a producer and asked him to shoot like this!
A quarrel broke out between the two and they eventually broke up.

The crew even had to stop filming.

Several girls hope that Zhang Yimou can win the argument, but judging from past experience, it is estimated that he will choose to compromise in the end.

Zhang Weiping seemed to have some control over him, and he could suppress him every time...

"Look! Look! Director Chen is on the red carpet again!"

Ni Ne suddenly shouted, attracting the attention of many people.

"He can go twice?"

Looking at the "Iron Man", "Thor", "Captain of America" ​​and others walking on both sides of Chen Fei, Zhang Xinyi felt envious.

Look at people!

This is the style of a top director!

Looking back at Zhang Yimou, he was actually bullied and bullied by Zhang Weiping.

Tong Dawei explained on the side: "Actually, it's normal, because the director of "Hunting" and "Avengers" is Director Chen, so he can go twice."


Ni Na and Zhang Xinyi responded in unison with sudden realization.

A lot of changes were made to this Oscars ceremony.

The first is to abandon the convention of comedians serving as hosts and hire a pair of young actors for the first time: 32-year-old James Franco and 28-year-old Anne Hathaway to serve as hosts. This is the first time that Oscar organizers have hosted the event since 1973. Say goodbye to the comedian host.

Secondly, the awards ceremony also adopted a virtual stage design concept. Chief producers Bruce Cohen and Don Misher bid farewell to the traditional real-life stage and introduced virtual reality technology, demonstrating the advanced status of the Oscars.

Finally, the special envelope for the award ceremony winners list is different from the white envelopes of previous years, but has been changed to gold.

Various changes at the scene seemed to indicate that the Oscars were about to start an "updated iteration". However, when the awards ceremony began, the guests realized that they had overthought it.

The best visual effects went to "Iron Man 2", the best sound went to "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 5", and the best sound editing went to "The Twilight Saga: Dawn".

The three pieces of commercial cake were divided very easily!
The costume design and art direction were both given to "Alice in Wonderland", which is well deserved.

Best adapted screenplay went to "The Social Network."

This is a film produced by Sony Columbia and directed by David Fincher, based on the novel "The Accidental Billionaire: A Story of Sex, Money, Genius, and Betrayal" by Ben Mezrich Adapted.

The film is based on the story of Mark Zuckerberg and Eduardo Savarin, the founders of the website Facebook. It mainly tells the story of how the two established and developed Facebook.

The film invested US$5000 million, but unfortunately the box office was not very good. It only made US$2300 million in the first week of release, which was far lower than expected.

However, it received very high reviews online, and even received praise from Mark Zuckerberg!

Biography and inspirational movies seem to have always been Oscar favorites.

For example, "The King's Speech" produced by Weinstein Pictures successfully won the best original score and best adapted screenplay.

The biopic, directed by British director Tom Hopper and starring British actor Colin Firth, is tonight's Oscar favorite.

At the previously held 64th British Film Academy Awards, it won seven awards including Best Picture, Best Actor, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress, and Best Original Screenplay!
Coupled with the strong public relations of Weinstein Pictures, "The King's Speech" has great hopes of winning an Oscar this time.

However, there is one film that cannot be ignored at this Oscars.



Robert Downey Jr. and Jude Law were invited to the stage as award guests.

The two opened the envelope on stage and announced in unison: "Best Editing Award, Chen Fei's "Hunting"!"

In an instant, the whole place burst into loud cheers!

The editor's role in a film is no less than that of the director, because the editor is a person who summarizes the materials into a work.

It is the editor's job to control the film, control the rhythm, choose the actors' performances, and give the film a certain style.

Chen Fei's ability to win this award clearly confirms his outstanding results and his role that cannot be ignored in the later stages of the film.

However, when they saw him taking the stage to accept the award, Harvey Weinstein and David Fincher, the director of "The Social Network" sitting on the other side, looked a little unhappy.

Several basic awards were distributed in a cake-sharing manner, which means that the three films "The Hunt", "The Social Network" and "The King's Speech" are all likely to win the final grand prize.

The dust has not settled yet, and the tension is still spreading.

On the stage, Chen Fei had already begun to thank the jury for its affirmation, and at the same time, he was also looking forward to the subsequent award presentation.

There is no doubt about the film quality of "Hunting", so what we will see later is whose public relations method is better.

There are many people in China paying attention to this award ceremony. Now that Chen Fei has won the first award, cheers suddenly resounded in all major movie theaters.

Especially on Weibo, blogs, Tieba and other places, discussions continue for a long time.

And those netizens who logged in to the Choibo website and wanted to enter the URL to get a closer look found that Chen Fei's award-winning clip had actually been reprinted on Choibo!

(PS: Second update, please double the monthly ticket)
(End of this chapter)

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