It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 460: Stealing that old dog’s resources, what kind of love triangle? The mistress intervenes?

Chapter 460: Stealing the old dog’s resources...what kind of love triangle? The mistress intervenes? "Avengers" is finished!
After the Oscars, Chen Fei did not stay too much in Los Angeles, but returned directly to New York and once again devoted himself to the filming of "Avengers".

He held the statuette in his hands, patted his butt and left quite coolly, but the influence he caused was spreading rapidly.

The media here in the United States began to report it, and the news was overwhelming!
As for this Chinese Oscar-winning director, movie fans here in the United States have only one attitude.

"Hurry up and make more blockbusters! It's not enough!"

After "The Hunger Games" was withdrawn from major theater chains, theaters in the United States began to release all kinds of bad movies.

One of the representatives is...

"Green Hornet"

The promotional slogan that is said to be a reference to "Iron Man" did attract a lot of attention at first. In addition, it was invested and filmed by one of the six major Hollywood companies such as Sony Columbia, so fans are still looking forward to it.

However, after it was released, I realized that this movie was just a bad movie!
Still touching on "Iron Man"?
You're not even worthy of carrying Tony Stark's shoes!

Chen Fei didn't hesitate at all and directly placed a wave of advertisements for the two movies that were in post-production.

Chen Fei's eyes lit up, and he felt as if he had discovered a new world.

It's a good thing that he's not a double plug, otherwise all the actors in Hollywood would definitely be fucked by him.

North American movie fans are extremely excited!

It’s a good thing now, there’s DreamWorks in front of us and Walt Disney Pictures in the back, what a crap!
"Move it, move it directly to December. Since we can't avoid it, then go for it." The CEO of Warner Bros. gritted his teeth and issued the order.


Thinking of this, Chen Fei did not hesitate to call the head of the copyright department at Volton Pictures, and named several novels that only existed in his memory.

From the moment the film and television adaptation rights were purchased, this horse was the work of Waltons Pictures!

However, recalling the glorious results of the last part of "The Twilight Saga", he gained some confidence.

Time flies and it’s March.

"After "Slumdog Millionaire", director Chen Fei won another Oscar!"

"It should be possible to exceed US$10 billion!" the CEO of Warner Bros. thought secretly.

"Mad, damn old Harvey!" Chen Fei suddenly cursed angrily.

He finally understood why Harvey Weinstein was accused of assaulting more than 170 female stars. This old dog must have promised to help them win awards!

On the other end of the phone, the person in charge responded and hurriedly ran to do something.

The first one on the list is Xiao Lizi.

Miss Duan: Shu Qi.


As the last theatrical movie of Harry Potter, even if it is just a sentimental movie, the box office will definitely not be much different.


"Director Chen Fei single-handedly praised Matt Damon as the Oscar winner. Such ability is amazing!"

But when he praised Matt as a Venice Best Actor and an Oscar winner, he discovered that if those male actors started "licking", the actresses would have to step aside!

Xiao Lizi: "I'll do it myself..."

He now has people and money. Even if he just throws out an idea, he has a lot of screenwriters to help him perfect it.

And now, Waltons Pictures has bought the copyright of the original novel and handed it over to Woody Allen to adapt it.

Just like "Silver Linings Playbook", if we follow the original timeline, this is a movie produced by Weinstein Films.

"Advocating foreigners and favoring foreigners" has become a norm in the entertainment and media circles.

An idea quickly came to mind.

Tang Monk: Heraldry.

At the same time, just as Hollywood is making a fuss over the Oscar awards ceremony, the country is also not showing off.

Zhou Xingchi's new movie "Journey to the West: Conquer the Demons" has announced the cast list, causing an uproar in the mainland film and television circles!
Sun Wukong: Huang Bo.


Who said you can only get script rewards after completing system tasks?

Therefore, when Chen Fei won another Oscar in Hollywood, the news directly caused a "massacre" situation in China!
All major social platforms, portals, Weibo, Tieba and other places are full of news about him.

There are so many people calling to congratulate...

"Buy the film and television adaptation rights of these novels, quickly!"

Chen Fei used to think that it was terrible for actresses to "lick".

Therefore, he can buy the film and television adaptation rights of original novels that will be popular in the future and wait for them to be gradually improved.

"Best Editing, Best Director, Best Picture, who can compete?"

I can help you win the Oscar for Best Actor, but the price is that you stay with me for one night, and I just want to ask if you are excited?

Although the movie will not be released until the second half of the year, it is still better than nothing!
However, Warner Bros. Pictures is a bit worried, because they are discussing with theaters to release "Harry Potter: The Deathly Hallows Part 7" on July 1.

"Stealing that old dog's resources..."

Young Master Kong: Luo Zhixiang.


All of them are unexpected candidates, and they are completely different from the pictures in my memory!
That is to say, the director of the movie is Zhou Xingchi, otherwise the ridicule on the Internet would have started raging long ago.

Teacher Six has emphasized the importance of "respecting the original work" on Weibo many times, but it is obvious that Zhou Xingchi does not listen to him at all.

Respect the original work?

You are not the original author!

Is Journey to the West yours?
If you can, call Mr. Wu out!
Chen Fei didn't pay too much attention to the situation of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons". He simply ate a meal and asked Doanjian Digital to complete the special effects, and then he devoted himself to his work again.

The filming of "Avengers" has come to an end.

In March, the main shooting scenes were big battle scenes, so the acting skills of the actors were relatively high, so almost all of his attention was focused on this.

Occasionally in his spare time, he would go to Industrial Light and Magic to take a look at the post-production status of "Gravity".

Three special effects companies jointly produced it, each drawing on their own strengths, and the speed was so fast!

According to the person in charge, it should be ready by July at the latest.

And this also means that the film can be released in theaters around the world in the second half of the year.

Chen Fei is already discussing the schedule with Han Sanping.

China Film Group is currently arranging films and has not yet given him a reply, but I think it will come soon.

Perhaps stimulated by the cooperation between Zhou Xingchi and Huayi, Feng Xiaogang suddenly announced his new film plan after being silent for a period of time.

"Last year, I received more than 2 billion in box office with "If You Are the One 10" and "Earthquake," but also suffered a lot of criticism.

I have thought about it for a long time and decided to make a truly thought-provoking film this year, and this time, I will go all out..."

Because he only said that he would make a new film, but did not mention the film's title or theme, all the media's attention fell on him.

However, Feng Dapao seemed to have really calmed down this time. He didn't show up for a long time, as if he was really thinking about the script.

Helplessly, the media had no choice but to shift their attention and focus on the upcoming "Warring States".

There are many promotional posters about "Warring States" on the Internet.

Da Tiantian is still so beautiful, even if she is wearing armor and holding a sword, her "ladylike" temperament cannot be concealed.

Wu Zhenyu, Jin Xishan, Sun Honglei...

A large number of talented actors came to support the cast, so that the film attracted a lot of attention in the industry.

Lu Zheng's handiwork is really big, and the global distribution is very impressive, and he is bound to promote Jing Tian to the world!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that she is going to compete with Liu Yifei, but whether she can win or not is still unknown.

As April approaches, Hollywood blockbusters have begun to appear one after another.

"Rio" produced by Blue Sky Studio and 20th Century Fox is scheduled to be released on April 4th. It tells the story of the growth of a "home bird" from Minnesota, USA.

"Fast and Furious 5" is scheduled to be released on April 4th.

Gal Gadot followed the crew to New York to launch pre-release promotional activities.

Coincidentally, the hotel where the crew stayed was the same hotel where Chen Fei stayed, so the quilt in her room remained untouched for three whole days!

When a woman demands it, it is really difficult for a man to withstand it, especially a woman with a very good physique like Gal Gadot...

Chen Fei's physique is naturally good.

But the egg production can’t keep up!



When receiving the call from Ning Hao, Chen Fei was stunned for a while.

He really didn't expect that Feng Xiaogang would be so fierce and prepared to use a historical disaster movie to wash away all the bad opinions of the outside world towards him. However, this subject matter is indeed a bit too depressing.

Although Chen Fei had not experienced that era, he had seen various video materials and documentary records about that time when he was at Nortel.

People with high blood pressure really can't watch this kind of movie, and they will definitely feel uncomfortable for several days after watching it.

"I guess he is preparing to win the prize." Ning Hao gave his own judgment.

Before Chen Fei entered the directing industry, the three giants in the mainland directing circle were Feng Xiaogang, Zhang Yimou, and Chen Kaige.

The latter two have both won awards from the three major European awards, but Feng Xiaogang does not have any strong support from awards.

Now that the subject of "1942" is being brought up, it must be heading towards the three major European universities!


Chen Fei did not delve too deeply into this topic, and the memories in his mind made him feel a little uncomfortable.

It's just that the slight discomfort was quickly covered up by the various fresh melons coming from the internal entertainment.

When it comes to love brains, Huang Xiaoming is definitely one of them.

The name of the first movie the studio invested in after its establishment was actually called "A Romantic Affair."

The movie is invested by China Film and Yinrun Media and directed by Gao Qunshu. The male and female protagonists are rounded out by Huang Xiaoming and his girlfriend Yang Ying respectively.

Young female police officer Lu Yueyue, handsome male police officer Xue Yu...

A sour smell of love began to spread in the film industry.

"Tsk, apart from her acting skills, this girl is really good at other things!"

Chen Fei was inexplicably impressed. This young model from Xiangjiang was really awesome, as if she had taken Huang Xiaoming's soul away.

"Director Chen, haven't you read Weibo? It's been very lively recently, with love triangles, mistresses interfering, and all kinds of weird things..."

Lu Yang, who had been idle for more than half a year, finally couldn't sit still anymore. He called Chen Fei and chatted for a long time about the gossip between "Huang Xiaoming", "Yang Ying" and "Li Feier", and then the topic turned very abruptly to On the script of "Xiu Chun Dao 2".

"Have you read the book thoroughly?" Chen Fei asked casually while eating the snacks that Downey had secretly hidden on the set.

Lu Yang said quickly: "I've eaten it thoroughly! Don't worry, I've eaten it thoroughly!"

"Then send it to trial."

Chen Fei had no intention of blocking Lu Yang and not letting him take pictures. It was not a good behavior to dampen the enthusiasm of employees.

Since he wants to make it, let him make it. It’s just a sequel anyway.

"Hey, okay, thank you Director Chen..."

Lu Yang laughed twice, hung up the phone and ran to the film office with the script in person.

The media were so shrewd. Seeing Lu Yang's happy look, they immediately guessed something.

"Director Lu Yang rushed to the film bureau. It seems that a new film will be released soon."

"Following the great success of "Xiu Chun Knife", Director Lu sets out again!"

"The founder of new Chinese martial arts..."

Within two days, news about "Xiu Chun Dao 2: Shura Battlefield" appeared on the official website of the Film Bureau.

For a time, artists of all sizes in the circle became busy again, and began to use their connections to inquire about the situation.

"Sister Jia? How is it? Do we have hope?"

Yang Mi, who was finishing up the work on the "Far Cry" crew, couldn't wait to call Zeng Jia.

Her filming is about to end, so she is very eager to find new opportunities to play the heroine.

"There is no hope." Zeng Jia explained: "Director Lu Yang said that the original cast will still be used this time, that is, Shu Chang and Zhang Zhen. There are a few outstanding supporting actors..."

"Forget it about supporting roles."

Yang Mi refused without hesitation.

It took a lot of effort to lift the coffee position, but she didn't want to match Shu Chang.

"Then just wait a little longer. How about I help you pick up some variety shows?"

"Okay, I'll make sure the heat doesn't fade away. I want to have some..."

Yang Mi is actually quite interested in "Hongmen Banquet". Feng Shaofeng happens to play "Xiang Yu, the Overlord of Western Chu" in it. It would be great if she could play "Yu Ji".

It's a pity that Emperor, as an investor alongside Starlight, has already included its actor Bai Zhi.

She could only find other opportunities.


It took a full week for China Film to send a reply to Chen Fei.

"Let's put "Gravity" on September 9. There will be little competition in the National Day slot, and your family will be the only one to dominate the box office..."

"Hey? Look at your tone, why do you feel like I'm a landlord?" Chen Fei was quite dumbfounded.

"Isn't that you? Forbes recently announced the personal wealth list. You are second only to Baidu's Li Yanhong, with a net worth of tens of billions!"

Han Sanping's voice was much higher when she said this. At the age of 26, he had a family worth tens of billions. If he had waited until he reached forty or fifty...

I can’t even think about it!

I really can’t think about it!
Chen Fei didn't want to talk about this topic with him, so he changed his mind and simply talked about the co-production mentioned before, "Lucasfilm has confirmed that the co-production can be done, but there are domestic procedures. China Film Group is responsible for this.”


Han Sanping was stunned for a moment, obviously not expecting that the topic span would be so wide.

But he soon reacted.

Co-productions, political achievements...

"Okay, this is no problem. No matter what procedures are required, I will definitely handle them properly for you. You don't have to worry about this..." Han Sanping promised confidently.

What he said is indeed true. The cooperation between "Wolf Warrior" and the military region has been a complete success after his bridging. Wu Jing is currently training with the military region.

"Okay, can you come over some time? Let's go to Lucasfilm to read the script?"

"I'll be free tomorrow..."

"I'm not free! Just wait until April. Come back after "Avengers" is finished filming in April."


Han Sanping hung up the phone with a look of helplessness. This kid made it impossible for him to sleep tonight.


Many actors in the industry felt very sorry for Lu Yang's choice of the original cast.

But then I thought about it, this is a sequel after all, and if all the actors were changed, it wouldn't feel that way anymore.

However, judging from the announced supporting role information, it seems that there are many outstanding characters?
Lu Wenzhao, Pei Lun, Ding Baiying...

For a time, many second- and third-tier artists in the industry heard the news and submitted their resumes one after another, hoping to get a chance to audition.

We can play the roles that Dahua and Dashao despise!

The filming of "Avengers" has finally come to its final scene.

It’s time for Robert Downey Jr. to show off his acting skills!
With a bomb on his back that could destroy the entire city, he shouted loudly for Black Widow to stop closing the space door, and decided to send the bomb into the space door himself.

Although he was low on energy and knew that this mission would probably never come back, he still rushed out without hesitation.

He used his remaining abilities to change his course, and then... rushed straight to the space gate!

What needs to be shown in this section is Tony's tenacity, regret, reluctance and other emotions.

What Chen Fei wants is the entire process of his facial expression changes, from making a decision, to not looking back, to finally making a desperate move...

Although it is a popcorn science fiction film, Chen Fei has very high requirements for the actors' acting skills and story control.

He doesn't want to see a situation like "The Green Hornet."

He wanted the audience to smile knowingly and feel refreshed after entering the theater, but also to remember the highlight moments of the protagonists, and to still have deep memories in their minds after watching the movie.

And this requires a rich story and superb acting skills from the actors!

Fortunately, Tony did not disappoint Chen Fei. He showed the psychological changes in the whole process very well and perfectly presented it with facial expressions.

After carefully checking the material he had just taken, Chen Fei nodded with satisfaction.

"Ok! It's passed! "Avengers" has been successfully completed!"

In an instant, warm cheers erupted from the scene!
At the same time that Chen Fei was greeting everyone to attend the closing dinner, the reporters in the field could no longer hold back their pens and began to spit out ink.

The press release spread quickly around the world on the Internet!
"The investment of "Avengers" with an investment of up to 2.5 million US dollars was officially completed today."

"Director Chen Fei's new film has been completed. It is a major Hollywood A-class production with a total investment of 16.55 billion yuan! Ranked among the top five in film history!"

"Oscar Best Director Award winner Chen Fei's latest science fiction blockbuster is about to be released, bringing together "Iron Man", "Captain America", "Thor", "Hulk", "Eagle Eye", "Black Widow" and many other movies Superheroes, let’s wait and see…”


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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