It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 469 "Painted Skin" is a box office hit! Contains a very high amount of "fagra

Chapter 469 "Painted Skin" is a box office hit! Contains a very high amount of "fagram"!

After the premiere of "Painted Skin 2", Chen Fei did not stay too long in the capital. Instead, he and Liu Yifei returned to Fengyang Village to continue filming "Your Name".

The filming of the film is progressing faster than he expected.

If nothing else happens, he will still be able to attend the world premiere of "Transformers 3".

June is approaching, and major film distributors, whether in Mainland China or North America, seem to be busy all of a sudden.

Chinese-language movies will kick off with "Painted Skin 2", followed by "Snowflakes and the Secret Fan", "The Founding of the Party", "Martial Arts", "Far Cry", etc.

In North America, "Cars 2" will be the first to set sail, followed by "Transformers 3", "War for the Planet of the Apes: Endgame", "The Smurfs", etc.

A fierce and grand box office battle is coming!
"Painted Skin" will be released in mainland theaters on time at 6 a.m. on June 1st.

Many people are looking forward to its first-day box office performance, including Chen Fei.

The media are very generous. Since the premiere, the Internet has been flooded with news about "Painted Skin 2".

"A grand, beautiful and stunning magical 3D journey that is definitely not to be missed."

"At the premiere, more than 3% of the people said that this is the best D magical epic they have ever seen!"

"According to Director Chen Fei's prediction, the box office of "Painted Skin 2" will surpass "Let the Bullets Fly", and Ning Hao will soon replace Jiang Wen and become the new No. 2 in the Chinese film box office list!"

"Stay tuned..."


Time came to May 6 in a blink of an eye.

On the day "Painted Skin 2" was released, "Legend of Hongmen Banquet" and "Famous Catchers" announced the official start of filming.

At the same time, the costume time travel romance drama "Bu Bu Jing Xin" which has been marketed for several months has also been officially launched on Mango Channel.

Tang Dynasty made the final marketing announcement, announcing that "Xuanyuan Sword: Traces of the Sky" starring Liu Shishi has officially started production.

Several media outlets reported the news.

"Liu Shishi will play the second princess of the northern Tarba tribe in the play. She is lively, smart, decisive, and capable of using poison."

"This character may seem quirky, but in fact he is very affectionate and righteous. He can overcome obstacles in order to protect his people. He has a similar personality to Liu Shishi himself!"

"Another costume fantasy masterpiece starring Liu Shishi, better than Zhao Ling'er..."

It’s still the familiar recipe and the same taste.

People in the Tang Dynasty seem to regard Liu Yifei as wool. Every time a drama is released, Liu Shishi is always asked to pick up a handful.

However, it seems like it becomes a joke every time?
Chen Fei didn't pay much attention to "Step by Step" because he received three emails from Isaac Perlmutter.

"Shameless Season 98" was officially launched on Hulu and Netflix. On the day of its premiere, it attracted 8.5 viewers to subscribe. It scored 94 on IMDB and the Rotten Tomatoes popcorn index was as high as %!

There is no doubt that this drama with a high amount of "Fake" was a great success as soon as it came out.

Accompanying the email were several comments about various newspapers.

Chicago Tribune: "At the heart of the show, there's a quality that draws you in and makes you care deeply about this strange, tight-knit, troubled family and want to know where they go next."

The New York Times: “‘Shameless’ is deftly adapted and unexpectedly engaging, crude, funny, but also touching.”

"Time Magazine": "Vulgar lines, bold actions, not being held hostage by the world, free America..."

The second email was about the start of filming for Game of Thrones Season 3.

Still with the original cast, it tells the story of how the burning Blackwater River has cooled, King's Landing is celebrating victory and starting reconstruction work, but the battle for the Iron Throne has reignited.

The investment of 10 million US dollars in 7000 episodes once again stands out from the crowd!

The third email is about the launch of "Spartacus Season 2: Vengeance."

The second season mainly tells the story of the Gladiator Rebellion. The Roman Republic was deeply frightened by this. Gaius Claudius Glaber led the Roman army to Capua in an attempt to eliminate the growing Spartacus army. The story of the freed slave army led by Si and never causing further trouble.

Unfortunately, actor Andy Whitfield, who played Spartacus in the first season, was suddenly diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in March last year and is currently fighting the disease.

Reluctantly, the male protagonist of the second season had to be replaced by Australian actor Liam McEntyre.

Although changing the male lead will have a certain impact on subsequent ratings, it is also a helpless move. After all, the script is ready, so we can't stop filming, right?

After replying to the email, Chen Fei continued to devote himself to the filming of "Your Name".

Today is Zhu Zhu’s final day.

Although her role is important, it is not too much.

This girl has just recently taken on a British movie called "The Secret Sharer". The crew is already urging her to get there quickly, so she has to use today to shoot all the remaining scenes.

When it comes to connections and background, she still has two skills.

In addition to this British film, she also participated in the science fiction film "Cloud Atlas" produced by Warner Bros., which can be regarded as a serious international route.

It is worth mentioning that this "Cloud Atlas" also includes the participation of Zhou Xun and South Korean actor Bae Doona.

Obviously, Warner Bros. has also set its sights on the Asian theater market and wants to get a piece of the pie.

I just don’t know if they will be like Paramount, who just stepped in with one foot and lost several fingers the next second.

It is generally accepted knowledge in the film market that making movies cannot always be profitable.

However, what amazes everyone is that Chen Fei has never tasted failure since he directed his first movie!

"Painted Skin 2" is still the same.

On the morning of June 6, Chen Fei was directly awakened by a phone call.

"Hello? Director Han?"

Although Chen Fei was a little confused, he also knew the purpose of the call, which was to inform him of the first day's box office results.

"510 million at midnight! The box office on the first day of release was 7045 million! That's a full million higher than Jiang Wen's movie!"

On the other end of the phone, Han Sanping's face was full of excitement.

The box office performance of movies in the first half of 2011 was really miserable!
Chinese-language movies hit the streets one after another, and theater income was entirely supported by Hollywood movies.

However, instead of finding fault with themselves, those film producers went to the General Administration to report him, saying that he did not give Chinese films a way out?
He actually wants to give it too!
But what can he do if his family doesn't live up to expectations?
Well now, June has just entered and "Painted Skin 2" is coming.

The box office on the first day was 7045 million, directly injecting a shot in the arm into the barren Chinese-language film market.

If this data can be maintained, it will be considered stable in the first half of the year, and those reporting letters can be thrown into the shredder.


On the other end of the phone, Chen Fei yawned, looking like he really didn't care.

Being accustomed to Hollywood blockbusters, he has no interest in box office in the domestic market.

Isn’t it just over ten million US dollars, what’s there to be excited about?

"Do you think it will continue to rise?" Han Sanping asked in an expectant tone.

Chen Fei counted the days and replied: "On the 4th, which is Saturday, there should be a reverse decline."

"Okay, I hope we can successfully exceed 7 million as you said at the premiere!"

With great expectations, Han Sanping began to wait for the next box office results.

After hanging up the phone and glancing at the time, Chen Fei covered his head and continued to sleep soundly.

It's only half past six in the morning. Why are you so anxious?
He and Liu Yifei now have almost the same schedule, and they almost have to sleep until ten o'clock during filming.

The question is, if I feel angry when I wake up, when will I sleep until my anger is gone?

However, this sleep was obviously not restful.

As soon as Han Sanping hung up the phone, Ren Zhonglun called over, as if he was going to take the celebration banquet to the Magic City.

Chen Fei ignored him and asked him to talk to Han Sanping.

For the black gauze hats on their heads, these two people are more impressive than the other.

Han Sanping even said that she would go to the Bird's Nest to hold a celebration banquet, which made Chen Fei's lips twitch!
In the morning, when Chen Fei got up and turned on his phone, as expected, a lot of missed calls and text messages popped up.

He thought for a while and called Ning Hao back first.

"What the hell? My real dad! You've turned on your phone. Have you read the news on the Internet? Our movie box office exploded!"

"Ok, I know."

He turned on the speakerphone casually and brushed his teeth while listening to Ning Hao's excited roar over there.

After Ning Hao's roar ended, Jiang Wen called again, his tone full of emotion!
"Strong! So strong! I really admire you!"

Chen Fei joked: "What? You also want to try 3D? The ticket price of this thing is high, which will greatly help the box office growth."

"Let's forget it. This is something you young people created. I can't play with it." Jiang Wen shook his head and finally said, "I'm almost done with my new script. Do you think I'll get a share by then? You continue. Come and play a role for me?"

"Okay, no problem."

Chen Fei agreed without hesitation.

While eating lunch, he took a look at the film and television information website.

As expected, all the news is about "Painted Skin 2"!

"The box office of "Painted Skin 2" on the first day was 7045 million! Far surpassing "Let the Bullets Fly" and aiming for 10 billion!"

"3D+magic, a refreshing movie-watching experience, the attendance rate of "Painted Skin 2" is as high as %."

"A perfect visual effects experience, the picture quality is not inferior to "Pirates of the Caribbean" at all, highly recommended..."

As "Painted Skin 2" sold out at the box office on its first day, major theater chains did not hesitate to increase their film schedules and flexibly adjusted their film schedules for several Hollywood blockbusters in May.

The next day's box office: 6785 million.

Three-day box office: 6436 million.

The total box office in the three days of the first weekend was 2.02 million!
After the data was exposed, it once again triggered a heated discussion in the circle.

Many people are predicting that according to the current box office growth trend, the monthly box office performance of "Painted Skin 2" will definitely not stop at 7 million, and may even hit 10 billion!
The only one that can affect "Painted Skin 2" in June is "Snowflake and the Secret Fan".

However, the latter is just a literary film. Even if it has a certain impact, it will definitely not be that big.

Saturday box office: 8254 million (down).

Sunday box office: 6963 million.

Monday box office: 4645 million.

Tuesday (Dragon Boat Festival) box office: 5638 million (reverse decline).

The box office in the first week was 4.62 billion!
The box office performance that "If You Are the One 2" took a month to create was actually surpassed by "Painted Skin 2" in just one week.

Many film and television production companies in the industry suddenly have a new understanding of the term "3D movie".

Judging from past experience, 3D seems to mean 'high box office', 'high income' and 'high returns'.

Wang Zhongjun suddenly regretted it.

If I had known this, I should have made "Detective Dee: The Tongtian Empire" into a 3D movie. It would definitely make more money than 2D!

But it's not too late now, because when they were filming "The Empire of Heaven", they had already made plans with Xu Ke for the filming of "Di Renjie: The God of Dragon King".

This time, we must use 3D!

There are many people joining in to ride the popularity of "Painted Skin 2", and the one who gets the most attention is undoubtedly Zhang Weiping.

On the day "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" was finalized, he made a big mistake in front of the media!

"Although "Painted Skin 2" is somewhat excellent, compared with "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins", there is no comparison between the two.

The latter invested 6 million yuan and invited international superstars like Bell. What about the former? Haha, it’s just a bunch of crooked melons and cracked dates, nothing to worry about.

Our goal has always been to exceed 10 billion, refresh the box office record of domestic movies, and prove Zhang Yimou's status in the field of commercial films!
You mean "Gravity"? Ha, I have never regarded it as a comparison target. It will definitely not be the opponent of "Thirteen Hairpins". If you don't believe it, just wait and see..."

Some people in the industry expressed their belief in Zhang Weiping's bold words, but others said he was just bragging.

There is still some credibility to surpass "Painted Skin 2", but it is not necessarily true to compete with "Gravity".

The same investment of 600 million is still a science fiction masterpiece, and Chen Fei himself is the lead actor and producer. It seems that your weight is not enough, right?
In the face of everyone's doubts, Zhang Weiping still looked like a dick, "If you don't believe me, just wait and see. Facts speak louder than words. In fact, Chen Fei is just like that. He doesn't have much ability. His reputation is just blown out... "

Ning Hao led a group of people from the "Painted Skin 2" crew to visit the "Your Name" crew.

Zhou Xun deliberately provoked Chen Fei and asked him to confront Zhang Weiping on Weibo, "Can you bear this? People say you are bragging."

"Haha." Chen Fei was not angry at all, and said with a cheerful smile: "He made a bad move, but I'm not a bad caller. If I go to Weibo to respond to him, wouldn't I just fall into the trap?
On the contrary, it's you. People publicly say that you are all a bunch of crooked people. How can you bear it? "

"This evil pen..."

Zhou Xun muttered a few words and was not interested in confronting Zhang Weiping on Weibo.

Everyone knows that that guy is just trying to increase the popularity. If you really fight with him on the Internet, you will fall into his "trick".

"What are you doing?"

Seeing Chen Fei chatting with him and clicking on his cell phone, Zhou Xun suddenly became curious.

“Post it on Weibo!”

"Huh? Didn't you say you wouldn't quarrel with him?"

"Who said I was going to quarrel with him? I just posted on Weibo to record my daily life."

While saying this, Chen Fei quickly pressed the publish button and then put his phone into his pocket.

"Let me see what you posted..."

Zhou Xun muttered in a low voice, then took out his mobile phone, opened Weibo, and found Chen Fei's account.

When she clicked in and took a look, she immediately became happy.

I saw that Chen Fei's latest Weibo post was a photo of a nine-square grid.

There are a Golden Bear trophy, a Palme d'Or trophy, a Golden Lion trophy, a Golden Globe Award for Best Director trophy, a Saturn Award for Best Director trophy, an Annie Award for Best Animation Director trophy and two Oscars for Best Director. trophy and a Berlin Best Actor trophy.

The accompanying text is very simple, only 16 words.

"I'm sorry, but these are just bragging."

Seeing this, Zhou Xun couldn't stop the smile on his face.

After reading through the comments below, she was even more happy!
"Director Chen, you are exaggerating. Are you just using an anti-aircraft gun to kill mosquitoes?"

"@张伟平, come on, can you give me a few trophies for us to see?"

"@张伟平, hahahahahaha, who do you think you are messing with? You mess with Director Chen? He has so many trophies that he can hardly let them go. Do you think he is bragging?"


Zhou Xun was amused and gave Chen Fei a thumbs up, "You are still cruel! The slap in the face made a snap, hahahahahaha!"

"It's just a trivial matter."

Chen Fei waved his hand and didn't care.

To deal with a guy like Zhang Weiping, you have to suppress him forcefully as soon as you take action.


Labor and management are directly pressing down on "Nine Finger Mountains" to see how you can escape!

While the two were chatting, they saw Ning Hao walking over with a plate of watermelon. When they were far away, he shouted: "Come on, eat some watermelon to cool down. It's really hot today!"

Chen Fei subconsciously turned to look at him, and his eyes were immediately dazzled by the big gold chain around his neck.

"What the hell? Did you buy a thicker one again?"

"Yeah, how is it? Are you handsome?"

Ning Hao deliberately raised his neck and listened to the sound of gold chains colliding with each other, an expression of great enjoyment suddenly appeared on his face.

"I have decided that every time I break a box office record, I will buy a thicker gold chain than before. As a man, you must be kind to yourself."

"Oh, you are so vulgar, you actually like to wear this thing?"

Zhou Xun curled his lips, took the watermelon from his hand, and gnawed it unceremoniously.

Chen Fei stretched out his hand and weighed it, his eyes a little complicated, "How much does this weigh now?"

"About 250 grams."

"You just said that every time you break a record, you have to add weight and try again?"

Ning Hao raised his head and said with high spirits, "At least 100 grams!"

"Then you have to be careful about your spine." Chen Fei pointed out.

Ning Hao was slightly startled, "Ah? Why?"

"Because I have prepared three more scripts for you. If they can break the box office record every time, your neck will bear a weight of 550 grams, which is... more than a pound."

Ning Hao: "(#Д)!!!"


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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