It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 497: Mediating backstabbing, watching the show, and then yelling at the end that this step-o

Chapter 497: Mediating backstabbing and scolding at the end of the show... This Taima is the real leader!
On the morning of the 20th, in accordance with the requirements of the bureau, Chen Fei appeared at the door of the Film Bureau at nine o'clock exactly.

He must have arrived relatively late. When he got off the bus, he looked around and saw that there were so many people!

"Director Chen, why are you here so late?"

"Mr. Chen..."

Jiang Wen and Wang Changtian came over one after another. Many people were about to move, but after thinking about it, they still didn't move.

Chen Fei's identity seems a little embarrassing in the current situation.

He represents both the production side and the theater side, and he has never clearly stood on one side from the beginning to the end, so many people are a little confused about his thoughts.

If he sided with the producers, it would definitely be a heavy blow to the theaters.

But if he stands firmly on the theater side, then the producers will have another headache...

"Why don't you go in?"

Feeling so desperate, Wu Kebo suddenly said when he entered the door: "Mr. Chen, are you going to side with our producers today? Or are you going to side with the theaters?"

In an instant, Wukbo felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and countless bad thoughts suddenly flashed through his mind.

As a result, the ticket price of "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" is approaching the one hundred yuan mark!
You know, this is just a 2D movie.

Wu Kebo immediately replied: "Of course it's the producer. Aren't you the director?"

Chen Fei saw Huo Qigang and Ye Ning who were whispering.

Increasing the share of revenue offended theater chains.


Tong Ju sat in the middle, Zhang Weiping sat on the left side of the conference room, and representatives from the other nine major theaters sat on the right side.

Chen Fei pulled Jiang Wen aside and took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket very skillfully.

Chen Fei glanced at the crowd at the scene with some doubts. Looking around, the people standing outside were all the top leaders of various production companies, or the top commercial film directors and producers in the industry.

Raising ticket prices has offended movie fans.

The two chatted for less than half an hour, both eating several handfuls of melon seeds, when someone finally came out and called them in.

Patting the crumbs on his hands, Chen Fei followed him leisurely.

"Oh, that's how it is……"

In fact, when it comes to the choice of leading brother, Chen Fei is more suitable than Zhang Weiping. With his box office appeal and status in the industry, theaters must give him this face.

"Too bad!"

Domestic theater chains generally designate Tuesday as half-price day, and the lowest ticket price refers to the ticket price on Tuesday.

“Only theater chains can agree?”

"Some are strongly opposed to it, but others don't mind it that much. Anyway, you can make money no matter what. The difference is just more or less."

But what makes everyone helpless is that he is also the major shareholder of Pan-Asia Cinemas, one of the nine major cinema chains in China.

No wonder I didn't see Huo Qigang, it turned out that he went in early.

This shows how big Zhang Weiping’s appetite is!

"That's true."

"That's right." Jiang Wen shrugged and said in a slightly mocking tone: "In his words, the screening time of "The Thirteen Hairpins" is nearly 50 minutes longer than that of ordinary movies. Can’t we increase the price?”

That is to say, Zhang Yimou is here, otherwise Zhang Weiping's operation will definitely be aborted.

The CEOs of other production companies also changed their expressions at this moment, looking at Wu Kebo with anger.

Nowadays, even for a Hollywood 3DiMax special effects blockbuster, the ticket price is only 110-130.

Facing Wu Kebo's sudden attack, Chen Fei smiled at him: "Which side does Mr. Wu want me to take?"

Chen Fei couldn't help but sigh: "You benefit yourself at the expense of others!"

Are you sick?
Why are you provoking this man?

At this moment, Chen Fei's acting skills suddenly exploded. After sneering at him, he gave him a mysterious look.

If he makes two random moves from the perspective of Pan-Asian Cinemas, who among the production companies in the industry can withstand it?
The group quickly entered the large conference room, and then discovered a scene that was like the "division between Chu and Han".

For example, if the minimum ticket price of Pan-Asia Cinemas' theaters in first-tier cities is raised to 40 yuan, then the full ticket price will be 80 yuan. Then the theaters will actually increase the ticket price slightly according to their own grade and scale.

As soon as these words came out, the scene fell into silence, and everyone turned to look at Chen Fei.

What surprised him was that none of the top leaders from the nine major theaters were present!
At this time, Wang Changtian gave him the answer: "Zhang Weiping and representatives from several theaters were called in. We have to wait a while before we can go in."

Don't even think about it. If this news is leaked, Zhang Weiping's 18th generation ancestor will definitely be pulled out by movie fans to pay tribute in turn.

"Hey? Give me some too!"

Zhang Weiping demanded that the minimum ticket price be increased by five yuan, which also meant that the full ticket price was increased by a full ten yuan!

"So, what is the situation now? How far has it developed?"

Jiang Wen first asked for a handful of melon seeds, and then said: "Zhang Weiping asked for an increase in the minimum ticket price and an increase in the bill sharing ratio. He also made demands on film arrangement. It can be said that the lion opened his mouth..."

This is very embarrassing!

After the two saw him coming in, they gave him a special look.

Chen Fei patted his pocket to express his understanding.

Today, he came to the venue purely as a spectator. As for whether he should leave the venue to participate, he would wait and see the situation first.

Tong Gang glanced at the people entering the conference room and said, "Take a seat."

As soon as he finished speaking, the crowded crowd immediately split into two lines.

Production companies, industry directors, producers, etc., led by Guangguang, Huayi, and Chengtian, all moved to the left.

The theater chain representatives from various provinces and cities went straight to the nine major theater chains.

After seeing this, Chen Fei didn't even think about it. He went straight to the middle seat and chose to sit face to face with Tong Gang.

At this moment, both sides were a little confused.

What is this operation?
However, before everyone could figure it out, they heard Tong Gang, who was sitting in the main seat, say: "I won't say any more. The reason why I asked you to come here today is mainly to mediate between the "Jinling Thirteen Beauties" and the court. Things on the line.”

There was silence in the conference room, everyone was waiting for his next words.

Just now, Zhang Weiping and the nine theaters entered the venue early. They must have reached some kind of agreement, otherwise they would not have been called in.

Having a large number of people does not mean that mediation can proceed smoothly. Again, all games are decided by a small number of people.

Sure enough, the next second, everyone heard the following words:

"Before you came in, I had already talked with representatives from the theaters and producers, and they expressed their willingness to accept mediation."


There hasn't been any movement from the theater side, and the producers can't sit still.

As the "leader" in the production industry, Wang Zhongjun suddenly stood up and asked in a deep voice: "What is the content of the adjustment?"

Chen Fei resisted the urge to take out melon seeds from his pocket and looked at Zhang Weiping with interest.

Since coming in, he has been paying attention to Zhang Weiping's various little moves.

At this moment, Zhang Weiping suddenly touched the tip of his nose, his eyes rolling around, as if he was thinking about how to fool people.

"The minimum ticket price in all theaters across the country can be increased by five yuan. If the accounts are divided, the box office of "The Thirteen Hairpins" can be divided at 5% if it is less than 45 million, and 5% if it exceeds 41 million."

"That's it?"

Wang Zhongjun was stunned immediately. This was not the result he wanted.

Tong Gang asked, "Isn't this your recent demand?"

After the words fell, everyone on the production side turned their eyes and stared at Zhang Weiping!
Their demand is to increase the account sharing ratio in all aspects, not just for one "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins".

If it is not about personal interests, why do they support New Picture and Zhang Weiping?

But now?

This "representative" coerced the entire circle of producers and theaters into fighting, but in the end he only satisfied his own selfish interests and abandoned all his allies!

However, at this moment, they could only glare at Zhang Weiping and say nothing more.

Because when everyone shouted slogans, they really only took out "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling". And everything Zhang Weiping said in private was compressed into shit by him personally and showed it to those who supported him.

At this time, there are still many people on the theater side who are not willing to accept this mediation plan.

If the box office is less than 5 million, it will be divided at 45%. Doesn’t this mean that tens of millions will be lost in vain?
"I disagree!"

Yu Dong was the first to stand up: "Tong Bureau, there is no such thing. Think about it, how many times has he changed it? If we accept it this time, next time he continues to ask for a change in the account sharing ratio, will we agree or not? disagree?"

Zhang Weiping's retort followed closely: "What you said on horseback is complete nonsense! You guys in the theater are making money, but we, the film studio, have to bear the risks, and have to bear the cost of copying and publicity, and increase the share ratio. What's wrong?"

"You're the one farting..."

For a moment, Yu Dong and Zhang Weiping stood up and started shouting at each other wildly, refusing to give in to each other.


A loud shout suddenly sounded, immediately making the two of them dumbfounded.

Tong Gang's face was gloomy and he banged the table with his right hand: "The mediation plan is there. If you are willing to abide by it, then let it go. If you are not willing, then refuse to let it go. It's that simple. Do you understand?"

The two of them didn't say anything more, they just looked at each other, as if sparks were exploding in the air.

Obviously, this matter is not over yet!
But the tone from above has been set, and the nine major theater chains will definitely abide by it. The rest are just minor conflicts, which will not cause any trouble at all, and there is no need to work hard from above.

"Does anyone have any questions? If not, this is the end of today's meeting..."

"Tong Bureau, I have something else to say."

His mouth felt dry after eating too many melon seeds. Chen Fei unscrewed the mineral water on the table and took a big sip before slowly standing up.

For a moment, both the producers and the theaters all looked over.

"you say?"

The gloominess on Tong Gang's face quickly dissipated, replaced by a friendly expression.

This is the real acting school!
"Ahem." After coughing twice, Chen Fei took a look at Zhang Weiping and said, "What I just heard you say is that this plan belongs exclusively to "Jinling Thirteen Panties", right?
What about us? Apart from new images, what about the movies produced by our companies? Will it still be based on the previous account sharing ratio? "

As soon as he finished speaking, many production company bosses who were still glaring at Zhang Weiping all brightened up at this moment.

This horse-riding guy is the one taking the lead!

In comparison, what's the difference between Zhang Weiping and "Song Jiang" in Water Margin?

As for "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" and Zhang Yimou, what do they mean in front of Chen Fei?
Whether it is commercial value or literary and artistic level, if Chen Fei claims that he is the second in the country, who in the industry would dare to claim that he is the first?

Mainland China's first European triple-gold director, holds two Oscar statuettes for Best Director, two Oscar statuettes for Best Foreign Language Film, plus the domestic box office record holder, the global box office record No. 2...

Only such a person deserves the title of "Leader"!

At the same time, Yu Dong, who was still frantically confronting Zhang Weiping, suddenly fell silent at this moment.

As for the representatives from the nine major theaters, their faces were full of bitterness at this time.

They dared to confront Zhang Weiping online, but they did not dare to confront Chen Fei in person.

In recent years, the reason why domestic theater chains have been able to develop so fast is completely inseparable from Chen Fei.

"Mulan", "Beautiful Heart", "Painted Skin 2", "Inception", "Gravity"...

If it weren't for these high-quality commercial blockbusters, how would their theater chains make money?

Chen Fei glanced at the theater side and saw a group of people unconsciously looking away, then he said cheerfully:

"The total box office of "Gravity" in the mainland is 16.57 billion. If we calculate it based on the 45% account sharing ratio, then I should have suffered an indirect loss of several hundred million, right?"

Chen Fei kept talking and continued: "Also, "Pacific Rim" with an investment of up to 6.5 million will be completed at the end of this month and will be released next year at the latest.

As for the "Ghost Blowing Lamp" series that director Ning Hao is preparing, the total investment for the six films is expected to be around 40 billion yuan.

The investment amount for "The Thirteen Hairpins" has just reached 600 million, but they require an increase in the account sharing ratio. So how will I arrange my "Pacific Rim" and "Ghost Blowing the Lamp"? How much is the bill sharing ratio that the theater chain is going to increase for me?

I won’t mention the low-budget projects like “Journey to the West: The Return of the Monkey King”. I will also plan to make the “Kung Fu Panda” series into co-productions in the future, and there are many large-scale production scripts that have been initially formed, and it is expected to be produced every year. If we promote it as a co-production, how to calculate the share ratio of these movies..."

Chen Fei kept talking without stopping, directly laying out his film plans for the next three years.

Everyone at the production company was all smiling, and everyone looked at the theater with provocative eyes.

The leader of my family has called, how do you answer it?
On the theater side, except for Huo Qigang, who was sitting upright, all the heads of the theater companies frowned.

This is really hard to say.

They were not afraid of offending Zhang Weiping.

But if Chen Fei, a great director of commercial films, is lost, it will be really painful.

The most important thing is that he also has a Pan-Asian theater chain under his control, so he has no worries about being jointly suppressed by other theater chains...

It’s very uncomfortable to step on a horse!

Tong Gang was also slightly stunned at this time and didn't say anything for a long time. He was obviously stumped.

He couldn't help but secretly imagine in his heart, if Chen Fei followed Zhang Weiping's example and asked for an increase in the bill sharing ratio, how should the theater chain respond?
It’s difficult!
He subconsciously turned his head and glanced at the theater side, and happened to catch Huo Qigang's eyes.

The next second, as if he had received some kind of instruction, the boy stood up and said: "Mr. Chen, your situation at Feiyue Film and Television is somewhat special, and it is more suitable for the 'stepped box office splitting' in Hollywood.

As long as the box office of the movie is higher, the account sharing ratio can gradually increase accordingly. As for how to calculate it specifically, we can negotiate slowly in private. What do you think? "

As soon as these words came out, the representatives from the other eight major theaters and those from small and medium-sized theaters all nodded in unison.

"Indeed, the tiered box office splitting can also be applied here..."

"This is equivalent to a different kind of gambling agreement."

"It must be a film with a production cost of more than 6 million yuan, otherwise this method will not apply..."

Representatives of many theater chains worked out a relatively rough framework for the distribution of movie box office accounts in a short time.

Chen Fei just looked at them and let them improve themselves.

His goal has been achieved. As for the subsequent operations, there are many people willing to complete it for him.

Just like Han Sanping.

The Third Master was now staring at the theater side with bright eyes, as if he had already figured out how to exploit them.

Although China Film Group also owns theaters, due to the special nature of state-owned enterprises, Han Sanping is also in the producer camp at the moment.

Movies such as "Ghost Blowing the Lamp" and "Pacific Rim" also have a certain share of investment from China Film.

The higher the box office split ratio, the brighter his performance will be!
"Okay, okay, you can discuss these in private. Today is mainly about mediating the dispute between "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" and the theaters."

Tong Gang suddenly shouted to stop the theater operators who were concentrating on their own. His eyes stayed on Huo Qigang and Chen Fei for a moment respectively, and he secretly muttered in his heart: "These two boys are really good at singing and harmonizing... …”

In order to prevent further trouble, he stood up and announced directly: "The mediation of "The Thirteen Hairpins of Jinling" has been completed. Just go ahead and do what you have to do. Don't let this quarrel go."


As the "mediator" left, a group of people got up and walked outside the film office.

Huo Qigang gave Chen Fei a look, and then quickly left the scene while others were not paying attention.

If he was stopped by other theater representatives who suddenly woke up, there would inevitably be another round of entanglement. After all, he had just sung a harmony with Chen Fei and directly tricked the theaters into it, making them subconsciously accept the "stepped box office split." ".

Chen Fei didn't just leave like him, but after greeting other producers and theater representatives cordially, he walked out slowly.

He also took out the last handful of melon seeds from his pocket, ready to watch the last show of the day.

"Zhang Weiping, you are simply a shameless and dirty person!"

Wu Kebo cursed Zhang Weiping fiercely, spat at him again, and left angrily.

In previous confrontations between producers and theaters, Chengtian can be said to be Zhang Weiping’s number one fighter!

Now, with Zhang Weiping's backstabbing, there is inevitably a gap between Chengtian and the theaters.

The older brother who was the leader in the past won, but the younger brother was deceived. No wonder Wu Kebo cursed regardless of his image.

On the other side, Yu Dong stared at Zhang Weiping with cold eyes, as fierce as a snake facing its prey!
It's not over yet!
Others can endure this tone, but Bona will never tolerate it!
Ever since "Hero", Zhang Weiping has repeatedly touched Bona's bottom line and singled out his family. If he continues to tolerate it, where will his old face of Yu Dong go?

A melon seed was easily bitten open by Chen Fei. He looked at the scene in front of him happily, and suddenly felt that he didn't bring enough melon seeds.

"It seems like there are a lot of good shows to watch next?"


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!)
(End of this chapter)

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