Chapter 505 Happy Widow?
When it comes to professionalism, Yang Mi is indeed one of the best among the female stars in domestic entertainment.

As the filming of "The Big Take" and "The Big Four 2" were announced one after another, she immediately teamed up with the crew of "Love in Seattle" to announce the casting situation.

After receiving the news, the media quickly reported the news.

"The movie "Love in Seattle" written and directed by Xue Xiaolu has been officially approved, and Yang Mi has been confirmed to play the role of the heroine 'Wen Jiajia'."

"It is reported that the investment in this film is more than 3000 million yuan, and Hai Qing, a well-known actress in the industry, will also participate."

"The investors include China Film, Feiyue Film and Television, Movie Channel, etc. It is suspected that it will be a high-quality urban love movie equivalent to "Love Is Not Blind"."

The first time he saw the news, Chen Fei was slightly startled, and then immediately called Su Guohai.

"Are you sure about the investment in "Love in Seattle"?"

"Yes." Su Guohai obviously didn't expect that Chen Fei would even ask about such a trivial matter, so he simply explained a few more sentences:
"The filming team will use the production team of Feiyue Film and Television. This is a project of China Film Group Corporation, and Mr. Han specially asked us to participate in it..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Fei interrupted directly: "Has the male lead been decided yet?"

In Hollywood, box office revenue only accounts for about 30% of a movie's total revenue, and the remaining 70% must be collected offline.

After going around in circles, Chen Fei finally decided to give the DreamWorks film department a little more intensity.

"Contact him and arrange for him to audition for the role of 'Hao Zhi'. After all, he is a handsome man. Try to go to the film industry and see if he can make some splash."

Fortunately, it hasn't been finalized yet, otherwise there will definitely be a lot of trouble later.

Near the end of 11, Chen Fei has finally finished handling the work at hand.

In addition to digesting the various previous revenue sharing gains, it is also necessary to vigorously promote the development of the offline market, and DVD and streaming media on demand must be followed up in a timely manner.

This movie is still directed by Jon Favreau, and the protagonist is naturally Robert Downey Jr.

As for this time period in 2012, Marvel Studios will not launch any works.

Chen Fei was going to take some time to send him a science fiction film script, so that the old man could show off his hard power again!

According to the predictions of industry evaluation agencies in Hollywood, before this movie is officially released, if nothing unexpected happens, it should break the North American box office record of "Inception"!

As for the global box office record, it is probably very difficult.

Su Guohai also specially explained: "The sales of his new album "Mr. Vincent" were particularly dismal, and at the same time, he actually encountered Jay Chou's new album "Exclamation Mark"!
There are also Xu Song's new song "Thousands of Baidu", Wang Sulong's new song "Love that Will Not Break Up", Xu Liang's new song "Guests Can't", as well as songs such as "Love's Offering", "Three Inches of Heaven", "Unforgiven", Excellent works such as "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky", "Chasing Dreams" and "Father".

Chen Fei didn't care much.

As for "Kung Fu Panda 3" and "How to Train Your Dragon 2" from DreamWorks Animation, according to Jeffrey Katzenberg's expectations, they will probably be successfully completed around April.

Since the first "Avengers" failed to succeed, there are still more "Avengers" lining up to be released.

"it is good."

The negatives of the three film and television dramas "The Hunger Games: Catching Fire", "Game of Thrones Season 2" and "Spartacus Season " have all passed the review and have now officially entered post-production.

Facing so many powerful opponents, it would be strange if he could survive!

Su Guohai agreed without much thought.

As long as they can make money, the rest is nothing but trivial matters to these producers and investment tycoons.


After all, the total global box office of the former is as high as 18 billion US dollars, while "Avengers" has just climbed to 13 billion US dollars. The US$5 million gap in the middle is not so easy to make up.

He is now focused on defeating "Avatar" and taking back the box office crown in film history.

At the same time, preparatory work for the two movies "Thor: The Dark World" and "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" has also begun.

The mountains are high and the roads are far away, just wait and see!

The schedule for the whole year is full, and Kevin Feige is both painful and happy.

After pondering for a while, a name quickly popped up in his mind: "What is Jiao Enjun doing recently? Are you still working on his new album?"

This will be a task that Kevin Feige needs to follow throughout 2012.

As the screening time approaches a month, the North American box office has successfully exceeded 13 million U.S. dollars, and the global total box office has reached billion U.S. dollars.

Chen Fei was stunned for a moment, and then silently mourned for Jiao Enjun in his heart.

Turn your attention back to "Avengers".

In the face of these songs, his new album didn't even make a splash. "

The post-production of "Now You See Me" has been completed 2/3, and the script of "Transformers 4" has not yet been written...

He is just a leading actor in a low-budget urban romance movie. As long as Jiao Enjun's acting skills are in place and he can say hello to Xue Xiaolu.

As for Han Sanping, it was even better. As long as it was Chen Fei's opinion, he had never refuted it.

Spielberg is so free that he even had time to make an animated movie last year. Although the global box office revenue was 3.9 million U.S. dollars, it really didn't fit his style.

"Well, that's right, but it's a pity that they didn't sell very well."

According to the plan, the movie will be officially released in 2013.

Hearing this, Chen Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

"It hasn't been confirmed yet, but Director Xue seems to be in contact with actors from China Theater Company. It seems that an actor named 'Wu Xibo' is in contact with the role of 'Hao Zhi'."

As for Marvel, the preparations for "Iron Man 3" are almost over.


As for China, "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate" and "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" have completely gone crazy!

The two movies directly shared 3.5% of the Lunar New Year market share, with box office sales exceeding 4 million and heading towards million.

According to the current daily box office growth trend, if nothing unexpected happens, the box office of the two movies should both end at around 5 million.

"Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" may break 6 million, but it is estimated that it will barely break through.

Thanks to the blessing of the Golden Globe Award nomination, "The Thirteen Girls" has been beating "Flying Swords of Dragon Gate", and the former always beats the latter at the box office.

It's just that, unlike Bona's various celebrations and half-time champagne popping, Zhang Weiping's side was like mourning for a heir!

The total investment is as high as 18 million yuan. If you want to recover the cost through box office, you will need at least billion in total box office.

There is no need to think about it in the mainland. After all, "Gravity" was so powerful, and the final box office in the mainland was only 16 billion.

Therefore, Zhang Weiping focused more on Hollywood.

In his opinion, since the film can be nominated for the Golden Globe Award for Best Foreign Language Film, the box office performance should not be much worse.

It should be at least US$1.5 million, right?

You know, most of the investment in this movie came from bank loans, and the collateral was the copyright of the movie.

If the North American box office fails to meet expectations, then the money will most likely not be repaid. By then, even if the entire new screen is sold, it will probably not be enough to compensate!

"Dong dong dong..."

There was a sudden knock on the door.


Zhang Weiping shouted in the office and looked at the door.

As the door opened, his new female secretary yesterday walked in. She glanced at him with watery eyes, as if she had some kind of alluring charm.

But at this time, his mind was on another thing.

"How about it? Have the box office results of "The Thirteen Beauties" in Hollywood been announced?"


The female secretary nodded slightly.

Zhang Weiping couldn't help but stand up, his eyes filled with anticipation: "How much?"

The female secretary opened the folder, glanced at it, and spit out a number: "$9."

"How many???"

Zhang Weiping's voice suddenly rose in pitch!


"Fuck!" A roar suddenly burst out from Zhang Weiping's mouth, and his face turned red instantly.

You know, this movie is not taking the buyout route, but is being released in North America on a share basis.

The box office on the first day was US$9, which also means that the total box office will never exceed one million US dollars!
Such achievements cannot even recover the cost of publicity, let alone make money.

Compared with the high investment of 600 million yuan, even selling the underwear is not enough to compensate!

"boss Zhang……"

The female secretary subconsciously took a step back. Looking at the crazy Zhang Weiping in front of her, she felt a wave of fear in her heart.

Who is she serving? Is this a lunatic?

"Get out! Get out of here!"

The beauty was in front of him, but Zhang Weiping had no idea of ​​touching her.

He only has one thought now: "Jinling Thirteen Hairpins" has been lost! Big compensation, special compensation!
Seeing this, the female secretary quickly left the office and went straight to the personnel office downstairs.

Before joining the company, she dreamed of being with a rich man, but now, she was facing a violent and irritable devil.

She has no interest in seeking abuse.

I heard that Boss Xu from Evergrande is recruiting some kind of song and dance troupe. I was the beauty of the dance club when I was in college, so maybe that would be a good choice.



It’s almost time to send out the Oscar nomination ballots, but this piece of shit Harvey Weinstein still takes action!
Overnight, all the major entertainment pages were filled with all kinds of dirty stuff about Jennifer Lawrence.

Chen Fei took a brief look at the newspaper after taking it from his assistant.

Among the many black materials, most of them are gossipy news. At a glance, it is obvious that they were fabricated by entertainment reporters after receiving dirty money.

However, one piece of news caught Chen Fei's attention.

"Jennifer Lawrence has been in love with Hollywood Oscar king Jack Nicholson since she was 16 years old. It was not until she participated in "The Hunger Games" when she was 20 years old that she turned around and fell in love with Chinese director Chen Fei. At such a young age It is really rare to have such a scheming mind..."

The language art of irony has been applied to the extreme!
This news was placed on the front page of a newspaper and even included two pictures.

The first photo shows Jennifer Lawrence and Jack Nicholson kissing passionately on the streets of France, while the second photo shows Chen Fei and Jennifer Lawrence holding hands and looking at each other.

Not to mention the former, Chen Fei is too familiar with the latter!

Isn't this the scene when he was on the set directing Jennifer Lawrence to shoot an emotional scene?
Obviously, the scandal about him and Jennifer Lawrence was obviously "look at the pictures" by the media.

The latter is easy to deal with. As long as a few actors who were on the crew to prove it can naturally break the rumors.

But the former is troublesome!
This photo of a passionate kiss is so clear that it was obviously taken secretly while the two were dating.

"Boom boom boom!"

There was a sudden knock on the door of the office.

Natasha walked in quickly, glanced at the newspaper in Chen Fei's hand, and said very quickly: "In three days, it will be time for the Oscars to send out the nomination ballots. The news on the Internet is very important to our competition for the Best Actress Oscar." The award is very unfavorable.”

"I know." Chen Fei nodded and asked, "What did the public relations team say?"

"They said that they can let Jennifer Lawrence come out to clarify first. If the matter is false, it is best to provide evidence. If it is true, the heat must be dissipated quickly."

Chen Fei immediately turned to look at his assistant: "Contact Jennifer and ask her to say hello to Jack Nicholson..."

As he was talking, the cell phone on the table suddenly rang.

Chen Fei looked down and saw the name "Little Plum" on the caller ID.

"Hello, Leon? What's the matter?"

Xiao Lizi's laughter came from the other end of the phone: "Fei, you seem to be in some trouble?"

Chen Fei took a look at the newspaper in front of him and asked directly: "Do you have any idea?"

"Nicholson wants to meet you. Do you have time? Let's come out and have a chat?"

"Give me a spot."


An hour later, Chen Fei walked into Academy, known as one of the three top nightclubs in Los Angeles.

He walked straight to a private box upstairs, pushed the door open, and immediately saw DiCaprio and Jack Nicholson, who were deeply immersed in the woman.

Old Jack is 74 years old this year, but he is still old-hearted. At this time, a pair of big hands were touching the two young models in his arms, and there were waves of lustful smiles in his mouth.

The first time he saw him, the memory of him automatically appeared in Chen Fei's mind.

He made his debut in 1958 and has received a total of 12 Oscar nominations (seven times for leading actor and four times for supporting actor). He is the actor with the most nominations in the history of the Academy Awards, and is therefore called the "King of Oscars."

The pinnacle work "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest", the masterpieces "The Shining", "Batman", "As Good As It Gets", "The Departed"...

Chen Fei was originally a little curious as to why Leonardo got together with this person.

When he thought about Jack Nicholson playing the villain Frank in "The Departed", he immediately realized that these two people should be old friends.

"Fei! Come and sit!"

When Leonardo saw Chen Fei coming in, he specially made a seat for him.

"Leon, Jack..."

Chen Fei raised his hand to say hello to the two of them and sat down.

When the two young models who were sitting around were bored, their eyes suddenly lit up when they saw him, and they hurriedly approached him.

The next second, Chen Fei felt that his arm was sinking deep into the Mariana Trench.

Although he rarely participates in such occasions, he understands the principle of doing as the Romans do. His hands are like navigation, placing them exactly where they should be.

At this time, Jack Nicholson suddenly smiled and said: "It's our first time meeting you. How do you like this gift? Are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied." Chen Fei nodded slightly and began to think about the purpose of inviting him over.

However, just when he was about to say something, Jack Nicholson suddenly took the initiative and said: "Yes, Jennifer is my ex-girlfriend, but we broke up last year.

And the last gift I gave her was to audition for The Hunger Games. "

Chen Fei suddenly thought of Bruce. Jennifer Lawrence was the artist under him. Combined with this guy's love for all kinds of models...

Everything is connected.

Since the other party was so direct, Chen Fei naturally showed his attitude directly without being subtle, and emphasized that he had no relationship with Jennifer Lawrence, only a contractual relationship.

He slept with Anne Hathaway, and Jennifer Lawrence was too young for his liking.

Jack obviously didn't care about this aspect and said bluntly: "I'm old, and the dispute between you and Harvey has nothing to do with me, and I don't want to get involved, but he shouldn't mess with me.

So, I decided to help you out! "


Chen Fei looked at him curiously. Could it be that Old Jack wanted to personally come forward to clarify?

But in the next second, Jack Nicholson suddenly changed the subject and said with a weird smile: "Jennifer's competitor is Meryl Streep, right? I have some powerful information about her, and I can help." You will make her look bad by publishing these shocking information!"

Chen Fei's brows twitched sharply.

Good guy!
Is this going to be a wave of fighting fire with fire?

The Oscars are really interesting, and they have more fun than those in the mainland.

Harvey is replicating what he did when he helped "Shakespeare in Love" defeat "Saving Private Ryan", hoping to help Meryl Streep win the Best Actress Award by humiliating Jennifer Lawrence.

But he would never have imagined that Jack Nicholson would come out again and come up with explosive information about Meryl Streep!
"What are you going to do?" Chen Fei asked curiously.

"You'll know tomorrow." Jack Nicholson waved his hand, then pointed to the two young models beside him: "Now is the happy time, we want to experience the wonderful night first."

As soon as Jack finished speaking, the two female models had already taken out the physical examination reports they had just done today.

Chen Fei held his breath very calmly, not anxious at all, and responded calmly: "For your sake, and for my sake, which beautiful lady is willing to go to my car to get the 'Happy Widow'?"


(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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