It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 610 The explosive opening ceremony red carpet, caught in bed!

Chapter 610 The explosive opening ceremony red carpet, caught in bed!
"Zhen Zixuan is suing us?"

When Chen Fei received the call from Hong Kong, he was slightly stunned and subconsciously asked, "What's the matter? The remuneration was not paid in full? Or is there a problem with the contract?"

Under normal circumstances, as long as an actor is not involved in box office or copyright sharing with the crew, he is just an employee.

Get paid to film a movie, then leave immediately after filming. It's that simple.

"There is no problem with the contract and the pay." Yang Shoucheng sneered on the other end of the phone and said, "This guy is not willing to stay quiet at all. He even went to the media and put himself in the position of a victim, saying that we deliberately caused trouble for him."

Chen Fei casually opened his laptop and just logged into Weibo, he saw the relevant report on the homepage.

"It is suspected that because of the 'Zhao Zhen dispute', Zhen Zixuan accidentally offended Feiyue Film and Yinghuang and was severely suppressed. The already filmed 'Ip Man 3' not only could not be released, but the protagonist was also replaced."

"This operation is simply too much!"

"Mainland production companies are too arrogant. They deliberately suppress Hong Kong artists for their own selfish interests. Is there still law? Is there still justice?"

Looking at these related reports and the topics that were being hotly discussed, Fade Chen curled his lips and didn't care.

He did not deny these actions.

If a person doesn't even know which side to stand on, doesn't he know it clearly in his heart? He is still trying to blackmail people morally. This is totally the behavior of an elementary school student.

Chen Fei still had important things to do and had no time to pay attention to these trivial matters.

He casually said: "Just find a reason to fight back, don't worry about Weibo, I will contact them and remove the relevant topics and reports."

"Okay, I understand."

Yang Shoucheng nodded, feeling somewhat emotional.

It is not easy to remove a trending search from Weibo. It requires both money and connections.

But from Chen Fei's tone, it seemed that this matter was just a small thing that he could do easily.

Ying Huang's cooperation was very high. About half an hour after hanging up the phone, a notice appeared on Weibo:

“The reason for replacing the lead role was a decision made after careful consideration by the senior management of both Ying Huang and Feiyue Films.

Given that Mr. Zhen Zixuan's current box office appeal is too poor, the producers are very worried that it will result in box office failure, so they decided to replace him with Mr. Zhao Wenzhuo, who has higher box office appeal.

Dear netizens, media, and fans, you don't have to worry. We have paid all the remuneration that was due. All our actions are in accordance with the contract, and there is no breach of contract.

Please rest assured, Ip Man 3 is expected to be released in major theaters in the second half of the year, so please stay tuned..."

Once this announcement appeared, coupled with the cooperation of Chen Fei and Weibo, the online public opinion was easily suppressed.

Your box office appeal as Zhen Zixuan is too poor, and the producers were worried that it would result in a box office failure, so they replaced the leading role.

Is there anything wrong with this?
No matter who comes, they can't find any fault with it.

When this announcement came out, Hong Kong media and Zhen Zixuan’s fans didn’t know how to respond for a while.

After all, apart from the "Ip Man" series, almost all other movies starring Zhen Zixuan have failed at the box office.

Especially the movie "Together" in March, which had an investment of nearly 3 million yuan, but only earned more than 100 million yuan at the box office, which was really shocking!
The related hot searches were quickly suppressed. The combat effectiveness of those Hong Kong media was too poor and they were defeated in just a few rounds.

And Zhen Zixuan's lawsuit against the crew of "Ip Man 3" seems more like a clown-like behavior to the outside world, which is really laughable.

There is no need for Chen Fei to follow up on matters like dealing with lawsuits. Both Ying Huang and Feiyue Film and Television's legal teams can easily resolve these minor troubles.

At this time, his main goal is still the Cannes Film Festival.

As per usual practice, the crew of "The Burning Sun" hired a public relations manager.

Chen Fei had a clear goal, so he made his point clear to the PR manager: "I want the Palme d'Or and the Cannes Film Festival Best Actor award."

He worked day and night to direct and act in this movie, and then sent it to Cannes in a hurry, just for the awards.

Otherwise, why bother with all this?

After receiving his instructions, the public relations manager immediately went to do the job.

As professionals, they naturally have learned about their clients’ information in detail. That is why the public relations team is so confident!

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this Cannes Film Festival is almost equivalent to Chen Fei's home court, and all the public relations team has to do now is to find out the shortcomings and fill them in.

After seeing off the PR team, Chen Fei specifically talked with Duan Yihong, Guo Tao, Qiu Ze and others about the details of the award selection.

According to the main story line of the movie, "The Sun Also Rises" is actually a structure with four male protagonists, but in comparison, Chen Fei and Duan Yihong have more roles.

If you are participating in award selection in China, the worst that can happen is that you can make some adjustments and come up with four yolks. This kind of thing is not uncommon.

But he couldn't do that in Cannes, and Spielberg had made it clear that he would not do anything that would slap himself in the face.

Therefore, Chen Fei naturally became the candidate for Best Actor.

The other people actually didn't have any objections at all. They were already lucky enough to be able to walk the red carpet in Cannes, so what else did they need?

However, Chen Fei still took the initiative to have a talk with a few people. He was not the kind of person who had the final say. If there was something, he would put it out in the open to avoid all kinds of trouble in the future.

"After returning from Cannes, we will immediately go to the Shanghai International Film Festival, which is also our home venue."

This simple sentence immediately brightened the eyes of the other people in the room.

Going to more film festivals to win awards is of great benefit to improving an actor's status. Regardless of whether or not you can win an award, as long as you are nominated, it is definitely money earned!

By the end of the chat, it was already late, so Fade Chen stood up and clapped his hands: "Okay, let's go back and rest. Tomorrow is the opening ceremony. Put on your suits and ties and look handsome. Don't embarrass our "The Burning Sun"."

A burst of laughter rang out in the room, and everyone quickly dispersed.


The next morning, the Cannes Film Festival officially kicked off!

A hundred-meter-long red carpet had already been laid in front of the Lumiere Hall of the Film Festival Palace, and hundreds of reporters from all over the world surrounded the media area.

There are at least hundreds of guests participating in the red carpet today, but many of them stay on the red carpet for a long time, so much so that the staff on both sides of the red carpet will come forward to drive them away from time to time.

Reporters in the media area were not interested in the unfamiliar faces from all over the world; all their cameras were focused on the famous movie stars and directors.

There are so many people walking the red carpet, and most of them are not worth wasting camera memory on.

Like the Venice Film Festival, tickets for the red carpet in Cannes are also sold to the public, with the specific price being 3 euros per person.

Most media outlets are not interested in those who pay out of their own pockets to gain popularity and exposure.

Therefore, most of those who buy tickets will contact photographers in advance to take photos for them.

Most of them were dressed gaudy, and some even made fools of themselves. They really went to great lengths to make their presence felt!
Chen Fei was no longer surprised by these things, so his attention was mostly focused on some people who interested him.

Like Georgina Chapman sorting out Nicole Kidman's dress.

Watching the two people having a friendly conversation, Fade Chen felt uncomfortable trying not to laugh.

"Could this be the legendary mistress cherishing mistress?"

At this moment, a burst of earth-shaking cheers suddenly came from the red carpet, and the shouts seemed to overturn the entire red carpet scene!
When Chen Fei turned around, he saw that the dresses of two famous actresses, Sophie Marceau and Naomi Watts, seemed to have been accidentally entangled together, and they both tripped and fell on the red carpet.

At the moment of falling, their shoulder straps slid down, revealing four round and full semicircles, which seemed to be glowing white under the flash.

"What the hell? Again!"

Fade Chen couldn't help but roll his eyes.

Last year, when attending the Venice International Film Festival, Sophie Marceau did just that, attracting the attention and heated discussion of the entire audience.

Unexpectedly, she used the same old trick again this year and brought Naomi Watts with her!

These actresses have really put a lot of effort into attracting media attention!
Duan Yihong, Guo Tao and others who were standing nearby were completely stunned at this moment. They obviously did not expect to see such a "wonderful" scene today!

Perhaps influenced by these two people, more and more female celebrities have done outrageous things.

Someone "accidentally" sprained his ankle and squatted on the red carpet and burst into tears.

Some people used the same trick again, "accidentally" guessed the dress, and directly transformed into a little white sheep, exposing themselves naked in front of the media cameras.

What shocked Chen Fei the most was that Berenice Bejo, the heroine of the film "The Past", which was also shortlisted for the main competition unit, actually combined all the cool moves that all the actresses had done before!

Just as she reached the center of the red carpet, she seemed to be tripped by the red carpet under her feet and fell to the ground with a thud.

This is not the most important thing!
What really shocked everyone present was that when she fell, her dress was torn to pieces and all of it fell off.

The next second, a white, naked body appeared in front of everyone.

No bra, no underwear, everything on her body is clearly visible.

From Chen Fei's perspective, he could even see the slightly curly hair that was shaped into a heart shape! At this moment, the entire audience was in an uproar!

Although someone on the sidelines rushed over with a blanket that had been prepared long ago and helped Berenice Bejo to quickly leave the scene, the scene just now was still clearly imprinted in everyone's mind.

"This...isn't this too crazy?"

Duan Yihong's voice was trembling. He never expected that he would encounter such an exciting scene when he came to Cannes for the first time!
"That's normal. It's all for popularity. How can we get popularity if we don't do this?"

"But if they do this, they will be seen naked by outsiders, and it may even be reported by the media!"

"Isn't this what they want?"

The two were discussing the topic of "art" here, and in the media interview area not far from the autograph wall, Sophie Marceau and Naomi Watts looked at each other, feeling inexplicably uncomfortable.

Has the industry reached this point?
At least they still had something stuck on their key parts, but this guy was completely naked, which was really fierce!
In the waiting area, Harvey was also paying attention to what was happening on the red carpet.

When he saw Sophie Marceau and Naomi Watts exposing their nipples, he was already eager to try it, and now, Berenice Bejo did this again, which directly ignited the flame of desire in his heart!

He secretly made up his mind that if he had the chance, he would contact these three people.

He believed that there was no female star who would not be interested in the Oscar-winning actress, and he happened to be able to fulfill the wishes of these female stars, and the only price was their status.

This deal was actually not very fair, and Harvey even felt that he was at a disadvantage.

However, he thinks he is a very generous person, so it's no big deal if he loses a little.


After everyone had entered, the opening ceremony of the Cannes Film Festival officially began.

As the opening film screening, which lasted more than an hour, came to an end, Spielberg led the jury members onto the stage and briefly introduced the selection strategy and various plans for this year's awards.

After all the processes are completed, it is time for the guests to communicate and socialize with each other.

Many Chinese-language film stars attended this year's Cannes Film Festival.

Fan Bingbing, Gao Xixi, Jiang Wu, Zhang Yuqi, Liu Dehua, Chen Kun, Zhang Ziyi and many other big names all appeared at the venue. It can be said that this was the largest gathering of Chinese-language stars in the history of the Cannes International Film Festival!
Among so many female stars, Fan Bingbing is the most eye-catching. The dark pink strapless dress matched with the aggressive makeup can be said to be full of firepower!

"Director Chen, I wish you all the best in advance for winning the grand prize."

All Chinese celebrities who come to Cannes, regardless of whether they are familiar with Chen Fei or not, will choose to come up and say hello to him without exception.

Relationships are built up in this way. A fool with low IQ and EQ will never make it in this circle.

Chen Fei held a glass of red wine in his hand and chatted with everyone while paying attention to the situation of Harvey, Georgina Chapman and Nicole Kidman.

There are only 10 days from the opening ceremony to the closing ceremony. If he can't wait for the right opportunity, then he will have to find a way to create it.

However, the goddess of luck is obviously on his side.

Just as Fade Chen was chatting with Matt Damon who came over to say hello, he suddenly discovered that Nicole Kidman had left the banquet hall first with her bag.

Then, within a few minutes, Harvey left the scene in a low-key manner with the support of several bodyguards.

Georgina Chapman was the only one left in the venue, chatting with those European and American actresses and trying hard to sell the dresses and fashion items she designed.

After seeing this scene, Fade Chen calmly took out his cell phone and sent a text message to Amy Nott who was staying in the hotel.

About ten minutes later, a photo came back.

In the picture, Harvey and Nicole Kidman are kissing passionately in the hotel corridor. From the background, it can be seen that the two are right at the door of Harvey's own room.

"Tsk, is it so exciting?"

Chen Fei curled his lips and sent the photo to Bruce who was far away in Los Angeles. Then he edited a text message and sent it to him.

Not long after, under his gaze, Georgina Chapman suddenly walked to a corner, took out her mobile phone from her bag, took a look at it, and then her face suddenly changed!

Seeing this scene, Fade Chen felt inexplicably excited.

I wonder what Georgina Chapman will do after she finds out her man is cheating on her?
He didn't intend to bring down Harvey with a small "cheating incident", he just wanted to make things difficult for the fat man.

The real means are still waiting behind!

Georgina Chapman left the venue quickly, and her face was extremely gloomy before leaving, like a dark cloud before a storm!
"Matt, do you want to go see a good show together?"

Chen Fei greeted Matt Damon and walked out of the venue first.

"Of course!" Matt followed with great interest.

The two drove the same car and followed Georgina Chapman's car.

In order to avoid being discovered, they also wore sunglasses and masks, dressing like private detectives.

They followed them all the way to the hotel until Georgina Chapman got on the elevator, then they ran into the lobby and quickly walked to another elevator.

After arriving at the floor where Harvey lived, the moment the elevator opened, the sound of a fierce quarrel was clearly heard by both of them.

"Harvey, what do you mean? I'm out here working hard, and you bring a woman back to our room and mess around in our bedroom? Where do you put our marriage?"

Georgina Chapman herself was a mistress, so she has an indescribable resistance to "cheating". She doesn't want everything she has worked hard for to go to waste and be snatched away by another woman in the same way.

Therefore, she is very resistant to Harvey and Nicole Kidman's nonsense behavior!

Especially when she recalled that she was having a great time chatting with the woman who stole her husband on the red carpet, she couldn't help but feel sick!

"You two bitches!"

Her cursing became more and more intense, and her screams attracted many onlookers.

Chen Fei and Matt Damon silently mixed in the crowd and watched this farce.

Unfortunately, there are no small stools or melon seeds here.

Amy Knott also came out of the room at this time, silently filming the scenes in the room with a portable DVD.

Nicole Kidman seemed to realize something, put on her clothes, and walked quickly out of Harvey's room.

With her current status, it is actually very easy for her to reject Harvey, and she doesn't need to lick anyone like she did when she first debuted.

But her career has not been going well in recent years, so she wanted to win another Oscar for Best Actress to further improve her status, which is why she hooked up with Harvey.

But they never expected that their tryst was interrupted and even attracted a crowd of onlookers!
After watching Nicole Kidman quickly return to her room, everyone's attention fell on Harvey and Georgina Chapman who were arguing.

Harvey was already a little annoyed by this. Looking at Georgina Chapman's chattering, he couldn't help but retort:
"Georgina! Can you please wake up? Everyone in Hollywood cheats, not just me. You too. Have you forgotten how we got together in the first place?"

These words directly hurt Georgina's wounds. She was disappointed and shouted, "Harvey, I can pretend that I didn't see, hear, or care about the bad things you did.

But now you actually brought your mistress to our bed and used the condom I bought for you. You are such a jerk. I want to divorce you! We are completely finished!"

Georgina Chapman picked up the bag thrown on the ground, took her passport, and left quickly.

She wanted to return to Los Angeles immediately. She really didn't want to see Harvey's disgusting face!
He was caught cheating on his wife in bed, and she was clamoring for a divorce. A bunch of onlookers gathered outside the door...

Under the multiple blows, Harvey already had a splitting headache.

It goes without saying that this matter today cannot be concealed, and his name will definitely appear on the headlines in Cannes tomorrow!

After realizing this, Harvey quickly decided to interrupt his trip to Cannes.

He had to chase Georgina Chapman now and calm that crazy woman down, otherwise there would definitely be a lot of trouble later!

The couple, whose marriage had already shown huge cracks, rushed to the airport one after another to deal with subsequent matters.

However, what Harvey didn't know was that an even more "cruel" event was waiting for him!

It takes about 8 to 9 hours to fly from Cannes to Los Angeles, and Harvey stays on the plane throughout this time.

Relying on "FlyNet", he can use the Internet to browse the news interface, but his telephone communications will be affected to some extent.

This also means that once something happens, he is almost unable to communicate and deal with it in the first time.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fade Chen used all the methods he had prepared for a long time!

The moment Harvey's plane took off, Amy Knott immediately contacted the media in Los Angeles and spread all the videos and manuscripts that had been prepared long ago.

Natasha is currently in the rear area. After receiving the signal to take action, she quickly mobilized her own connections and began to heat up these videos and manuscripts.

Especially those media outlets in which Walt Disney Studios has a stake or has acquired the company, which immediately posted the news on the front page of their websites.

In just half an hour, a piece of super news that could shake the entire Hollywood made its grand debut!

(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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