It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 622: Decorating the Wedding Room? I am the good man, and I am the first cast list announced!

Chapter 622: Decorating the Wedding Room? I am a good man, I am... The cast list was first announced! It was a blast!
What our ancestors said makes sense:

"Good news doesn't travel far, but bad news travels a thousand miles!"

After the banquet ended that evening, a rumor spread in the industry: "Director Chen Fei heroically saved the beauty and angrily scolded Bona's vice president at the party."

When Chen Fei heard these words from Wang Changtian, he was slightly stunned.

No wonder he thought that man looked familiar yesterday, it turned out to be the vice president of Bona!
I heard that Yu Dong went abroad for vacation with the Peacock Princess, so the person who represented Bona to attend the Shanghai International Film Festival was the company's vice president.

Neither party probably expected that such a strange thing would happen at the party.

"Yu Datou is a man who holds grudges. Last night, you confronted the vice president of Bona for an actress. It was like slapping Bona in the face. He will never let it go."

Listening to Wang Jiatian's words, Fade Chen crossed his legs and said with disdain: "Come on, I want to see what tricks he can come up with."

From the day when Bona and Huaxiaxing officially reached a cooperation agreement, Yu Dong had been on Chen Fei's blacklist.

What's more, during the time when he was pretending to be sick and lying in the Mayo Clinic, Bona also did a lot of tricks behind the scenes.

Chen Fei doesn't think that he is a big-minded person. He has always believed in "I will not offend others unless they offend me."

As it happens, what happened last night can be regarded as a warning.

If Yu Dong is unhappy, then come.


Wang Changtian came here today for two purposes. One was to invite Chen Fei to attend the premiere of "The God of War", and the other was for "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy".

After so many years of cooperation, Feiyue Films and Guangguang have established an indestructible friendship.

Chen Fei didn't play tricks on him and got straight to the point: "Earlier, Feiyue Film and Television's projects with investments of over 100 million yuan were usually in cooperation with China Film, Wanda, and Shanghai Film.

Logically speaking, Guangguang is not qualified to participate in the investment, after all, you don’t have a cinema chain and can’t provide much help to the film.”

After hearing these words, a normal person would probably be ready to get up and leave.

But Wang Changtian didn't move, because he heard something "special" in Chen Fei's words.

Sure enough, the next second, the tone of "keeping it at a distance" suddenly changed.

"After so many years of cooperation, I have a very clear understanding of Mr. Wang's character. You are a partner who is very worthy of in-depth cooperation."

Wang Changtian smiled and said, "Guangguang has always treated every partner with a very 'sincere' attitude."

"Yes, indeed." Chen Fei took over the topic and continued, "From the cooperation with Youku, we can see that Mr. Wang really maintains a sincere attitude towards others.

Therefore, I hope that our future cooperation can be closer. It just so happens that the solid foundation that Guangguang has built in traditional media and new network media over the years is what Feiyue Film and Television needs. Therefore, I think we can have a deeper cooperation in this regard..."

Over the next hour or so, the two had an in-depth discussion on the details of future cooperation.

In the end, Wang Changtian took 10% of the investment share of "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" from Chen Fei.

After calling the legal department to sign the contract, the two had some discussions on the content of the script.

Guangguang also has contracted artists. Although some of them are not up to standard, if they can be inserted into the crew to play a cameo role or something, it will definitely increase the actors' own popularity.

"The core roles have been confirmed. The Third Master will play the role of 'Zuoshan Diao' himself, and Yang Zirong should play Jiang Wen if nothing unexpected happens..."


Wang Changtian, who was sitting opposite, was completely stunned!
He scratched his ears subconsciously, his face full of disbelief: "Wait a minute, did I hear it right? Han Sanping plays 'Zuoshan Diao'? How is this possible?"

"Why is this impossible?" Chen Fei raised his head and showed a confident attitude: "Nothing is difficult in this world if one sets his mind to it."

Once the three axes were used, the Third Master became very obedient.

As long as a person is human, he will have weaknesses, and once you get hold of them, you can do whatever you want with him.

Traditional Chinese medicine emphasizes prescribing the right medicine for the right disease. Once the medicine arrives, the disease will naturally be easily solved.

Before leaving, Wang Changtian still felt a little dizzy, and even had an inexplicable illusion that he was dreaming.

Who is Han Sanping?
The current leader in the film and television industry!
Although he is about to retire, the connections he has accumulated over the years are enough to allow him to enjoy extraordinary wealth and glory for the rest of his life!
Thinking back to those who had offended him in the past, some have retired from the circle, and some have ended their careers.

The most typical representative of them is Zhang Weiping. That guy's word "mountain eagle" directly pissed off Han Sanping.

Afterwards, the Er Zhang incident broke out and Zhang Yimou left New Picture to start anew.

Since then, Zhang Weiping, who enjoyed a very high status in the circle and was used to being arrogant and domineering, completely lost his voice.

There is no need to guess, we all know that Han Sanping must have contributed to this.

But such an arrogant and face-conscious person actually agreed to play the villain "Zuoshandiao"!
Wang Changtian secretly made up his mind that after the crew started filming, he would definitely go to the scene to watch the filming process.

Just thinking about "Zuoshandiao" playing "Zuoshandiao" is very exciting!


The premiere of "The Mystery Detective" was held in the capital. Since Chen Fei had promised Wang Changtian, he naturally had to be there to support him.

However, not long after he boarded the plane, the media suddenly reported a news about Huayi.

It was still an actor signing ceremony, no less than Yang Ying’s original one!
Many people were puzzled when watching the news.

Huayi held a grand signing ceremony for Yang Ying because of Huang Xiaoming, but what did Chen He rely on?
Taking a closer look at his resume, apart from starring in a sitcom that was suspected of plagiarism, there doesn't seem to be anything worthy of praise.

There are no secrets that can be kept in this circle.

By the time Chen Fei landed at the Capital Airport, rumors had already spread in the circle.

It turns out that he is the nephew of Director Chen. In terms of background, it seems that he is even more impressive than Yang Ying!
It is no wonder that Wang Zhonglei said at the signing ceremony that he would prepare the role of the male lead in the movie for him later, and that the movie would be directed by Gu Changwei himself.

This is the circle. An actor with connections and background can get resources that ordinary actors cannot get in their entire lives without having to put in too much effort.

"I am a good man. I am... hehe."

Fade Chen couldn't help but laugh out loud.

In this circle, it is better not to flaunt this kind of personality, because there is a 90% chance that it will be ruined in the end.

Because of the tight schedule, after landing in the capital, Chen Fei drove directly to the premiere of "The Mystery Detective".

Guangguang has been doing well in the film industry in recent years. Looking around, there are quite a few people coming to support it.

"Director Chen? Hey! Did you come all the way from Shanghai?"

Wu Jing suddenly emerged from the crowd, leaving Chen Fei unable to react for a moment.

But he soon figured it out. Today's warm-up host was Xie Nan. The couple in love were so inseparable that they were often photographed going in and out together by paparazzi.

"Well, Mr. Wang personally invited me, so I can't refuse."

Chen Fei was not in a hurry to take a seat. He stood at the door and chatted with Wu Jing for a while.

After the filming of the first "Wolf Warrior" was completed, he signed a contract with the "Transformers" crew and is now waiting for Michael Bay to arrive in China to shoot the film.

The popularity of Chen Long and Li Lianjie has gradually declined in recent years, and Wu Jing has also gained a certain degree of fame in Hollywood due to his good skills.

In addition, with the support of Chen Fei, the company has gradually gained a firm foothold and is developing smoothly.

As the two were chatting, Xie Nan and Liu Yan walked over arm in arm in the crowd.

However, at this moment, Chen Fei's attention was briefly attracted by a man wearing glasses who was following Liu Yan.

The reason I noticed him was because he was holding a thick stack of business cards in his hand, handing them out to everyone he met. It was really a bit novel.

"Director Chen."

As they came closer, the two girls greeted each other politely.

Chen Fei was also quite familiar with them. He smiled and joked, "Next time you go shopping, try to cover up. Being photographed every day is not a good thing. Be careful not to get into trouble."

His words made Xie Nan blush.

The young couple has been frequently photographed entering and leaving the hotel these days, which really doesn't have a good impact.

Wu Jing, who was standing by, smiled and helped his future wife out of the predicament: "The new house hasn't been renovated yet. It will take at most two months. I guarantee that no paparazzi will take pictures of us again."

New house? Fade Chen raised his eyebrows slightly: "You are so quick, aren't you?"

"That's right!" Wu Jing was very proud: "I finally managed to trick her into giving it to me, I can't let her get away."

Xie Nan was very touched, but his right hand pinched the soft flesh on Wu Jing's waist very accurately: "Stop talking, aren't you ashamed?"

For a moment, several people laughed.

But there are always those people who suddenly show up to spoil the mood.

The man with glasses who had been standing next to Liu Yan suddenly interrupted and said, "Hello, Director Chen. Let me introduce myself. My name is Dong Chengpeng, and you can also call me Dapeng. I admire your achievements very much, and I am currently learning about the experience of being a director..."

As expected of a host, he is very eloquent.

However, some of the words he said were thoughtless.

Listening to his introduction, Fade Chen smiled and shook his head: "Sorry, my schedule is very tight at the moment, I may not have time to participate in the guest appearance."

After saying that, Fade Chen nodded towards Liu Yan and walked straight towards the direction where Li Lianjie, Wang Changtian and others were.

Watching his back disappear into the crowd, Liu Yan instantly put away the smile on her face and glared at her friend:
"Dong Chengpeng? Are you crazy? You actually asked Director Chen for this? Asking him to make a cameo appearance for you? Are you out of your mind?"

"Don't be angry, don't be angry, I'm just trying it out, maybe it will work? If we can really invite Director Chen to make a cameo appearance, it will definitely be a big hit at the box office!"

"I think you are really crazy!"

Liu Yan was speechless. If she had known that her friend was so unreasonable, she would never agree to bring him to the premiere of "The Mummy" no matter what.

He has already fooled so many people, but he is not ready to give up and has even set his sights on Chen Fei!
How audacious!


"Mr. Chen is here? I thought your flight was delayed."

Wang Changtian greeted Chen Fei cheerfully. Deng Chao and Li Lianjie, who were standing nearby, took the initiative to extend their hands and shook hands with him, with smiles on their faces.

"This is my godson, a herald, a student of the Central Academy of Drama."

Speaking of his godson, Li Lianjie seemed very proud, with a bright smile on his face.

"Hello, Director Chen. It's great to see you here."

The emblem bowed slightly, behaving very politely, and was not as unruly as rumored on the Internet.

Of course, it could also be because the person standing in front of him was someone he couldn't afford to offend.

"Ah hello."

Chen Fei did not want to have too much communication with him. After greeting him, he turned his head and looked at Deng Chao: "I heard that you are going to change your career and become a director?"

"Hehe." Deng Chao smiled a little embarrassedly: "I'm just trying it boldly. I don't know if it will work."

"Be careful and polish the script. Comedy is all about contrast. Many movie fans don't have that many ideas. Be less preachy and just make people laugh."

According to the rules of the film industry, comedy is relatively safe to make money. Of course, the premise is that cost control must be done well and the film cannot be too shoddy.

Chen Fei believed that Deng Chao would not be too perfunctory about his first work.

"Thank you for your teachings, Director Chen. I will definitely take it seriously. If you have time, I hope you can come to the crew to visit and give me some guidance."

Fade Chen did not refuse, but he did not agree either. He just smiled and said, "If I have a chance, I will go and have a look."

He still had some good feelings towards Deng Chao. Although this guy couldn't control his lower body, his acting skills were very good and he was considered to be in the top echelon among male actors in the circle.


The premiere soon entered its official stage. After Chen Fei sat down, he saw Liu Shishi who had arrived late.

After losing Tang Ren's protection, she became less and less popular and less visible, and looked very insignificant among the main creative members of "The Mummy".

Even during media interviews, he took the initiative to avoid her, with no intention of giving her the slightest chance of being in the picture.

Chen Fei frowned slightly, but didn't say much.

Liu Shishi chose her own path after separating from Tang Ren, and how she goes depends on her personal choice.

As for this movie, Chen Fei only has three words to describe it: "A hodgepodge!"

More than a dozen heavyweight actors were entangled with each other, but there were no intense sparks. Instead, some plots were a bit embarrassing to watch.

Herald's acting was a bit too exaggerated, so that the character's portrayal was not very three-dimensional.

However, if you view it purely as a comedy, you can still enjoy it.

That plot is just too awkward.

Handsome guys appear one by one, and then die with a smile one after another.

It is really speechless that the key to solving the case was actually a pair of slippers.

And the final decisive battle, no matter how you look at it, it gives me the feeling of "Kung Fu" starring Stephen Chow.

Afterwards, Wang Changtian specifically found Chen Fei and asked him about his opinion on the movie.

Chen Fei did not intend to hide anything and said directly: "The absurdity and exaggeration of the film's subject matter makes the entire plot seem to be split into several parts. Li Lianjie's martial arts elements, the nonsensical elements of the emblems, the director's own comic sense, and the superstar cast. This film seems to have many selling points, but because it fails to unify these selling points, it seems to have no selling points."

Wang Changtian's expression suddenly changed: "Maybe we will lose money?"

"It won't be a loss. With so many heavyweight stars joining the film, the box office will definitely not be too bad. It's just that the word of mouth may be a little disappointing."

Hearing this, Wang Changtian breathed a sigh of relief: "It's OK as long as we don't lose money. It doesn't matter if the reputation is a little worse. I'm used to it."


Chen Fei did not stay in the capital for too long. As the award ceremony of the Shanghai International Film Festival was approaching and various celebrities were gathering, he had to take the opportunity to select the cast for "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy".

However, as soon as he returned to the Magic City, he saw another piece of news.

Last year, Wanda and China Film Group organized a co-production at the Shanghai International Film Festival, with an investment of 1.5 million yuan. Now the release date has officially been set.

"Man of Tai Chi" stars Chen Hu, Keanu Reeves, and Mo Wenwei, and the lineup is quite impressive.

The film was officially scheduled to be released on July 7, aiming at the summer vacation season, which attracted a lot of heated discussion for a while.

This year's summer vacation schedule is very busy, with "Tiny Times", "The Man from Macau", "Trail", "Fast & Furious 6"... and now "Man of Tai Chi" has been added.

No one knows who will eventually win the No. 1 box office title!

Several films have already launched their pre-release promotional activities, and the competition is quite fierce, with a sense of "either you die or I die" mentality.

Chen Fei ignored these developments and announced some news through his personal Weibo:
"The film 'Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy' will be open to audition resumes from actors in the industry today. All roles available for audition have been officially announced on the company's official website. All actors are welcome to audition..."

As this news came out, actors in the circle began to take action at once.

Many people opened the official website of Feiyue Films and Television, ready to check the list of roles available for audition.

However, looking around, the first scene at the beginning gave everyone a critical blow!
Confirmed cast list:
Mountain Eagle: Han Sanping.

Yang Zirong: Jiang Wen.

Shao Jianbo: Chen Fei.

Cast to be confirmed:
Qinglian, Bairu, Luanping...

"What the hell? What the hell! The Third Master actually went to play the role of Zuo Shandiao himself?!"

In less than half an hour, the list of audition roles for "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" topped the Weibo hot search list.

This is the first time in the industry that a casting list has topped the Weibo hot search list, but no one thinks there is anything wrong with it.

Because...Han Sanping actually played the role of "Zuoshandiao"!

This is simply unbelievable!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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