It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 624: Bullying the wife of the village chief? ? ? Audition in progress

Chapter 624: Bullying the wife of the village chief? ? ? During the audition...

What is different from previous years is that after the film festival awards ceremony, many actors who came to Shanghai did not check out immediately, but extended their stay for another day.

The reason is simple, because the casting for "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" is about to begin!


Early in the morning, Chen Fei arrived at Shanghai Film Group.

Ren Zhonglun had already arranged some people, and when they saw him coming, they immediately took him to the specially prepared audition area.

"Director Chen, Director Ning, please take a rest here for a while. We will have professionals to receive the visiting actors. President Ren is currently handling some company affairs. He will be here on time at 9 o'clock."


Fade Chen nodded, and together with Ning Hao, he sorted out the thick stack of audition lists.

There are quite a lot of roles to be auditioned today, and he definitely can't handle it all by himself. Fortunately, Ning Hao is also in Shanghai, so he just pulls him over to serve as a strong man.

While sorting out the information, the two chatted casually.

Chen Fei took the initiative to ask: "How is the preparation for your "Ghost Blowing Out the Light" going? Can it be finished this year?"

"Almost." Ning Hao kept moving his hands while explaining, "The actors are actually fine. Most of them are the original cast. The main thing is the construction of the shooting scenes, which is more complicated..."

Since we are talking about "Ghost Blows Out the Light", the topic naturally and inevitably falls on several actors.

"Have you paid attention to the movie "Killing" starring Liu Ye and Ni Ni? How is the box office performance?"

The reason why Chen Fei suddenly mentioned this movie is that the movie poster of "Kill Order" is so cool!
The poster of this movie is almost exactly the same as the one Liu Ye filmed with Hu Jun called "Lan Yu", with foreheads touching foreheads and faces close to each other.

This kind of operation is inevitably suspected of riding on the popularity, but because the distributor is LeTV Pictures, everyone is not surprised.

Mr. Jia’s professionalism in this area is extremely high!
"Very bad, very bad." Ning Hao frowned, feeling somewhat dissatisfied: "The weekly box office didn't even break 10 million. LeTV probably wanted to take advantage of Liu Ye's box office appeal, but they didn't expect to fall flat on their face.

And most importantly, the film's reputation was also very bad, which caused a great loss of Liu Ye's own popularity. It was really harmful and had no benefit at all."

Chen Fei didn't know what to say. The matter was done and he could only continue sailing.

"Next time you meet, talk to him and try not to let him take on a role that would be detrimental to him. It has no box office success and no reputation. It's just a cancerous movie."

"Well, I'll tell him."

Ning Hao nodded and ended the topic.

"Jingle Bell……"

The sudden ringing of the phone broke the silence in the audition room.

Chen Fei took out his cell phone from his pocket and took a look at it. He couldn't help but smile bitterly. This Lu Zheng is really persistent!

He pressed the answer button and put the phone on the table.

"Mr. Lu, I know what you want to say, but please don't say anything. I have already sent you the resume you sent me. Jing Tian is really not suitable for this kind of 'wife of a gang leader' type of role."

"Ahem." On the other end of the phone, Lu Zheng smiled awkwardly: "Is it impossible for you to direct it yourself?"

Chen Fei suddenly felt helpless: "I'm not a god! I can indeed inspire the potential of actors and improve their acting skills, but that can only be done when their image and temperament are suitable.

Think about it yourself, a 20-something girl, playing a young woman who has given birth to a child and has to survive in a bandit den, can she act out that feeling?"

"Oh, okay." Lu Zheng sighed with some disappointment and completely gave up the idea.

In fact, the role of the nurse is quite suitable for Jing Tian, ​​but now it has been officially announced that Liu Yifei will play the role, so she naturally has no chance.

Before hanging up the phone, Lu Zheng invited him, "Mr. Chen, the premiere of The Man from Macau will be on July 7. Remember to come and attend!"

Fade Chen responded: "Don't worry, I will definitely go. After all, this is a movie I invested in."

The gimmick of Chow Yun-fat making a gambling movie again is enough to make the movie recoup its cost.

Jing Tian has also taken advantage of a good spot.


Time quickly came to nine o'clock in the morning.

Ren Zhonglun pushed open the door very punctually, walked in with big strides, and a bright smile on his face.

It's very lively at Shanghai Film Studio today, with no less than 100 media outlets gathered outside the company, and actors coming for auditions in an endless stream.

This prosperous age is just as he wished!

"Old Han is one of the main characters after all, but he is not willing to play a role. He is getting more and more arrogant and even acts like a big shot..."

Listening to Ren Zhonglun's teasing, Chen Fei couldn't help but laugh: "If he doesn't cooperate with the crew, I will definitely deduct his pay later."

"Hahaha, great! I'll definitely have to deduct it!"

After a few jokes about the role of "Zuoshandiao", the audition officially began.

Chen Fei's main task was to audition for the more important roles. As for the other supporting roles, he either had to sell favors or recruit men from the company.

The first person to audition was the female lead: the wife of the bandit leader.

Although this is a drama between men, the role of "the wife of the bandit leader" is also one of the very important characters that drives the plot in the play.

Be courageous, strategic, wise... and most importantly, have a good image.

Just like what Chen Fei said when he teased Zhou Xun before, Zuo Shandiao doesn't have any special hobbies. How could a village woman with no thunder and no buttocks catch his eye?
The first person to walk in was Zhang Ziyi.

Chen Fei actually didn't want to send her an audition invitation, but she took the initiative to call and ask to come for an audition, so it was difficult to refuse.

"Director Chen, Director Ning, and President Ren."

After saying hello, Zhang Ziyi began to perform according to the requirements of the script.

However, within ten minutes, Fade Chen called her to stop.

Listening to the polite words ringing in her ears, Zhang Ziyi knew in her heart that she was not liked in the end.

She was in a good mood. She smiled softly, thanked him, and then turned and left the audition site.

As soon as the door closed, Ren Zhonglun suddenly muttered, "I'm a little old now. I don't have the kind of person who makes people fall in love with me at first sight and want to bully me."

"What the hell? Mr. Ren is really professional?" Chen Fei gave him a thumbs up, and then signaled his assistant to call another person in.

Ning Hao silently moved to the side, away from Ren Zhonglun.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that when he was filming in Shanghai a few years ago, Ren Zhonglun often tried to lure him into committing crimes in various ways.

Fortunately, he had a strong will, otherwise he would have been in trouble!
The second person to come in was also Dahua.

Li Bingbin even wore a floral cotton jacket, which made him look quite professional.


"This one doesn't work either. It doesn't give me the feeling of a village woman. Instead, it gives me the feeling of being high and mighty and wanting to fight it out with the bandit leader."

Listening to Ren Zhonglun's comments, Chen Fei inexplicably thought of "Resident Evil".

This person may not have come out of her state yet, or she doesn't want to leave anymore, because that comfort zone is too comfortable.

"Yu Feihong is good and can be listed as pending."

"Jia Jingwen is too deeply bound by the television industry..."

"Gao Yuanyuan almost feels that I think she can play a nurse, but she is not suitable for the leading female role."

"Zeng Li is a little too reserved. It feels like she hasn't gotten over her last drama."

"Hao Lei is good, he has charm, haha, but his temperament is a little bit worse, and his appearance is not as good as the previous ones, so he doesn't have much advantage."


In just two hours, nearly 10 actresses walked into the audition room and then walked out of it.

Outside the Shanghai Film Studio, a group of media were taking pictures with great interest and also talking about the actresses who came to audition.

"The allure of top-tier resources is really great! There is an endless stream of people coming for auditions!"

"This is the first time I've seen this kind of situation. Almost all the famous female celebrities in the industry are here. It's really an eye-opener."

"Tsk tsk, look at Qin Lan's outfit and state, it's obvious that she wasn't selected."

"She is quite pitiful. Her ex-boyfriend has disappeared from the circle and borrowed a large sum of money from her. She has definitely lost both her money and her life!"

"Look! Fan Bingbing finally arrived. I am most optimistic about her!"


In the audition room, when people saw Fan Bingbing, who had specially worn a quilted cheongsam and walked in with a sexy figure, their eyes lit up.

Not to mention her acting skills, her curvy figure alone makes it hard to suppress the primitive impulse deep in your heart. Ren Zhonglun nodded subconsciously, as if to say, "This is good, the kind that can be bullied!"

In fact, many directors can draw a rough conclusion about whether an actor is suitable or not just by looking at him.

For example, Fan Bingbing, his figure alone can arouse people's primitive impulses.

Although she was wearing very tight clothes today, covering her whole body, this not only failed to conceal her beautiful figure, but instead triggered an urge that made people want to "explore" the inside!

"Director Chen..."

Seeing the three men looking at her figure unscrupulously, Fan Bingbing did not feel shy, but instead felt a little proud in her heart.

Her body is her weapon, and if used well, it can unleash great destructive power.

"I need you to audition for three scenes." Chen Fei interrupted Fan Bingbing's greeting and gave instructions directly: "Losing everything, regaining hope, hating but having to compromise."

"it is good."

Fan Bingbing nodded and started the performance without any hesitation.

Her Tokyo Film Actress award was not bought with money, but won through her acting skills.

Although she is not as talented as Zhou Xun, she also has her own tricks up her sleeve, and is at least much better than Zhang Ziyi.

The latter brags a lot, but since his debut, he has not even won an award from an international A-class film festival.

After the 20-minute audition, Fan Bingbing bowed slightly, returned to his original position, and waited for the final "judgment."

Chen Fei exchanged glances with Ning Hao and Ren Zhonglun respectively. After making sure that both of them were satisfied, he turned to look at Fan Bingbing, stood up and extended his hand to her: "Ms. Fan, welcome to join us."

Fan Bingbing took two steps forward, stretched out his right hand and gently shook hands with Chen Fei.

"This should be our second time working together, right? I'm honored to receive guidance from Director Chen again."

The moment he let go of his hand, Chen Fei clearly felt Fan Bingbing's fingertips gently scratching his palm, just like the scene when they were intimate in the car during the filming of "Lost in Thailand".

He calmly pulled his hand back and said with a smile, "Your main partner this time is Han Sanping. The film is expected to start shooting in July. I hope you can coordinate the schedule in advance."

"Okay, no problem."

Fan Bingbing smiled softly, indicating that she would not delay the progress of the crew.

The filming of "The Legend of the White-Haired Witch" had just been completed two days ago, and she was originally planning to take a break for a while, but after seeing the project of "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy", she submitted her resume without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, I passed the audition!
She couldn't hide her excitement when she thought about being able to act with Han Sanping, Jiang Wen, Chen Fei and others.

These people have the best film and television resources in their hands. Even if it falls from between their fingernails, it is enough for her to eat her fill.

The next shooting period will be at least two months, during which time she will have many opportunities to operate.


After the audition for the leading female role was over, Chen Fei did not announce it to the public immediately.

The main reason is that he still has to audition those supporting roles in the afternoon, and he plans to announce them all after all the auditions are completed.

The lunch was arranged by Ren Zhonglun, but because there was still work in the afternoon, no banquet was arranged.

But Mr. Ren is a man who likes to do some fancy things. He specially called a few pretty girls to come over to eat with him, helping him pick up dishes and pouring water, acting like he was taking care of every detail.

"Wait until tonight, I'll arrange another one for you. This bland soup is boring, so just eat it casually."

Chen Fei and Ning Hao were both embarrassed by what he said.

Although both of them are now famous and wealthy, they have never done anything like this in China.

Of course, those in Hollywood don’t count. For Chen Fei, it is simply a matter of adapting to local customs.

If you act too "upright", you will not only lose friends, but you may also attract some malicious cross-dressing perverts!
The time soon came to 2:30 pm.

Auditions for "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" continue.

The main characters have been decided, and next are the supporting roles.

However, although they are described to the outside world as supporting roles, overall, the competition among these supporting roles is no less competitive than that of the protagonists.

Even if they are villain supporting roles, judging from the description in the original work, these characters are all very eye-catching.

If the performance is good, it will be extremely effective in adding to one's own fame and status!

Chen Fei has given more authority to several investors, and if there are suitable candidates, they can introduce them to him.

The role of "Jiang Lei" was selected from within the Feiyinghuang agency, and Zhang Ruoyun, who has an excellent image and temperament, got the opportunity to play the role.

"Gao Bo" was taken away by Wanda and given to Lin Gengxin, who had just terminated his contract with Tangren.

The role of "Sharpshooter Ma Baojun" was successfully taken by Xie Miao because it involved action scenes.


In the blink of an eye, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

It was not until the assistant informed him that there were no more actors auditioning outside that Chen Fei came to his senses.

Looking at the densely packed names on the list in his hand, he stood up, stretched, and handed the list to his assistant:
"Go contact Mr. Su and arrange for the legal department to sign a contract with these people. Notify the other investors as well. Announce the list tomorrow."

"Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll go right away."

The assistant responded and walked out of the audition room.

At this moment, Ren Zhonglun suddenly slammed the table and shouted, "I can't take it anymore. My waist is about to break from sitting. Let's go, let's go quickly. Let's go eat first, and then go for a massage."

Chen Fei did not refuse. It was not a good idea to refuse from the Commerce Bureau.

But at this moment, Ning Hao said, "It's fine to have dinner, but forget about the massage. My husband will definitely call to check on me, which is too much trouble."

Ren Zhonglun raised his eyebrows, quite surprised: "Is Director Ning's wife so strict?"

Chen Fei joked cheerfully, "It's normal for a married housewife to feel insecure. I understand. I understand."

That’s what he said, but the real reason was that Ning Hao and Huang Bo were photographed by paparazzi when they went to a bar last month.

The two of them actually had no other purpose, they just wanted to sing and relax.

However, those unscrupulous media, in order to attract attention, directly wrote: "Ning Hao and Huang Bo met in a bar, surrounded by sexy beauties..."

As soon as the entertainment gossip was reported, the two of them were immediately in trouble. They were closely watched by their families, who had to check on them almost every night.

Ren Zhonglun shook his head with some regret: "Okay, let's go have a meal first. I can always find someone to pour some wine, right?"

Ning Hao smiled awkwardly: "Sure, it's the Commerce Bureau, it's normal to accompany him for a drink."


On the 25th, at seven o'clock in the morning.

The cast list for the much-anticipated "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" was officially unveiled on Feiyue Films' official website, and in less than half an hour it topped the Weibo hot search list.

“Film title: Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy.

Production budget: 1.8 million RMB.

Producers: Feiyue Films, China Film Group, Wanda, Shanghai Film Group, and Enlight Media.

main character:

Yang Zirong: Jiang Wen.

Mountain Eagle: Han Sanping.

Shao Jianbo: Chen Fei.

Qinglian: Fan Bingbing.

Nurse Bai Ru: Liu Yifei (guest appearance)
Main supporting actors: Zhang Ruoyun, Lin Gengxin, Zhang Yilong, Xie Miao, Liu Dehua (special guest appearance)...

As the specific cast of the film was officially announced, there was once again a heated discussion in the circle.

Looking around, whether it is the investment lineup or the cast lineup, it can be described as "luxurious"!
Many people are already looking forward to the completion of this movie. So many actors are gathered together to act, it’s exciting just to think about it!
At the same time, when the female stars in the circle saw that Fan Bingbing got the leading female role "Qinglian", they were envious.

As expected, a lot of negative information about Fan Bingbing has surfaced again.

Several top stars in the circle took turns to perform, and it seemed like they wanted to drag her down.

Fan Bingbing was naturally not going to back down, he directly appeared on Weibo and personally started to criticize, which was a very lively scene.

Female celebrities who don’t rely on fans for a living are very confident!


(ps: First update, please vote for me!)
(End of this chapter)

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