It's reasonable for me, a stuntman, to live a crazy life, right?

Chapter 627: Will there be a price to pay for accepting roles like crazy? All three male leads are d

Chapter 627: Will there be a price to pay for taking on so many roles? All three male leads are directors!

Many people did not expect that during the entire network's siege of "Tiny Times", Liu Shishi would actually jump out and interfere.

When the official Weibo account of Feiyinghuang Agency officially announced that it had signed an agency contract with Liu Shishi, it immediately attracted a lot of people's attention!

Media reports quickly dominated the headlines of major entertainment websites.

"Liu Shishi, the former top actress of Tangren Entertainment, has officially joined Feiyinghuang Entertainment and announced that she will guest star in "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy."

"With the top guys and top girls of the company all leaving, where will Tangren go in the future?"

"'The Detective' is currently in theaters, but one of the female leads, Liu Shishi, has no popularity at all. It seems that she was suppressed by her original agency."

"Choice is always more important than hard work!"

As the news was reported, it inevitably sparked another wave of heated discussions in the circle.

Many people are laughing at Cai Yinong. It is very rare for her to squeeze out the big brothers and big sisters who have been trained for many years.

Because Liu Shishi could not be found for the time being, many media outlets split into two groups. One group went to the crew of "The Journey of Flower" to interview Hu Ge about his views on the matter.

Another group of people went to Feiyinghuang Agency, hoping to find the original owner and learn the inside story.

In fact, everyone can see that Hu Ge and Liu Shishi’s departure was not a peaceful breakup, and there must have been huge conflicts and controversies involved!
These can be seen from the suspension of filming of "Startling by Each Step" starring Liu Shishi and the lack of popularity of "The Mystery Detective".


At the same time, at Tangren Film and Television, in the chairman’s office.

Looking at the news online, Cai Yinong's face fell.

Although she knew that Liu Shishi would definitely choose another company after leaving, she didn't expect that she would choose Feiyinghuang Agency!
This also means that Tangren’s eldest brother and eldest sister both ran to Feiyinghuang to join Chen Fei.

"Two ungrateful bastards!"

Cai Yinong couldn't help it after all and cursed fiercely.

For a person as narrow-minded as her, the behavior of Hu Ge and Liu Shishi was tantamount to betrayal!
She spent so much energy and resources to train them, but they turned to other companies. What else could this be but betrayal?
The assistant watched from the side and tried to persuade him: "Boss Cai, calm down. Don't get angry and make yourself sick. That would be totally not worth it."

Cai Yinong ignored this and asked coldly, "Has Chen Yao's contract been signed?"

The assistant nodded and replied, "It has been signed. According to your request, the 10+5 regulations are signed."

"Then let's announce it to the public." Cai Yinong suddenly clenched his fists and said viciously: "Even if we leave these ungrateful wolves, the Tang people will not collapse. On the contrary, it's you, haha, I want to see what kind of trouble you can cause when you go outside!"

The "gift-giving (to women) plan" failed to be implemented successfully, and Cai Yinong has been in a bad mood recently.

And Liu Shishi's behavior now is equivalent to punching her hard in the chest!

At this moment, Yang Mi's mood was very similar to Cai Yinong's.

Seeing the news about Liu Shishi signing with Feiyinghuang, a thought suddenly popped up in her mind: "In the future...will she be more popular than me?"

Yang Mi has a deep understanding of the resources of Feiyinghuang Agency.

As long as you are good enough, there is no chance that you cannot become popular again as long as you stay in that company!
Actors such as Zhu Zhu and Guli Nazha, who are second- and third-tier actors and have never starred in any film or television works, have even received top resources such as Iron Man and Transformers and officially went international.

Artists like Liu Shishi, who are already on the borderline between first-tier and second-tier artists, can easily cross the class line as long as they have the right film and television resources!
For a moment, Yang Mi even had a sense of crisis.

She lost miserably to Liu Yifei in a competition a long time ago.

In recent years, she has been competing with Liu Shishi and she won beautifully.

She didn't want to change the current situation. If she was really caught up by Liu Shishi, wouldn't all her efforts over the years be in vain?
Thinking of this, Yang Mi immediately said to Zeng Jia, "Jia Jia, please help me keep an eye out for other crews auditioning for the leading female role. We must not miss any suitable opportunity!"

"Okay, I'll help you find out when I get back."

Zeng Jia was overjoyed. She really didn't expect that Liu Shishi's signing with Feiyinghuang could actually inspire Yang Mi's competitive spirit.

What a coincidence!

What she wants to see most now is Yang Mi taking on roles like crazy, without stopping for even a moment.

Unexpectedly, Liu Shishi actually contributed to her coming to this idea.


The popularity of Liu Shishi signing with the new company did not last long, as it was snatched back by "Tiny Times".

After the film’s box office broke 7000 million on the first day, it reached 8000 million on the second day!
At the end of the first three days of the weekend, the total box office reached 2.3 million.

If we look at the box office performance alone, this movie was undoubtedly a success.

However, according to media investigations and reports, it can be found that the reason why the box office of "Tiny Times" remains so high every day is entirely because of the fans.

There are many "brainless fans" who have become obsessed with the film and publicly called on others online to go to the cinema and watch the movie a second or even a third time.

A lot of people responded.

It is precisely because of this that, despite the complete collapse of word-of-mouth, the film was able to maintain high revenue from new box office revenue relying solely on fans.

Chen Fei wanted to laugh when he saw this.

He just didn't believe that these fans would continue to go to the cinema and watch it a fourth or fifth time after watching it a second or third time.

This is not the way to spend money, not to mention, how many people are truly rich?

He was very sure that within ten days, the film's new box office would plummet to the bottom. Guo Jingming could not attract any passers-by except for making some money from those fans.

So in the end, the ones who suffer are those brainwashed fans.

And the most important thing is that during the current period when the movie is popular, many doubts have been forcibly suppressed.

But the day will come when the film will be withdrawn from theaters, and all the suppression in the early stages will backfire violently in the later stages.

It depends on whether Guo Jingming can bear it.


Time flies and it is July now. Several movies such as "Blind Detective", "Hero of Tai Chi" and "The Man from Macau" held their premiere events one after another.

All three films sent invitations to Chen Fei, but Su Guohai went on his behalf for the first two, and only the one "The Man from Macau" did he attend in person.

Chow Yun-fat's return to the "gambling movie" has attracted a lot of attention.

When Chen Fei appeared at the premiere, he was inevitably besieged by the media.

Some people asked him about "Tiny Times", while others focused on the topic of Liu Shishi signing with Feiyinghuang Entertainment Company.

He did not respond to these two topics.

Because... this has nothing to do with him!
What others do is none of their business. If he casually expresses his opinions here, he will only be criticized as "a target of gossip". He doesn't have the leisure time for that.

After greeting the leading actors, the premiere of "The Man from Macau" soon began.

While the film was being shown, Chen Fei greeted Yang Shoucheng, Lu Zheng and others, and then left the premiere through the back door first.

He had to catch a flight in the afternoon and he had no extra time to wait for the premiere to be over.


"More than 30 people arranged by Dianjing Digital have arrived at the shooting site. The extras are all in place, as are the costumes, props, logistics, security, etc. The set construction has officially passed the acceptance inspection. Now we are waiting for the leading actors and the director to arrive, and then we can officially announce the start of shooting..."

On the phone, Jiang Xuerou, who had already arrived at the filming location of "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy", was reporting to Chen Fei on the crew's preparations.

The filming of "The Journey of Flower" has entered the second half, and the producer Jiang Xuerou no longer needs to stay on the set all the time, so he went to "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" to help supervise the work.

Professional people do professional things.

In terms of crew preparation, Jiang Xueruo is considered to be at the top level in the industry and has never let Chen Fei down.

After listening to her report, Fade Chen nodded with satisfaction: "All the main actors will be in place tomorrow at the latest. They will take a short break and adjust themselves. We will officially start filming the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, I'll pass it on to the people below."

Jiang Xue rubbed her lips and nodded in response, then went to make the arrangements after hanging up the phone.


The business car stopped outside the door of the "Dear" crew again. Liu Yifei wore a large T-sleeve upper body, a skirt lower body, a pair of sandals on her feet, and a sun hat on her head, showing her youthful beauty.

Looking at her outfit, Fade Chen's eyes lit up at first, but then he couldn't help but frowned.

After opening the door, he specifically reminded her, "Are you going to wear this? It's very cold over there on the set, and there's even snow. The weather is completely different from the capital."

"I know." Liu Yifei replied lightly, and said with a giggle: "My mother will go with us too. They have already left in advance, and she is carrying my luggage."

"Oh, that's good, let's go."

Fade Chen waved his hand, signaling her to get in the car first.

After closing the door, the driver opened the soundproof panel, stepped on the accelerator, and drove straight to the airport.

Members of the "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" crew have been rushing to Mudanjiang in recent days. Coupled with the special attention of reporters and paparazzi, airport photos are often leaked.

News such as the two brothers Jiang Wen and Jiang Wu appearing at the airport together, Fan Bingbing showing off his private clothes, and Liu Shishi's first appearance after signing with a new company were uploaded to entertainment websites one by one, frequently attracting the attention of fans and passers-by.

Of course, the father-daughter duo of Han Sanping and Han Jianu are indispensable.

Although they behaved extremely low-key, they were still recognized by the sharp-eyed paparazzi.

When Chen Fei and Liu Yifei showed up at the airport without any disguise, it caused a stir among the media who were waiting at the scene.

The plane was just about to take off when the news was already reported online.

"The crew members of "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy" showed up at the airport one after another and rushed to the filming location. Director Chen Fei and Liu Yifei, who played the role of "Nurse Bai Ru", were with them."

"So far, all the main creative members have rushed to the filming location in Mudanjiang, Northeast China, and the film will officially start shooting in the next few days."

"It is very regrettable that the crew of Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy did not hold any press conference for the start of filming. According to the notice, the crew only invited a few familiar media to attend, and will conduct simple filming and pre-filming interviews."

As related news continued to break out, fans quickly came to conclusions.

This film, which brings together many powerful first-line actors and directors such as Han Sanping, Jiang Wen, Chen Fei, Liu Yifei, and Fan Bingbing, is about to officially start filming!

What is very interesting is that the three most critical male characters in the movie are all outstanding directors.

This kind of lineup combination is very rare!

(ps: Second update, please vote for me!!!)
(End of this chapter)

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