I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 138 A man born to belong to the sea!

Chapter 138 A man born to belong to the sea!
"Boss Bai, if you can often catch such live and very valuable fish when you go to sea in the future, the value of such a seafood boat will become more obvious."

Tang Dahai knew very well that ordinary fishermen did not need such a seafood boat, and they could not afford it.

This kind of seafood boat is basically used for deep-sea fishing, or fishing in very far away seas.

"Boss Bai, in the fishing circle, you can be said to be the only one who owns this kind of seafood boat in the offshore area or near the open sea."

Concubine Shen was right next to her. She was also very happy looking at these three swordfish and Eastern Star Spots.

Only when all these fish are delivered to their store alive can their value be fully realized, especially those three-sword fish. The old gourmets in the store will definitely stare out their eyes when they see it.

Tang Dahai on the side nodded in agreement.

Most people can't afford such a seafood boat. Only monster-level people like Bai Lang will use it offshore or near the open sea.

Even if other people need to use it, they usually rent it once.

"Such a seafood boat is really necessary for me. After returning this time, I actually have a plan."

"I plan to get rid of all the boats I bought specifically for hauling fish, including the fishing boat."

"Then buy a professional fishing boat that is suitable for operating in the open sea and has a certain speed."

Bailang's plan is very simple, that is, to eliminate all the current seafood boats except Tan Bingwei's.

The first is to buy a fast, large fishing boat suitable for fishing in the open sea.

For the rest, if necessary, add another seafood boat similar to Tan Bingwei's.

Concubine Shen and Tang Dahai both nodded. They also agreed very much with Bailang's plan. In this way, the fishing efficiency would definitely be a qualitative leap in the future.

While the three of them were talking, Tan Bingwei also walked over from behind.

The seafood trucks used to transport eastern star grouper and saury are all ready. If there are no problems, these fish can now be transferred to the special fresh seafood truck.

Bailang looked up at the pier and found that a row of seafood trucks had parked on the pier. These seafood trucks were different from ordinary seafood trucks. They were larger than ordinary seafood trucks.

"Now hurry up and transfer these fish to those seafood trucks."

Bailang saw that everything was ready, so he simply took the time to do this.

Although these fish are living well now, if they can be turned into money earlier, of course the sooner the better.

Tan Bingwei nodded and immediately began to direct the people on his ship to start doing this.

Then everyone saw that one after another, the eastern star grouper and saury fish began to be transferred to the seafood truck, and the last ones transferred were the huge octopus fish.

"Oh my God, are these the Eastern Star Spots that Bailang caught on the reef? They are really big. I think each one can be sold for more than 1000 yuan."

"Is this kind of Zhanghong too big? I heard that this kind of fish can only be caught in very deep seawater. Where did he catch it?"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, I also saw several Zhanghong weighing hundreds of pounds. I estimate each one can be sold for 6000 to [-] yuan."

"Is this a triple swordfish?"

More and more people were watching the excitement on the pier. When they saw those Eastern Star Spots and the huge Zhang Hong, their eyes all widened.

They are all people who live by the sea. Even if they don't go fishing at sea, they are very familiar with these fish and know very well how much a fish like this can sell for.

They were all very shocked. They didn't know where Bailang could catch so many fish. The most important thing was that each of these fish was very valuable.

Of course, what really shocked the fishermen was when they saw the living swordfish. At this moment, they were all stunned.

Many people watching the excitement did not know this fish, but many of the old fishermen recognized it at a glance. When they told the value of this fish, everyone around them was dumbfounded.

"Isn't the three-sword fish extinct in our area? How could Bailang catch so many three-sword fish at once!"

"This is simply too scary. Where did Bailang find the triple swordfish?"

"I just heard someone say that a pound of this kind of fish now costs over a thousand yuan. Doesn't this mean that Bailang has already made a lot of money just from these three-sword fish?"

The chatter around them became louder and louder, and everyone had disbelief on their faces.

Bailang was already very good at fishing offshore, and everyone was mentally prepared for what he would gain this time when he went fishing offshore.

But unexpectedly, his harvest far exceeded people's expectations. It can be said that the value of every fish he brought back from this trip was very high.

Not to mention Dong Xingban and Zhang Hong, what is really shocking is the now very rare three-swordfish. This kind of fish really requires very good luck to encounter.

A three-sword fish as big as the palm of your hand costs more than 1000 yuan, and the impact is even greater than that of an ordinary large yellow croaker. After all, there are too many three-sword fish in this batch, nearly two thousand in total.

Tang Dahai and Tang Dayang, who had already arrived, were ready. Each of these fish was very precious and they must not make any mistakes, especially the live eastern star grouper and triple swordfish. They should not be careless.

Concubine Shen was also prepared.

She had already called the master chef in the store in advance and asked him to bring someone to the town to help handle the matter.

When they saw the swordfish, they were really shocked. They are all people who have been in the industry and know very well the current value of this fish.

He immediately cheered up and led people to keep an eye on those people watching the fun. They must not be allowed to get close to the fish.

The Eastern Star Spot is a bit better, not so delicate, but the Three Swordfish is different. There are too many people around and it can easily get frightened.

Not to mention Tan Bingwei and the others at this time, everyone was careful when moving to ensure that there would be no mistakes.

Bailang ignored this matter at this time, because he had already taken care of all these fish and had nothing to do with him.

Besides, even if he wanted to help, there was no way to do it. It was better to leave professional matters to professionals. His specialty was fishing.

At this time, including Wang Jianguo, they had nothing to do. Everyone was lying on the side of the boat watching the excitement.

Bailang smoked a cigarette and glanced at them. He saw that everyone was smiling so hard that they couldn't even see their eyes.

He knew very well that in the eyes of these people, every fish transferred to the seafood truck was a solid stack of banknotes, and there was no reason to be unhappy when they saw the banknotes.

"Dazhu, if you keep smiling like this, the teeth in your mouth will fall out."

Wang Jianguo saw that Dazhu was having fun watching the fish, so he kicked him in the butt.

"Uncle Jianguo, you are not much better than us. When you saw these fish, didn't you laugh so hard that your teeth almost fell off?" As Dazhu's good brother, Wang Dayong knew that he was stupid, so he took the initiative to fight back for him.

"Hahaha, who says it's not the case? I just took a look and found that each of us was smiling so hard that we couldn't even see our teeth."

Wang Jianping next to him also burst into laughter at this time.

Now all these fish have been sold, which means they have all been converted into banknotes.

And before long, Bailang will pay out this dividend, and everyone will get a large amount of income. It can be said that there is nothing more joyful than this in the world.

"Prodigal Son, did you really catch three swordfish this time?"

At this time, Chen Yunshan and Chen Xinyue also squeezed in front of Bailang.

They watched the crowd for a while, but because there were too many people, they never saw the three swordfish that people were talking about.

"Yes, we did catch some saury this time, otherwise we wouldn't be so cautious."

Bai Lang nodded. He really didn't expect that Chen Xinyue and the others would come here to watch the fun.

"Is there really a saury fish? It's such a pity. I haven't seen what a fish worth 1000 yuan looks like."

Chen Xinyue said with some regret when Bailang nodded and admitted that he had indeed caught the swordfish.

Seeing her expectant look, Bai Lang also said something in time.

"It's no pity. I still have a few saury fish left on the boat. You can take one back later. You can keep it to watch or eat it."

"Ah? There's no need for that. I'm mainly curious about what it looks like and want to take a look."

Chen Xinyue was immediately shocked when she heard what he said.

The price of saury is too expensive. Thinking that this kind of fish costs 1000 yuan per pound, she thought it would be nice to take a look at this kind of fish.

Seeing her like this, Bai Lang also laughed. Their fishing gear shop had made a lot of money recently, but he didn't expect that she was still the same as before.

Tang Dahai and Concubine Shen, including Tan Bingwei, worked hard for more than an hour before finally moving all the fish.

After seeing the car door close and the last seafood truck leaving, several people really felt relieved.

Tang Dahai came to Bailang and handed him the list of records in his hand.

Bailang lowered his head and glanced at them all. The records on it were very detailed. Whether it was Eastern starfish, three swordfish, or red octopus, the quantity, unit price, and total price of each fish were clearly written.

The seafood brought back from this trip was sold for a total of more than 380 million yuan.

It can be said that the price of each fish brought back this time is very good, mainly because the Eastern star grouper and three swordfish are alive, and each of the octopus fish is very large.

Similarly, after Tang Dahai sells these fish to the market, the price can be higher, and he can also make a huge profit.

So he was very happy at the moment.

"Boss Bai, if there is no problem, I will arrange for someone to transfer the money to you right now."

Bailang nodded and said it was no problem. The two of them had worked together many times and they still trusted him in this regard.

It didn't take long for him to successfully receive the information that his account was credited.

The next thing was very simple. It was Bailang's turn to transfer the money to Wang Jianguo and the others. The 1% dividend was transferred to six of them, and each of them received more than 6000.

After receiving the money, the faces of Wang Jianguo and others looked like flowers blooming one after another.

After all the matters were dealt with, the next step was to follow the old rules and everyone had a meal together at the food stall on the pier.

It's the same as before. They also brought their own ingredients this time, two saury fish and an eastern starfish, which scared the owner of the food stall. He has been cooking here for so many years. Bailang can be said to be the first person he met. The most arrogant customer I have ever had.

Everyone chatted while eating the meal, which lasted for two or three hours.

During the three or four days of this trip to sea, such a meal not only filled my stomach, but more importantly, it also refreshed my spirit.

After eating and drinking, the most important thing to do next is to go back and take a rest.

If it were before, Bailang would have to go back to Dalang Village to rest, but now that he has bought a villa in the town, he doesn't need to travel so far.

Originally, he wanted the village chief and others to go to the villa to rest together, but they disagreed anyway. In the end, there was no other choice but to let the village chief and others sail back to Dalang Village.

After the two of them finished eating, Chen Xinyue had to take care of the business in the store, so they left in a hurry after eating.

As for Concubine Shen, her cell phone has been ringing non-stop since she started eating. She doesn't know how the news about the goods in her hand was leaked. Customers kept calling to ask about it, so after she finished eating , also hurriedly drove back to the city.

Now only Bai Lang, Tang Dahai, and Tan Bingwei are left on the table.

Originally, Bai Lang wanted to invite Tan Bingwei to sit in his villa, but when he thought about it, it seemed a bit hard to say it. After all, there was Tang Dahai sitting next to him.

In the end, she stood up and said: "Boss Bai, Boss Tang, I'm going back to the ship to rest first. If anything happens, you can call me at any time."

After seeing Tan Bingwei leaving, Bailang and Bailang didn't stay any longer and each returned to their villa.

When Bailang returned to the villa and slept for a while, he found that it was already dark. He took his phone and saw that it was already seven o'clock in the evening.

He got up and stretched and moved a bit.

Resting on land was different from resting on a ship. Although he only slept for a few hours, he felt a hundred times more energetic.

Bailang poured himself a glass of water and went directly to the balcony of the villa.

Looking up and looking forward, the sea feels like a huge sapphire, and the sea breeze is very comfortable.

"Maybe I am really born to belong to the sea."

After Bailang took a sip of water, he couldn't help but sigh.

Living in such a place, looking at the large and small ships moored on the sea, and feeling the sea breeze, he suddenly felt that his life was perfect.

(End of this chapter)

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