I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 149 Bailang is definitely a seabed harvester!

Chapter 149 Bailang is definitely a seabed harvester!
"I guess there will be green dragon eels in the next crab pots, just like we did with orchid crabs and lobsters just now."

At this time, Wang Jianguo's heartbeat began to speed up unconsciously.

I didn’t feel this way when I pulled lobsters and orchid crabs just now, because compared to orchid crabs and lobsters, blue dragon eels are really rare and their value is much higher.

"As expected, they are all full of green dragon eels!"

Wang Jianguo looked at the large crab pot that had just emerged from the water. Although it had not been pulled up to the deck, he could already see that it was full of green dragon eels.

"Hahaha, there are definitely more than 2 blue dragon eels in this crab pot, which means I got another [-] to [-] yuan!"

Wang Dayong laughed loudly, the harvest from such a crab pot is really amazing.

"Jianguo, there should be a hundred crab pots we just pulled up. This means that if the remaining fifty crab pots are all green dragon eels, wouldn't it be possible that the income from just these fifty crab pots would exceed 50?”

Wang Jianmin didn't know it, but he was shocked. He had never thought that the things caught in the crab pot could be so valuable. This was far beyond their expectations.

Wang Jianguo was stunned for a moment. He had just been looking at the number and size of the green dragon eels in the Happy Crab pot, and had not thought about how much they could sell for.

Now when I hear Wang Jianmin say this, my first reaction is that it is impossible. A crab pot is worth ten or twenty thousand, which is simply a fantasy.

But after I came back to my senses, I realized that such a crab pot harvest of ten thousand or twenty thousand is really not an exaggeration at all.

"Hey, when I took you two out to fish in the past, no matter whether it was setting the hook or lowering the fishing net, it was very difficult to get some harvest. It's not like now that we follow the prodigal and catch whatever we want. , you can have as much money as you want, people not only have to accept old age, but also have to accept defeat."

Thinking of this, Wang Jianguo couldn't help but shake his head. Compared with the people who fished normally, there was a huge gap between them and Bailang.

"Hahaha, Uncle Jianguo, aren't you making yourself uncomfortable by comparing yourself to a prodigal?"

Wang Jianping was handling the pulled crab pots nearby. When he heard what Wang Jianguo said, he couldn't help but laugh.

He definitely made himself uncomfortable. Everyone knew Bailang's ability, and no one would overestimate their abilities and think about comparing with him.

Wang Jianguo was speechless. Indeed, comparing himself to Bai Lang was simply causing trouble for himself.

On the deck of the big ship, everyone was busy, and crab pots were pulled up one after another.

They didn't notice at all that there was a large ship parked on the sea in the distance, which had been staring at them closely from the beginning.

"What's going on? Why are Bailang and the others staying there?"

At the bow of the ship, a middle-aged man held a telescope in his hand and kept looking at Bailang's big ship.

This time they went fishing in the open sea and accidentally saw the big boat Bailang had just bought, so they decided to follow it from a distance.

Especially when they saw Bailang and the others putting down the crab pots, they immediately decided not to leave. They were going to see if there was any chance to steal a few crab pots. If there was anything, they might as well just pull up all the crab pots.

But what they didn't expect was that after Bailang put down the crab pot, he had no intention of leaving and stopped nearby.

This left them at a loss as to what to do.

At first, they thought Bailang was just stopping for a short rest, but as time passed, they saw Bailang starting to let people pull crab pots.

Seeing this, they realized that their several hours of waiting were completely in vain, and they felt very depressed. If they had not wasted these five or six hours, I am afraid they would have reached the open sea by now.

Spending time here now will not gain anything at all, it is simply self-inflicted.

But the matter has come to this, and there is no point in regretting it. What they want to know now is whether there is any harvest in the crab pots that Bailang pulled up.

When he saw the first crab pot coming out of the water, he was immediately dumbfounded.

Through the telescope, he could see very clearly that the crab pot was filled with almost all orchid crabs.

In the past few years, he has been fishing in the open sea, and he is considered a good fisherman. They once used crab pots to catch orchid crabs, but the results were not satisfactory. One crab pot could catch ten or twenty kilograms. Even if the orchid crab was good, because the efficiency was too low, they simply gave up this method later.

But the scene he saw before him really shocked him.

The most important thing is that Bailang's crab pot has only been soaked in the water for five or six hours, and it is so scary to be able to achieve such a harvest.

As an old fisherman, he immediately estimated how much such a crab pot might be worth, at least seven to eight thousand.

After calculating the numbers, his eyes turned green.

"Is this Bailang really so capable? He has gained so much in such a short period of time."

The middle-aged man was really puzzled. The scene in front of him simply overturned his understanding of this sea area.

"Is it possible that there are layers of orchid crabs under this sea area?"

Another person next to him took the telescope and looked at it for a while, also unable to believe what he saw.

In the crab pot that was just pulled up, the orchid crabs were so crowded that there was almost no room for movement. They were all stacked one on top of the other.

"It seems that Bailang really has the ability to track fish schools as the legend says. Otherwise, there would be no such harvest. He must have placed the crab pot directly inside the crab school."

Seeing that Bailang and the others had gained something like this, the middle-aged man felt not only envy, but also jealousy and hatred.

He hated Bailang and the others for staying here just now.

If Bailang leaves, everything in these crab pots will be theirs.

His mind was filled with such thoughts, but he could only think about it in his heart.

Because after Bai Lang finished laying the crab pot, he just didn't leave. He just waited by the side without giving them a chance.

"Oh my God, how is this possible? There are so many blue dragon eels?"

If they could accept the orchid crab and lobster just now, then the green dragon eel that appeared at this moment was really difficult for them to accept.

Such a big green dragon eel weighs three to four hundred and one kilograms.

What's even more unbelievable to them is that so many blue dragon eels can be found in such a sea area.

"Does this Bailang have clairvoyance? How did he do this?"

The two of them were so shocked that they felt as if a thunderbolt had struck their foreheads directly, and they couldn't react for a long time.

They are actually very aware of the conditions in this sea area. When passing by for fishing in the open sea, they often set a net, or simply try their luck with a trawl net.Although they would gain something most of the time, they had never caught anything like a blue dragon eel here.

"This Bailang is really powerful. They have almost 150 crab pots here."

He calculated it in his mind and could roughly guess how many crab pots Bailang had placed in this area.

"Well, that's about the amount."

Both estimates were about the same amount.

"The orchid crabs and lobsters we pulled up just now probably weigh fifty or sixty pounds each, right?"

The middle-aged man knew that his estimate was definitely very conservative.

The crab pots used on Bailang boats are more than one meter in diameter. For crab pots of this size, there is no need to observe them closely. You can see how many fish are inside with a telescope from a distance.

The man next to him didn't speak. He knew what the middle-aged man wanted to express.

Whether it's orchid crabs or lobsters, one pound of such a big crab usually costs more than 100 yuan, which means each of these crab pots is worth more than 60 to [-] yuan, and a hundred crab pots are worth [-] yuan.

The following green dragon eels are even more precious. A pound of eel is at least [-], and a crab pot contains at least [-] to [-] pounds of green dragon eel. This means that each of the remaining crab pots is very likely to be worth. More than fifteen thousand.

"In this case, Bailang can earn at least more than 100 million yuan after working here for five or six hours."

When the middle-aged man calculated this data, he felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart.

Such an amount, plus the waiting time of Bailang and the others, was only a dozen hours, but the money they earned could already be worth the seven or eight times they went out to sea.

Moreover, the data they calculated just now is very conservative. The total income from the 150 crab pots Bailang bought this time is likely to have exceeded 150 million.

When he thought of such a number, he suddenly felt dizzy, and even felt top-heavy and unsteady. He took several deep breaths before calming down.

"This Bailang is even more powerful than the legendary one, we must follow him!"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth. He didn't get a chance this time, but he believed that as long as he kept following Bailang, he would definitely find an opportunity.

However, the man next to him shook his head after hearing this.

"What, you don't think this is a good idea?"

What he saw before him was enough to prove Bailang's ability. He could definitely track the fish, otherwise the crab pots he put down would not have yielded such good harvests.

If you keep following people like this and looking for opportunities, whether it's stealing crab pots or fishing nets, you can definitely make a lot of money, which is much better than trying your luck to catch fish by yourself.

"You are not afraid of this Bailang, are you?"

The middle-aged man quickly thought of it. It was rumored that Bailang was not only good at fishing, but also had a very hot temper.

"How could I be afraid of such a young boy? I just think it is useless and a waste of time."

The man sneered, then shook his head.

"Why? As long as we follow them, there will definitely be a chance. They will definitely go fishing in the open sea this time, and they will have to stay in the open sea for at least ten days and a half. As long as we follow them from a distance, we will There must be a chance, as long as we can seize an opportunity and pull his fishing net away, the harvest will definitely be more than what we catch ourselves."

The middle-aged man immediately told what he planned.

In his opinion, relying on the two of them to catch fish is far less profitable than following Bailang and the others to steal fish.

"If it were someone else, we might be able to do this, but it's obviously not possible to follow Bailang. He won't give us this opportunity at all."

"What do you mean? Why don't we have a chance?"

The middle-aged man was already very depressed, and now he seemed even more impatient after hearing his companion's verbose words.

“Didn’t you notice that Bailang’s time for setting crab pots is very short? I heard that he used to lower the hooks and fishing nets the same way.”

The man shook his head as he spoke.

This is a very fatal problem. If the time for Bailang to lower fishing nets and place crab pots is very short, they will not have any chance even if they follow them all the time.

Just like this time, others usually have to wait 24 hours before pulling up the crab pot, but Bailang only waited five or six hours to pull up the crab pot. This is why Bailang didn't pull up the crab pot just now. Reason for leaving.

If Bailang's fishing boat had been nearby, and if they dared to drive the fishing boat over to pull those crab pots, the legendary Bailang's harpoon would definitely fly over.

Stealing and grabbing are two fundamentally different things.

If it was just stealing and was not discovered by others, there would be no evidence in the vast sea.

But if it was Ming Qiang and Bailang and the others were watching, this would definitely be a very dangerous and terrifying thing.

It can be said that no one who can go fishing in the open sea and deep ocean is easy to bully, especially Bailang and the others who are from Dalang Village.

After hearing this, the middle-aged man reacted quickly.

Yes, that's it. If Bailang fishes like this in the future, they won't have a good chance even if they keep following behind.

Bailang simply ignored the big ship that had been staring at them from a distance. In his opinion, these people were just clowns and there was no need to take it seriously.

Regardless of whether these people wanted to steal his crab pot or not, he would not give these people any chance.

Every time they set hooks and crab pots, they would be pulled up in the shortest possible time, leaving others no chance at all.

After a while.

After Bailang saw that all the crab pots had been pulled up and transferred to another seafood boat, they didn't stop much. The village chief immediately drove the boat forward.

Their destination this time is the open sea, so they must hurry up and rush to see how much they will gain from this trip.

"Hey, should we follow or not?"

Seeing Bailang and their ship getting further and further away, almost disappearing in a moment, the middle-aged man was really hesitant.

(End of this chapter)

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