I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 152: The school of fish is really exaggerated, making a fortune!

Chapter 152: The school of fish is really exaggerated, making a fortune!
"Of course I'm not kidding you. I only know that there is a large group of blackfish in front of me. As for why they appear here, I don't know."

Bailang spread his hands. He really didn't know why a large group of blackfish appeared in such a place.

The system only reminded him that there was such a large school of fish in front of him, but did not tell him why these fish appeared here.

Concubine Shen calmed down. She knew very well that there was no need for Bailang to joke with them on this matter.

And Bai Lang was right. They didn't need to figure out why these fish appeared here. They just needed to make sure there was such a school of blackfish here and catch them.

The blackfish in this season are all seed-bearing. If you can catch them all, it will definitely not be a joke.

"Boss Bai, what do you need me to do?"

Concubine Shen knew that Bailang's visit to her at this time must be related to these black fish.

But she was in the city now, and he couldn't help at all with the fishing matter.

"What's precious about blackhead fish is not its meat, but its roe. In other words, the roe of fresh blackhead fish is not valuable either. It must be processed in order to sell it at a good price."

"It's easy to catch these blackfish, but processing these roe is beyond our capabilities."

"Boss Shen, I don't know if you know anyone in this field. Please contact me. After I catch all this group of blackfish, I will return to the dock immediately and find someone to take over as soon as possible."

Bailang was so excited when he discovered the school of black fish just now that he didn't think about it at all. Now that he calmed down, he realized that this was the most important thing.

If no one can pickle and dry the roe of these black fish, they are not worth much at all. Catching such a large school of fish is a waste of effort.

When Concubine Shen heard what Bai Lang said, she immediately understood what was going on.

"No problem, leave this matter to me. I actually know people in this field. Just catch the blackfish and leave the rest to me."

She nodded immediately without hesitation.

This matter is neither difficult nor easy, but to her, it is really just a small matter.

Nowadays, there are many people who can pickle mullet roe, and you can even find some on the dock. However, it is not so easy to find mullet roe, especially in their place.

Nowadays, many places have started to cultivate freshwater blackfish, but the difference between the farmed blackfish and the natural wild blackfish is very big.

Needless to say, the large group of blackfish found by Bailang now must be natural and wild. Once their roe is produced, it will definitely be compared with gold.

Bai Lang was relieved when Concubine Shen agreed.

If he can't find someone to pickle mullet roe in a short period of time, he might really have to give up on such a big fish school.

"Tan Bingwei, just follow up your fishing boat slowly. You don't need to drive too fast. I estimate that if you want to catch all this group of blackfish, it will take at least several hours, or even close to ten hours." time."

"You just need to follow us from a distance. We will notify you when we start to collect the nets. You can hurry up and come over then. After catching this batch of blackfish, we will return to the dock immediately."

Bailang hung up the phone after explaining the matter. He still had many things to deal with next.

"Concubine Shen, you must leave some of the roe from this batch of black fish for me."

Tan Bingwei immediately said something to Concubine Shen.

If it were something else, she wouldn't really mind it, but blackfish is a really good thing.

In particular, the roe of black fish is definitely a very rare thing here. It is not only rich in nutrition, but also tastes very good.

"You don't have to worry about this at all. It will definitely satisfy you. Don't forget, even if you don't talk about this matter, with Bailang's tyrant style, he will never treat you badly. I guess he will definitely give it to you when the time comes. Each person is given a gift of ten or eight pounds."

Concubine Shen was just joking at the beginning, but as she spoke, the expression on her face became weird because she discovered that Bai Lang could really do such a thing.

Others may regard these mullet roe and other things as very important, but in Bailang's view, they are really just food. He must eat them until he is full and tired of them before he can exchange them for money.

For people like Tan Bingwei who follow fishing, there must be benefits. Eight or ten pounds may be a bit exaggerated, but three or five pounds is very possible.

When Tan Bingwei saw the strange look on Concubine Shen's face, she knew what she was thinking at this time, and couldn't help but laugh.

Concubine Shen must have found it hard to accept Bai Lang's behavior, but there was nothing she could do about it.

Bailang didn't know his rich style at this time, and was severely despised by Concubine Shen.

After he finished chatting with Tan Bingwei and the others, he immediately focused his attention on the school of blackfish he was tracking.

"9400 meters due east, there are 27565 blackfish, each weighing six pounds or seven taels."

"8500 meters due east, there are 27565 blackfish, each weighing six pounds or seven taels."


Bailang looked at the information that was constantly refreshing on the interface, and was very satisfied.

Although they are still very far away from the black fish school at this time, in general, the distance is still getting closer.

He also knew that his big boat would definitely be able to catch up with this big school of fish, so there was no need to worry at all, he just had to follow closely behind.

Bailang took out a cigarette from his pocket, lit one, and took a long puff. Almost in the blink of an eye, the entire cab was filled with bursts of smoke.

After taking a look, I found that the cigarette in the dry tobacco pole had already been extinguished long ago because the village chief was concentrating on sailing the boat, so he simply lit it for him.

"Hahaha, prodigal son, why do I think you are not nervous at all now? You were so anxious at the beginning."

The village chief took a puff of cigarette while driving the boat.

He had been concentrating on chasing the fish just now and had long forgotten about smoking. Now that he saw Bailang smoking, he couldn't help it.

Driving such a big boat was just child's play for him, and he didn't need to spend much energy at all. He was just attracted by this large school of fish, so he couldn't help but concentrate.

"This school of fish cannot escape, and it seems that there are no other fishing boats near this area."

As Bailang said that, he looked at the surrounding sea area very carefully again. He didn't see any fishing boats. He took a closer look with the binoculars and still didn't see any other fishing boats.

This is very important, because if there are other fishing boats operating here, they might come over to grab food.The fish he found were blackfish. The value of blackfish in this season is so high, anyone who is not crazy will understand.

If there are other fishing boats around, it will be really troublesome.

Fortunately, he was very lucky today. Not only did he find such a large school of blackfish, but there were no other fishing boats around. Even if there were, it would be an hour or two later.

By then the overall situation has been decided, and I must have lowered the net and surrounded this large group of blackfish.

Hearing Bai Lang's words, the village chief's heart skipped a beat. He had just been busy sailing the boat and had already forgotten about it. He immediately turned around and looked at the surrounding sea area, and found that it was just as Bai Lang said, this sea area There are no other fishing boats.

It is not that simple to catch fish and have something to eat in the vast sea.

Even if you do find a school of fish, other accidents may happen before you catch them all.

Bailang discovered the school of fish and drove his fishing boat wildly. If there were other fishing boats around, especially if they recognized them, they would probably guess what their boat was going to do.

Others might find the fish before you do.

You know, if it is a really huge school of fish, even in a wide sea area like the open sea, as long as the distance is close enough, you can almost see it with the naked eye. The big fish school makes a lot of noise on the sea. , it is absolutely impossible to hide it.

"Prodigal, we are indeed very lucky this time. Fortunately, there are no other fishing boats nearby. When we follow other fish schools in the future, we must pay attention to the surroundings. If there are other fishing boats, we would rather slow down than drive like now. Running wildly on a fishing boat attracts attention, otherwise it is likely to give others an advantage."

The village chief taught seriously.

Bailang has not been fishing for a long time, and his lack of experience in this area is understandable. However, he is a real veteran and has been fishing for decades. If he had not been lucky today, he might have capsized in the gutter.

"Well, you're right, village chief. We really have to be careful about this matter. If we weren't lucky this time, we might have given up such a large school of fish."

Bailang knew that what the village chief said was definitely likely to happen.

"8300 meters due east, there are 27565 blackfish, each weighing six pounds or seven taels."

"7000 meters due east, there are 27565 blackfish, each weighing six pounds or seven taels."


Bailang didn't speak anymore. At this time, he focused all his energy on the information refreshed on the interface.

Now that they were getting closer to the entire Wu Ziyu position, he had to be very alert, because he would soon be setting off the net to catch fish, and he absolutely could not take it lightly.

Although he had a system to track the entire school of fish, he still had to be careful.

The most important thing is that Bailang has made up his mind to catch the entire school of fish in one catch.

Almost half an hour later, their big boat was already less than 1000 meters away from the fish in front.

Bailang felt very satisfied. The new big ship was indeed very fast. If they were still sailing the old big ship, it might take a very long time to catch up, or they might even not be able to catch up. I can watch this large group of blackfish slip away.

"Uncle Jianguo, pay attention to what is directly in front of you. I think you should be able to see the school of fish now."

Bailang glanced at the fish information on the interface again and found that the distance was only 500 meters away.

At this distance now, the naked eye can already see the school of fish not far from the bow of the boat. Because the school of fish is so big, the color of the sea water has changed. If you want to see the large school of Wuyang Wuyang, It’s impossible not to see him.

At this time, he stood at the highest point of the ship and could see very clearly.

After Bai Lang finished speaking to Wang Jianguo, he turned to look at the village chief next to him and found that he was stunned and even his hands began to tremble.

"The village chief is just a school of fish."

Bailang immediately reminded the village chief.

You know, he is driving a big ship and must not make any mistakes.

The village chief also woke up immediately, and then shook his head with a wry smile.

The so-called big fish school in Bailangkou is not an ordinary big fish school. After catching fish all his life, he has never seen so many blackhead fish gathered together.

In fact, he has never even seen a hundred blackhead fish gathered together. Now it seems that they are all covered with blackhead fish as far as the eye can see, and they are all crowded together. Some are just on the sea, and some are still there. The depths of the sea.

He believed that he would never encounter this situation again in his life, because it was so shocking.

This kind of scene can definitely be used to brag in the future.

"Prodigal Son, I have been fishing all my life, but I never imagined that one day I would see so many blackhead fish gathered together."

The village chief really couldn't believe his eyes, this was too exaggerated.

"Haha, to be honest, I didn't expect to encounter this scene before. It seems that we are really lucky today. In addition to making a lot of money from the crab pots we put down before, if this large group of blackfish If we can catch him, it’s definitely not a joke, we will make a lot of money, even several times or even dozens of times.”

Bailang was also surprised when he saw so many fish gathering together and appearing in front of him.

Although he already knew that the size of this fish school was very large, exceeding [-], the interface displayed only a number.

Now when I actually see so many fish appearing in front of me, the shock is definitely difficult to describe in words.

Bailang thought for a moment, then took out his cell phone and took a video, and then sent it to Tang Dahai and Concubine Shen, including Tan Bingwei, so that they could also see how amazing such a school of fish was.

Wang Jianguo, Dazhu Wang Dayong and others have been staying on the deck, ready to launch fishing nets at any time.

After hearing Bailang's words, he immediately looked up and looked forward. Because of the location, it was not particularly convenient to see, but because the fish school was so big, he couldn't even see it.

"Oh my god, why is this school of fish so big? It's like a big dark cloud, Wuyang Wuyang."

"Yes, and you can see that every fish is very big. No wonder the prodigal son asked us to prepare a big net."

"I have never seen so many fish gathered together in my life."

Wang Dayong and the others were really shocked when they saw these fish on the sea. They had never seen such a large school of fish before.

(End of this chapter)

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