I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 16 Seafood tracking upgraded again

Chapter 16 Seafood tracking upgraded again

After wandering around the town for a while, Bai Lang found that he accidentally came to the small street selling fishing gear. Seeing that the shop in front was still lit, he hesitated and walked over.

Chen Xinyue lowered her head and kept tying the hooks. When she heard the footsteps, she raised her head and was stunned for a moment. She didn't expect that the person who came in was Bai Lang.

"Brother Prodigal Son, why are you here?"

Chen Xinyue smiled, put down what she was doing, stood up, poured a glass of water and handed it to him.

Bailang was not polite, pulled a low stool from the side and sat down, took the water and took a sip.

"It's getting late now, why are you still working?"

He was a little surprised. Generally speaking, life in a fishing village is no different from farming. You go to bed early and get up early. Even if you have to look after the store at this time, you usually don't do any work.

"I'm not usually this busy. I still can't stop working today, and it's not all because of you."

Chen Xinyue sat down with a smile as she spoke and continued to tie the row hooks on her hands.

"No way, what does taking care of you have to do with me?" Bailang was a little surprised.

"Today you set out a hook to catch several thousand kilograms of white pomfret. Now everyone in the town knows about it. Everyone has bought a hook and wanted to go out to sea to catch fish. Now the business of the store is not good even if it's not good."

Seeing that he didn't react, Chen Xinyue immediately explained.

"I didn't expect this to really have something to do with me. If that's the case, you have to hurry up and sell more. If it's too late, it might not be easy to sell."

Bailang scratched the back of his head. If he really wanted to say it, this matter really had something to do with him.

When the fishermen saw that he caught so many white pomfrets at once, they would be surprised if they didn't go crazy.

"Ah, why?"

Hearing Bai Lang say that it would be difficult to sell the hook if it was arranged too late, Chen Xinyue raised her head and looked at him.

"Because these people will soon find that they can't catch white pomfret at all. It won't take them a few days to calm down. By then, the hooks will naturally be hard to sell."

"How do you know they can't catch fish? Are there not many white pomfrets in the sea?"

Chen Xinyue was stunned for a moment. If this was really the case, Paigou's business would indeed not last more than a few days.

"The sea is vast, and of course there are a lot of white pomfret. The key to the problem is whether they can find it. Not many people in the town have caught white pomfret for ten or eight years. Now they are rushing to catch fish. Naturally It’s impossible to catch them. I guess at most I’ll get some sporadic catches or catch some other fish. I just happened to encounter a school of white pomfret when I went out to sea today.”

Bailang took a sip of water and said to her, and at the same time explained that he was lucky enough to catch the white pomfret.

After hearing what he said, Chen Xinyue couldn't help but nodded lightly.

Indeed, the sea is so big that there cannot be no fish. The key to the problem is whether we can find where these fish schools are.

If you can accurately find fish schools, you can naturally make a lot of money, just like Bailang.

If you can't find it, it's impossible to catch many fish in such a big sea by just letting out the row of hooks.

She has been helping her parents sell fishing gear at home for more than a month. Usually, not many people come to buy hooks. From this, it can be seen that fishing with hooks is not easy.

And people like Bai Lang, who can catch several thousand kilograms of white pomfret in one day, are rare in ten years.

After the two chatted for a while, Bai Lang didn't interrupt her tying the row hook anymore, stood up and left.

Chen Xinyue originally thought about going to bed after tying the basket of hooks in her hand, but thinking of what Bai Lang said just now, she didn't go to bed at all. She planned to stay busy all night tonight and tie more rows of hooks.

Business at the wharf has been difficult in the past few years, so Chen Xinyue's parents simply gave up the small shop to their daughter, who was on summer vacation, and chose to work in the city.

Like Bai Lang, Chen Xinyue also grew up in a fishing village and was used to hardship since childhood. Now that she finally had an opportunity to make money, she would not miss it.

Bailang didn't know that his words made Chen Xinyue stay awake for the next day and night, and kept tying the hook.

But even if he knew it, he wouldn't try to persuade her. Instead, he would give her a thumbs up. Making money is never easy in this world. If you have the opportunity, you must seize the opportunity to make a lot of money.

Those who understand this truth and are willing to endure hardship are worthy of admiration.After Bailang left Chen Xinyue's fishing gear shop, he continued to wander around the town. Although it was just a remote town and it was getting late, the streets were still lively.

Although most of the place has been plunged into darkness, the most important commercial street in the town is still brightly lit.

After Bailang shopped for a while, he walked into an electrical appliance store selling refrigerators and air conditioners.

He had just returned to the fishing village and there were basically no electrical appliances at home. After looking at them for a while, he chose two brand-name air conditioners, one for the living room and the other for his room.

In addition, I also bought a TV and a huge refrigerator. Although I don’t spend much time watching TV, if there is no TV in a home, I always feel that something is missing.

Not to mention a refrigerator. He will be out at sea most of the time. A larger refrigerator can store some meat or seafood. After all, he can't go to town to eat every time he is hungry.

Bailang bought all the electrical appliances he needed in this store, including electric kettles and the like, spending a total of more than 1.

At the same time, he has also agreed to ask the boss to deliver the things to his village tomorrow morning.

After buying the electrical appliances, Bailang had no choice to stay in the town any longer.

He got on the fishing boat and headed for Dalang Village.

It is already one o'clock in the morning, but it is not completely dark on the sea, especially near the sea. From time to time, you can see bright lights flashing one after another.

These are all people who set nets for fishing at sea. Most of the fishing boats are small fishing boats. It is impossible to go to the open sea to fish. They are all crowded in a relatively narrow inland sea.

"It is estimated that many of these ships are equipped with discharge hooks."

Bailang smiled, but he didn't expect that he would bring about such a phenomenon.

It is now the beginning of August, and the sea in the early morning and the night breeze are blowing, which is very comfortable.

He looked at the many fishing boats in the distance and couldn't help but think: "I wonder how many fish are in this area, or what kind of fish are there?"

Although he had no intention of fishing tonight, thinking that he could track and locate the fish, he still opened the system interface.

Only he can see the information on the interface, and it will not be affected at night.

As soon as Bailang looked up, he saw there seemed to be a system prompt on it.

"Huh? Can the system be upgraded?"

His eyes lit up. The fishing system was now at Level 100 and could search for seafood within a [-]m radius.

Today he caught nearly [-] kilograms of white pomfret with a hook, and together with yesterday's big grouper, the points gained were enough to upgrade the system to level two.

Without hesitation, Bailang chose to upgrade.

[The fishing system is upgraded to Level 1000, the seafood tracking range is expanded to [-]M, and you gain the ability to dive. 】

Seeing the prompt information on the interface, Bailang's eyes lit up again. Although he had already known the benefits of the upgrade, he was a little surprised to gain an additional diving ability.

Growing up in a seaside fishing village, he can naturally swim, but he is not very good at it. The diving ability he is now rewarded must be much better than before.

Ignoring this for the time being, Bailang looked at the seafood information that was refreshed on the side.

"350 meters to the northeast, there are 22 flower-body chickens and fish, with an average weight of one tael per piece."

"600 meters to the east, there are 16 dragon fish, with an average weight of three taels per fish."

"720 meters southwest, 100 sand pointed fish, with an average weight of one tael per fish."


"988 meters northwest, 3 blue crabs, each weighing seven taels."

(End of this chapter)

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