I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 30 1 Network Mobile Gold Bars

Chapter 30 A network of mobile gold bars

"Dazhu, keep this direction, don't change, keep driving forward!"

This group of large yellow croakers was right in front of them. There was no need to change direction at all, just drive the boat over.

Although Dazhu didn't know why Bailang asked him to do this, he absolutely obeyed Bailang's words.

He didn't ask any more questions. He clenched his hands and carefully steered the helm. The fishing boat sailed forward steadily in the wind and waves without any deviation.

The wind and waves ahead were getting bigger and bigger, and sometimes there were even big waves exceeding one meter, but Bailang and Dazhu on the boat were not afraid at all.

Bailang locked onto the information about the big yellow croaker just now.

"850 meters directly ahead, there are 275 large yellow croakers, with an average weight of two kilograms and four taels."

"700 meters directly ahead, there are 275 large yellow croakers, with an average weight of two kilograms and four taels."

"Six hundred meters directly ahead, big yellow croaker."

Seeing the big yellow croaker getting closer and closer, Bailang immediately sped up his movements and quickly dropped the fishing net he had prepared into the sea.

This group of large yellow croakers is distributed over a wide range. Fortunately, he bought five 1000-meter fishing nets, otherwise it would be impossible to cover all these fish.

He kept speeding up his movements and had to put down all the fishing nets before meeting the fish.

It’s not easy to come across a school of large yellow croaker. If you miss it, you won’t even be able to find a place to cry.

More than ten minutes later, Bailang had lowered all the fishing nets into the sea. At this time, the fish school was less than 100 meters away from them.

"Huh, luckily I was prepared, otherwise, these big yellow croakers would have run away."

Bailang wiped the sweat from his forehead.

The quick operation just now was indeed a bit tiring, but he knew that everything was worth it, because the next harvest would be amazing!
"188 meters directly behind, there are 96 large yellow croakers, with an average weight of one pound and two taels."

"130 meters to the left and rear, there are 64 large yellow croakers, with an average weight of one catty and seven taels."

"The right rear area is 88 meters, and there are 55 large yellow croakers, with an average weight of two pounds and one tael."


Bailang looked at the detailed marking information on the interface and knew that the group of large yellow croakers had gradually left.

Because he used a large net this time, large yellow croakers of one to two kilograms or even three kilograms could pass directly through the net opening and leave.

Although the value of large yellow croakers of this size is already very high, there is absolutely no need to kill them all.

Keep some fish species, maybe you can meet them again in the future.

“There are 275 items in total, but I didn’t expect that more than 200 items ran away all of a sudden.”

Looking at the prompt message, Bailang said it was a lie if he said he didn't feel bad.

However, he is not a greedy person. Judging from the information just now, the average weight of this group of large yellow croakers is two kilograms and four taels. The more than 200 fish that ran away were almost two kilograms or less.

It can be seen that the size of these large yellow croakers caught in the net is absolutely amazing.

Large yellow croaker is a fish with a very high unit price, and the bigger it is, the more valuable it is. Their harvest tonight can already make a lot of money.

"Dazhu, control the speed and direction of the fishing boat, let's go back!"

Dazhu nodded and began to turn the ship's bow.

At this time, the wind and waves seemed to be a little bigger, so everything had to be done very carefully.

Bailang also knew that there was not much time left for them, because the wind and waves were getting bigger and bigger, and they had to seize the time to pull up all the nets they had just cast.

Unlike when casting a net, pulling the net is definitely a hard job, let alone pulling the net up in a short time.

If the wind and waves become stronger, they may have no choice but to leave and abandon these fishing nets.

If we come back then, no one knows where these fishing nets will be washed away. The most important thing is that the large yellow croakers inside may escape or die.If the dead large yellow croaker is not kept fresh in time, the quality will be greatly reduced. This is definitely not what Bailang wants to see.

After the fishing boat turned around, Bailang picked up the first buoy and began to pull the fishing net.

The wind and waves are still strong now, and it takes a lot of strength to pull up the fishing net underwater. Fortunately, his body has been strengthened, otherwise he might not even be able to pull up the fishing net.

It can be seen that fishing not only requires luck and courage, but also requires physical strength. Most people simply cannot do such work.

"Brother Prodigal, big yellow croaker! I saw a big yellow croaker!"

Dazhu controlled the fishing boat seriously. When he saw clearly the fish hanging in the net pulled up by Bailang, he, who had always been taciturn, couldn't help but roar loudly.

Growing up in a fishing village, he knew very well how valuable this large yellow croaker was.

If it were just one such fish, he wouldn't be so excited, but soon he discovered that as more fishing nets were pulled up, more large yellow croakers emerged from the water.

Seeing this scene, he couldn't control his emotions at all.

"Dazhu, control the fishing boat. Although the large yellow croaker is precious, we must still survive to get back alive!"

Bailang shouted loudly, but his hands kept moving.

After the fishing net was pulled onto the boat, he no longer bothered to untie the fish. Now he could only pull the fishing net up and pile it on the deck. As for untying the fish, he could only leave here.

Although Dazhu is not very smart, he is not really a fool.

After reacting, he held the rudder tightly with both hands and tried his best to control the fishing boat.

An hour passed.

Two hours passed.

Bailang didn't know how long it took, but he finally pulled up all the fishing nets.

"Get out of here first!"

Immediately, he ordered Dazhu to sail away from this place.

Dazhu wiped the seawater from his face and gave the rudder a hard blow. The fishing boat went through a big wave and quickly moved away from the place where the wind and waves were getting bigger and bigger.

After driving for more than half an hour, they finally arrived at a sea area with calmer waves.

"You can stop now. Let's free the fish from the fishing net first."

Although Bailang was exhausted after pulling the fishing net for several hours.

But he knew it was not the time to rest yet, they must seize the time to remove all the large yellow croakers from the net.

Otherwise, over time, the freshness of the fish will definitely be affected.

The big yellow croaker was already dead after landing, but they brought ice before going out to sea this time, so it can be used now.

Dazhu stopped the fishing boat, and the two of them untied the large yellow croaker while arranging the fishing net.

Part of the untied large yellow croaker was neatly stacked in a foam box, covered with ice, and part of it was placed in the cabin, because the number and size of the large yellow croaker they caught this time were too large to fit in a foam box.

"Haha, as expected, the bigger the storm, the more expensive the fish. We made a fortune this time!"

Bailang counted just now. They caught a total of 52 large yellow croakers this time, with an average weight of about four pounds.

This is real gold flowing in the sea. Although the quantity is small, the unit price is extremely expensive. There is no doubt that he has made a huge profit this time!
"Hehehe, Brother Luangzi, you are so awesome."

Dazhu scratched the back of his head, smiling non-stop on his honest face.

"Let's go directly to the dock."

Although the two of them had been busy all night and were exhausted, it was not time to rest yet.

(End of this chapter)

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