I rely on fishing to achieve freedom in life

Chapter 43 Jealousy makes people jealous

Chapter 43 Jealousy makes people jealous
Bailang sighed. He had no other choice but to walk around the island to see if he could find a school of bass today.

If not, then you can only go home and sleep.

After making the decision, Bailang asked Dazhu to drive the boat around Moon Island.

But the fishing boat hadn't sailed for long. After turning a corner, they saw a fishing boat approaching them in front of them, blocking their way forward.

Bailang frowned. When fishermen go to sea or meet on the sea, there are some rules that must be paid attention to.

For example, in the current situation, you must not directly block the direction of other fishing boats, because this is likely to cause an accident.

If the other fishing boat is doing this now, if it is not accidental and not paying attention, it is probably a deliberate provocation!
Bai Lang waved his hand at Dazhu, asking him to slow down a little. No matter who the other party was or what their intentions were, he would have to take a look.

It's okay if the other party did it unintentionally, but if it was a deliberate provocation, don't blame yourself for being rude.

As a fisherman, begging for food at sea every day, the first thing you have to do is to be tough.

"Are you the boy named Bai Lang from Dalang Village? Aren't everyone in your town looking for the big yellow croaker? Why did you come here?
I have to tell you, there is absolutely no chance of any large yellow croaker here! "

Niugeng stood on the side of the ship and shouted loudly at Bailang.

He came here an hour ago to set the hook, also aiming to catch bass.

I was about to set up the hooks, but suddenly I saw a fishing boat approaching. I didn't notice it at first, but after taking a closer look, I found that it was Bailang, which has been in the spotlight these days.

Whether it was white pomfret, golden lobster, or yesterday's large yellow croaker, Bailang's deeds were like a tornado, directly blowing through several nearby towns.

Nowadays, there are several small towns and many fishing villages near Dalang Village, and basically everyone has heard of his fortune-making deeds.

Niu Geng didn't know Bai Lang at first, but one of his friends took a video of Bai Lang catching a large yellow croaker and returning to the dock.

He watched that video several times because those large yellow croakers were so dazzling that it was hard not to attract people.

Because of this, he knew what Bailang looked like.

In fact, apart from this, Bailang is also pretty easy to recognize.

Because he had just returned from the big city a few days ago and had not been exposed to the wind and sun for a long time at sea, he was still a pretty boy with thin skin and tender flesh.

Unlike other fishermen, all of them are big men with dark skin.

After recognizing this person as Bai Lang for the first time, Niu Geng was stunned for a moment because he didn't expect that he would meet the legendary figure from the next town today.

So, he simply stopped collecting the row hooks and drove over in the boat.

"That's right, I'm Bai Lang. I wonder what's wrong with you?"

Bailang wasn't too surprised that this person knew him, and hearing the sour tone in the other person's voice, he knew that the other person wasn't holding anything back.

"My name is Niu Geng, and everyone calls me Niu Lao Er! In the town next door, everyone goes out to sea to fish. We may meet and deal with each other in the future. I came here now to get to know you."

Although he said he was acquainted, his tone was a bit arrogant.

Bailang glanced at him and had no interest in dealing with such a person, let alone getting to know him.

He turned back and asked Dazhu to continue driving the boat forward.

Seeing that Bailang didn't care about him at all, Niu Laoer also felt inexplicably angry. "Hey, you are quite arrogant. I have been fishing in this area for more than ten years. You have only been out on the sea for a few days. When you see me, you don't even call me Brother Niu?!"

Niu Laoer got angry and yelled at Bailang.

Bailang looked at Niu Laoer in surprise.

Generally speaking, people who go fishing at sea have bad tempers and strong personalities.

There are many reasons for this. One is that fishing depends on the weather, and it is under tremendous pressure every day. The sea is unpredictable and there are risks anytime and anywhere. If you are not careful, you may even lose your life.

Also, everyone is begging for food at sea, so it is inevitable that sometimes there will be land grabs.

So in this environment, you must have a very strong heart or a tough temper in order to survive.

Those with weak characters can only be eliminated by the environment and work in factories to make screws, and it is impossible to continue to be fishermen.

What Bailang didn't expect was that this guy who called himself Niu Lao Er had such a bad temper.

And it was obvious that the other party was deliberately looking for trouble, and was definitely not wanting to get to know each other just as he said.

The other party has a bad temper, and Bailang is not a soft persimmon that others can pinch whenever they want.

He responded directly: "Call you Brother Niu? Look, you do look like a cow, but if you want me to call you Brother, you are not qualified!"

Bailang knew very well that if he wanted to beg for food at sea, he would definitely not be able to be a gentle gentleman, especially when faced with such a shameless and deliberately provocative person.

Niu Laoer has indeed been fishing in this sea area for more than ten years and is very qualified. Except for the elderly fishermen, many people in this sea area will give up their cigarettes or something when they see him.

The news he heard the most these days was about the man named Bailang in Dalang Village, how many big fish he had caught and how much money he made, which made him very envious and jealous.

This was also the reason why he was so angry just now.

He had been fishing at sea for more than ten years, and found that he could not earn as much as Bailang earned in a few days. This would probably be unbalanced for anyone.

At the same time, Niu Laoer himself is not a very good-tempered person. When he goes fishing at sea, he often fights with others and competes for various positions.

For example, if someone scouts a position in front of him and lowers the hook, he will cut off the main line of the other person's hook, put down his own hook, and then guard the side. If the person who placed the hook came to argue with him, he would even beat him.

Over time, many fishermen chose to avoid him when they encountered him, not wanting to compete with him.

It is precisely because of this that Niu Lao Er becomes more and more domineering, always thinking that he is the king of heaven.

But what he didn't expect was that Bai Lang, who he thought was easy to bully, would have such a tough attitude when he saw him, and would not give him any face at all.

"Boy, you don't even know who I am, but you dare to talk to me like this. I think you need to be taught a lesson!"

Niu Laoer laughed angrily for a moment.

"I have never seen such a coward like you. You want to teach me a lesson? I want to see if you have the guts!"

Bai Lang's tone was calm, and there was even a smile on his lips, but his words were as sharp as a knife.

(End of this chapter)

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